posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 09:43 PM
I was amused the other day when I overheard an anti-gun liberal on our public access channel spewing this inane gibberish: "Owning a gun means
you're insecure. Owning a gun makes you itch to go out and shoot it. Guns have no useful purpose in society."
Such are the sputterings of a future victim, marinaded in Leftist propaganda.
I can assure you, a crack shot who knows his weapon is the most secure bastard on the street. The rest of the spineless, shame-filled peasants
who bolt their doors and huddle like rats in the basement deserve whatever unkindness Fate bestows upon them, IMHO.
If anti-gunners had their way, all privately-owned guns would be turned over to the state. Nobody would be armed (with firearms, anyway). Um,
except for the police, right? Yeah, the police must be armed, but nobody else. Eh, except for federal employees such as the Secret
Service and, oh, I almost forgot, the military! Oh, hell yeah, the military must be armed. But nobody else!
In short, the anti-gunners want to turn over ALL lethal firepower to the Executive Branch of government, the branch headed by whomever happens to be
the President of the United States at any given time. So, would it make anti-gunners more comfortable knowing that a spineless liberal with no
prior executive nor military experience, such as Barak Obama, was in charge of all the guns? Or, so much worse for everyone, a Hillary
America's privately owned 210 million guns are a threat to any administration with notions of rendering the public powerless. That's the
purpose of the Second Amendment. It's about empowering the American People to overthrow a tyrannical central government by force of arms.
That's all the Second Amendment has ever meant, and that's the only real reason that private gun ownership is under attack in this country.
In the event of an outright ban on private gun ownership, only the Executive Branch (which includes all police jurisdictions, federal law enforcement
agencies and the military) would be allowed to possess lethal firepower. Of course, about 150,000 other federal employees would also be
licensed to pack heat, and this includes government attorneys, appointed judges, some postal workers, et cetera.
That is what's most chilling. The central government would be fully armed, while the civilian population would be fully disarmed. Basically,
we'd be no better off than grazing livestock surrounded by armed guards, subject to the political whims of whatever administration
happens to be enforcing the Rule of Law.
It's difficult, if not impossible, for grazing livestock to stage a revolt of any kind.
Those who are striving to undermine and bring down the Second Amendment know very well that this part of the Constitution is our license
to overthrow a corrupt and oppressive central government. No argument. That's exactly what The Founders intended.
That's also exactly why successive generations of American youth have been taught less and less about the Constitution and our right to
take back our liberties by force, if necessary. Most kids today — and adults, too, for that matter — have no idea of what our
Constitution really is, and they don't give a damn that it is being eroded.
— Doc Velocity