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Bush tried to warn Congress starting in 2001 about financial meltdown!

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posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

So who do you think hurts the country more, Bush or these asshats in Congress? We can conveniently blame Bush for everything that went wrong and give him zero credit for what went right, but we still have Congress FULL of incompetent people that stay there for decades. As we look at Frank and his cronies that pushed to give loans to those who could not pay them back we start to see the tip of the iceberg of this mess that Bush was not a part of, but we still blame him when in fact Congress has been dropping the ball for decades.

So who is to blame for this mess? I put most of the blame on Congress, for that is who decides what is regulated and what is not. They are also who decides where our tax dollars go. Also the crap hit the fan so to speak during Bush’s second term, which just happens to be when the Democrats took over the majority in Congress. So let’s redistribute the wealth, let’s give loans to those who can never pay them back, let’s build a stimulus plan of trillions while putting only 30% of it towards any stimulus.

Let’s destroy this country one ear mark and one totally incompetent congressman at a time….

Wow this happened during bush's second term..really? I mean do you really believe this? You must be some hardcore neocon if you really believe this. The fact is "this" has been building for 30 years. When our nation decided we didnt have to produce and export anything and when this nation decided we could lower taxes and not lower spending added trillions on to our deficit is when this got rolling. Yes this started rolling when Regan came into office. He came to the conclusion that you can cut all the taxes he wanted (which is a good thing) but not cut government spending. Then Bush I saw it and ran with it, then Clinton, then Bush II really saw this great thing of spending money we dont have and really ran with it and managed to double our national debt in 8 years.

I want you to tell me what George Bush did right. Please let me know everything he did right.

All of government is to blame both democrats and republicans. If you cant get that through your skull then YOU sir are part of the problem because Republicans or should I say Neo Cons because true conservatives dont exist anymore & Democrats are the problem not just one half of the equation. Bush had 2001-2006 to get things right and we got bigger government instead. BTW I voted for Bush thinking he would run on his campaign slogans...Never again will I vote the two party dictatorship..

[edit on 8-2-2009 by tjeffersonsghost]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Really? Bush, of the Bush/Cheney team who helped get the US in this quagmire
tried to warn the congress....about what? His plans? Bush would laugh out
loud to know anyone believed that he did anything but abet those who created this mess!

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by blessed buckeyes
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Really? Bush, of the Bush/Cheney team who helped get the US in this quagmire
tried to warn the congress....about what? His plans? Bush would laugh out
loud to know anyone believed that he did anything but abet those who created this mess!

What quagmire? The wars over! The Iraqis just voted again the other day. They are moving on mission acomplished.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Wethesheeple
reply to post by Xtrozero

Yes Barney Frank is a complete tool. Wasn't he involved in a gay prostitution ring? Anyway I'm not surprised we didn't hear about this from the liberal media. They have deceived so many people into truly believing Bush is an idiot when he is far from it. No he was not the most eloquent speaker or honest person, but he was not dumb.

people seem to think that not speaking well = being retarded or an idiot. some people seem to forget there are also people that cant speak well at all and are geniuses. one of these people is steven hawking. the guy uses a computer to talk and is smarter than probably the whole democrat house/senate combined

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:15 AM
I never believed Bush was an idiot

what I believed was that he was to arrogant to bother completing sentences in formal English when addressing those whom he holds in the deepest disrespect.

the American public with incomes below a billion

he doesn't care, he was there to make his to make his rich friends even more money,and the office of Pres was an opportunity for him to break the government and run off with the treasury

that doesn't make him dumb ,that makes him evil

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:06 AM
Bush is the One that Called for Reverse Redlineing and after he did, the banks starting coming up with these exotic loans like Negams, Pay option Arms.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
I recieved this from a friend, its very interesting!

The video clip that was not allowed in the USA!

This video shows that Bush tried to warn Congress starting in 2001 that this economic crisis was coming, if something was not done. But congress refused to listen, along with Barney Franks.

