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Using A Ouija Board Tonight

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posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Stockburn
reply to post by mischief2013

Good for you sir.

It is truly in the mind of the one(s) playing and ideomotor. Nothing more thing less.

When you play tomorrow. Can you ask it how long you think Stock will live? I already have my own # from the board, the sad thing is I don't want to live that long....127. Let;s see what she can come up tomorrow.

Take care and keep looking for the truth, sadly enough you won't find it from the this forum(s) as most people here are believers in almost "anything". No offense intended to anyone.

Cheers, btw, where is the video?

like i said i was going to post a video if anything interesting happened but like i said before i didnt have a camera with night vision.So you wouldnt have been able to see anything. Plus there wouldnt be anything to watch since nothing happened. If we get any results with any of the experiments then i will definitely start taping it with the lights on. However, until then i'm still not convinced. And when i do it tomorrow if we do get into contact with a spirit i will ask about you.

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Originally posted by mischief2013
"i knew this was BS"

That is a good thing. You really should read my posts because if you end up really believing it is not BS you may end up in a spot. I wont repeat myself you can read the above, but I will tell you one thing.

The veil has been thinning and as it does people are going to see and feel more and more of the unexplainable. Some will find much more than they wanted.

All done with this thread, I did and said what I could.

In my post my friend said it was BS i didnt. I'm not convinced towards either side so i will continue to see if its real or not. I have an open mind and can as easily accept that it is real as if its not real.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by mischief2013]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by mischief2013
i certainly will ask it to do things for us. I am a believer of the paranormal but i am a little skeptical of the Ouija board. If any of you have any request of what you want me to ask it or what you want me to do i'll be glad to do it.

Is the thing that made you skeptical of the Ouija board the Milton Bradley box that it comes in or the fact that you buy the thing at Wal Mart??

I have heard of these wooden Ouija boards that come from Voodoo priests in New Orleans....apparently they are buried in a cemetary overnight or something?? Not too sure....I wonder if those types have more power than the Milton Bradley ones.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:02 PM
Anyone that believes Ouija boards work wanna tell me maybe why this didnt work?

[edit on 5-2-2009 by mischief2013]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:25 PM
I would really not do this if I were you, but I know you will. Do you know that you are opening up a portal for a spirit evil/good either way a spirit. God warned us of not using things that could help us reach or communcate with the "other side".

King Saul became ill with an evil spirit after he consulted a medium about the war and David. God did not like that and had an evil spirit enter King Saul.

God really does not like us messing around with these kinds of things. And as someone else asked. I REALLY hope that you are PROTECTED for the evil that can come about you and your friends.

Peace to you and your friends


posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:30 PM
Thanks for your post but its already been done and nothing happened. I know the risks if this is true. I understand what can happen. I'll keep researching and learning more ways to protect my self if we do indeed meet casper.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by mischief2013
Thanks for your post but its already been done and nothing happened. I know the risks if this is true. I understand what can happen. I'll keep researching and learning more ways to protect my self if we do indeed meet casper.

You, or your friends, were not prepared candidates to be possessed, and at the same time you didn't believe anything would happen I suspect by your mentioning 'casper'. Only demons communicate using ouija boards they lie and pretend to be famous dead people and whatnot, ghosts don't use them, 1% or less of youtube ouija board videos are real, so you will have to try it many times before it works, but I highly recommend that you never use it again.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Razimus

Originally posted by mischief2013
Thanks for your post but its already been done and nothing happened. I know the risks if this is true. I understand what can happen. I'll keep researching and learning more ways to protect my self if we do indeed meet casper.

You, or your friends, were not prepared candidates to be possessed, and at the same time you didn't believe anything would happen I suspect by your mentioning 'casper'. Only demons communicate using ouija boards they lie and pretend to be famous dead people and whatnot, ghosts don't use them, 1% or less of youtube ouija board videos are real, so you will have to try it many times before it works, but I highly recommend that you never use it again.

I know you mentioned that only demons communicate using ouija boards but how is this so? Why only demons? Why isnt it that good spirits and bad spirits use it to communicate? Thanks for the video i will watch it. And i really have an open mind about all this. I was really expecting this planchette to move across the board and tell us things but that didnt happen.

Edit: Okay i just finished watching the video. pretty interesting. But why is it i have to go and follow religion and believe in Jesus christ in order to have a "wholesome" Spiritual experience. I am not an atheist nor am i a religious person. I am more agnostic and i am open minded to religion as well. But why is it there is no other way? Im going to stop there because i dont want this to turn into an argument about religion

[edit on 5-2-2009 by mischief2013]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by mischief2013
I know you mentioned that only demons communicate using ouija boards but how is this so? Why only demons? Why isnt it that good spirits and bad spirits use it to communicate?

