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Are The Two Witnesses of Rev 11 Here Now?

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by knidos

Well weather or not they are witnesses.
I am certainly glad to hear they are standing up.

Have you had any other dreams. Maybe about the false prophit ot anything???

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Mividau

My english is not enough for more detailed information. i am sorry
but i never believe in stupid 2012 theories. . Radical muslims and other radicals will be shocked. because they never think of a woman prophet! people who can feel also feel the changings. i want to know, if anybody else heard something like me?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by knidos

I have not heard of it before but it does warm my heart to think that YAHWEH would be willing to use a women
as his instrament.Exspecialy for anti women countries. But lets face it, alot of the world still is.
Except for the Queen of England. But I am not sure if she actually has any real powers besides sitting there
and waveing her lil hand every now and then.

Either way most people are unsure who or what the witnesses will be. But if they are women that will make a nice twist to the end of this story.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Mividau

Dear Mividau,

It's nice to know that there are some people who are interested in these subjects. We have to struggle with rotten brains and stone made hearts. eveything will be perfect very soon.

with love&respect

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Greensage

WELL,it was not humor based, just experiential and to add that when people especially any paticular religious affiliation begin to look for answers, they always asume that whomever they seek must be of the same .

`The man I met believed it according to his experience. I in no way say it is so or not. I will bow out now as I do not belong in the religious forums anyway.

I cannot live up to your or anyones ideas of what you think reality is, antar is on her own path, treading where no man dares to travel.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 01:35 AM
Aside from me being knee-jerkish on this subject, which I will try to curb by-the-way, and since I am fully convinced that M. Gadhafi is one of the Witnesses, I have to say that there is another that I overlooked. His son Saif Gadhafi.

I am not sure why I never actually thought of his son before until tonight. He is politically active and he has some damning information about the money that was utilized by France in their election process. Saif has threatened to go public with the fact that Libya funded the Presidential Campaign in France!

Sometimes people confuse Prophesying as "speaking Scripture", but in the case of the Two Witnesses why would they speak scripture when true Prophesy is considered speaking the "Truth", so even if it is political truth it is still truth. This is why I am convinced the Two Witnesses must be World Leaders, but now I guess a Leader on one hand and a Legal Advocate on the other! It certainly makes the statement "Two Olive Trees and Two Lampstands" seem more credible as they are both related and they are of "Middle Eastern" Blood; although the bible indicates they would be of the Blood of Jerusalem, but to me that encompasses the Middle Eastern bloodlines and who is to say who has who in who's family these days! Eventually they are all brothers, even if they have different religions! They certainly look the right ethnicity to me.

Yeah, as it stands now unless I can see any other form of "embodiment" of Elijah and Moses, then I am pretty much convinced now that the Two Witness are indeed Moammar Gadhafi and his son Saif Gadhafi!

The Two Witnesses have been Identified!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:18 AM
Assuming that these two witnesses are alive , they will be portrayed as evil by the MSM .
(good is evil , evil is good )

They will become infamous in their quest for supreme triumph .

Even faithful committed Christians will not accept God's judgements .,

Woe betide anyone who has their demise in their double minds !

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by guitarplayer
reply to post by heliosprime

IMHO The two wittnesses are Moses and Elias, they are on the mount of transfiguration along with Jesus.

Don't be so literal. It was assumed by John that perhaps that's who they were. It was not a definite as only imaginary was shown to John. Take the perspective of an ancient man looking at future imagery.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by cry93

Originally posted by Mividau

Originally posted by cry93
reply to post by CantSay

If bin Laden was one of the witnesses then who do you suppose is the 2nd witness?

Gaddafi? Mubarak? A leader in a mostly Islamic country?

Believe this or not, I actually thought Bin Laden may have been one.
Hated by the world......Check
No one could find or kill him for years........Check
Death celebrated........................................................Check

I got laughed at GLP for makeing that statement.
But when you think about it, How many others have met that type of criteria.

Then the 2nd witness has to be from one of the current Islamic countries in chaos.

Not that I subscribe to this mentality but if I had to bet within this line of thinking, it is either Gaddafi, Saddam, or Ahmadinejad. If it is Saddam we are in trouble when it comes to that time line... The 2nd Witness is already dead. That gives us 3.5 year from now, placing us somewhere in 2014 for the big show.

