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President Tries Closing Down Federal Reserve

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posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:06 PM
guess what happened to him.

Do most people even know about this executive order issued by John F Kennedy? Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver

This order was never repealed so why didn't any of the preceding presidents carry his order through?


Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would think to eliminate the U.S. debt by eliminating the Federal Reserve's control over the creation of money. Mr. Kennedy challenged the government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt - war and the creation of money by a privately-owned central bank.

On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:10 PM
That's why he was the greatest......big guts and heart.
Wanted to destroy that National Banking fake garbage and reinstall our Gold Standard...DAMN THOSE WHO killed him..
May they get what they deserve in due time if they haven't already.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:11 PM
Very interesting.
I had no idea... and I am sure many others didn't either.
I'm having an aha moment.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:18 PM
Who else spoke out against the Federal Reserve?

Louis T. McFadden Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in 1930's.

No man did more to expose the power of the Fed than Louis T. McFadden, who was the Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in the 1930s. Constantly pointing out that monetary issues shouldn't be partisan, he criticized both the Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt administrations. In describing the Fed, he remarked in the Congressional Record, House pages 1295 and 1296 on June 10, 1932, that:

Mr. Chairman,we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and he people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Sorry for my ignorance, but I'm not sure how to link the video from It's a lecture by Michael Badnarik about the unconstitutionallity of the Federal Reserve and some history on it's beginnings. Really good set of videos! I'll keep trying to find more info.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:32 PM
THE EMPIRE OF "THE CITY" (World Superstate) part 2.avi -

If you want to know the whole story from the beginning watch this clip, it's long but worth it.

One of the best I have seen to date.

Google Video Link

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:41 PM
Here you go, a big fat STAR and a big fat FLAG. we need to move onto silver, or something. this printing money is never going to work.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:16 PM
Serious question:

How in the hell would anyone accomplish bringing about the end of the federal reserve? A U.S. President attempted it by signing an executive order, and he ended up dead. I heard of a group of people minting coins with the image of Ron Paul and releasing them into circulation. They had all of their assets and ability to mint such coins removed.

What can you do? Write your Congressmen/women? They have their own lives and careers at stake and wouldn't dare do anything that would either make them seem ineffective at their jobs, or would lack the necessary support to make anything happen. Throw a little green their way and their ideologies change like the wind, because although they may be hired to be the voice of the people, they still have families to feed and bills to pay.

What can you do? Open up a business that doesn't accept U.S. legal tender to try and get people to pay via other methods? That's great and all, until you have to feed your own family, or want to buy ANYTHING AT ALL FROM ANYWHERE. You need a supermarket that accepts a form of currency that isn't U.S. Legal tender. You need to have heat and water and electricity from companies that don't accept U.S. legal tender. And all of these places need to pay their employees in this other form of currency. In other words, you need a new system from the ground up which will never exist as long as the Federal Reserve exists.

What can you do? You're trying to bring to an end an entity that is stronger than the government itself. An entity that believes a human life is expendable. An entity that will probably do anything to ensure that those on top remain on top. Forever.

What can you do? A foe with limitless power combined with the general lack of motivation and extreme apathy of the American people leads me to believe that the only things you can do are leaving the country to avoid dealing with the problem as much, or do something that will label you a criminal, a terrorist, or convicted of treason. Mess up the entire system and start fresh?

This may all sound quite sensationalist. But I ask the question seriously. What can you do?

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

This order was never repealed so why didn't any of the preceding presidents carry his order through?

Other Presidents likely did not have as intense a death wish.

Or perhaps they were told that not only would they leave this world, but every member of their family would, as well.

The Feds are not amused when the serfs and slaves get uppity--even if they are President.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:57 PM
we can do the only thing we can do and try to get the word out

the more people that know the stronger we become

everything comes to a end eventually and like dinosaurs there time is near

jfk tried and died but better to try and fail then to never have tried at all

the elite are taking allot of big risks right now with the economies

its a big juggling act and there bound to drop a few balls

and as long as were there to kick them when they do we might still have a chance

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:02 AM
Andrew Jackson, seventh president of the United States, was opposed to central banking. He argued that a centralized bank had too much power to manipulate the economy and the value of money, and acquire disproportionate material wealth to the detriment of the ordinary citizen.

Much of his career as president involved a battle between himself and Nicholas Biddle over the extension of the charter for the Second Bank of the United States. The point of contention was over the bank’s ability to create paper money without a corresponding amount of material gold (considered “real money”) to back it.

“You are a den of vipers and thieves. If the American people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning” he said.

In his farewell address of 1837, Jackson stated, "Unless you become more watchful and check this spirit of monopoly and thirst for exclusive privileges, you will in the end find that the most important powers of Government have been given away, and the control over your dearest interests has passed into the hands of these corporations."

Andrew Jackson survived an assassination attempt in 1835, and carried his contempt for the banking industry to his grave. On his tombstone he refers to the vetoing of an extension to the bank’s charter with the words:

“I killed the bank.”

“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” spoke the fourth president of the United States, James Madison.

Father of the Bill of Rights and United States Constitution, and a primary author of the Federalist Papers, Madison argued that those who possess the privilege of creating money (bills, notes, or credit) wield great financial power without being required to earn it, and exercise this power without moral restraint.

“The eyes of our citizens are not sufficiently open to the true cause of our distress. They ascribe them to everything but their true cause: the banking system- a system which if it could do good in any form is yet so certain of leading to abuse as to be utterly incompatible with the public safety and prosperity.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens of compound interest, ever accumulating.” - Thomas Jefferson

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln faced a dilemma: wars require finance, and he was running out of capital. Would he go to the banks and borrow the money to pay for the war? The banks were all too happy to loan the government money- with interest attached, of course.
Lincoln later decided on a second option: he would create and print money via the authority of the United States government, thereby owing interest to no-one.