Hello again mischief, I hope you had a good night despite the ouija board disappointing!

My guess would be that as these people subscribe to the Christian faith, spirits of humans would either be in heaven or hell (well, maybe purgatory) - thus the only beings able to communicate would be demons or the devil because if angels, Jesus and/or god himself communicated it would mean that they lie while also making faith redundant.

Do you still have the board with you? A solo session might provide better results in a relaxed atmosphere. If you're not comfortable with that how about trying some automatic writing instead (it will help train you to be less consciously aware of what your hand is doing) or if you're feeling brave: scrying with a mirror?

The latter can be very disturbing though and I do give a strong warning with this, not from a demonic attack perspective but psychological. I've given some links in another thread that can be found here:'

[edit on 5-2-2009 by Goathief]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Wethesheeple
I'm not experienced with paranormal or ouija boards but I will go ahead and say it prob isnt the best of ideas. Listen to your fellow ATS'ers and remember... Curiosity killed the cat.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by Wethesheeple]

Curiosity killed the cat.... they say... but, satisfaction brought it back...

On a more serious tone. This is not something like hackysac where anyone can mess with it and do so-so and enjoy it and move on to guitar hero.

To even consider such a move take serious study of the paranormal arts. Can you read the bible in a day and have the skills to perform exorcism? Swordsmanship is not learned by DIY swordfighting on the internet. takes mental and physical training and understanding of your elements.

What about a circle of protection? What is the knowledge needed to end a bad session? These questions and more that can be answered with training.

just my 2 cents

ps: please send my 2 cents back if your not gonna use them.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:56 PM
check and see if your ouiji board has some sort of disclaimer like they are not liable if you end up possessed.. otherwise couldn't one sue?

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Only use a ROUND board (you can make your own by cutting out letters of the alphabet, numbers 0 through 9, the words yes, no, and goodbye...make a circle with these and use a small glass as planchette. Rectangular boards are very dangerous. The energy cannot be contained. This is a public telephone you are using. If the planchette moves outside the circle, STOP and put it all away. You can keep the planchette within the circle if you're paying attention. DO NOT do this with anyone in the room who is afraid, or is acting silly or immature. This isn't a game. Before you begin, state that you welcome only those who come in love with good intention. DO NOT do this if you've been drinking, or using any other mood altering substance (this weakens the aura and you can attract some pretty nasty energy/folks this way. Always ask the respondents to tell you their names. If a name is not offered, remove fingers from the planchette, then you can start again. When you've finished communicating with someone, make sure you say 'goodbye'....the planchette should move to the word 'goodbye'. Again, OUIJA is like a public telephone. When spirits discover you doing this, they line up to be heard. If done by serious, mature individuals, this can be an amazing experience. Don't allow yourself to become dependent on the activity. Remmeber, this is NOT A GAME!

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by mischief2013

I'll tell you why I believe only demons communicate using ouija boards...
It's my opinion, others agree, and you can ripley's believe it or not but this is why...

Ghosts are pretty much taking it easy, their in the spirit world, they don't communicate to any living people unless they *need to*, a dead family member might communicate to you through a dream or a vision if they feel you need to see or communicate with them for closure purposes.

Communicating to you through a ouija board is the exact opposite of *needing to*, this is why they won't, they most likely don't want to be seen as a parlor trick, or dance for you like a monkey, this is one way they might see ouija boards.

Demons on the other hand, their entire purpose is to decieve, they are not dead humans, they have always been spirit beings and their goal is to possess you and/or cause you to pick up their traits which are deceptive and evil, one *big* reason a demon isn't going to mess with every single kid who asks their ouija board a question is because the second that kid has an 'experience', the second that kid finds out the supernatural exists, that invisible beings exist, whether good or evil, that kid automatically has something to look back to for the rest of his life, that kid will then know for a fact that invisible beings exist and this experience has a natural way of causing people to think more about God and while the demon wants to mess with people he doesn't want people to know God exists. If demons exist a devil exists, if a devil exists a God exists, it's simple logic. I can't pretend to know every reason and strategy a demon has up its sleeve, but they know where you are at spiritually, and if you aren't spiritually weak, they are more likely to leave you alone, they want to possess you but they can only do this if you are spiritually vulnerable enough and are willing to accept the tempations they place before you.

