reply to post by WeAreOne
WAO: 1. Hidden Hand claimed that he/she was ordered to come to ATS or this sort of site or forum to answer questions that he/she was permitted to
answer. Is this the same for you??
If the answer is no then perhaps you could enlighten us here at ATS as to why you have come forward?
J: How this ordering transpires is due to a process called Free Will.
Master Hidden Hand used some very literal symbolism in his explinations to you, and I am glad that he did, for they are correct and expressed in a way
that is easily understood.
What one has to understand about this ordering is that it is mainly mediated in the unseen realms and a desire comes upon a person to help others.
This desire manifests in the urge to study and understand what is going on around us. At this time of The End, a huge natural process is occuring, and
Hidden Hand felt the desire to reach out and contact ATS'ers and share with them what he thought would be of benifit to them.
Whether Master HH is literally of some ultra-rich, sophisticated family here on the physical plane, it matters not as much as his psychic ability, or
rather his connectivity to the Mind of God. That he has such a vast grasp of the subject material shows that he has this gift, part of what makes him
fit to be Ruler.
So in answer to your question, Yes, I was "ordered" to come here. Interestingly, I came of my own Free Will as well. This question will be discussed
again and again I think and each time it is examined, I think more will be understood about this issue.
But remember this, every Ruler is Ruled, every Ruled is at least Ruler of atleast some.
WAO: 2. Also Hidden hand wrote that the people who were causing the negative polarity on our planet were going to pulled into a place of negativity at
the time of the harvest. He/she claimed this was due to the negative karma they had created here and that they would have to work off this negative
karma in this new negative density while those that choose love will go to a new positive density.
My question is this; how exactly are the negative people of this world going to work off the negative karma when you will reside in a density that
revolves around the negative?
J: This is part of the reason why I came. The message was not understood well. By us discussing it a little bit, maybe we can understand it
Let me ask you some questions about your understanding of this material.
When a man goes to his job, earns his pay, enjoys his family and his life, is this "Service to Self" or "Service to Others"?
When a man goes off to Iraq to defend his country, putting his life on the line, forgoing his own country and family for a time, is this "Service to
Self" or "Service to Others"?
Negativity is Service to Self, and positivity is Service to Others. Positivity costs you. Negativity does not. Selfish people always have the nice
things. Why? Because they are negative in only serving themselves.
Negativity as a spiritual concept is an interesting issue. Is it evil? This world is filled with people who only serve self. So if the average person
went to a place of Service to Self it wouldn't be much different than here.
This is a question pertaining to Eastern vs. Western concepts of spirituality. It is considered a positive thing in the East to liberate one's self
from the Wheel of Rebirth, rather incarnation here to physicality. Here in the West, it is considered a positive thing to enjoy one's time
incarnation, to have comfort and family.
I beleive if you look at it, the Ra materials and what Master HH said, that they are looking at it from an Eastern viewpoint. To look at it from a
Western viewpoint, you will never understand what they are trying to say. Positivity has to do with struggle, pain, fear and dealing with them
intelligently and wisely.