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Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago

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posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by jdub297


I like your come back, very creative.

Lol, do you honestly think that I am quivering in fear because of the existence of these camps or lists or graves.

NOPE, I don't think so!

I know for a fact that all of these exist because I can read & research & think for myself and instead of quivering in fear like you automatically assume that some of us are doing when we try to tell people like you about this stuff, I DO stand up and acknowledge it and I say NO!

I don't have to worry about these camps because I know im not going, plain & simple.

People that act like you act like blind fools and deny, deny, deny and pretend that it is all fantasy and illusions will ultimately be denying themself's into these camps.

I know you get paid good money to be on sites like ATS but is it really worth your life? Think about that!

[edit on 2/13/09 by housegroove23]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Hey Mr. Mason, you of all people should know that topics like FEMA Camps and things pertaining to the big agenda are a big no no in the Main Stream. So yes, Blogs are just one of many alternative methods for not just Journalists but the average citizen to get the word out on what is happening in their local neighborhood. Do you have a better suggestion or should everyone just keep their big mouth shut? Your answer will not surprise me.

also don't understand why you believe the American flag is a symbol of the "Illuminati" which is being used as a .. how did you put it? .. Symbol they are all relating to each other?

I don't think he was talking about the American Flag but if he was, there was a later post where him or another poster reported that they where taping up the American Flag backwards, that certainly has some kind of meaning behind it don't you think? Or is that some kind of a hush, hush secret that you do not want to get out?

[edit on 2/13/09 by housegroove23]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by edgecrusher2199

Something is being done. May i suggest that you tune into the likes of Alex Jones and his entire crew. From his shows, many many groups have branched out, and may i add, including insiders of this government and the movement is moving forward to bring the NWO DOWN, slow it down, make them aware that WE, THE CITIZENS, are onto them- The baton may be in OBAMAS hands now, but he will meet with lots of resistance... if he doesnt deliver on his promises, he will have to answer...
I am pleased people are finally waking up, little by little, and if things do not change or get worse, there is going to be hell to pay in this country...i know i f*---- lose it when i'm cold and about you.

I believe the NWO Can be at least slowed down, but its going to take Us, you and i to make those who are still sleeping understand-THAT THE TIME HAS COME TO WAKE THE HELL UP.

Its for this very reason that things seem to be picking up speed with the economy and the push, full speed ahead to bring on the NWO AS soon as possible, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT *PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP AND THERE ARE MILLIONS OF US AGAINST a select become active and short of a bullhorn in a street corner, make everyone you know aware that we can beat a select few weirdos, the puppet masters, playing MATRIX games and planning our destiny/demise.

I dont give a buck, and the rest of you, dont just sit back and wait... time i running short....



THE WAY TO DO IT IS TO MAKE EVERYONE AWARE- if they think we are crazy, so be it.
The seed is planted everytime you tell someone, and they tell someone!!!!

WORD OF MOUTH will save us...but better start passing the word NOW.
We dont have much time.

The more we talk, the more we screw up their plans of world domination and extinction.


let the fear roll on. WE CAN OUTFEAR THEM.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

More than likely you are right DG, and they have spent so much energy feeling like they were above the laws, above the rule of the people for so long that they are now so very uncertain how this is going to go down when it does.

Our economy or the worlds, it really does not matter because what happens to will happen to all.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Very well said. I listen to Alex Jones everyday myself and he really is fighting the good fight. In the end, I know that the NWO will fail and go down in flames along with the "Elite" and their evil minions. They will be defeated and I cannot wait to see them quiver in fear after they see the rage of the people.

I urge everyone to tune into Alex Jones and join the good fight!

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 05:44 PM
I heard an audio recording today of a certain sherrif from that area talking about this today. I was sceptic at first of this report because of the wording. Then I heard it from the guys mouth. They are planning this out, the reason that was given was bird flu. The sherrif doesnt buy it no one knows whats going on. It could be preparedness by Fema. Could be they are setting up for something, no one knows.

So take this the same way you took all the coffins outside of Atlanta, we simply dont know yet. They did ask certain questions that spooked the sherrif enough to talk about it. He said the questions they ask were things they would need to know if they wanted to setup martial law.