Actually, the only one that comes to mind that is somewhat equivalent to Bin Laden's epic persona, who was hated, had power, wasn't touched for sometime, cheered on death and called the US the true evil (not the innocent US people but some in positions of power) is Saddam, though he doesn't fit the bill as perfectly as Bin Laden and was not called a prophet by followers as Bin Laden was. If he was, then that completes the Two Witnesses which puts us in line for a possible "mountain" falling from the sky, several natural disasters and someone that literally looks like a beast or dragon enslaving people...aliens? Is this the prophecy of alien first contact or invasion? I wouldn't discount it. If the beast or dragon is John's interpretation of future imagery of aliens collaborating with human supporters...false prophet...a world leader. Perhaps 2012, after the hypothesized Two Witnesses have passed, is the return, disclosure, introduction of alien visitation and with it the problems that might bring. What if? What if the first set of aliens that introduce themselves are malevolent (and possibly have been here for sometime...the grays and the reported serpent looking grays) but introduce themselves as benevolent and offer up technology. While the second set of aliens are the historical angels who are perusing the first set of aliens but are promoted by the first aliens as the evil ones in order for us to fight them on their behalf (Armageddon). This may sound like science fiction, but I've been over Revelations carefully following the sequence of events and the imagery very carefully without discounting or interpreting anything...only taking the perspective of an old ancient man (John of Patmos) looking at future events, machines, meteor (mountain) and even possibly aliens. I should post my complete interpretation of Revelations. I think people here would find it interesting.
edit on 14-7-2011 by CantSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:26 PM
My time code points to them, if they are literal or something else, arriving in October 2011. Not sure if you have read my post related to that time code?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Greensage
The Witnesses have to be World Leaders who are willing to speak out against the NWO Regime!

They will not be killed until the King of kings (false God) sees to removing them for all the world to see. They will lay in view for three days.

I say Gadhafi is one of them! As for Bin Laden, the only way he could be a Witness is if he is actually still alive right at this very moment.

I did think of Saddam, because we know they only executed his double, but he was an evil man and I highly doubt he will stand beside our True Lord when that time comes.

I am still open to whomever wishes to stand up against the Governments of the World. So far Gadhafi has a good standing in my eyes and also I think that based on the writings regarding our Nuclear Proliferation Agendas Cuba's Castro just might live long enough to be a thorn in their side! He, although a tyrant in his day, has mellowed to the needs of the common man without violence! His isolationist ways has prevented them from touching him, but the way Obama works that may not last long!

Interesting to think about. I know that most think that Elijah and Moses are the two Witnesses, but we are talking about the "embodiment" of the Witnesses! Those within this realm of reality.

The only problem with your thinking is that most people who stand up against NWO conspiracy theories, like Jesse Ventura, David Icke, Alex Jones, are liked by many around the world. In fact there are more people who like them than dislike them as they do tend to speak the truth against those who deal in secrecy and plot against the ignorant poor. Based on this alone, they don`t meet the Two Witnesses requirements. They do not inflict physical destruction. Also Julian Assange and private manning do not fit the bill though again they are close. They may all be pursuers of truth, but they do not fit the bill. It is quite possible the Second Witnesses is not Saddam though he is the closest especially for his statements on his trial. The first in my mind is Bin Laden only because he fits several specific requirements, most importantly people cheering upon his death.

Let me be clear, I do not condone the actions of these people. In fact their actions repulse me. Murder and terrorism should never be used as a tool to bring peace...because it only brings more chaos. Peaceful demonstrations are the way to go. Though there maybe some truth in their message about the real workings of the world, the dark side of government covert actions and motives, their own actions invalidate any good they think their cause may be trying to bring. Lead by example of peace and not horror of terrorism. Again, John of Patmos was interpreting imagery shown to him by angels with future knowledge. He had no idea of the criminal actions of these individuals and probably due to the physical similarities (beard, clothing) between himself of Bin Laden and possibly Saddam he thought them also to be messengers of God or prophecy. What I'm certain is that the imagery shown to John was of significant political figures. My point is its all a matter of perspective. The perspective of John, the perspective of Bin Laden, the perspective of Saddam, the perspective of angels with future knowledge, the perspective of the US and the perspective of the world. Each one of these perspectives are not necessarily the same.
edit on 15-7-2011 by CantSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by CantSay

Aside from Julian the ones you listed do not stand up against the NWO they make money off of crying about it!
I think Julian is the Government!

Icke is demented with Demons, I have never personally listened to what's his face radio guy (to be honest I don't even know his voice), and Jesse is just like you and me except he is rich and has bigger muscles! LOL

No, I am still affirmed on Moammar and Saif; this is the element that can take down a Government/s, and likely will cause more trouble than they bargained for! Seriously!

