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Knights Templar, Friday the 13th, and King Phillip Staging A Coup

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posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 07:26 AM
Did you know that Friday the 13th is only unlucky because that is when the King Phillip of France decided that the Knights Templarhad too much power and had them all arrested and killed in one form or another?

Basically, because of his greed and paranoia as well as owing the Knights Templar massive debts, he decided to stage a Coup d'état against them.

I wrote this thread on How To Stage, Or Stop A Coup, In Order To Survive and thought since today is Friday the 13th is here, it might be a good time to show just why a powerful "Secret Society" like the Knights Templar was destroyed and how.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Did you know that Friday the 13th is only unlucky because that is when the King Phillip of France decided that the Knights Templarhad too much power and had them all arrested and killed in one form or another?

Basically, because of his greed and paranoia as well as owing the Knights Templar massive debts, he decided to stage a Coup d'état against them.

I wrote this thread on How To Stage, Or Stop A Coup, In Order To Survive and thought since today is Friday the 13th is here, it might be a good time to show just why a powerful "Secret Society" like the Knights Templar was destroyed and how.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

I don't think the King thought they had too much power' he had almost bankrupted the country and used excuses of devil worshiping and too much power to do away with the Templars and take their money.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by orangeman dave

I guess you and I will agree to disagree on this. To me, the Knights Templar having too much power, according to what I was referring to King Phillip's thoughts was that he owed them massive debt because he had borrowed from them to get into power to begin with. With that debt over him, he saw that as power to destroy him, as well as all of the other power they held due to the nature of their business.

The reason the Templars were in their business to begin with was controversial enough because usury was outlawed at the time, which is to say an unlawful tax, on borrowing money. There was no such thing as interest on borrowing, it was called usury back then and seen as a major no-no.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:33 AM
As well as all of this, there were Knights Templar that actually escaped King Phillip's massacre, and supposedly they planned a tactical retreat and re-formed and are in the current vernacular today, the Freemasons, or Masons. Think about that for a moment and it all makes sense, since the Masons meet in a "Temple" and their religion is monetary gain, which coincides with the Knights Templar to a degree, and there are degrees in the Masons.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 09:03 AM
What do you make of conjecture that the French Revolution was orchestrated by Freemasons as payback for the Friday the 13th Templar arrests and subsequent tortures/executions?

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Icarus Rising

I wouldn't put it past them to do that, and thereby staging a coup, they disrupted power to gain power by a lack of power (a triumvirate, trinity).

That is after all how a coup is performed. Thanks for the post.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Think about that for a moment and it all makes sense, since the Masons meet in a "Temple" and their religion is monetary gain,
Hey, now... I've been going along with some of your conjecture RE Philip vs Templar power, but how can you make the leap that Masons are about monetary gain? What evidence, anecdotal or actual, do you have to support such an accusation? Particularly considering the fact that every major Masonic body and most individual lodges are involved in charity work?

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:19 AM
Jacques De Molay was crucified, beaten and had his abdomen slashed open by torturers under the control of Philip and Clement V. Ironic that the Church would use methods used on Jesus to torment and degrade de Molay.

He was not allowed to die, however. After many hours of dangling by his nailed hands and feet, suffering from hypoxia due to the weight of his unsupported head dangling forward and cutting off his airway, he was cut down and wrapped in linen as a mockery of his Christian beliefs.

He survived the initial torture but was later roasted alive over a fire with a fellow knight. As his feet were cooked by the flames raging below him, he issued a curse against Philip and Clement.

They were both dead within a year.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:41 AM
i heard that during the revolution after they beheaded the french king a man came up to the stand and shouted

"that was for Molay"

or something along those lines, but the point is they got their revenge

btw can you post some more videos of this quality i can never find good ones to watch

[edit on 13-2-2009 by tankthinker]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by tankthinker
i heard that during the revolution after they beheaded the french king a man came up to the stand and shouted

"that was for Molay"

I believe the claim is that an unknown man jumped on the scaffold after the king was beheaded and lifting the kings severed head, spraying the crowd with his blood, yelled, "Jacques DeMolay, thou art avenged!"

Which makes for a good story. And it may even be true. By the time that the French Revolution rolled around, a good many people had come to the conclusion that the monarchy had been corrupt and ugly for some time. It would be natural for figures as popular as the Templars to be remembered at such a moment.

