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What is with all the "Christianity-Debunking" attempt threads?

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posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by SumnerKagan

For the same reason we don't see or hear cursing like:

"Oh __________ Buddah!"

"Oh __________ Muhammad!"

"Oh __________ Krishna!"

Yet we hear the Precious Name of Jesus used that way 24/7 and even on prime time it seems like.


Satan knows who THE ONLY TRUE GOD IS.

He doesn't need to tarnish the other stuff.

But he sure loves to wind folks up AGAINST THE TRUTH!

Besides, his folks get a kind of thrill out of trying to throw sand in God's eyes by assaulting Believers that go by God's Name.

Why there's so much of it on here?

1. It's an alternative site of a majority of atheists and agnostics--even a mod asserted hereon that most of the mods are atheist and agnostic though some have tried [unsuccessfully, to me] to deny that. Certainly the hostility to Christianity is greater hereon even than the hostility to Jihadi's who rape women in order to seduce them by guilt into blowing themselves up for the cause.

2. The Oligarchy has been increasingly going to great lengths to blackwash, denigrate, flush, obliterate Christianity from the public square fairly overtly for at least the last 50-100 years.

3. These are the Biblical END TIMES when God has warned us that evil will increase dramatically and that even authentic Believers will be increasingly persecuted.

4. In keeping with the above #3, the black is getting more pervasive, blacker, more intense and wider spread. Thankfully, God has promised to raise up a standard against it. But it's going to be horrific--more horrific than any since the planet was formed and more horrific than it ever will be again.

5. REBELLION. REBELLION IS IN. DEATH IS IN. DEATH, MAYHEM, CHAOS, ANARCHY have been wound up, advertised, glorified etc. by the MSM and Hollyweed at the behest of the Oligarchy in order to stir up more death and destruction; chaos--making it easier to force the global government on the hapless "USELESS EATERS" that need 'exterminated' anyway to make the remaining 200 million slaves easier to manage by those on top of the heap. And REBELLION is most "fun" against the ONE TRUE GOD--FATHER, SON, SPIRIT.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I think the reason there's more "anti-christian threads", is mainly because there's more Christians here than Buddhist, Hindu, or Muslim.

I've seen a few threads with Christians ridiculing atheists, and no actions were taken, nor did I see any for it. I suppose you just have to understand that when people believe differently from one another, there's going to be friction and ridicule betwixt them.

Also, I'm not taking sides here. My two closest friends are a Christian, and an atheist.


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:53 PM
""Christianity-Debunking" attempt threads?"

Attempt? lol you have to be kidding, theres more holes in that religion than swiss cheese! But what ever, to each his own, if christianity gets you through the day so be it. I actually wish my brain worked like that, I think it would be comforting to have that. Unfortunately im not one to just listen to whats spoon fed to me and not question, and god forbid you do question and use reason they tell you well you just have to have faith.

Back to the issue at hand, I see plenty of pro christianity threads and posts on this many that I get a little freaked at times. I also see plenty of posts about the evil other religions....although I haven't seen people attack buhdhism yet.. or maybe I just missed it.

Also I am posting anon only because I don't want people to have preconceived feelings about me based on my beliefs or lack of.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:54 PM
As almost universally unacceptable as the concept is now, I'm convinced it will be proven that the cultist-idolater mentality covers the secular as much as the religious. The National Security State (NSS) is the new, unspoken religion, or the primary secular one. Yippee as always.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
And why are there so many Atheism debunking threads?

What? Doesn't it go both ways? C'mon now, that wouldn't be very Christian.

Learn to take back what you dish out.

Such is not the ATS TRADITION.


IS TO TRASH CHRISTIANITY AND CHRISTIANS . . . in all manner of ways . . . often with great shrillness.

And with so many mods similarly hostile to Christianity--it's an easy win for those of that trashing mentality.

And taking well what they dish out so forcefully with such anger, hostility and angst?

Oh, come now.

That would be against their arrogance, their egos; their FUN! They can't tolerate THAT!

It's UNFAIR asking them to be consistent, reasonable, balanced etc.

Where's the fun in THAT?


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Such is not the ATS TRADITION.


