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Psychiatry's Dangerous Agenda for America

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:56 AM
Psychiatry is a Multimillion dollar industry and have never claimed to cure one single person.

Psychiatry only destroys life.

Television Talk Show interview with Jeff Griffin, Executive Dir. 28 min video

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death. 1hr 48min video.

Google Video Link

Resource for more info on Psychiatry and their partners Big Pharma.

More Videos

Basically a documented case on how Psychiatry has destroyed the world and lives of millions of people, and how they get away with it, and why people seem to trust Psychiatry.

Do Not Go To A Psychiatry For Anything! Not even a headache.

Please Star & Flag, this is valuable information for everyone.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:04 AM
It's funny, but i have a friend who needs medication and have seen him off of it, it's not pretty. I think it is dangerous, if people with mental disorders that need medication read this sort of stuff. If they choose not to take their meds, they put themselves and other in harms way. Telling people not to go to a psychiatrist is just irresponcible. What if someone you knew were hearing voice telling them to kill themselves or others? Do you think it wouldn't be a good idea then? It just seems irresponcible. That's just my opinion. I know everyone worries about taking "the man's" poison and we should rely on the "wisdom of the orient" ect. When the wealthy people in other countries get AIDS or need complex surgeries, where do they go? The United Utates not to Japan to get some herbs.
Again that's just my opinion.


Edit - punctuation

[edit on 9-2-2009 by n0tsan3]

[edit on 9-2-2009 by n0tsan3]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:13 AM
Hey OP, I think you need to revisit your topic and pay a visit to your local psych ward. Maybe doing some research instead of cut and pasting might do enlighten you a lil' more on this subject.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:01 AM
OP, anytime you take a position that is the same as Scientology, I would think twice and check myself. Second, did anyone of these people ever consider that people were sick before they went to see the psychiatrist?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:29 AM
Honestly OP, I think you have a quite valid point here.

Unfortunately, so many people on this world are already too pre-conditioned and pre-programmed to really come up with their own opinions on this subject. I'm not trying to insult anyone here, really we cannot be blamed for the way we are conditioned to swallow things that are being force fed to us from the time we are born on(thats not how the game is played).

It's sad to say, but you already failed to get your point across to anyone before they really even opened this thread. If humanity as a whole really took into account the entirety of deciet that is being played out on us in pretty much every aspect possible in the most minute of details, natural reaction would be to either

A) start to tell yourself that none of it is true, or

B) start to portray yourself as one of those crazy paranoid people that think everything is a conspiracy as soon as they open their mouths(too bad they are usually right, but thats when you will cross the line into mentally ill, and off to the nutter house you go!) lol

Yes, I know people that are genuinely out of their minds. I'm also pretty sure the only psychiatrist I ever knew on a personal level beat his daughter on a regular basis. Most of these people who practice in this field are the ones who genuinely need the most help.

However, whose to say how people with genuine problems need to be 'dealt with'. That is the problem. Mental hospitals are prisons. If you get hauled off and you know you did nothing to deserve it, would you be putting up a fight? It is not all hard to have someone 302'd you know.

It always seemed quite odd to me that human beings are supposed to act or be a certain way. The whole reason we are here is to experience each other through many different ways, be it emotional, spiritual, etc. for the sake of growth to ourselves and others. Maybe the reason we are having so much trouble with people that are deemed as 'unfit to function in society' is because as soon as you slap a disorder on them it is time to look down on them, and pity them without any real understanding on how to deal with something thats different, so instead we just let the government handle it, and they can sweep it under the rug(not to mention test them for fun because no one will care) so society does not have to look at them in disgust, as trained to do like good pets.

Primary care physicians do not force treatment on anyone, and that is actually based on real science, as opposed to psychiatry, which is based on nothing.

Anyone who does not agree with the OP, the next time your having an awful week, try to go see three different psychiatrists and see how many mental illnesses you come home with.

Great thread, regardless.

