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ATS a "crackpot American website"

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:19 PM
Printed garbage is on its way out. Soon, all that will be left is electronic garbage......

I think we can see plenty of that as one click away...... (hint: Go to recent posts)

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

I think we should all do this, provide our 2p to the MSM's website for the rest of the *cough* (bad words) sheep to see, or maybe make a stand, lets all donate to ATS on the basis that the money is not only used to support ATS and all its arms online but also create a MSM challenging paper that's laying there on the news paper shelf next to the Daily Shell, or News of the Texaco or The Esso (catch my drift), ive "woken" up quite a number of people over the past few years who looks at the mainstream tin of spam in a very different manner, including my mother, being able to do this online nad having the info online is great but you gotta get people there first.

Any thoughts on this?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by phushion

Here is the contact list for the Daily mail.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by phushion

ATS doesn't need user donations. The administration does fine on its own. I think they've even got a TV show coming out..... someday.....

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Hellish-D

ATS doesn't take donations. what we do or don't have in the pipeline has been discussed on the forums. We tend to not keep things from our members unless they are at a too soon to discuss stage.
TV, Radio Books, Magazines etc are all things we've discussed and looked into.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

so you mean that ghost hunting 'taps' series isn't yours and the big bald fella isn't skeptic overlord?

bugga ... i thought i was onto something there, lol!

but back to the topic and so i don't get all told off n stuff.

does the article give a fair reflection of ats? not in my opinion. it was broad and general which is really just laziness on Scott's part.

can ATS improve how it is perceived by main stream reporters? probably but it would take a bit of butt kissing and conforming but why should we/they/us? what would be the point and who wants to do that?

meh! honestly ... who cares what some saddo at the daily mail thinks?

something else to note on that piece is how they're only, for the most part, publishing 'anti robbie' comments and not the rest. you can figure that by seeing how much support lisa from sussex has gotten for her post. ha ha ha .... go lisa!

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:21 PM
Before we go too far on patting ourselves on the back, let's remember that even if 2 Million people are members or visitors to ATS, how many just drop in for a peek or look at the odd topic. People who buy a newspaper read a good portion of what's printed.

Here you can only sample a tiny amount of what's offered. Good for the range of choices, but with so much choice you don't know where to start.

I hate the MSM, but at least there's some editing down function where they say "This is important, this is interesting, read about this."

When I come to ATS over coffee in the morning, it's like venturing into a library and deciding which newspapers and new magazines and articles to look at first. You only have so much time and there's so much to read.

And a final point, more and more BS in the press and on broadcast doesn't mean that we don't have our share here too. At least with their limited time and space the media prune it down to a manageable size. In a way we pay for them to sift through everything and pay for an executive summary.

Les is more.

If ATS were a print magazine with the better threads edited down to a manageable and comprehensible size - I'd buy it.

Mike F

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:24 PM
All I can say is "good on ya Mr Williams

And as for the Daily Mail - there is no such thing as BAD PUBLICITY - your comments will undoubtedly draw much attention/curiosity to ATS. That would be worth $$$$$$$ in paid advertising....

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

Hi Isaac

I believe what you have here is the beginning of the roundup of conspiracy theorists. Not all, just the ones that make sense and do not actually work for the other side. The ones that will say what they really think because they're not influenced by the fact that their boss is watching their posts. I think rob is a plant to get his big name associated with ATS. Do a search for his name on ATS. Amazing!

I've seen recently on ATS the links to MSM about conspiracy nuts, loons, psychotics, you name it we've been called it. Then they say we should be medicated and call us instigators for inciting hatred against the government. These MSM reports are there to get their followers to think negatively toward the conspiracy follower and close an ear to anything being said by them.

When they come to ATS and request the IP addresses and anything else they want for ALL users who've posted on ATS, it will be easier. The masses will have heard enough about these conspiracy people to make us out to be a disgusting lot of people. How dare we question the government in a time of crisis.

ATS will willingly give in to the court ordered REQUEST and provide all the info the government wants. And ATS will probably have to be quiet about it and not tell anyone about them giving out the info or providing a back door to ATS.

But our government wouldn't do that would it? Has any kind of deceit or illegal actions between corporations happened to make us think this way??
Source1 Source2

Other evidence is available on ATS if you look...


posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:30 PM
Well at times I have to admit this place can seem like a nut house and there are a few nuts around but they have rights too, and to change into something the main stream will see in a more favorable light would mean having a nut patrol or monitor trolling for the nuts. Who want that?

So I suggest we all get used to nuts in our salad and have a good time.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:08 PM
All I can say is if we are "crack-pots" then we are well informed (in most cases) "crack-pots" and we actually have a mind of our own....not mainstream media BS...

Ok, maybe I am a bit crazy....A BIT...

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Hellish-D
Printed garbage is on its way out. Soon, all that will be left is electronic garbage......

