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President Tries Closing Down Federal Reserve

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

No, the fiat system can work well. But the credit system needs fixing.
The Govt has to control the money, not the private bank of the Fed. Res.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:13 PM
So, can anybody explain to me how compound interest (or interest at all, for that matter) is NOT creating something from nothing, in violation of the Laws of Conservation? It seems like a mathematical scam to me.

The first person to have the idea of a bank must have been one hell of a con-man: "Hey everybody, why don't you give me all you money to hang on to? I promise I'll keep it safe for you!

[edit on 19-2-2009 by keeb333]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

JFK was the last decent president IMO. He was assassinated not only because he wanted to end the American people's 'relationship' with the Federal Reserve, but because he was going to prevent US involvement in Nam. The military-industrial complex was mentioned by Eisenhower, but few people even know of General Smedley Butler (two times awarded the medal of honor) who was virtually written out of history after writing the book "War is a Racket".

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:38 PM
"What Can you Do"

Spread the word.

Anyone here that would like to know more info on this subject I would highly suggest watching Zeitgeist. The have two films and both of them are free.. also free to dl and burn for your friends. These are great films that shows how evil the monetary system really is and how it affects our lives. Money is a barrier to resources we need.... and it is worldwide. The people who run these institutions are the real terrorists of this world and "they" are the true illuminati. I would also recommend watching The International... which is a new movie that came out about this guy trying to take down the world bank... but again its just a movie.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by carlitomoore
From what I thought, John Adams never wanted an interest based system, then Abraham Lincoln tried to abolish the first federal bank and issue 'green backs', a currency where the people would not be slaves to the monetry system.

Then he was assasinated.

Then JFK tried doing the same.

Then He Was assasinated.

Will any other Presidents try doing the same?

Would You!?


Any POTUS of concience could easily Declare Martial Law (using the corrupted US govt's own current unconstitutional manipulations) and then return the Constitution to it's near-orginal state.

This would allow for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act, the Sixteenth, AND the Seventeenth amendments - the abolshment of the illegal and unconstitutional Security State along with the extra governmental CoG system - and the Restoration of Constitutional Law and Order in one fell swoop!

Emergency Powers could then be relinquished and Constitutional Rule would return to the Republic.

The "sheeple" would neither know nor care about what was really happening - as only a portion on the work force (mostly Military Industrial Complex employees) would be displaced.

Then for PR the President would do a series of "Show Trials" to convict those who are found to have done the most serious abuses under the U.S.'s current corrupt system - not full justice - but it would do.

Finally - I wonder if certain other protections should be put in to enhance transparency in Govt. - or to correct for our clearly disfuntional SCOTUS system (they never seem to find hardly anything Unconstitutional these days - do they?) - but perhaps that can best be left in the Amendment Powers of the States.

The most important thing here - is the president and vice president must be protected during this re-order - but I know there are Patriots in the Govt. and Military who - Given the Power - would be quite savy in accomplishing this goal - even while prosecuting their corrupt brethern.

It would certainly be worth a shot - before all vestiges of the Constitution are over-ridden by an extra governmental power such as the NAU or a UN type authority.

I really have begun to wonder if anything short of such a radical notion will succeed in returning Liberty to this Once Great Nation!

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Moral of the story.

If you have Trillions of dollars, control the worlds banks, even the most powerful person or group that stands in the way, will disappear.

I wonder how many other persons of power have been crushed by the powers that be.

Anyone know?

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Realtruth]

There have been many people in science and medicine who have been eliminated. We would not have utility bills or fuel costs if Tesla had been financed (yes, over unity energy--you debunkers can argue with the same man who enable you to even have electricity, radio and television). Royal Raymond Rife and others who cured disease, including cancer in the last century. Propulsion systems not based on idiotic, archaic and obsolete rockets...and much more. Anyone who gets in the way...Stanley Meyers death is still a mystery, as is Phil Schneider's. Eugene Mallove seemed to go 'before his time' as well. This is just in science, but all those who attempted to honestly bring the Franklin Scandal to light (Gary Caridori, Troy Boner), Senator Wellstone, etc. etc....