[edit on 9-2-2009 by ohh_pleasee]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:05 AM
So what you are saying is mental illness is not real. Are you willing to bear the burden and responsibility, if someone who is, let's say paranoid schizophrenic, or bipolar, decides to go off their meds because they've seen this video?

I watched the video, and I can truly say "what a load of BS!!!" This reminds me of the days when people would make statements such as " The men in the white coats, are coming to take you away." Obviously, none of these people have been touched by mental illness in a real way.

I will step up here and say, I have. I can tell you IT IS REAL! Without my medication, I would not be a functioning member of society. I most likely would not be here. You need to know, the biggest challenge for people who are mentally ill is medication compliance. Most bipolars' and schizophrenics, refuse to take their medication, which can in fact, prove to be devastating for them and their loved ones. When you encourage this behavior based on some "rag-tag" evidence, to say you are irresponsible is putting it 'lightly'.

I encourage you to educate yourself on the simple properties of brain chemistry including the function of each: neuronal transmitters, dopamine,
nor-epinephrine, serotonin, these are key players that effect brain chemistry. You won't have to look to deep to find out the role they play in our mental stability. Please come back and share what you have learned.
Remember, knowledge is power. No need to fear what you don't understand.

As for the doctors giving the interviews, I have one thing to say:

Narcissist: 1. Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit.
2. A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
3. Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development.
4. The attribute of the human psyche characterized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits.

When you talk about Big Pharma, you must consider all aspects of medicine not just Psychiatry.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

I never said I did not think it is not real. Whether or not I think it is real or not is purely subjective. What I'm saying here is that I believe that the vast majority of all 'psychiatric problems' are not dealt with in the best interest of the person in mind, and the ultimate goal is to suck all the money they can out of someone and pop them some pills, one day hoping to diagnose one and all.

As for the doctors giving the interviews, I have one thing to say:

Narcissist: 1. Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit.
2. A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.

You think the doctor in the interview has a psychological condition? How ironic..(if I could figure out how to use the html code, I'd give you a thumbs up!) lol


posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by ohh_pleasee
Yes, I know people that are genuinely out of their minds. I'm also pretty sure the only psychiatrist I ever knew on a personal level beat his daughter on a regular basis......

Wow. What other fields have you decided are bunk based on being "pretty sure" about one person in that field? I have personally seen people helped by psychiatry including myself. There are bad apples in any profession but that's just statistics.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:27 AM
Tom Cruise was right????????????

Ok so I agree that psychiatry is a total sham though it doesn't mean that schizophrenics and such don't exist, stop seeing everything in such black and white terms. Psychiatry is a hoax and a fraud, but there ARE SOME people that are mentally ill etc, just no where near the number they claim.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I really think this is more of an opinion than based in facts.
You can show all the videos, articles, and stories you want to prove your point. But, at the end of the day, it's just your opinion you draw from it.

I personally have bipolar disorder type 2. I can tell you for a fact that the medications I'm on work. I was not diagnosed till I was over 30 years old and looking back I had symptoms over my entire life.
Some examples are:
Low self esteem
Dilutions of Grandeur
Anger and aggression for no reason at all
Suicidal thoughts

So your opinion does not mean anything to me. I know I need my medications. I know I am far better off with than without.
I know that there are some Psychs that are just awful. My previous one didn't even want to entertainer the idea I might be bipolar. He gave me depression meds that made me want to kill myself. (symptom of bipolar disorder)
Honestly, you sound more like Tom Cruise when you state that psychiatry is bs.
You have obviously never met someone with a true mental disorder. Your post shows you have no concern for what damage you may cause to people like myself who truly need medication to live a 'normal' life.
You are just like the majority of society who believes if you can't see the disorder it doesn't exist.
We have to deal with people like yourself daily when they find out we have a mental disorder. It becomes greatly disheartening, and down right depressing, when people look or act differently towards you because you have a mental disorder.
A mental disorder is just like having diabetes. You can't truly see diabetes but it still exists. You still need to take medication to keep it in check. But almost everyone thinks that having a mental disorder is just in your head and you should get over it.
Well I'm here to tell you that having one is a battle every single day. You may wake up and say I don't want to go to work today and do it anyway.
I wake up some days and I'm afraid to get out of bed. There are days I just want to sit in a corner and cry all day and never leave the corner.
You have absolutely no idea how we feel or apparently care. This post shows that you think of us as making things up and we really don't have a problem. That we just want attention.
Well I can tell you that I lived with this disorder my entire life, and it nearly killed me more than I'd like to say.
I'm not looking for anyone's pity. All I'm looking for is their understanding that I truly do have a disorder and it's down right impossible, at times, to live with on a daily basis.
I am just glad there are some people, on here and in the world, that truly understand what we go through everyday of our lives.