I think we can see plenty of that as one click away...... (hint: Go to recent posts)

Why go to all that trouble when you can click right here for garbage

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether

I believe what you have here is the beginning of the roundup of conspiracy theorists. Not all, just the ones that make sense and do not actually work for the other side. ...

... When they come to ATS and request the IP addresses and anything else they want for ALL users who've posted on ATS, it will be easier. The masses will have heard enough about these conspiracy people to make us out to be a disgusting lot of people. How dare we question the government in a time of crisis.

ATS will willingly give in to the court ordered REQUEST and provide all the info the government wants. And ATS will probably have to be quiet about it and not tell anyone about them giving out the info or providing a back door to ATS.

Just my opinion, but good news - bad news here.

If they're going to round up all the people active on all the conspiracy board - a worldwide phenomenon not limited to the US - they'll have to pull the military out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and everywhere else. A big job.

ATS would not willingly give up the actual names and addresses of it's participants.

If someone really anted it, it could be done by hacking into the system.
If they can get into the Pentagon and banks, ATS should be a piece of cake. Perhaps it's already been done.

They could be watching what you post and know where you are. I could be a disinformation agent attempting to cause confusion.


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 01:56 AM
The mass media upset we're uncovering their lies? Who'd have thought? The fact more and more are turning away from the media and the government says a lot.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 02:00 AM
Oh my goodness... I guess I'm a crackpot

The Daily Mail is the biggest tripe news site there is - if a subject doesn't feature Amy Winehouse's drug sores somehow, then it's not a true Daily Mail story and open to free ridicule.

If we're all considered crackpots by the Daily Mail, please, continue crackpotting away.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:53 AM
IMO leaving messages on the Daily Mails websites just gives them credence that we care about what they say and I for one do not care. It also gives them hits and adds to their stats.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

I don't like to sound kid’ish but it “takes one to recognise another” Are what a belly laugh.
Anyhow Im waiting for the financial times to comment on the Global Meltdown column.

Personally I don't care about the crackpots on any forum because I notice them, when I stop I will be a crackpot too.

Isaac to answer your questions

Does this article give a fair reflection of ATS?
Yes and No - Partly depends on the threads some cannot be taken seriously yet they command pages of posts.

If not, can ATS improve how it is perceived by main stream reporters?
Probably but I don't know how. The only way I can see is by negative stars our members can give a star and should be able to take one if it’s clearly ridiculous. But I know that cannot and will not happen. Just a thought – don't beat me up over it.

Isaac PS, did you check my previous post that included the link to the digital TV thread?


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by FredT

Its pretty clear that this paper and its minion who penned this piece have never spent much time here at ATS.

I have to disagree there, I got the feeling that he'd surfed the site looking for topics that could be used 'against us'. Even briefly looking at ATS, you can see the science section, political section and many down to earth ideas, yet what he used where 2 of the more 'out there' stories, 2 stories from Skunk works. To me, this was a hatchet job. This also makes me think that this isn't the end of it.


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 06:18 AM
If it's any consolation to those of you unfamiliar with the Daily Mail, it's the laughing stock of Fleet Street. Of course we get the penny-dreadfuls like The Sport and the Daily Star, but they don't even qualify as newspapers. The Daily Mail serves the moderately educated; lower-middle-class effete. The vacuous, vapid type who buy commemorative china-ware of Princess Diana and haven't a clue why they're in for a shower of ****.

Pay no attention, people. This paper serves a demographic about as effective as a fart in space.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Operation AJAX

Originally posted by Hellish-D
Printed garbage is on its way out. Soon, all that will be left is electronic garbage......

I think we can see plenty of that as one click away...... (hint: Go to recent posts)

Why go to all that trouble when you can click right here for garbage

It's just a simple point about the nature of internet media. With printed media, there were a series of simple checks and balances to decide what was worthy to print and what was not. Most often, it was decided by available money, and worthiness of the content. I'm not saying that the checks and balances made for accurate or worthy news, but the simple matter of cost certainly made sure that anything being printed on a large scale would be worth the paper on which it was printed.

On the internet, however, these checks are not there. Anyone can say anything at no cost to themselves, some of ATS's recent posts being an example..
While people in this thread make claims that The Daily Mail is a tabloid, and full of BS, they come back to ATS as the height of truth (this is where I roll my eyes at the hypocrisy).

I'm not saying that everything on ATS is garbage, but it certainly has its fair share. Certainly enough of it to be classified as tabloid.

I thought that two lines and an example would explain that clearly enough for most ATS readers. In general, I'm a minimalist in the hopes that my audience will see where I'm coming from with a few simple points. Apparently I was wrong.

Interesting that the comment beneath your name says "say no to mindless patriotism", and yet, you're so immediately critical of any criticism of your 'favorite website'.

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