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Santelli Sreaming for Sanity and ACTION!!

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:58 PM
Going up! 92%

Would you want to join Rick Santelli's "Chicago Tea Party?" * 81276 responses



Not Sure

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

what happens without this plan? We get unemployment to 30-40% for one thing. Only jobs left will be with goverments. Stilldon'tdo anything and then even thos ewill be gone. We end up with all homes foreclosed and everyones futures wiped out. Not a bank will survive as they are all on huge leverage. Your savings will be wiped. Your annuities will be worthless. There will be nothing left. Is that what you want? It is obvious that you have nothing or you feel you already have everything you will ever need.

if we don't fix this now, the eventual costs will be much much greater. There is a concept of greater evils. You all shouldl oook into it,so you can make better informed decisions. That 90% of the people agree with Santelli tells me that critical thinking is in setrious decline in America.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Absum!

82668 responses

Wow this thing is going fast!

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:07 PM
For those of you who haven't done so yet, you can also email CNBC at this link, selecting "Compliment" in the subject box.

Here's what I wrote as a message:

I am writing to thank you for airing Rick Santelli's comments regarding the Chicago Tea Party! Finally, someone is coming out and speaking the truth rather than what every other member in that panel said. These people need to stop rolling over for a government that has thrown us all overboard with trillions in bailouts!

Rick Santelli's video ought to be run every hour of every day until the rest of your reporters understand what is truly at stake and genuinely get mad about what the government is doing to us all.

Rick Santelli is the best you've got. Give him the microphone and stand back. He's what America needs to hear. We all support him!
Thanks for listening,

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

what happens without this plan? We get unemployment to 30-40% for one thing. Only jobs left will be with goverments. Stilldon'tdo anything and then even thos ewill be gone. We end up with all homes foreclosed and everyones futures wiped out. Not a bank will survive as they are all on huge leverage. Your savings will be wiped. Your annuities will be worthless. There will be nothing left. Is that what you want? It is obvious that you have nothing or you feel you already have everything you will ever need.

if we don't fix this now, the eventual costs will be much much greater. There is a concept of greater evils. You all shouldl oook into it,so you can make better informed decisions. That 90% of the people agree with Santelli tells me that critical thinking is in setrious decline in America.

Thinking is finally getting clear!

The only way to come out of this mess is to get rid of the Fed. Res Bank.

The only way to get enough people pissed off is let it get bad enough.

If we don't do this, I don't even want to know what will happen. It's all on this site, and they call it NWO and doom and gloom.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

thanks, I sent mine!

83895 responses

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

Your savings will be wiped. Your annuities will be worthless.

You used the wrong tense. You should have used PAST tense, rather than FUTURE.
It is the GOVERNMENT'S ACTIONS that have caused the problems, by trying to interfere with free markets.
1.) Free Markets would NEVER have given mortgages to people who didn't qualify for them, BUT Barney Frank and his boys forced banks to provide loans to exactly those people.
THAT IS THE ULTIMATE CAUSE of this entire cascading financial disaster.
2.)Each attempt to intervene has failed, and in the process, forced what is inevitable hyperinflation.
3.)The government has ENCOURAGED unemployed people to stay unemployed by EXTENDING unemployment benefits to the point, where people said "Why work, the government is giving me handouts for not working."
4.)The TARP has been a total disaster. Even the Democrats admit that.
5.)The Auto bailouts show no end in sight, and after several multi-billion dollar bailouts, they are now asking for $30 billion more. All it seems to be doing is allowing them to continue to fail, rather than allowing them to go into bankruptcy, and restructuring, and forcing them to become competitive.
6.)The GOVERNMENT has made it harder for US companies to compete with foreign companies because of restrictions put on them that foreign companies don't have.
7.)The government has ENCOURAGED outsourcing of work, jobs, and importing of foreign workers accepting substandard wages, through the sham H1B visa scam.

I could go on and on, but why bother? It is obvious, that you believe that the solution to our DEBT problems is MORE DEBT.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

if we don't fix this now, the eventual costs will be much much greater.

fix it with this? You really should do some history lessons. This is the same feel good, I don't want any pain bs that got us here!

I want this over with as much as the next person, but if you just put a band-aid on it,
it will come back.
You have to fix the root cause!! Once and for all!
You have to fight to be free.
Being Free is not free!

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

what happens without this plan? We get unemployment to 30-40% for one thing. Only jobs left will be with goverments. Stilldon'tdo anything and then even thos ewill be gone. We end up with all homes foreclosed and everyones futures wiped out. Not a bank will survive as they are all on huge leverage. Your savings will be wiped. Your annuities will be worthless. There will be nothing left. Is that what you want? It is obvious that you have nothing or you feel you already have everything you will ever need.

if we don't fix this now, the eventual costs will be much much greater. There is a concept of greater evils. You all shouldl oook into it,so you can make better informed decisions. That 90% of the people agree with Santelli tells me that critical thinking is in setrious decline in America.