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:57 PM
Two presidents bucked the Federal Reserve.

One president printed their own (our US mint) money not using the Federal Reserve so it was debt and interest free. He was assassinated violently and publicly in 1865.

One president wanted to...started to...but was assassinated violently and publicly in 1963.

President = Puppet

It won't happen again. We are all slaves.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by danj3ris

What can we do you ask?

We American's should hire the worlds best mercinaries to go and kill "ALL" the heads of the World Central Banking cartel - starting with "ALL" the Rothschild's and there are a few at the UN, the EU, and the Trilateral Commission that need to go as well!

After that we should go after those in our own Government who staged this treasonous war/economic mess and have them locked up or terminated depending on the depth of thier involvement and planning to overthrow our Nation and bankrupt us.

That is what I think

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:18 PM
Has anyone seen the James Bond movie Goldfinger? The villain concocted a plot to detonate a nuclear weapon inside Fort Knox, irradiating or destroying the gold held within. This would practically destroy the economy, and make the gold that he had in his possession skyrocket in value.

Of course it takes a mad man to do something like this. But it does make me believe something. The only way to make a change is to do something drastic. Something that unfortunately will make the public view you as a pariah. In today's United States you would undoubtedly be called a terrorist, because citizens have been so brainwashed by that word that the mere mention of it changes your life and reputation, and what better way for someone in power to diminish any you may have? It is like accusing someone of rape. Whether they are guilty or not, they're screwed (please pardon the pun).

Am I condoning the actions of this fictional character? Not in the slightest. But I fear that drastic aggressive action is required to make any waves in the matter. I have little faith in "the right way" at this point.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by arizonascott
reply to post by danj3ris

What can we do you ask?

We American's should hire the worlds best mercinaries to go and kill "ALL" the heads of the World Central Banking cartel - starting with "ALL" the Rothschild's and there are a few at the UN, the EU, and the Trilateral Commission that need to go as well!

That is what I think

Heh heh - well - I hear a lot of talk like this these days - but on it's face it's illogical.

You are essentially proposing paying mercenaries to kill people who essentially print the money - and who thus will always have more than you could ever aquire.

Now if the definition of a mercenary (rather than a Patriot or a Zealot) is one who sells his services to the highest bidder - who do you think that bidder will be?

Betcha dollars to donuts that they may find you a much more lucrative (and easy) target.

Good luck with that!

But - also - should one become a monster to fight monsters - or is that simply the same mindless cycle of violence that has led us to our current predicament?

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:27 PM
I agree that Executive Order 11110 was never directly recinded, but it was in effect rescinded by Executive Order 12608 signed by President Reagan in 1987. EO 11110 amended EO 10289 Section 1(j). EO 12608 recinds EO 10289 Section 1(j) which indirectly recinds EO 11110. It s an interesting and sneaky way to recind an EO without mentioning the EO by number. Why it was done this way is a question I would love to have answered.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by arizonascott

I'm glad you shared your opinion, but I feel like taking actions such as those would pretty much send the world into the Dark Ages. Then again there is a positive to everything no? I may not live to see it, but the Age of Enlightenment would be just around the corner right?

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:32 PM

They all get assasinated and shut down. EVERYTIME. Look on the news, you see gangsters killing over thousands of dollars, what do you think happens when trillionaires in suits with limitless power do when they see their billion/trillion dollar racket about to be compromised?

Then the answer to our problem is the same as their answer. Should the revolution come, it'll be imperative that the American People surround all of the Federal Reserve buildings and ensure that none emerge breathing. Obama is no Kennedy. He isn't even close to Jackson.