IS TO TRASH CHRISTIANITY AND CHRISTIANS . . . in all manner of ways . . . often with great shrillness.

And with so many mods similarly hostile to Christianity--it's an easy win for those of that trashing mentality.

I do agree that some can be harsh with the people rather than the lies that they cling to.

You can tell the difference between someone who is trying to trash for their own blind faith's sake and one who is trying to help others in an honest manner.

I do think that if one has knowledge and understanding to help free people from lies and ignorance, to not voice that is just as wrong as holding on to a false security blanket and pushing it onto others.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I don't recall ever seeing any moderator hostile towards Christians. In fact, I believe a few of them follow the Christian belief.

And I'm sure if anyone spewed forth pure hate unto Christians, they would get a ban/warning. Are you sure you're not confusing hate with debate?


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by justamomma

I don't waste my time arguing doctrines anymore.

Like I said before, you pick one certain part of the gospel that fits your criteria.

But just for you; let's look at what your contention is. You are arguing that because Jesus did not want to help this woman at first, that it somehow makes him a bad person. But does it really?

What was the end result? Did he grant the womans request or not? He did in fact grant her request.

There are many other instances in the Gospels where he helps out Gentiles.

As I said, this is a case of someone trying to single out certain parts of the Gospel to fit their agenda.

[edit on 2/7/2009 by thehumbleone]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Weird you laugh at people who even attempt to give replies about why they debunk Christianity, then become totally docile when put in the spot light? Double sided coins indeed.

Yes religion does make alot of people nice and giving (Money for example in the church coffers)... And most Christians are very nice, and do charity work and etc... But honestly thats great for them, its what they want and they feel good about it.

But to the Bible Toting Gunslingers around here, if you want people to tell you why, then ask why.

If you want to ask, but then insult, damn them to hell or whatknot then be prepared for backlash. As was just said this is ATS, not some pro-christian website. The people like us who come here aren't looking for guidance in religion, and seek knowledge about other things that the TV and mainstream books don't spew out in abundance.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by Aoxoa]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
reply to post by justamomma

Like I said, I don't waste my time arguing doctrines anymore.

This would be an acceptable answer had you not mocked my reply to your question. I did not have to answer you, but I was kind enough to acknowledge you and you mocked it. Though I understand that you mocked in your ignorance and am not offended, I would still be interested as to why you think I am wrong in my reply.

I do acknowledge your right though to not admit your blunder and to bow out of the discussion. It is your right and I do not hold that against you.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:06 PM
People know that religion is a bad idea, not as bad as money obviously but behind the goodness of morales you are left with the basic "Do as your told mentality". So religion is bad (by the way I hold the domain but can't be bothered doing anything with it if anyone wants it) and people want to show how good they are by bashing this evil regime. Unfortunately due to the current climate, Christianity is the weakest of religions (you can't be branded a racist or anti-Semite by bashing it).

Sure it's hip, sure it's cool but once it's gone, what will the world be left with?

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by justamomma

No need to quote your twisted and might I add anti-Semitic misinterpretation of Matthew 15:21-28. The key verse is Math 15:28 which you trivialize.

Mat 15:28 Then answering, Jesus said to her, O woman, great is your faith; let it be to you as you desire. And her daughter was healed from that hour.

It's a big deal for Jesus to say to someone "great is your faith". The story is about the Jews who have suffered dearly for their "faith/mission". The woman showed her respect for the Jews and all they have done in their service to God. You might do the same... and perhaps God will deliver you.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Haha wow. Well thanks for ignoring the rest of my post.

A true display of your character.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:17 PM
ATS's Own Motto (From About ATS page)

Deny Ignorance

It is a statement against the paradigm.

It is a rage against the mindless status-quo.


Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't the most influential religion in terms of money and power for the past 2000 years been Christianity?

So wouldn't "a statement against our current religious paradigm" be a post attempting to question and/or debunk today's most prominent religion?

I disagree with the OP that Christianity is a double edged sword in regards to the good/bad deeds performed in its name. You're right that excellent things have been done (and atrocious things) but I think its disrespectful to the individual to give the credit of their actions to the religion they follow.