You should read some information on Nami's site or the DBSA's site before judging me or others with a mental disorder. I would never wish this on my worst enemy.
Here are the websites so you can get an accurate opinion of mental disorders.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by rufusdrak
Tom Cruise was right????????????

Ok so I agree that psychiatry is a total sham though it doesn't mean that schizophrenics and such don't exist, stop seeing everything in such black and white terms. Psychiatry is a hoax and a fraud, but there ARE SOME people that are mentally ill etc, just no where near the number they claim.

Your logic is very flawed. If psychiatry is a sham then mental disorders and their treatment is a sham too.
How can a mental disorder exist if the one treating it is a sham? That is defective logic.
You see it is black or white. If a psychiatrist is just a glorified chiropractor, more or less. Than the ailments he treats are a sham.
How can the treatment of a mental disorder, or the mental disorder itself, exist if the doctor treating it is a sham?

Maybe your not explaining your point properly. But the above is what you are saying when you say that psychiatry is a sham.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 01:22 PM
\Psychiatry is a Multimillion dollar industry ...\
It is.

\and have never claimed to cure one single person. \

Depends on the case! There are deviations that are not curable, but people have chance to live a normal life with the help of psychiatry!
And the people that surround them have also a chance to live a normal llife!

There are dishonest psychiatrists, true, who do more harm than good... it mostly concerns treatments of mild problems where they can cheat, they will never deal with serious cases! ... its a problem, yes... but here we deal with personality factor and the corrupted system based on fees...!

I wont watch this video - these are all known statements of people who have no special education to get into the real problem and tend to generalize!

Im a psychiatrist and assure you that such calls "dont go to psychiatrists" make much more harm to the society in general!
The doctors are to remove or tame the pathology not to multiply it!
The real purpose behind such "enlightened messages" is to stun people and multiply pathology in the society...

[edit on 9-2-2009 by Russi]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:02 PM
I need an education? WOW funny.... Try this. Because the OT obviously went right over most of your heads, with out you's even seeing the real problem.

1) I never claim mental illness was a sham, It's the Doctors and their corruption.

2) What about the fact that they can claim you to have a mental disorder in under 15min, and have you locked up for up to 72hours without needing your consent which is the highest decision.

3) What about them giving these drugs to children as early as 2 years old, and the parents don't have an option in most cases?

4) More death rates than success stories.

5) Most suicides and school shooting are from kids on these drugs.

6) Known to help create suicidal tendencies as a side affect.

7) They create mental illnesses by simply voting it in based on observations of people?

8) What about them still using shock therapy.

Need I go on?

Personally I have nothing wrong with the practice I just believe they need strict guide lines. And should be held accountable for the deaths under their care.

These doctors even claim there is no way to test to make sure you have these diseases, and like one doctor said it's usually just something wrong with the body and once that's fixed, the brain adjusts itself accordingly.

Also The fact that most psychiatrists believe that a patient doesn't have a sole/spirit, making man into animal.... Well that's not the kinda doctor I wanna go see and I hardly doubt any of you would choose that doctor over one that thinks you do have a sole and that your a child of god.

Get the point?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:19 PM
Reply to Ohh Please:

Hello ohh please, my post got placed on the board out of sequence. It was not directed to you at all, but to the OP. Ironic, how you mention the terrible way
society treats the mentally ill and then go onto say Psychiatry is based on nothing. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by BugByte

Do Not Go To A Psychiatry For Anything! Not even a headache.

