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Why do Americans not care anymore

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by MoonMine

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
So which is it? Is Obama your BEST FRIEND, or is he PATHETIC? The world awaits your answer, Jack.

We´re sorry, Jack is currently unavailable for comment, he is trying some of his own valium.

I have just called Accucare Home Health to order some Viagra and they never even heard of Conservative Jack. Imagine that!

Home healthcare isn't a pharmacy

I'm not sure what your attitude problem is and all of the other people attacking me in this thread.

Your basic point is that America is awful and should collapse.

I disagree, which makes me a terrible person.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Omac9
reply to post by Bruiex

Ultimately these posters are gonna do what we all are going to do, NOTHING. At least until it affects you personally. So please everyone stop acting like they are going to fight The Man, because at the end of the day you are going to pay your taxes, watch reality tv, and eat big macs.

Do I agree with everything the gov is doing? No. But lets all be honest, people are selfish and will only act when their own interests are threatened.

Give that man a cigar!!

I live it every day. Talk to your neighbors, your friends, your family.

Yeah, they are pissed. They know what is happening isn't right but don't ask them to stick their necks out or even to prepare for the worse.

They keep think someone is going to pull a rabbit out of their hat or a Knight in shinning armor is going to come to the rescue.

They know the government is a den of thieves that that it is corrupt but they think that it is going to magically change by itself.

I even had one friend tell me, “I can’t allow myself to think about what is going on; I can’t stop it and all it will do is make me depressed.”
Maybe that is why we have so darn many people on anti-depressants. They see what is happening and can’t cope so they think that the problems is within themselves so they try to fix it with anti-depressants.

They need to wake up and see the real problem is that they are allowing a problem to escalate without check and they are not doing anything to stop it.

There must be putting something in the hamburgers to boost the effects of the TV.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by ConservativeJack

Originally posted by MoonMine

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
So which is it? Is Obama your BEST FRIEND, or is he PATHETIC? The world awaits your answer, Jack.

We´re sorry, Jack is currently unavailable for comment, he is trying some of his own valium.

I have just called Accucare Home Health to order some Viagra and they never even heard of Conservative Jack. Imagine that!

Home healthcare isn't a pharmacy

I'm not sure what your attitude problem is and all of the other people attacking me in this thread.

Your basic point is that America is awful and should collapse.

I disagree, which makes me a terrible person.

Or they are just not owning up to knowing him. After all who wants to use a company that's owner only cares about making a buck.

He is probably doing the same thing the other agencies are doing.

Taking their money off the top and using just enough to keep the patients quiet and keeping only a small staff of non-benefit receiving workers that are afraid that they can't work elsewhere because of a bad track record, poor English or lack of experience.

Wait until it is mother that gets the shaft and then you will realize just how low these guys can sink.

It must be the brass balls.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Change comes in small bites. No one should try to eat the whole elephant in one bite. But if you make a lot of noise while you eat, you will attract the lions. In other words, you change things a little at a time so no one notices, then one day they wake up in a different Country and never knew what happened. That's why we are in the mess we are in right now.

The swing of the pendulum has started in the other direction..........all it needs is a little push.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Possum Roadkill
Change comes in small bites. No one should try to eat the whole elephant in one bite. But if you make a lot of noise while you eat, you will attract the lions. In other words, you change things a little at a time so no one notices, then one day they wake up in a different Country and never knew what happened. That's why we are in the mess we are in right now.

The swing of the pendulum has started in the other direction..........all it needs is a little push.

I agree with most of what you say but I don't think the pendulum has finished its arch so it is not going the other way. The push that you call for is needed to stop the forward momentum and then we can get another push to get it going the other way.

While we are at it maybe we can get enough people to knock the elephant down so more people can take a few nibbles out of it.

Too many people don't like the taste of the elephant so mot many people are biting. It looks like this is going to take while.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:12 PM
I am seeing the discontent becoming stronger and with states legislating to put the federal government on notice that it has overstepped its bounds within the constitution, and it being reported, although minimally at present, in the media, I am of the opinion that eventually the discontent will turn to rebellion through revolution, civil war (states and citizens against the federal government), or outright anarchy if the system collapses.