We know the solution, but it'd take a second American Revolution to make it happen where we take out the trash and go back to embracing the Constitution. It's truly sad that we all know what needs to be done, but have no power to make it happen. The only way to ensure the Federal Reserve is toppled permanently is to bring an immediate end to everyone condoning them, and then to make a Constitutional Amendment forever banning any of the Branches of Government from even proposing, let alone debating, legislation suggesting or implementing a Central Bank, lest the persons suggesting such be immediately removed from office.

I know such things are severe, but look where we are. Look at what got us here. We could remove everyone from the Fed and just tell them that they aren't allowed to work there anymore, but they'd still be around to start everything up again.

One further stipulation I'd like to add would be that the Secretary of the Treasury (and all personnel beneath them) can have never worked for the Federal Reserve, nor be directly associated with people who do. The fact that Geithner is nothing more that a crony of Bernanke is a blight on our financial system. The Fed is running both sides. They have absolute power. There's only one way I'm aware of to truly topple absolute power, and it's not with a pink slip.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by danj3ris
Has anyone seen the James Bond movie Goldfinger? The villain concocted a plot to detonate a nuclear weapon inside Fort Knox, irradiating or destroying the gold held within. This would practically destroy the economy, and make the gold that he had in his possession skyrocket in value.

Well two things with this:

1) Who says there is ANY Gold left in Fort Knox anymore - I believe the lack of transparency has made their inventories dubious at best...


2) What Western Economies are even ON a Gold standard anymore?

Now I agree with you that these days a Patriot is viewed more and more as a Terrorist - but I don't think we need to necessarily do acts of Terrorism to make positive change occur...

However, if the time for a Revolution comes, it is something our Fore Fathers considered neccesary to reform any Republic that has been reduced to Absolute Despotism.

I certainly hope it doesn;t come to that - while cooler heads may still prevail.

(and while we still have other options like the one I proposed above)

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:42 PM

But - also - should one become a monster to fight monsters - or is that simply the same mindless cycle of violence that has led us to our current predicament?

Actually, violence toward the Fed hasn't yet been truly tried, so we can only speculate here. I personally don't believe that anything less than a complete toppling of the Federal Reserve and everyone working for them will work at all. If you take the people out of the buildings (by firing them), you're still left with those same people. You don't honestly expect them to see the error of their ways and renounce ever trying to bring back the Federal Reserve, regardless of name, do you? These people will continue to do the same thing as long as they breathe. The Federal Reserve is a domestic enemy that needs to be dealt with. Failing to permanently abolish the system will only result in repeating these problems later on.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 02:59 PM
I began learning all about the Fed and its history a little over a year ago. It is amazing how quickly my view of government and banking has changed since my eyes were opened to this mess. Yes, by all accord the US Fed is basically a ponzi of its own. Nobody wins or gets rich except the guys at the printing press.

Now, this battle between government and central banking has been going on for hundreds of years. If you read a lot of original historical texts from the early stages of the US, you will discover that the founding fathers were very concerned about central banks and did realize the threat they posed to the prosperity of the PEOPLE. In fact, one could argue that the only purpose for central banking is to provide control and power over masses of people.

Lords and peasants. Banks and consumers. The theme is the same. Somebody happens to be (or inserts themselves) at the right place at the right time. They then have something the others don't. Lords had land and offered protection. Banks have money to loan you. Either way, the majority of the population becomes enslaved to the 'master' and the master does not let go without a fight.

It is funny, because for some reason I look to the markets and banks in crisis right now and I feel nothing but glee when the markets tank. I was hoping this week would yield a 1000 point loss on the DJIA. On that same chord, I feel nothing but sympathy and sorrow when I see small businesses fold due to this financial collapse. There must be a better way.

How shall this play out? Well, although social unrest is probably around the corner during these initial phases of collapse, I do not think taking the guns and pitchforks to the streets is applicable anymore. The players may be the same, but the game is different today so we need to learn the rules. The banks have no power if the money is worthless & if nobody takes loans.