Indeed, a headache is a bad reason to go to a psychiatrist.

Wanting to die, and making plans about how to get there, is a good reason to go to a psychiatrist.

Suffering from panic attacks that make you unable to use public transportation, is a good reason to go to a psychiatrist.

If a relationship ended last week, and you've spent a week in bed eating ice cream, you probably don't need a psychiatrist (or psychologist, or therapist).

If a relationship ended last year, and you still can't get yourself out of bed, you probably do.

This video, or one very like it, has been posted to ATS three times since I joined this summer. It is biased, inflammatory, and full of mis-/dis- information about psychiatry, psychology, and mental illness.

That wouldn't be so bad if I didn't fear that the people who are most likely to be swayed from seeking help for their mental illnesses weren't exactly those who most need the help.

The people who want anti-depressants because they think it's a quick fix for life's little ups and downs, or because it makes them feel a little special, will not be put off by a video like this.

The people who are struggling against the belief that they don't deserve help, that psychiatric intervention is a "crutch" and that they are simply failures for not wanting to live, are the people who may be affected by this sort of propaganda.

I know because I was there.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by BugByte
I need an education? WOW funny.... Try this. Because the OT obviously went right over most of your heads, with out you's even seeing the real problem.

1) I never claim mental illness was a sham, It's the Doctors and their corruption.

2) What about the fact that they can claim you to have a mental disorder in under 15min, and have you locked up for up to 72hours without needing your consent which is the highest decision.

3) What about them giving these drugs to children as early as 2 years old, and the parents don't have an option in most cases?

4) More death rates than success stories.

5) Most suicides and school shooting are from kids on these drugs.

6) Known to help create suicidal tendencies as a side affect.

7) They create mental illnesses by simply voting it in based on observations of people?

8) What about them still using shock therapy.

Need I go on?

Personally I have nothing wrong with the practice I just believe they need strict guide lines. And should be held accountable for the deaths under their care.

These doctors even claim there is no way to test to make sure you have these diseases, and like one doctor said it's usually just something wrong with the body and once that's fixed, the brain adjusts itself accordingly.

Also The fact that most psychiatrists believe that a patient doesn't have a sole/spirit, making man into animal.... Well that's not the kinda doctor I wanna go see and I hardly doubt any of you would choose that doctor over
one that thinks you do have a sole and that your a child of god.

Get the point?

I 'm having a very hard time taking you seriously. The information
you posted is inherently false. where are the sources to back your claims up

"Also The fact that most psychiatrists believe that a patient doesn't have a sole/spirit, making man into animal.... Well that's not the kinda doctor I wanna go see and I hardly doubt any of you would choose that doctor over one that thinks you do have a sole and that your a child of god."

By making statements like the one above, you lose all credibility.
I happen to have a Christian psychiatrist who is wonderful.

[edit on 9-2-2009 by paxnatus]

[edit on 9-2-2009 by paxnatus]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by paxnatus

I 'm having a very hard time taking you seriously. The information
you posted is inherently false. where are the sources to back your claims up

Also The fact that most psychiatrists believe that a patient doesn't have a sole/spirit, making man into animal.... Well that's not the kinda doctor I wanna go see and I hardly doubt any of you would choose that doctor over
one that thinks you do have a sole and that your a child of god.

By making statements like the one above, you lose all credibility.
I happen to have a Christian psychiatrist who is wonderful.

For what it's worth, both my therapist and my psychopharmacologist are practicing Jews

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:53 PM
This is the kind of crap that is peddled by the Church of Scientology to further promote their stupid ideas. Like blaming a seizure on Kawasaki syndrome when we know it doesn't work that way and the only other disease that could explain a seizure is AUTISM something that has to be treated by trained psychiatry(This is in relation to Travolta's son who had AUTISM not Kawasaki syndrome).

I also have a friend with a delusional disorder. If he's off the meds the cops get called. If he's on the meds he's a good guy to hang with. That should tell you something.