If the leaders don't begin to address the underlying issues of the federal government encroaching or outright taking of our civil rights with things like "free speech zones", excessive gun control, over taxation, etc then I feel that violence will be the order of the day until the people feel like they are respected and not taken extreme advantage of. The fact that our forefathers were the rebels of their day only stands to reinforce the opinion that a majority of Americans have it in their blood. The people have taken it and taken it over the years and haven't stood in opposition to the governments encroachment because they didn't feel uncomfortable enough in their homes or lives to step up to the plate to force a resolution to the madness. However, we are pushing closer and closer to the time when the everyday lives of the people are falling apart and more and more the problem in many people’s mind is not so much other citizens, but the government and the elite bankers etc. The thought that the Rothschild family being worth 500 trillion dollars is a classic example of the reason the people have animosity to those kinds of people. While the average citizen struggles to make ends meet with threats to their shelter and food supply being driven out by constant pillaging of the citizenry by the bankers and politicians and their continuing focus on laws and regulations pointed at the very citizens that put them there, is driving a dynamic toward revolution or anarchy that is spiraling out of the ability of the government to control or reverse the situation, the farther and farther we go down that road that the French citizens went into a revolution for.

As I see it, history repeats itself again and again and PTB haven't learned from history yet. Of course that is just imho.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:20 PM
I still say the only way we can fight this peacefully is by telling EVERYONE YOU MEET that we are being screwed big time!!!!!!

If they have been sleeping, they might wake up. Just maybe.
Personally, i cant wait till i see people "gathering with their pitchforks....
that would give me immense pleasure...

I'll be there with the pitchfork too.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Swatman

There have been plenty of riots in the U.S, and they don't achieve anything. People get hurt, looted, killed, women get raped, businesses get looted and trashed, fires break out, cars get over turned, it just gets ugly. People end up fighting each other rather than against the real reason they are fighting for. An example of this is the LA riots of 92. Plus, I think the other reason why you don't see any demonstrations on TV is simply because it doesn't get aired. Unless of course if you speak out against Obama, you might get a demonstration for racism, so that will make it on the headline news. You might hear of a "quiet demonstration" against what the government is doing, but not much of a mention. Obviously the crowds need to be bigger so that they have no choice but to not ignore it. There also zones for which you can protest if the president is in a public place. It's usually far from where the president will be seen. Go out that zone, you get arrested for disturbing the peace.

It's things like this that make people believe they can't do anything about it. Our parents, and for some, grandparents had guts, they fought for real change in this country. They camped in D.C, they got beaten by police, jailed, tear gassed, you name it, but in the end they succeeded. But, sometime after that, slowly, we have lost that desire, at least for the most part. People would rather not believe things are going down the way they are, and will think it'll all be ok, but there are also many who aren't going to stand for it. I think we'll wake up and our government will realize it. They'll either back down and act as though did nothing of the sort, or will push us harder.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Swatman
America for a while now seems to let politicians control everything and Americans never seem to do anything about it.

If the air conditioning goes out in France for 10 minutes, half the city burns down from riot *yes i know theyve had 5 republics and love revolutions* but still.

What makes French mentality of speaking out so much different than America?? because yes, it is nice to hear people speaking against the stimulus bill such as rick santellie from CNBC, but really, talk is cheap when you yell about it on TV and then go eat a sandwhich for the rest of the day.

I totally agree with you. I think as each generation passes, the more asleep people become. We have lost sight of what our country was founded on. Another truth, is that the feds have become extremely powerful, when in fact they were only created to aid the states. These are crazy times we are living in. Vladimir Putin former head of the KGB and current prime minister of Russia warned the USA of turning socialist and the dangers of heading down that path. Getting back to the American people, it just seems like everyone is interested in brad and angelina....or octuplet moms...or whatever....the media fails to report most of what really matters in the mainstream. Its as if the media and the feds go hand in hand.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Rioting is for children and mental midgets. I've seen the videos of the French doing dumb stuff like burning peoples cars and vandalizing businesses. Ooooh, I'll bet that gets them credibility.

Mad at the Government; burn your innocent neighbors car
To lazy to get a job and the Government won't give you enough welfare to buy your booze and drugs; destroy an innocent persons business

Lots of lead paint in France?

[edit on 2/21/2009 by Blaine91555]

[edit on 2/21/2009 by Blaine91555]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Swatman

it is nice to hear people speaking against the stimulus bill such as rick santellie from CNBC, but really, talk is cheap when you yell about it on TV and then go eat a sandwhich for the rest of the day.

Talk can be cheap, but it can also result in the actions of others.

Americans do care....about having a house even though they can't afford it.

Americans care about keeping things as they have them regardless of the consequences...even if those consequences are staring them in the face, even if those VERY consequences will result in the loss of it all.