Also dont pay attention to Jdub he spreads disinfo. Ive ran into this guy doing this on two other threads, hes either fanboi of the government or he works for them. Thats why I have a plugin for firefox so I can put anyone I want on ignore and as many people as I want.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 06:01 PM
I was really getting ready to dump ATS because I couldn't believe that I was spending so much time arguing with the members here, UNTIL I read that last few posts which gave me hope that there are people that see what's going on.
I was starting to think that there was nobody here except dis-info agents.
Let's pray the NWO comes down in GOD speed!
GOD BLESS my brothers and sisters!

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Wideawake08
I was really getting ready to dump ATS because I couldn't believe that I was spending so much time arguing with the members here, UNTIL I read that last few posts which gave me hope that there are people that see what's going on.
I was starting to think that there was nobody here except dis-info agents.
Let's pray the NWO comes down in GOD speed!
GOD BLESS my brothers and sisters!

I know exactly how you feel my friend. I did dump ATS a while back myself with the same frustration but I came back, this place does that to ya for some reason. I have learned that there is a good even mix of paid "agents" or "analysts" and good mix of uninformed people that are curious and are at the beginning stages of waking up and a good mix of people like you and me who are fighting the good fight.

Things have gotten a little more black and white nowadays and you can more easily pick out who is who in all of this especially the paid "agents" or "analysts". They are starting to more and more stick out like a sore thumb and they are going to start getting hell for it now.

Thank you for making this thread. Take care my friend and stick around, don't give up.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 06:30 PM
no more .223's what -- well I guess it was a good thing Florida stocked up to gills with the stuff.

and guys check out keyword ASER
on ATS

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 07:19 PM
Crap I just bought tickets for 4 WSOX games. Cubs are also expected to be pretty good this year(maybe their year- finally a WS win)

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:52 PM

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by antar
My Mom at one point was working for a dept. which was running these types of scenarios for vaccinations and that was 3-4 years ago. It was meant to help the population in times of small pox outbreak. The vaccines could be administered to hundreds in a matter of a few hours time.

Knowing factual documented US history, would you trust the US government to inject you with a "vaccine" in an emergency scenero? Not me thank you.

I think the odds are 50/50 that the government would inject the common man with a "cure" or a deadly virus.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by ubergrasshopper

I have as much as suggested that before in many statements. Questioning more than stating a blind question for fact because of my Moms involvement in the past. She and I spoke in depth about whether or not it would be the right course for me and my family as we live way outback. We never came to a true conclusion before she passed away.

Many people could become infected if we really do have some massive outbreak and people run wild with sickness refusing vaccines. But on the other hand it is prudent to think about it before hand rather than be shocked when faced with the reality.

I am not in the know by any means and my early heads up is no longer alive. Ats will be my best bet as long as it stays up. I have always been protected and at the right place right on time, and I trust that.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:04 PM
"I hope we get a follow up on this and the guy is not silenced."

Ergo the fact the story isn't "well sourced." Would YOU want to stick YOUR neck out if you were this guy? Many people wind up as "suicides" with five bullet holes in the back of their head and their hands bound with duct tape, you know.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:41 PM
This has to be bull we alreay know they have hundreds of FEMA camps all over US and plan is to incenerate bodies not bury, they have the the large three, four person plastic coffins.
Maybe there talking about ashes left after they burn everyone they kill with the mass inoculations. Bury ashes.
If turn to cannibalism, don't eat brains or spine may cause Mad Human Disease.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 01:36 AM
Very interesting... I live in chicago and just have a conversation with some friends that live by the expressway on ramp. They noticed that the expressway on ramp out of the blue has a gate that can come down and stop people from getting on the expressway. I tried to google it and it says the chicago are putting them up to stop people getting on in bad weather? WTF??? Bad Weather? We've only had bad weather since always.
I'm getting a little worried.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 01:40 AM
well Mr. Alex Jones has said he checked into this story, from what he looked into, he said it checked out. And So do many on this thread too.

I don't doubt this story for a minute, myself.

The Illuminati NWO are turning up the heat every day, how much will we take?

