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Santelli Sreaming for Sanity and ACTION!!

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

They refuse to look at what happens if you let these 10 million+ foeclose on their homes. It will lead to another 10 million and then another 10 million foreclosures. No financial institution will survive. No insurance company survives. No brokerage survives. All thes efolks will be on the unemployment lines. And when that happens all these same folks will be lining up thousands deep with their hands out to the goverment asking for help. Just think of the FDIC liability alone. It is pay now or pay much more a bit later. There is no easy way out.

It's time to STOP REWARDING BAD BEHAVIOR in this country. The majority of these people should NEVER have gotten mortgages in the first place. To throw more money at the problem when the re-default rate is running over 50% on people that have already had their loans renegotiated is insane.
Don't saddle the 93% of people that pay their mortgages on time, or the people who PAID off their mortgages with more taxes to pay the DEADBEATS.

As to your comment about all of these people ending up on the unemployment lines, what does default have to do with losing jobs? They can RENT. Furthermore, your claim that they will be asking for MORE handouts, that needs to STOP. This is a free country, or at least it was, until recently. It's time that the majority stop bailing out those who can't manage their own budgets.


posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:57 PM
Send his video and poll to EVERYONE you know!

91% Yes

67361 responses

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Agreed. This has gone on far enough. And I say this as a person who has lost the main vain of income. The longer we use the majority of the nations wealth on the minority the more we'll impoverish the whole nation.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by GuyverUnit I

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Take this poll
Would You Join Santelli's "Chicago Tea Party?"

So far 87% yes out of * 16262 responses.
When I took it it was just over 35000 with 86% yes votes.
Half hour later it is 53617 responses at 89% YES!!!!! 20k more votes and the yes jumped up 3%.
People are waking up.


posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:19 PM
Obama is probably having nightmares of pissed off Texas and New Hampshire citizens breaking down his bedroom door at night.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Agreed. This has gone on far enough. And I say this as a person who has lost the main vain of income. The longer we use the majority of the nations wealth on the minority the more we'll impoverish the whole nation.

I starred your comment because I agree with it 100%. The question I have is, how do we make it happen? I know of only one way, and that's complete revolution. That's a bloodbath in paradise. I know a lot of people who really want to end the bailouts and end these special programs, but most don't want to get their hands dirty. I love seeing so many people claiming that they'll attend the Chicago Tea Party (I will if there is one) because it's going to take a huge amount of people (literally millions) to affect the changes we want. If it means the crumbling of the United States into smaller groups where some embrace socialism and some embrace the Constitution, we'll all just have to decide where we want to live and what systems of government we want to be a part of. I'm just curious how you would have us implement what you mentioned above.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I cannot find the vote. Can someone please put up a working link?

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

It only takes one to lead. If they revolt who is going to stop them? And how many would join? I hope they do. That would send a very strong message.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:26 PM
DBH santelli is going off on more than just people getting there mortages rewritten, especially people that he see's having a very high redefault rate, he is arguing why we bail out institutions with all these credit derivativest and pretty much everyone for bad behavior

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by bpg131313

It only takes one to lead. If they revolt who is going to stop them? And how many would join? I hope they do. That would send a very strong message.

I think it's safe to say that most of us on here would gladly take part in ending the madness currently spewing out of Washington D.C. Sadly, I have a feeling I'd have to leave my State of Washington because I doubt they'd embrace the movement. There are too many far left liberals in this State. Montana would be a State with thinking more like mine. I hope Santelli sees the response he's getting here and doesn't back down. I hope he carries through with it, and proceeds to unite us against what's destroying America.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by j2000
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I cannot find the vote. Can someone please put up a working link?


posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
DBH santelli is going off on more than just people getting there mortages rewritten, especially people that he see's having a very high redefault rate, he is arguing why we bail out institutions with all these credit derivativest and pretty much everyone for bad behavior

And rightly so. Where does it say in our Constitution that we as Americans need to step in and bail out bankers who give themselves millions in bonuses while their banks are collapsing under the weight on horrible decisions? Where does it say that we need to bail out people who wanted to live in huge houses when they knew they couldn't afford it (I know three people who flagrantly LIED about their incomes to get into huge houses) just so they won't have to go through the embarrassment of foreclosure?