Perhaps it's because we've all seen what happens when nations socialize everything. I'm all for risking it. I'm all for letting those that made the poor decisions suffer for what they've done rather than hand them millions and tell them to carry on as before. I'm tired of politicians destroying this nation by selling us all out to auto manufacturers that should have gone under long ago, or the banks who enjoyed making millions on all of these "toxic assets" until they realized that they couldn't pass them off on others anymore.

Quite frankly, I'd take the complete collapse if it meant getting rid of all this wasted government spending and bailouts. I'd take the collapse any day before I'd take what you've suggested above. People will find other jobs. People will find apartments to rent that they can actually afford. People will get by with one car and give up all the others they have in their driveways (because their garages are all packed full of stuff they don't actually need), and the boats they can't afford. People will once again discover what it's like to live within their means. Let the fraudsters pay. Let those living beyond their means pay. Sure it'll hurt, but as Marcelus Wallace said, "Pride never helps, it only hurts."

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by RolandBrichter

from< br />
This Dumb# Drudge Hero Rick Santelli Told CNBC Viewers Last September That America’s Economy “Absolutely Will Get Healthy” … Just Before It Crashed!
By Team eXiled

Today, Drudge and the rightwingers are going crazy red-alerting CNBC’s Rick Santelli as some kind of righteous anti-Obama freemarket revolutionary. There’s a clip of him standing in the middle of the Chicago Stock Exchange, yelling: “The government is promoting bad behavior! Do we really want to subsidize the losers’ mortgages?!!!! This is America!!!!!” (Does anyone recall Santelli screaming like this over the much larger bailout of his Wall Street friends? Or does he only squeal when regular middle-class Americans get some help?) The big question for Santelli is this: Why does this idiot, who talked about how the global economy was “healthy” and America’s soon would be too, still have a job?

On September 2 of last year, just two weeks before the financial markets crashed and we entered this global depression, he was on the same CNBC program, standing in the same stock exchange, saying that the economy is healthy and that the reason there’s talk of recession is just because the business media was itself in a recession.

Point is: Santelli is a dumb# tool who should be fired for misleading his viewers, and sued for all he’s worth for serving Wall Street’s interests against his own viewers’.

Got something to say to us? Then send us a letter.

Posted on: February 19th, 2009

Read More: CNBC, Drudge Report, recession, Rick Santelli

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

what happens without this plan? We get unemployment to 30-40% for one thing. Only jobs left will be with goverments. Stilldon'tdo anything and then even thos ewill be gone. We end up with all homes foreclosed and everyones futures wiped out. Not a bank will survive as they are all on huge leverage. Your savings will be wiped. Your annuities will be worthless. There will be nothing left. Is that what you want? It is obvious that you have nothing or you feel you already have everything you will ever need.

if we don't fix this now, the eventual costs will be much much greater. There is a concept of greater evils. You all shouldl oook into it,so you can make better informed decisions. That 90% of the people agree with Santelli tells me that critical thinking is in setrious decline in America.

I'm pretty liberal and I must say I am not buying the fear anymore. If we don’t do it this way we fail. There are other options and it is not fair to the millions of responsible, hard working folks.

There are other plans that could work better. How about this? Suspend or reduce payroll taxes for months. People instantly receive more spending cash, or saving cash. If they save the cash, the banks get infused; if they spend it economy gains traction. But they don't want to help the people, no they want to give money to the bankers and keep the masses in debt (can you say financial servitude)

I do not plan on selling my home for 20 years so the threat of lower values because neighbors over bought holds no water here. Let them all move back into apartments.

I skimped and saved every day to get a modest home, and now I have to bail out people who bought too much home!?!

Lets all buy Ferrari’s and then the government can subsidize us because we can’t make the payments?

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

Your savings will be wiped. Your annuities will be worthless.

