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STOP the socialisms!

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by ConMi27
This person is right! Do what we do best, show them who's right. What a better way is there? We talk all that talk, all the stuff about how if we were in control what we would do, WELL HERES YOUR CHANCE. Yeah it'd be difficult and hard as hell. But you know what? This world wasn't built in three days.

Peace people.
Fight. Rights.


YOU DON'T WANT TO SUFFER, WORK HARDER! Take that money you earn and INVEST!


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
We already have "socialized institutions", Fire Department, Police, Schools, Libraries and Army.

That is not exactly socialism, those are services we ALL benefit from. I fail to see how I would benefit by having a portion of my earned income diverted from my family to another family (other than doing so might keep the moochers from breaking into my home and robbing me blind to get what they want from me).

Nobody in "the private business sector" is being procecuted or held accountable"????

Private business/industry?

There are two distinctly different kinds of businesses in this nation: privately owned, and publicly owned/traded.

Now, what we could use is a lot more oversight and regulation of those publicly held corporations, those businesses that create and issue stock which is traded on the stock market. THAT is where a lot of the theft is going on, by corporate raiders.

Those executives that work in those publicly traded companies don't care much about the business they are in charge of, they are only concerned about how much they can TAKE from those businesses. This is quite the opposite of a privately owned business, where the owner of the business is the one in charge, and thus they can't really rob themselves.

Yes, something really needs to be done about the raiders of publicly held corporations, that I can agree with. And, until THAT is fixed, I wouldn't recommend buying any of their stock!

If you really want to invest in America, invest in privately held corporations, employee own businesses, etc. There is a LOT less risk in THAT than investing in a publicly held corporation where the CEO has little to loose if the business he/she is in charge of should fail because of their greed and theft.

If you really want to invest in America, start a business making something that we now import. Get together with others and invest in yourselves and start your own business. In this way, YOU will be in control of your investment, and you'll reap the profits instead of seeing most if it walk away in a bunch of corporate raiders pockets.

Socialism means equality for all ...

Equality means equal opportunity for all, to fail or succeed, upon your own merit and worth and effort. Not everyone is equal or should be considered equal. Take a look around you, do you think everyone should be entitled to what you have, simply because some policy takes from others and gives them what you have?

Do you really think someone that is unmotivated to succeed and lives on welfare should be equally entitled to what someone that risks everything they have and works 60+ hours a week building up their business has? Do you think that an employee that isn't risking anything should be entitled to what an owner of a privately held business that is risking everything has?

Sorry, but everyone should be expected to EARN whatever it is they want out of life. Hunger and poverty should be the motivating factors to get people off their butts.

All kinds of dirty games being played and the majority of people are too dumb to see what's really going on.

Well there you go, now you've found the reason why everyone is not and should not be considered equal!!! Let the dumb people reap what dummies deserve!

[edit on 16-2-2009 by Divinorumus]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

This is so is the most so out of line, you think this is socialism going on? That's an insult to socialists around the world. We USED to be Capitalists but corporatism has destroyed that a long time ago.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by David9176

And, silly me, thought the effects of the Kool-aid had worn off!

But, I realized that he changed colors. Watch the green stuff, it has quite a "kick".

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by SpencerJ
reply to post by whaaa

I don't care who you voted for, but by putting out your flawed beliefs in corporatism, you have re-affirmed Obama's plan to royally screw America.

and your flawed beliefs are from who? Rush "with talent on loan from Gooodddd" Limbaugh.

BTW, my beliefs are in the free market. Is that corporatism? Obviously you don't know what corporatism is, especially when applied to me. I'm an entrepreneur and have been my entire professional life.

Also I have been selfemployed, never worked for the man, for over 25 years and I really take offense at being called a socialist. But I don't resent my tax dollars being used to help those less fortunate than myself. There are many factors that enter into peoples lives and I'll be damned if I would be so arrogant as to label them lazy because they don't work a 9 to 5.

Check out my profile before you make stupid assumptions!

[edit on 16-2-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by aNdReSk

Thank god its your own opinion because any government that controls books is wrong and wrong is not right. but you pay taxes right. So up yours so I will not have to pay!!!!!!! Please, why don't you pay 60 to 70 percent so i can pay less then 10 percent. I think that is fair since you THINK it is a good idea.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
You can't stop socialism nor the socialists. If you don't give them the handouts they demand, they'll just jack your home while you're away one day. Welfare is simply an alternative to having the thieve coming into your home and robbing you blind. Nope, you can't reform these thieves. So, the only real solution is to divide up the states. Those states that want to pursue the commie life style can become the new USSA (United Socialist States of America), while the rest become the new UFSA (United Freedom States of America). While I do not think it is right for a commie to demand EVERYONE become a socialist, I also do not feel it's right for all of us freedom lovers to deny the commies the right to enslave themselves, if that is what they really want. So, instead of fighting the commies/socialist, lets just divide this nation into two parts, and then each group can live as they please. Sounds good? Of course, I don't know how the commie states will survive if all of their citizens are on the welfare and nobody is working, but hey, that will be their problem to work out (maybe they can just keep printing up money and hand it out for free, ha).

sorry but we already had a UFSA, it was called the confederecy. one land owner and his family and the rest slaves to do all the work for no pay. great concept there chief.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:33 PM
[edit on 16-2-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:33 PM

[edit on 16-2-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:33 PM
[edit on 16-2-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by mental modulator

SOOOO! whos gonna join me in some stock market magic!