All of these people who made the poor decisions need to pay for their poor decisions all on their own. No taxpayer backing. Santelli is completely right in what he says and I've forwarded his video to everyone I know. We the People have had enough!

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:39 PM
Damn, cNBC of all places!

I hope they don't tell him to shut up.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:42 PM
They have been laying this all out for us on conservative talk radio for a long time now, this isn't new, it is just rare to see someone share this sentiment in the liberal msm, thats why those anchors were so nervous, liberals are destroying this country, get over your pride and see that true conservatives are the only true patriots looking out for me and you.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity

They refuse to look at what happens if you let these 10 million+ foeclose on their homes. It will lead to another 10 million and then another 10 million foreclosures. No financial institution will survive. No insurance company survives. No brokerage survives. All thes efolks will be on the unemployment lines. And when that happens all these same folks will be lining up thousands deep with their hands out to the goverment asking for help. Just think of the FDIC liability alone. It is pay now or pay much more a bit later. There is no easy way out.

Boo Wooo

Let them all fail! Let them Fall!

I didn't do any of this crap, and I've already been hit.

We have our house paid for, so everyone else can take a leap.

It's time to Rein in this Govt. and start anew.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by j2000

This should be a good link for the poll

I hope this helps. Get everyone you know to see the video and vote for it.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

I starred your comment because I agree with it 100%. The question I have is, how do we make it happen? I know of only one way, and that's complete revolution.

There are different forms of Revolution. I don't advocate violence, because that only destroys what we are trying to save, namely our country and our way of life.
I would say that the first step should be to educate those around you to what is happening. Most people get their news and world-views from the MSM, which for the most part, is part of the problem. Rick Santelli is an exception. One thing we should all do is email CNBC and let them know we fully support Rick Santelli and his honesty. I'm sure that there are executives somewhere that are right now plotting to try to get rid of him.
Let your friends, neighbors, relatives know what is really going on.
The next step is to get your circle of people start writing and calling their representatives, and let them know how fed up we are with their bailouts. If 60% of the voters did this, I guarantee that the rep would not vote for another bailout. I vote with my pocketbook. I told my congressman that my wife and I would spend no money on anything but essential food items, until they stop bailing out the crooks and deadbeats. I know in the short run, it makes the recession/depression worse, but one thing corporations don't like is having their sales go down drastically. We use our car twice a week, once to go to church, and the other to get a few dollars worth of essential groceries, most of which we get at a local grocery farmers market. Learn to live with less, visit the Survivalist threads on ATS to get some great ideas. Avoid the movies completely, as that just supports Hollywood and the rich anyway. Spend the time with your family, talk with them, play games, discuss issues, get to know your family again, if you've spent too little time in the past doing that. Have rotating pot luck dinners with neighbors and friends. If you belong to a church, help support kitchens for those who truly need help. There are plenty of poor through no fault of their own. Share what you have with them.
The PTB can't continue to run and ruin the world, if we don't support them.
Look at the Amish. If you ever went past their farms in the daytime, you'll see entire families helping with the farming, the wash, etc. The children seem so happy, just kicking an old ball around with each other. No high tech, no TV's, just each other.
If nothing else, by doing as much of the above as you can, you lower your dependence upon the PTB, and that IS a revolution in itself.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

Thanks very much!

Would you want to join Rick Santelli's "Chicago Tea Party?" * 79034 responses

79232 responses


Not Sure

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

ProfEmeritus, I have always respected what you have to say, and agree with this comment, but I don't believe that'll stop what's going on in the US. We're so far beyond that. I like the points you've listed, and I believe that after the collapse and revolution has occurred, we're all going to be doing the things you listed, even if there aren't religious aspects for everyone.

If curtailing spending would have solved the problem, this depression would have solved it because that's exactly what's going on now. But what happened to us instead? The government decided to through trillions at the depression just driving in the coffin nail. I often times imagine what George Washington would do if he were here. I imagine him walking over to the mantel, grabbing his rifle and retrieving his pistols and walking out the door so furious he can't utter a word.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:56 PM
It would be nice if he would put in a similar rant against the bail out of the banks. But he was remarkably silent on that subject.

Bail out the bankers - Yes
Bail out the homeowners - No

Santilli seems a little hypocritical to me.

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