Even if Atheism became the dominant belief system on Earth, terrible and beautiful acts would still be committed by MAN.

Give credit where credit is due.


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:20 PM
Personally, I don't think it's right to criticize someone's faith. They choose it, it's the way they want to live.

That being said, I personally believe organized religion to be scourge on the collective consciousness of humanity, and that's why I don't participate in it.

I most certainly believe there is a God, and that this God can be reached many different ways. I don't think God intended for slaughter to be carried out in his name, whether it be a Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc...

I think the organized religious bodies have become so detached from the original intentions of God, that they need to re-examine what it is to truly be faithful.

Might I also add, that 'debunking' religion sounds inherently asinine. All you can prove is your own ignorance.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by JipStix]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by KOGDOG
reply to post by justamomma

No need to quote your twisted and might I add anti-Semitic misinterpretation of Matthew 15:21-28. The key verse is Math 15:28 which you trivialize.

Mat 15:28 Then answering, Jesus said to her, O woman, great is your faith; let it be to you as you desire. And her daughter was healed from that hour.

It's a big deal for Jesus to say to someone "great is your faith". The story is about the Jews who have suffered dearly for their "faith/mission". The woman showed her respect for the Jews and all they have done in their service to God. You might do the same... and perhaps God will deliver you.

Uhm.. I am jewish.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:22 PM
I am a strong atheist but I don't condemn anyone for their religious beliefs. We must have the freedom to either believe, or to not believe. By the same measure, if you choose to believe, you may choose what to believe.

However, some religions don't necessarily afford the same consideration for atheists or other religions:

The Bible, Mathew 6:12 - "He that is not with me is against me".

The Qur'ân, The Chapter of the Heifer, II Medina - "those who misbelieve and die while still in misbelief, on them is the curse of God, and of the angels, and of mankind altogether".

I am not bashing anyone with a belief or condoning evangelical atheism (evangelical atheism by my argument is little more than a form of religious substitution) and this post is not intended to change anyone's mind. The overwhelming vast majority of religious people are accepting of other peoples views.

The point I want to make is that, attacking any belief (note: atheism is not a belief) or atheism is ultimately futile. Belief is not necessarily a question of rational deduction but one of faith.

I think we need to get past the proving/disproving god argument and move on to simply accepting and celebrating everyone's views - then we can discuss how to better further belief or atheism in a socially aware context where everyone is neither right nor wrong.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Uhm.. I am jewish.
Then how is it that you did not understand the "lesson"?

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
But just for you; let's look at what your contention is. You are arguing that because Jesus did not want to help this woman at first, that it somehow makes him a bad person. But does it really?

What was the end result? Did he grant the womans request or not? He did in fact grant her request.

There are many other instances in the Gospels where he helps out Gentiles.

As I said, this is a case of someone trying to single out certain parts of the Gospel to fit their agenda.

[edit on 2/7/2009 by thehumbleone]

Yes.. you are right, though not about being a testiment to my character. I was doing several things when reading this and I misread it. I apologize.

Okay... so, he may have answered it... BUT NOT UNTIL she realized that he was calling her a dog!

Imagine that was you for a second. You put all your faith in this person and have the guts to approach him knowing that you could be a laughing stock, and not only are you, but then you are called a dog.

Yes, she got what she wanted, but look at what she was made to be put through to get it. G.d clearly says in the TAnakh that He is not a respector of persons and Jesus NEVER treated the Jews this way when they came to him. It is biased and wrong despite the end result. She had to leave with the shame of knowing she had been seen as the same as a dog would have been seen.

His "faith" comment was no different than a man would do with his dog.

Here's your treat doggie... it is wrong to treat people that way!

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by mithrawept

How is Atheism not a belief? So you don't "believe" there to be anything after death, you just "know" this?

I was under the impression that there is a larger body of evidence proving just the opposite, that there definitely is something that happens in NDE's (near death experiences).

Regardless there is no proof either way.

So until there is, you may think you "know" what awaits us after life but its still faith based knowledge, whether you're hoping to see your dead grandparents or hoping to see nothing.


[edit on 8-2-2009 by TheRealDonPedros]

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