[edit on 2/7/2009 by ZindoDoone]

I don't how I got this post in the wrong thread but thats what I get for having too many ATS windows open

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:02 AM
It doesn't surprise me! Any of it! And of course they put everything on Bush... Typical libral stuff.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Victoria 1
It doesn't surprise me! Any of it! And of course they put everything on Bush... Typical libral stuff.

You can't argue with that reasoning. Literally, it's impossible when we (the readers) don't know who "they" are. Anyway the topic is about this video claiming Bush tried to warn congress about this (this?) financial meltdown. I don't see how it is relevant mentioning that anyone or any group tried to put everything (everything?) on Bush.

OT: should we "put everything" on liberals? is that the truth?

scratching my head here...

[edit on 2/9/09 by stikkinikki]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by stikkinikki

You know whats sick?

You guys just had an opportunity to learn from some stuff here...

MAybe adjust some kinks in the ideology. Hell I have learned stuff about my views and my "party".

What I read saddens me it seems that this thread indicates ideology is before country.

I reassert that BUSH had the power of the pen and he used it 12 times in 8 years.


Or what of responsibility of his position?

This seems to be the only case in history where the EXECUTIVE is not accountable for results.

The DEMS were the wood, GOP was the gas and MR BUSH was the match!

HOW can we fix or country if you do not recognize simple truths in regards to BUSH as well as POLOSI and REED?...

That is like reading only the left pages in a book.

We are $#@$@$

[edit on 9-2-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by intrepid

distractions, smoke and mirrors, bait and switch

Why didn't Bush warn of the real problem. Derivatives.

"Financial Meltdown" is a decoy.

chump change in light of the trillions missing from Pentagon,
the Multibillion daily injections from the FED,
the Quadrillion in derivatives.

700 billion is like a zit on the acne-ridden-asscheek of the real monitary transfers and evident poor book keeping of the most advanced military in modern history.

The players?
Oh..wait...I just saw a day 5 repeat of the crash river landing. Now here is...what was...uh...Oh yeah...Obama giving prime time speech tonight..

What? Barney Frank is gay?

Hey..I forgot the second question.
view this for confirmation (4:20 minutes into video linked below) View all 6:52 minutes for more info.

Do you see how it relates to the topic now?

[edit on 9-2-2009 by imd12c4funn]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by tjeffersonsghost
Then Bush I saw it and ran with it, then Clinton, then Bush II really saw this great thing of spending money we dont have and really ran with it and managed to double our national debt in 8 years.

I always hear this sort of thing about presidents. But I don't understand how you blame them for this in particular. They can influence opinions and push some legislation with whatever political influence they have, but that generally doesn't do much. You have this little bit of the Constitution:

United States Constitution
Article I - The Legislature

Section 7 - Revenue Bills, Legislative Process, Presidential Veto
All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike

Originally posted by tjeffersonsghost
Then Bush I saw it and ran with it, then Clinton, then Bush II really saw this great thing of spending money we dont have and really ran with it and managed to double our national debt in 8 years.

I always hear this sort of thing about presidents. But I don't understand how you blame them for this in particular. They can influence opinions and push some legislation with whatever political influence they have, but that generally doesn't do much. You have this little bit of the Constitution:

United States Constitution
Article I - The Legislature

Section 7 - Revenue Bills, Legislative Process, Presidential Veto
All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Im not blaming just the point is it is ALL OF THEM in BOTH parties. The ideologues however just cant help but continue to fall into the divide and conquer trap these people do. Bush had veto power and he has the power to control the agenda and he did neither. See how Obama is controlling his agenda albeit the agenda sucks and is sending us further down the path of facism but he is molding the agenda. Bush didnt do crap and he sure as heck didnt veto anything. Neither did Clinton and neither did Bush I. Heck neither did Regan if you look at how much HE added on to the deficits....

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

Not sure why people like to bring up Bill Clinton's golfing buddy Ken Lay so much.........