The definition of "entitlement" in this country no longer means what the bill of rights declares. "Entitlement" now means, I have the right to stuff and they'll sacrifice their REAL rights for false ones.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:38 PM
Yea, rioting is ridiculous and it gets nothing accomplished except getting people hurt. If people really wanted to do something they would obtain knowledge and go to the polls on election day.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by MarsAttacks
Yea, rioting is ridiculous and it gets nothing accomplished except getting people hurt. If people really wanted to do something they would obtain knowledge and go to the polls on election day.

and vote for who? you lose either way

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Omac9

Don't know how far this will get, but...

I started a thread called "Walk on Washington" trying to get some interest stirred up on a demonstration.

ATS "trash'd" it...against T&C' don't expect to much Lieniency in calling for action on this site...

I agree with the "next guy" mentality being at the root of our complacency...hope it changes soon...

on on a side note...

Could it be Technology is the Top Reason Americans are so Pathetic and Just "Take it"?

Supposedly We have one of the Top Standards of Living in the World, with our Imaginary Wealth.

This allows Us Access to Horde Massive Amounts of Technology Laden "Goodies", built from the Lower Standard of Living, Foreign Labor Populations.

Could it be they Don't "Take it", being as they're not "Chained" to a Computer on the Internet, Listening to Music on their I-Pod's, While waiting for their Pre-Processed TV Dinners to Cook in Their Microwave Ovens, While their Cellphone is Beeping Away in the Background and Their Siblings are Arguing Who's got the Highest Score on Mortal Combat 22?

Could the 20th Centurys Most Rapid Advances of Technology in Mankinds History be to Blame for our Current Indifference?

Could this be the "Real" Conspiricy?

Our own Insatiable Lust for Knowledge and the Comforts it Affords Us?

A Deep Concept to Ponder?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:05 AM
Pretty words from fancy dressed people. Denial people don’t want to realize that there is a problem. People still believe that the government cares for the little guy. Until that mentality changes America is lost.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by MarsAttacks

Actually if everybody would not go to the poles and vote they will realize that the electorial college picks the POTUS and not them. Votes do not matter that is the first and most important thing people need to learn.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:29 AM
I would really like to believe that votes do matter. I mean, if everyone would get off their asses and vote, we could vote the corrupt politicians out. But then its like, is another one just gonna take their place? Is it really that bad that there is NOONE to vote for? What if people got their heads out of their asses and voted in ron paul? What if people knew what was ACTUALLY in the stimulus bill? Ok, heres what scares me the most....i know liberal democrats my age (around 25 years old) and when i ask them what they think about our current situation and turning socialist in this country they kind of just say "well we need a change, im for it". I mean for #s sake!! how can you support socialism!?! im so disgusted. Im losing faith.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:34 AM
The people with the stable jobs can cares less as long as the money keeps coming. It's the poor people that are piss off, but can't do much because they are poor and the rest just don't care.

[edit on 22-2-2009 by amfirst]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:54 AM
Nobody will care until when they have no food to eat and no clean water to drink.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:18 AM
People do care but there is a lot of confusion about what can be done. First you have the loyalty problem. People who believe in political parties tend to repeat the exact jargon used by their leaders and are blind to whatever doesn't fit. Like calling complete opaqueness transparency. Next is that our system of government has been badly corrupted. It no longer matters who is voted in because they are remade by the system as soon as they get into office. Elected officials no matter how good intentioned they started out to be do not listen to constituents. The listen to big donors and party bosses. Third is that this country is so big that it is impossible to do anything that is noticed unless it's terribly outrageous. Revolution just makes money for the weapons manufacturers and anyway, no matter who the new government is they are soon just like the old one.

There must be a way we individuals can say, I'm mad as hell and I' not going to take it any more, to quote an old movie. But I don't know what that is. People have to live. They need something to live on, a place to live. It's not that easy to figure out how to change the things that need changing.

For example instad of "rebuilding the infrastructure" in terms of roads and new schools and what not, why not rethink what we do. Maybe the old ways of doing things could be improved in light of what we now know. We could do transportation differently, we could revamp our schools to make them primarily educational institutions and move some of the sports, media, social, arts, entertainment aspects into other areas. These could be organizations that students join "off campus" and pursue their interests, run by private groups, creating jobs that the school district doesn't have to pay for. Many businesses as well as schools could be restructured to allow more telecommuting so less office space (and less classroom space) is needed, less driving too and fro so expenses would be lowered. What I'm saying is, why the heck can't we revision our needs instead of trying to rebuild that creaky old wheel. Oh that's right. Because of all those big donors and powerful voter blocks. But that's what's killing us. We can solve problems if we are allowed to, but not if the point is to funnel money into certain important pockets.

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