posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 02:05 AM
Please let me explain hell.
You have a creator, God. He loves you. He would leave 99 sheep to find the lost sheep. He came not into the world to condemn it, but to save it.
God is love. To understand hell, you must see through the perspective of love.
King David noted "Thou shalt not leave my soul in hell" in the psalms. In II Peter we see how Jesus, after the crucifixion and before his ascent
into heaven, went to preach to the spirits in prison which were the people drowned in the flood of Noah.
Hell is not created until the end of the Book of Revelation, and does not presently exist. Neither does heaven.
At the cross, Jesus told the thief "Today thou shalt be with me in paradise."
No one goes to heaven until after the judgment in Revelation, and that has not happened yet.
Now, what is hell?
Let's take a practical example with things that are common in our lives. If we are afflicted here, we grow, as in the adage "What doesn't kill me
makes me stronger." The description of our troubles here on earth are compared in the Bible to a refiner's fire, fuller's soap, the buffetings of
Satan, etc. When a believer does wrong, for example, the Lord turns him over to the buffetings of Satan.
If you have a child, and the child does wrong, do you still love the child? Would you condemn the child to everlasting suffering? Of course not.
God is the same, and better. He says, "If a child asks his father for bread, would he give him a stone? So much more will your heavenly father give
you what you have need of (note: not what you want, what you need).
Jesus said that we would have troubles in this world, but that He had overcome the world and we should not fear.
A father loves his child, regardless of his performance. We see Him saying throughout the Bible after his people have turned their backs on Him
"And yet, for all these things, His hand is outstretched still."
So, we leave Him. We go into the hereafter as we are. "Let him who is clean be clean still, let him who is filthy be filthy still." We are the
ones who do not want to be in His presence. We feel the guilt of the wrong that we have done. We try to escape His loving face. We hide, as it
were, our faces from Him. We suffer for our sins if we do not have Him in our hearts. We make our own hell after death. However, He prepares a way.
The process of suffering makes us better, even as it does on earth. After we pass through the refiners fire, so to speak, we want to be reunited
with Him and He, as is represented in the story of the Prodigal Son, runs to meet us with open arms and embraces us.
He forgave Peter for denying Him three times.
He forgave the thief on the cross.
He forgave the adulteress.
He will forgive you, when you are ready to ask.
Hell is the time after death between arrival, and the time you ask. It will feel like a lake of fire. It will be you weeping, wailing, and gnashing
your own teeth. It will be your outer darkness. It will be your lonely trial. It will be you, alone.
Satan will be condemned to isolation forever. You will not.
[edit on 14-2-2009 by Jim Scott]