“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” - Abraham Lincoln

These weren’t the only U.S. Presidents that faced this issue. Theodore Roosevelt felt strongly that the entity with the privilege of creating money should be the government of the United States, not private corporations known as banks: “Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to provisions which would place our currency and credit system in private hands.”

James A. Garfield, after publicly stating “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce” fell victim to a successful assassination attempt in 1881.

The year was 1913. In late December, most of Congress was away on Christmas vacation. It was then that the Federal Reserve act was quietly passed through Congress by a vote of three to zero.

President Woodrow Wilson, after keeping his promise to sign the Federal Reserve Act, later lamented: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government dominated by the opinion and duress of a small group of financial men.”

[edit on 19-2-2009 by username371]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:03 AM
I knew a bit about your Federal Reserve Bank, and how it is privately owned. But I didn't know poor old JFK had signed the Executive Order to undermine its powers.

Looks like another POTUS needs to grow some cahuna's and give it another go...(Maybe Hillary???).

Star and Flag.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Who else spoke out against the Federal Reserve?

Louis T. McFadden Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in 1930's.

No man did more to expose the power of the Fed than Louis T. McFadden, who was the Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in the 1930s. Constantly pointing out that monetary issues shouldn't be partisan, he criticized both the Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt administrations. In describing the Fed, he remarked in the Congressional Record, House pages 1295 and 1296 on June 10, 1932, that:

Mr. Chairman,we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and he people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Realtruth]

They all get assasinated and shut down. EVERYTIME. Look on the news, you see gangsters killing over thousands of dollars, what do you think happens when trillionaires in suits with limitless power do when they see their billion/trillion dollar racket about to be compromised?

THEY KILL! At least JFK and others died for amounts of money that are seriously respectable.

I imagine an afterlife conversation...

JFK: Damnit! They killed me cause I tried to shut them down... I woulda cost them billions of dollars if I had of shut them down.
Random Gangland Murder Victim: # man, I died for a eight ball!

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:47 AM
Moral of the story.

If you have Trillions of dollars, control the worlds banks, even the most powerful person or group that stands in the way, will disappear.

I wonder how many other persons of power have been crushed by the powers that be.

Anyone know?

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Louis T. McFadden Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in 1930's.

There were two assasination attempts that failed on McFadden.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:24 PM
From what I thought, John Adams never wanted an interest based system, then Abraham Lincoln tried to abolish the first federal bank and issue 'green backs', a currency where the people would not be slaves to the monetry system.

Then he was assasinated.

Then JFK tried doing the same.

Then He Was assasinated.

Will any other Presidents try doing the same?

Would You!?

I think the powers that be sent out a pretty clear message. But they say bad things come in three's. Maybe Obama will fight the power and try and help the people? I hope he can prove the old proverb wrong.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by danj3ris

What can you do? This has been a question for a long time and the answer has always been there.

Whether we like it or not, there are only two ways left to accomplish this.

The first is using the Constitution, and it's rights by law to undo what the elite have done to us for 96 years. It has already started with 22 states re-enforcing the 10th Amemendment rights of the states and the power balance between the states and the people vs the Fed. Govt.
If 35 states take the challenge, they can force the Fed. Govt to remove the 15th Amendment and remove the Fed. Res. Bank. This partially removes the power from the elite bankers.
Once this is done, it's a matter of staying on focus, and cleaning up the rest of the scum out of our Govt.
For the states to do this, the people have to learn and push for it. This is where the power of the people come into play. What is the Fed going to cut off the funds that the states send to them anyways? Big Deal. Please, go ahead and make that threat. The states hold all the cards. If they keep all the Fed. tax money, they do not have any problems with captiol.

The second way is the messy way, but if the states don't get it done, it will have to happen. That is for the people to join together and form unorganized Millitia and march on DC.

The fear that I have, is that before anything can get done, they will throw us into depression and riots will break out. If that happens, they have all the control and we will be force into the NWO in a very short period of time. They will take everything you have. You will own nothing.
These are radicals that can justify anything to sell to the zombies which is the general public. Just look at this last bill. It's now ok, for anyone to know your medical records and have the govt. give you a thumbs up or down if you live or are healthy. sick sick bastards. They need to go down!

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by MR1159
I knew a bit about your Federal Reserve Bank, and how it is privately owned. But I didn't know poor old JFK had signed the Executive Order to undermine its powers.

Looks like another POTUS needs to grow some cahuna's and give it another go...(Maybe Hillary???).

Star and Flag.

Hillary? Try seaching the "Trilateral Commision" and the "CFR".

Everyone needs to wake up to the fact that it's both parties in on it, not one or the other. It does not matter whom is the Potus. The only one that I know of is Ron Paul that would be clean and have the balls to get it done.
The sad truth is, people only listen to the MSM to make a vote.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

It's ok. but the best way to get facts and answers is "The Money Masters"

The Money Masters

If everyone would do themselves, thier familes, and their fellow Americans a favor. They would invest the couple of hours to watch this and learn.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by username371

Andrew Jackson survived an assassination attempt in 1835, and carried his contempt for the banking industry to his grave. On his tombstone he refers to the vetoing of an extension to the bank’s charter with the words:

Yes, and both dueling pistols misfired at the same time. Now that's Karma at it's best.

Jackson was already walking around with two bullets in him from duels.
He was one brave SOB.

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