You used the wrong tense. You should have used PAST tense, rather than FUTURE.
It is the GOVERNMENT'S ACTIONS that have caused the problems, by trying to interfere with free markets.
1.) Free Markets would NEVER have given mortgages to people who didn't qualify for them, BUT Barney Frank and his boys forced banks to provide loans to exactly those people.
THAT IS THE ULTIMATE CAUSE of this entire cascading financial disaster.
2.)Each attempt to intervene has failed, and in the process, forced what is inevitable hyperinflation.
3.)The government has ENCOURAGED unemployed people to stay unemployed by EXTENDING unemployment benefits to the point, where people said "Why work, the government is giving me handouts for not working."
4.)The TARP has been a total disaster. Even the Democrats admit that.
5.)The Auto bailouts show no end in sight, and after several multi-billion dollar bailouts, they are now asking for $30 billion more. All it seems to be doing is allowing them to continue to fail, rather than allowing them to go into bankruptcy, and restructuring, and forcing them to become competitive.
6.)The GOVERNMENT has made it harder for US companies to compete with foreign companies because of restrictions put on them that foreign companies don't have.
7.)The government has ENCOURAGED outsourcing of work, jobs, and importing of foreign workers accepting substandard wages, through the sham H1B visa scam.

I could go on and on, but why bother? It is obvious, that you believe that the solution to our DEBT problems is MORE DEBT.

1) It is not the subprime that is even a tenth of the whole problem. This is a bogus argument that has been proven false many times.
2) We are facing deflation not inflation. There is a huge shortage of money, not an excess of it. Even after these bailouts.
3) The unemployed people can't find any jobs. They would work if they could. Even if they do find a job it is unlikely to pay as well as their last and even with good planning may not be able to meet their past committments. We never replaced jobe we removed through mechanization. What are the people suppose to do?
4)TARP probably was neccesary to keep the whole sytem from going the way of Bear Sterns and Lehman. I do wish they would have gone about the same way as the curent housing proposal which was what was agreed to in the first place. Again waiting to act on foreclosures made the situation worse for everyone. And besides Tarp was a Bush Admin program, created by his appontee Henry Paulson. I think Obama is going in a different direction.
5)Auto bailout. See your point #6. Goverment caused it they need to fix it. You can't compete if the free trade isn't fair.
7) I fully agree. I see Obama's actions as partial fixes for what has been done wrong by all in the past. Isn't that what we want. To stop the large corporations from controlling us and abusing us, and running the system with impunity? Before you change the rules, you have too right some of the wrongs. This is a step in the right direction.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by disgustedbyhumanity]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

I assume that your response of zero lines is an admission that you were wrong.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Perhaps the only thing that worries me is that Santelli said he'd do this in July. We're having trouble getting through February, much less what March through June will bring as we plummet on this downward spiral.

I think, if anything, he'll have to bump that Tea Party of his up a few months. We might not make it to July in our current form.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:10 AM
91464 responses

Well hopefully it goes over 100k by morning.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by bpg131313

I would have to agree...

2nd line

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:12 AM
That reply earned you a foe marking. I edited the above post with my replies.

Do you even understand or know what you want? Who exactly is the no action solution good for? is it good for the banks to lose all their capital, which will happen without this plan? Is it good for the traders on the street when there are no funds left for them to trade? Is it good for you if it means you lose your job and can't find another? When any money and savings you have becomes worthless or unavailable? Will you be happy when it comes down to Mad Max? Without this plan the very bankers who will be modifying the loans and staying in business, would instead be going bankrupt. When that happens taxpayers are on the hook for much more than is currently on the table. This is the least painful way to nip the situation in the bud. It is also the most humane. When helping someone who made a mistake costs less than providing no help at all, then shouldn't it be a no brainer? Think it through.


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:15 AM
here is another if you don't mind me putting this here.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:24 AM
The path to redemption. This is great. I hope this finally collapses America and the North American Union will form. "Republicans" cannot agree with conforming with a new "Democratic" presidency so their going to do everything in their power to tip the scales. Grumpy old men still acting tough. They been scripting media socialism since Obama took oath but they are the ones responsible for the mortgage crisis. They've been modeling media outlets in retaliation because they know people will feed off of anything in the news that creates fear or should I say "terror". They supported Bush policies for 8 years laughing all the way to the bank. Literally sucking money from people with bogus mortgages. And it goes past the housing sector. More busts are on the way. It took them that long for their plan to unveil now its time to reverse the system. Everyone thinks they have a better plan. Everyone thinks they can do better but I didn't find any of these peoples names on the ballot. Oh wait I meant everyone as in Republicans, Independants, and the few democrats that oppose change. Cowards praise patriots. Patriots oppose America. This country would have already gone down the tubes if it wasn't for the McCain/Palin fashion show. So hey let's act like a bunch of 4 years olds and pout because we didn't get our way. Throw your country into despair. Go form a fake militia. Be brave use your firepower. Wave your flags. Put your life in front of Freedom. Take aim. Your worth less than a dollar. FEMA is ready for this circus act. So smoke em if you got em. Your going to pay for the mistakes that you made. Signed and dated.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:26 AM
I think before all this liberal madness is over Herbert Hover is going to be seen in a very different light. I think he may have had it right. Just leave it alone and let America work it out.

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