DeMolay's alleged curse is a little more problematic. The Pope and King Phillip were both dead within a year and it seems reasonable that people worked backward from that fact to a curse.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

How is the Masons religion monetary gain, i suppose i must be one of the unlucky ones just being a common Electrician and my Grandfather was justy a common Plumber.

Can you back your statement up that monetary gain is their religion? In all walks of life their will be people better of than others just because you are Mason will make you any more wealthier than the next guy.

The masons religon is the individuals beliefs whatever they may be.

We should be thankfull for what the Templars gave us such as the first banking system and first monetary cheque.

Their is nothing to say that the underground Templars became Masons, it's more likely the Masons started an order based on the Templars and resurected their oaths whatever they are IMHO.

It may be their is a link i could not say for certain as im not in the Order of the Perceptory but i have not seen any facts verifying this.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Maybe because they were actuall committing homosexual, satanic acts with little boys, they were persecuted. Maybe not.

Who knows the truth?

The Masons? Pfft. They wouldn't tell the truth even if they DID know.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by doctordoom]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:45 PM
This is how i've come to understand this:

the modern day Knights Templar exist as a important group of Freemasonry
The original Knights Templar's were German Teutonic Knights who were really a religious military order, and were suppressed by the King, but still existed.

And I do remember that all Templars or all Masons who become Templars must swear to protect the Christian Faith:

"Are you willing to protect the Christian Faith at the expense of your life?"

But I dont feel they really have Christians best interests at heart. Or maybe they protect them in order to keep Christianity alive, sort of like being a type of Christian ADL. Also my research and understanding points to the fact that I really feel that the Templars were behind the creation and continuation of major Christian faiths in America. We know that other Masonic groups support other religions etc. And I think its accepted that the Illuminati use all there groups to attack each other.

I really feel that the worlds three main religions hold the same beliefs and essentially worship the same God. (Allah,YHWH,Jesus) with out knowing it. But im not 100% on that, its hard to find good info on that. But the symbology and history seem to point to them being the same concept.
But at the same time, I do feel Jesus was a real man.

But I digress.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

[edit on 13-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

[edit on 13-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

[edit on 13-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by doctordoom
The Masons? Pfft. They wouldn't tell the truth even if they DID know.

Love these unsubstantiated fantasies. You have no way of knowing this, and making a sweeping generalization in this way is just plain disrespectful and serves to polarize opinions and stifle debate.

Unless this is your intention, of course.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by doctordoom
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Maybe because they were actuall committing homosexual, satanic acts with little boys, they were persecuted. Maybe not.

Who knows the truth?

The Masons? Pfft. They wouldn't tell the truth even if they DID know.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by doctordoom]

Thanks for dropping by with this little gem.

Do you ever contribute to threads or do you just come by every once in a while to lob troll-grenades?

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by emsed1

emsed1, I'm dieing over here laughing at your post.

I didn't bother to feed the trolls, but you fed him/her gasoline, someone get a match.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 11:54 AM

thanks for clearing that up for me

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by doctordoom
The Masons? Pfft. They wouldn't tell the truth even if they DID know.

And you do know the truth?

Originally posted by ats__fan039
This is how i've come to understand this:

the modern day Knights Templar exist as a important group of Freemasonry

The original Knights Templar's were German Teutonic Knights who were really a religious military order, and were suppressed by the King, but still existed.

And I do remember that all Templars or all Masons who become Templars must swear to protect the Christian Faith:

"Are you willing to protect the Christian Faith at the expense of your life?"

1) There is no known connection between the Freemasons and Templars
2) Templar Crusaders were not descendants of Teutonic Knights (they were just another knighthood); the Teutonic Knights were Germanic order.
3) Only the York Rite body of the Freemasons requires a Christian belief.

Originally posted by ats__fan039
I really feel that the worlds three main religions hold the same beliefs and essentially worship the same God. (Allah,YHWH,Jesus) with out knowing it.

Well that makes sense since these three are referred to as the Abrahamic religions.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 03:28 PM
Ahh, cmon man thats so not true!

Knights Templar's are on the Top Left

Templars on the Left

Templars on the Left again.

Knights Templar order is behind alot of Baptist Churches in America, and the JW religion.

[edit on 14-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

[edit on 14-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

[edit on 14-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 04:05 PM
heres the source for the Protecting the Christian Faith Qoute: &source=web&ots=qwg-0vQL5t&sig=TPCh6T07mT5wCgXkoWvbF1Xkopk&hl=en&ei=-D-XSZeKGZqqtQPzuNyRAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result

Knights Templars are mentioned on pg 139

[edit on 14-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

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