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 02:20 AM
I also live just a bit outside of Chicago, so I was looking for some credible sources for this and couldn't find anything. My husband travels for work every day and goes all over most of northern and the middle of Illinois and into a bit of Indiana, I asked him about anything at all unusual he might have noticed and he hasn't seen anything out of the ordinary. While I drive around I enjoy seeing my surroundings and I also haven't seen anything at all unusual.

If FEMA is doing any sort of preparedness training in this area, it isn't necessarily a bad thing, either. We have had large amounts of flooding this year. Back in August we had a tornado in the area that quite a few residents of my town claim touched down (I was away a few towns over, so I only have their word for it), but in addition to the town being trashed, the entire town was flooded. For days. This happened more than once in my area and quite a few other places in Illinois.

We frequently get a number of tornadoes. The Plainfield area is referred to as "Tornado Alley" and is part of a larger area also called "Tornado Alley" that covers a larger bit of the mid-west. It isn't limited to just the one town, we get lots of them out here.

We are also in the vicinity of the New Madrid fault line and the Wabash Valley fault. Both have become more active recently and have even gotten threads talking about them here on ATS. I came across this:

In a report filed in November 2008, The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency warned that a serious earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone could result in "the highest economic losses due to a natural disaster in the United States," further predicting "widespread and catastrophic" damage across Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and particularly Tennessee, where a 7.7 magnitude quake or greater would cause damage to tens of thousands of structures affecting water distribution, transportation systems, and other vital infrastructure.

New Madrid Future Quakes

In addition to all of that, we have had a brutally cold winter with a number of days hanging in the -15 to -20 degree range. That is a dangerously cold range for people to be outside or have no heat to deal with. The summers here seem to be getting warmer, too. Personally, I love hot weather so I'm not bothered by that, but I remember all the heat advisories and warnings to keep hydrated and cool if possible.

All of this is becoming common, but if worse comes to worst, I'd rather have preparation in place than not have it.

Take care,

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 10:34 AM
imagine if they all injected you with the agent that causes MORGELLONS.. ALL AT ONCE.. within 48 hours???

imagine an entire county of people ALL feeling this stuff crawling under their flesh under their scalp.. under their faces.. through their eyeballs..

not like now.. where there's random here-and-there people reporting it.. isolated.. alone.. being told they're crazy.. but EVERY SINGLE PERSON in a county in one centralized area...

they inject you with it tricking you into the thought that you're being protected from something else that's killing.. uh.. "wildlife" or a falseflag group of people in a few blocks of people near some chem plant or some other made up scenario..

you all are injected with morgellons...


everybody sayign to one another..."you feel that"??? "can you feel that under your skin"???
"yes yes i can!! what the #$% is it??!?! what's in US WHATS HAPPENING?!!!"


not to fear-monger or anything..

just know.. saying it could happen.. they could do it ..

if they wanted.

laws exist that state they can test anything on us if it's in the name of science...
teskugi etc...

now extrapolate this on a state level as opposed to county..


extrapolate it nationally..

then understand that when AFTER injection.. it doesn't become ACTIVE .. until a certain person pushes a button.. and a specific digital signal is emitted through digital converter boxes at a precise time.. and EVERYBODY l... all at once.. at the exact same time.. has their "morgellons" activated..


country in chaos!


helloooo FEMA camps!! .. "ooh you have toilets here? great !!! "


[edit on 14-2-2009 by prevenge]

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Very interesting... I live in chicago and just have a conversation with some friends that live by the expressway on ramp. They noticed that the expressway on ramp out of the blue has a gate that can come down and stop people from getting on the expressway. I tried to google it and it says the chicago are putting them up to stop people getting on in bad weather? WTF??? Bad Weather? We've only had bad weather since always.
I'm getting a little worried.

Yes, They do have them in Chicago on the expressway ramps.
Very suspicious, I must say!
Have you noticed every half a mile they have built all these cell towers?
You know with the triangles on top?
Go to Deplaines on Wolf and Oakton and you will see were the marines have taken over a warehouse right on the corner. Look on the roof at the Northwest side you will see the Moloch OWL. Total Illuminati!
They have surveillance all up and down the expressway.
Illinois and especially Chicago is very very Illuminati! CRAZY!

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