We must stop creating wars which provide a means for the IMF to put countries in debt for purposes of 'rebuilding'.

We need to reject the unnecessary luxuries which only provide a distraction from LIVING your life.

We must reject the petty polarizing "issues" that provoke emotional response for the sole purpose of dividing and distracting us from what is happening.

We must enjoy what technology provides to us in a smarter way.

We must reject the notion that the only way to 'get ahead' is to step on our neighbor.

We must forget the notion that people are unequal and that there are 'haves and have nots' because that is untrue.

We must maintain hope that a truly prosperous globe is possible without rulers and slaves.

....but before we can accomplish many of these things, we must LET GO of fear. Fear is the most powerful emotional response and is used to control people at all times. I do not care if I die tonight, tomorrow, or 30 years from now. I live life to feel the emotions of happiness and love and that is enough to get me through my days. Rational fear is a good protection mechanism, but irrational fear of events whose odds of culminating are significantly minuscule should be rejected and dismissed without another thought.

Free yourselves. It takes time, but slowly you will see what living a fear-free life is like and how liberating it really is. Now I know how the forefathers felt when they knew they had an opportunity to build a new nation on new land. we can take it back, but we need to learn how to be free to 'dance with the universe' before we see how to win the game.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by danj3ris

The only solution is when the country goes into a depression so bad that there will be hundred million people plus out of homes, with the law holding them down from doing anything.

When there is NOTHING to lose, is when something will be done. The current system still "rewards" work, so one can live comfortably. It is "their" goal to keep us on a line from a complete national disaster and "richness". Maybe we are just living in an economic illusion? It sure seems like it with this.

The problem today is that people think there is nothing wrong unless they can see it physically. The best masterminds are the ones who do it secretively.

The only time we will get truth is when these criminals get convicted by THE PEOPLE.

This is survival of the fit, not rob your whole species blind.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Who else spoke out against the Federal Reserve?

Louis T. McFadden Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in 1930's.

No man did more to expose the power of the Fed than Louis T. McFadden, who was the Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in the 1930s. Constantly pointing out that monetary issues shouldn't be partisan, he criticized both the Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt administrations. In describing the Fed, he remarked in the Congressional Record, House pages 1295 and 1296 on June 10, 1932, that:

Mr. Chairman,we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and he people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

God that is a epic and such a true speech. Reminds me of Ron Paul. Oh when I read about JFK and this stuff about the FED and the monetary system I could RANT FOREVER!!!!

calming down. Power corrupts. absolute power corrupts absolutely.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by N3krostatic]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 03:05 PM

1) Who says there is ANY Gold left in Fort Knox anymore - I believe the lack of transparency has made their inventories dubious at best...

This is actually a great question. Here's some info on what's in Fort Knox if you trust them. Fort Knox Info

2) What Western Economies are even ON a Gold standard anymore?

I suppose one could also ask, what Western Nation not on a gold standard is succeeding right now? Germany isn't that bad off. Canada isn't that bad off either. But are they genuinely succeeding?
List of countries debt

Now I agree with you that these days a Patriot is viewed more and more as a Terrorist - but I don't think we need to necessarily do acts of Terrorism to make positive change occur...

I really wish I could agree with you on this. I really wish there were a way to bring about the end of the Federal Reserve and their printing of our currency. I wish we had a President strong enough to make that happen. We don't. This system is coming down regardless of how we all wish it would just fix itself and solve all of it's problems so we all didn't have to deal with the same things the Founding Fathers did (like their aim). For the record, I don't consider ridding the nation of a domestic enemy to be an act of terrorism. It is an act of patriotism. As an NCO in the Air Force I raised my right hand and swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Not once did I swear my loyalty to the crooks in the Federal Reserve. Presidents Jackson and Kennedy would agree with me.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by arizonascott

Well, I didn't want to say it. But I totally agee with it.
I suppose the guys in black will show up now.

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