Check out this thread:

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Greensage
reply to post by CantSay

Aside from Julian the ones you listed do not stand up against the NWO they make money off of crying about it!
I think Julian is the Government!

Icke is demented with Demons, I have never personally listened to what's his face radio guy (to be honest I don't even know his voice), and Jesse is just like you and me except he is rich and has bigger muscles! LOL

No, I am still affirmed on Moammar and Saif; this is the element that can take down a Government/s, and likely will cause more trouble than they bargained for! Seriously!

Check out this thread:

I have no doubt that Libya will be a more trouble than expected, but the truth is it's an opportunity for other nations overthrow an government that controls large oil fields. These aiding governments don't care about the people of Libya. Just like in Iraq, they want oil control. To do this, Libya needs to be thrown into complete chaos for oil theft to begin.

Also Moammar and Saif are globally not well known as the people I mentioned which would not put them in the same level as the Two Witnesses. Yes David Icke is a bit crazy, but his message is heard by millions around the world. Same goes for all the others. Julian conducted himself more professionally, but his message is the same as the others: to end secrecy and usher in truth. At a high level, they may all be seen as prophets of truth, but they don't fit Revelations political overtone of the figured presented nor yielded the power to fend of enemies. This is why I don't think any of these individuals are the Second Witness, if Bin Laden was indeed the first.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:48 PM
After reading the comments and replies on this topic thread, has it occurred to anyone else here that 'supersweet101', who posted what seems to be a plausible prophecy in his (or her) post on 5-4-2011 (on page 4 as I see this thread), may very well be one of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:3 and is just toying with us?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by starofdavid
After reading the comments and replies on this topic thread, has it occurred to anyone else here that 'supersweet101', who posted what seems to be a plausible prophecy in his (or her) post on 5-4-2011 (on page 4 as I see this thread), may very well be one of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:3 and is just toying with us?

I has occurred to me that Revelation 12 is an actual astronomical event on Sept 29.

Here is a video explaining this:

The speaker on the video remains open to interpretation; his words are clear and understandable.

As for the Witnesses being Astronomers sending a "message" for the Church or tptb, I think we are too far ahead of ourselves for that determination; as you suggest with supersweet101, at least that is what I think supersweet is saying. Maybe the entire Bible is an Astronomy book! It is quite uncanny to say the least!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:43 PM
I wanted to reiterate today that I believe that we are living the Living Bible, either though our hearts, our minds, or our actions. I believe that some Scripture may be forcibly performed in order to bring about the Hand of GOD into revealing himself, yet other Scriptures simply fall into place as if they were super-natural!

Gadhafi is dead! If he was one of the "Two Witnesses" the World will rejoice over his "execution" which is clearly for all too see this very day!

Here is the link to that Truth! He was Executed!
Proof he was murdered and did not die from his wounds, he died from a bullet to the head!

I know this is Scriptural in that what comes next is beyond our comprehension and understanding! I will Pray for Gadhafi as I believe he is an instrument of GOD, here to reveal to us our true Hearts! If we are Joyous then we have revealed to our Lord Christ that we are of no value or service to him. There is no other way to put it!

I Pray that in three days he is resurrected to be taken into the Kingdom of Christ in Heaven! May he call us home with him! The AC has already stood in the temple and declared himself God! He stood, as the Temple, on the grounds of the Twin Towers and read, for all to hear, Psalms 46.

May GOD have mercy on us all, as the Return of the Son of Man will be administered with an iron rod! As it was written so it shall be!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by heliosprime

4These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.

Cool subject.

Hi. If I may render an interpretation/opinion?

The two olive trees is the Islam religion, and the two candlesticks is the Jewish religion.

I think time is more consequentially recycled than it is linear.

Oh I forgot to mention that Zionism is the AC.

edit on (10/20/1111 by loveguy because:

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Greensage, I thought about you and your posts in this thread over the last couple days.

I don't believe Obama is the anti-Christ, though.

edit on 22-10-2011 by cry93 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:40 PM
I firmly believe that the Two Witnesses are in this world right now and, if one simply gives it some thought, these two individuals are certainly smart enough and wise enough NOT to go public with their ministry as no one "on the street" would take them seriously. Thus, their only realistic resort would be to conduct their efforts "under the radar" directly to world leaders through a very obvious means.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 05:51 PM
Now what religion do we no of today that celebrates after murders giving out candies and pastries while dancing in the streets of their cities . Hint they love to blow themselves up inthe name of their ales god.

Text10And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
reply to post by heliosprime

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