Originally posted by doer_of_deeds
No, Satan will not embrace you because you have been created in the image of God. He despises God and therefore despises you (and me).
Satan has quite an imagination.
Satan calls himself "GoD".
Satan makes his own world.
Satan is the "prince of this world".
Satan is "the god of this world".
Satan's world is "hell".
To Satan, hell is "heaven".
To Satan, Heaven does not exist.
Satan makes man in it's imagination.
Man is made in the image of Satan.
Satan is made of unbelief in Christ.
That is,
If unbelief in Christ could be personified and given a name, the name would include Satan.
But that is not necessarily what Satan would call "himself".
By calling himself "God", Satan usurps "the throne" of God.
So its very confusing.
To alleviate some confusion, I will name unbelief in Christ as "prodigal son".
The "prodigal son" is a psychic manifestation of unbelief in Christ.
The "prodigal son" divides Christ's mind, taking a fraction with it.
The "prodigal son" divides the "house" of Christ, spoiling its wholeness [holiness].
The "prodigal son" further fractions the mind he takes.
The "prodigal son" begets as he was begotten.
The "prodigal son" fractions and multiplies.
The "prodigal son" weakens as he fractions.
The "prodigal son" falls as he weakens.
The "prodigal son" falls "down to the earth".
The "prodigal son" manifests as *many*.
The *many* gives rise to a "beast".
The "beast" is the concept of guilt felt to be true [truth].
Guilt as truth is against innocence as truth.
What is for guilt is against the truth.
The number of the beast is a fraction that multiplies.
One third = .3333333 ad infinitum.
Two thirds = .666 ad infinitum.
Taking one third, the beast pretends it has the other two thirds.
The "prodigal son" is anti-christ in everyway.
The "prodigal son" walks away from the Kingdom of Christ.
The Kingdom of Christ is his "house". His house is his "temple".
Christ's temple is "holy".
Holy means *whole*.
The "prodigal son" destroys the holy with fractions and multiplicity.
The "prodigal son" establishes his own kingdom based on all that is anti-christ.
The Kingdom of Christ is not of the kingdom of anti-christ.
The prodigal son is the father of all persons.
Another name for the prodigal son is "Adam".
Adam sleeps and dreams.
Dreaming, Adam believes.
Adam believes God put him to sleep.
God did not put Adam to sleep.
Adam believes many things against God.
God's Son is Christ.
Christ is God's only Son.
Christ is equal to his Father.
Adam does not believe in God.
Adam does not believe in Christ.
Adam believes anything but Christ.
Adam believes in everything anti-christ.
Adam is a psychic manifestation of unbelief in Christ.
Adam is a concept.
Adam is a concept in the mind of Christ.
Adam is a collection of concepts.
Adam includes the concept of death.
Christ is Life.
Adam believes in death.
Believing in death, Adam experiences death.
Believing in cruelty, Adam experiences banishment.
Believing in injustice, Adam experiences collective punishment.
Nothing Adam believes is true.
If anyone believes what Adam believes, he will die like Adam.
If anyone believes what Jesus believed, he will live.
Sin is unbelief in Christ. [see gospel John chapter 16]
Because of sin:
We have all fallen short of the glory of God.
In our glory, we are like God.
In our infamy, we are like "Satan", "Adam", "prodigal son"..."son of man".
Created like God, we are glorious.
Made like hell, we are infamous.
In our glory we are God.
In our infamy we are "gods" and/or "god's".
In our glory we are One.
In our infamy we are many.
We must choose.
We will choose.
If we do not choose, we continue to "sin".
Yet, sin as we may, nothing can separate us from Christ.
Unbelief in Christ does not change Christ.
Unbelief in Christ seems to change "us".
But unbelief does not change the truth about "us".
The truth is, we are one.
The truth is, Christ is one.
The truth is, there is no real opposition to Christ.
The truth is, Christ is.
The truth is, satan is a lie...and isn't.
The truth is, I am Christ.
I have chosen.
I am chosen.
[edit on 20-2-2009 by Christ!]