Where are all the conservatives?


maybe you can explain in detail what a "free market " is. the only true "free markets" that i am aware of were back in the stone age. rules, regulations, and restrictions have been in place for thousands of years. the only free market there has ever been, is when 1 person trades another person something of intrinsic value to each, at that particular time and place.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by mental modulator

SOOOO! whos gonna join me in some stock market magic!

Where are all the conservatives?


maybe you can explain in detail what a "free market " is. the only true "free markets" that i am aware of were back in the stone age. rules, regulations, and restrictions have been in place for thousands of years. the only free market there has ever been, is when 1 person trades another person something of intrinsic value to each, at that particular time and place.

Well whats so wrong with the stone age?
Great composers like MOZART came from then and the constitution???

Rules and regulations are bad and it is clear now.

George W BUSH inherited the Iraq war from Clinton and this economic disaster from LORD OBAMA!

I think BUSH should have tried harder for the stone age and then we wouldn't be in such a mess!

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:40 PM
you people don't even know what socialism mean.

Acctually your gready capitalism took the world where it is know.

Better think about what you can do to survive this.

In the socialism everybody had a place to live (for free if U couldn't afford to buy) everybody had a job , it was illegal not to work.

Now some people just want to make big profit no matter what.

I had much better and safer life in the so called kommunizm then now.

something beetwen the 2 should work

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by littlebunny

Originally posted by SonOfChaos[/]

Private solutions are the only answer, anything less is against a free people! Besides, if you do just a little research you would realize every single country the world over , (every last damn one of them), is going back to a private healthcare solution because socialist healthcare is stupid and does not work. It ruins their overall healthcare and costs to damn much... I mean if socialist healthcare was so damn good, why do Canadians come to America for their medical needs... Why do hundreds of thousands from Europe come here for their medical needs...Nothing but love...

--Charles Marcello

All my European friends hate hate hate the now slightly commerical system, because now only the rich get decent healthcare, because now doctors are allowed to make a little extra money on the side.
i have not heard one iota that they are even remotely thrilled with it.

There are more Americans going to Canada for healthcare then canadians are even coming here.

That is why so many Americans are running for the border for prescriptions.

And I have not met one European who came here for healthcare. If there are any, please speak up, because you will be the first I met.

We now have the health levels Canada USED to have before their system.

We pay more for healthcare then any other nation.

We are 37th for health.

Canadians have longer life spans, lower infant mortality rates. Less childbirth deaths.

So how is that we pay extraoridinary amounts of money to be 37th in health?

Not to mention, it will be actually cheaper.

The United States spends far more per capita on health care than any comparable country. In fact, the gap is so enormous that a recent University of California, San Francisco, study estimates that the United States would save over $161 billion every year in paperwork alone if it switched to a singlepayer system like Canada's.3 These billions of dollars are not abstract amounts deducted from government budgets; they come directly out of the pockets of people who are sick.

Not only are Canadians healthier, their health continues to improve consistently. Can you say that about the US?

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

I'm with you, man. I've invested heavily into Remington and Winchester, and I'm going to put all the leftover money into precious metals - lead and brass.

nenothtu out

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:51 AM
I believe Banking and Insurance should be a service provided the Government.
Also I would provide Insurance in place of Income Tax.
Thats not Socialism its common sense.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
reply to post by intrepid

Intrepid. He's trolling. It's okay.

reply to post by littlebunny

UHH we didn't completely destroy anything in WWII. I'm pretty Hiroshima is populated again, despite our stupidity and megalomania. And not caring about the rest of the world just shows that you're a bad global citizen, and self absorbed to boot! Good job! Hell yeah, Americans are awesome!

When did I become a "global citizen", bad or otherwise? I hereby renounce that "global citizenship", in favor of an American citizenship. Deport me if you don't like it.

nenothtu out

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
sorry but we already had a UFSA, it was called the confederecy. one land owner and his family and the rest slaves to do all the work for no pay. great concept there chief.

Funny, THAT example you give is exactly what socialism is: Some slave for the benefit of those laying inside on the couch watching the tube all day while drinking free welfare beer produced by all those slaves!

Nah, in the freedom states, you're only a slave if you voluntarily want to be one, kind of like what we have right now when one willfully chooses to work for another or not, but with socialism.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by SpencerJ
reply to post by windwaker

Socialism is an invention by social individualists to control the masses.

You are wrong. Socialism opposes state management of resources completely. Profit is totally absorbed because it is distributed via a meritocratic system in various labor syndicates.


-In socialism, you CAN Have private property.
-In socialism, you DO have a say where your money goes.
-Socialism is NOT in practice anywhere around the world and has never been close to realization.

In other words, socialism would probably be more preferable to what we have now.

The only problem I have with socialism is the way it measures obligation and the worth of human capital. (It doesn't. It provides for needs only, thus it requires a willing proletariat with no desire for further gains.) Thus, it is a faith-based system, and far from reality if ever.

No, sir, it is YOU who are wrong. You appear to operate from pretty notions in a pretty red book, while we are working from observations of applied reality.

I dodged bullets off and on for several years to keep this nonsense from infecting the US. I lost.

nenothtu out

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Wotan
I think some of you on here need to read up on what Socialism and what a Socialist State really is.

As far as I am aware, there are only FIVE nations in the whole world that can be deemed as Socialist States.

Care to tell us who, and why you think that?

If our educations are lacking, as you assert, please educate us!

nenothtu out

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