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:17 PM
as a conservative

anyone here standing up for President Bush is a little bit in the wrong

because no one can honestly say Bush was a good President on any level especially the economy.

to say he tried to warn us some how, 6 years ago, is just simply erroneous.

did he say it in a speech or two? maybe

did he lead with it, and provide leadership? never, never in his life has he done that.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by ConservativeJack

My take on Bush is this ,he worships money and the people who have a lot of it
He himself has steered the helm of failed business after failed business and can't no matter what actually EARN so much as a dollar

I really believe he has handed over the keys to the kingdom ,for currying favor with his 'celebrity billionaire idols '

he is that shallow ,he trying to feather his nest and satisfy his own insatiable greed

as described in another thread
Love of Money is the Root of all Evil

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 04:30 PM
I find it funny that people still blame the housing debacle as the sole cause of our economy collapsing. It was also "flippers" that caused the mess. people who buy property then resell it.

But Like I said I dont think the housing mess caused all this. I have heard other people like Donald Trump say it was the oil prices climbing and making gas so expensive. Im not saying the housing market falling didnt play its part, but I think it was the oil as well. It all came together like a perfect storm to detsroy the economy.

The people in charge just wont say so because they dont want people to know how easily foreign powers with oil that we depend on can take us down in months. because thats what they did. People who say the middle east is scared of us dont have a clue. They have the oil and they control whether we live or die.

But the current situation isnt odd since I have always heard about how the US economy and then goverment would collapse. Its not a foreign subject to me. Its always been talked about. They have known about the oil problem for years and did nothing. It just seems more real now.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 04:48 PM
What is the point of this thread?

To re-write the Bush Legacy? I guess its possible, you have Glenn Beck and others badmouthing FDR, maybe someday they will be a monument to absolute failures like W, Hoover and Buchanan after they re-write history!

Let's see Bush told the Republican controlled congress about this in 2001 and 2003, yet the video makes it look like Barney Frank was in control . . . hmmmm . . . news flash . . . GOP controlled congress from 2000-2006

Bush had a rubber stamp on the budget, Iraq and everything else, if he was so conerned he should acted and got through congress, no excuses!

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:58 PM
I think one of the most ironic statements made in this video is made by Frank ..

"I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound, financially and withstand some of the disaster scenario's. And even if there were a problem, the Federal Government doesn't bail them out."

Isn't that exactly what happened???

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by tjeffersonsghost
Wow this happened during bush's second term..really? I mean do you really believe this? You must be some hardcore neocon if you really believe this. The fact is "this" has been building for 30 years.

How does that make me a neocon when you suggest this started with Carter? Actually I agree, but it seems that everyone's fall guy is Bush, but we can just as easily blame Congress, and why not Congress incharge when it happened, as Bush is to blame?

Yes this started rolling when Regan came into office.

So what happened in the 70s? We will not see anything close to that...

I want you to tell me what George Bush did right. Please let me know everything he did right.

I guess it is all a matter of perspective, and it is a waste of time to discuss it. My best answer is to wait 30 years then look back, but right now it would be an endless argument going from one extreme to the next, hell we all can’t agree on 9/11 much less anything else.

All of government is to blame both democrats and republicans. If you cant get that through your skull then YOU sir are part of the problem because Republicans or should I say Neo Cons because true conservatives dont exist anymore & Democrats are the problem not just one half of the equation.

So if someone does not agree with YOU they are Neo Con? Didn't I kind of say what you are saying in my post with? My quote "Congress is FULL of incompetent people that stay there for decades"

Bush had 2001-2006 to get things right and we got bigger government instead. BTW I voted for Bush thinking he would run on his campaign slogans...Never again will I vote the two party dictatorship..

Ok, I didn't even vote this time..throwing WTF to the wind, so I feel your point...

BTW I'm more of a constitutionalist since I want a much smaller federal government and more control at the state level in voting what each state wants.

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