[edit on 9-2-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by BugByte
I need an education? WOW funny.... Try this. Because the OT obviously went right over most of your heads, with out you's even seeing the real problem.

1) I never claim mental illness was a sham, It's the Doctors and their corruption.

2) What about the fact that they can claim you to have a mental disorder in under 15min, and have you locked up for up to 72hours without needing your consent which is the highest decision.

3) What about them giving these drugs to children as early as 2 years old, and the parents don't have an option in most cases?

4) More death rates than success stories.

5) Most suicides and school shooting are from kids on these drugs.

6) Known to help create suicidal tendencies as a side affect.

7) They create mental illnesses by simply voting it in based on observations of people?

8) What about them still using shock therapy.

Need I go on?

Personally I have nothing wrong with the practice I just believe they need strict guide lines. And should be held accountable for the deaths under their care.

These doctors even claim there is no way to test to make sure you have these diseases, and like one doctor said it's usually just something wrong with the body and once that's fixed, the brain adjusts itself accordingly.

Also The fact that most psychiatrists believe that a patient doesn't have a sole/spirit, making man into animal.... Well that's not the kinda doctor I wanna go see and I hardly doubt any of you would choose that doctor over one that thinks you do have a sole and that your a child of god.

Get the point?

2. There are a lot of disorders that after finding not physiological causes (which ones primary doctor typically looks for) can be diagnosed very quickly.

6. 25-35% of sucides are people with depressive disorders, that are untreated. "The comparison between the reported risk of suicide in
SSRI-treated depression (1–9 for every 10,000 patients) and the risk
of suicide in untreated depression (6–18.9 for every 100 patients)
[2–4] is striking."

8. ECT actaully does work for a lot of people whos symptoms presist with normal anti-depressants.

I know that there is no money in a cure for anything, but if something helps and that is all there is avaliable, I'd take it. It's that or go compleatly untreated. I know it's a bad situation and it's unfair, but there isn't much you can do about it at the moment. Telling people to not take their meds is only going to hurt. I think you should be complaining about capitalism not doctors trying to help people. I'm sure if they found a cure (polio) something would happen (vaccine) or the people who found it would be snuffed. If that was the case, information being supressed, then the other doctors wouldn't know about it and they shouldn't be being demonized for trying to help as best as they know how. I think that everyone should lay off the doctors personally. And knock off giving medical advice that you are not qualified to give. (excuse me if you are, but I figure you would have mentioned it if you were)


[edit on 10-2-2009 by n0tsan3]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:52 AM
Before a science matures and becomes genuinely scientific, it often goes through a voodoo phase. Astronomy had one called astrology. Physics had two: religion and magic. Chemistry had a voodoo phase called alchemy.

Psychology (we'll come to psychiatry in a minute), is a very young science. It is so primitive that psychologists even find it hard to agree what the subject of their study is. Is it the mind? The brain? The endocrine system? Behaviour? Psychology, you see, is barely out of its voodoo phase.

No surprise, then, that its theoretical bases are wobblier than an Energizer-powered vibrator sunk inside a jelly mounted on springs in the middle of a trampoline.

Psychiatry is to psychology what medicine is to human biology. Medicine has been with us since time immemorial. It has had the longest voodoo phase of all: its history is marred by numberless sorry episodes of error, delusion and quackery. It is only recently that science has come to the rescue, showing us glimpses of how the human body functions and helping us understand in a rudimentary way the biochemical secrets of disease and healing.

Yet those centuries of ignorance saw the development of any number of effective medicines and treatments. Our theories might have been cockeyed, but that didn't stop us developing cures and remedies by trial and error. Heuristic models of bodily processes, disease and healing might have been wrong in the final analysis but served well enough to develop medicines and methods of treatment. Success was judged by results: if something worked, we used it.

The current situation in psychiatry is like that prevailing in other branches of medicine as little as fifty years ago. The OP is right: psychiatry is theoretically compromised, methodologically flawed, in short, scientifically unsound; but the OP is also wrong, because psychiatry is a body of empirical knowledge of proven efficacy.

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