posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Interesting info about heritages.
Thankfully, we are in a time when "race" is beginning to have less of a meaning as in the past, when the idea that all of humanity can be put into
(four) separate groups based on skin color. Jeez
Outdated ideas die hard sometimes. Should have gone out the door with phrenology.
Learning about where our ancestors came from is interesting. My DNA should show European (French fur trappers among other groups) and Canadian Native.
My great nieces and nephews have genetic makeup from across the globe in one body.
Humans dispersed around the globe. But groups throughout the ages, from all over, have traveled by boat and landed on shores far distant from home. It
wouldn't surprise me, then, that, while there could have been a dominant migration from, say Siberia to the Americas, other groups could have had a
lesser migration and affected the gene pool.