Either seances and ouija boards open up a frequent direct telephone line to Marilyn Monroe or people try to contact her a lot and demons pretend to be her. I doubt Marilyn wants to talk to you or anyone that wasn't close to her, but a demon would if the person was a good candidate for possession.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by mischief2013
Anyone that believes Ouija boards work wanna tell me maybe why this didn't work?

[edit on 5-2-2009 by mischief2013]

In my experience when an Ouija board 'works" it still isn't to be taken as a credible communication source. For example it will answer any question - but not accurately. Or it may threaten to harm you etc. which is BS.

Try using an upturned wine glass on the board.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Razimus

You forgot option three, it's a product of the mind/subconscious.

When a Hindu partakes in a ouija board session are Christian devils toying with the individual? What about a Celtic pagan? Also if you were a dead person milling around getting bored in the afterlife who are you to say that you wouldn't want to communicate through a board to have a conversation, send a message or just have some damn fun?

There are many documented cases of fun spirits and hauntings with no malevolence whatsoever - some really enjoy parties and people and will produce coins or play games on request out of love for people and frivolity.

Of course it could just be a load of old claptrap, which is why we are here - to find out the truth, correct?

[edit on 5-2-2009 by Goathief]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by Goathief

Nah I don't buy that it's *always* a product of the mind, but I do agree that it's most likely that, like I said, 1% or less of youtube vids are real, by real I mean contact from the spirit world but either a joke, hoax or it could be mind generated sessions, I've used one a few times when I was a kid and I was almost convinced it worked but it never worked, I can see though how people can convince themselves that it is working when it's them, so I don't 100% disagree with you, I just know that it's a deceptive tool the devil will use when he wants.

Also about ghosts, it's possible there's some type of rule against the use of them, not a set in stone rule but it might be considered bad or wrong or perhaps they can't summon enough strength to even use them considering the fact that most people that try to contact the dead are not 100% sinceare.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by Razimus]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:32 PM
I recommend not using it. This is what can happen.

Demon possessed woman calls into religious radio show

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:43 PM
Is there something special about a Ouija board? I mean what's the difference if I use that or if I just speak aloud to a spirt?

What about those attempting to capture EVPs or utilizing an EMF meter?

Are these things any different?


[edit on 5-2-2009 by delius]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 12:17 AM
to the OP,
my wife whom is a very straight shooter told me about her experience once, and she asked whom she would be married to.

the board told her the initials of the name of the person. BV (me) and i asked her: "are you sure it wasn't BW?" (a friend of mine whom dated her) and she said NO! she was very adamant about the initials BV which she had no idea whom they were associated with, and it stuck with her since.

to this day she swears that she was not mistaken.

my query is - and i work in the "toy" market; how can something that is blindly produced via offset 4 color printing and particle board hold any medium for calling extra-dimensional entities?


posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Goathief

I'm sorry but devils aren't christian, and they don't care what religion you are......everyone is fair game if you go there............that's why God said not to practice sorcery or witchcraft, or to practice divination, or visit mediums or spiritists...... If you open yourself up to those practices the devil can come in.......just because you don't feel any different at first, if you don't, doesn't mean as time goes by you won't.

of course, I think you already know that.

[edit on 6-2-2009 by sezsue]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 12:56 AM
Well, I've used the Ouija board on a few occasions in the past. As a kid, we just messed around asking it stupid questions like most people do. It would seem that we got some honest replies mixed with alot of BS as well !! There are those who think that the 'planchette' is controlled by the people using the board subconsiously, and those who believe that a true spirit entity is speaking to you. I would tend to believe through personal experience that the entities communicating with you by means of the Ouija board are demonic in nature.
I've had times when using the board that nothing extraordinary happened, and times when spooky stuff happened, like objects moving around of their own free will. I've been pretty lucky that I've never experienced any 'direct' physical attack from these sessions.
However, the last time I used a Ouija board, and I do mean LAST.....was about 5 or 6 years ago. My wife and I found a Ouija board like the one you can by at Toys-r-us, (standard commercial board) at a thrift shop. We said, what the hell.....let's buy it and play with it. So, we took it home and put it up on our book shelf in our room. Now, we didn't get around to trying it yet, but MAN oh MAN did some wicked stuff start happening immediately after bringing it home.
First, we started getting banging noises in our attic, like someone was pounding on our ceiling. This had never happened before. Secondly, our daughter started seeing a "shadow"/"dark figure" standing in her doorway at night, on a few occasions. Then one day, i came out of my room to walk to our kitchen, and my wife said....."didn't you just walk by here one second ago??". You see, we have this little "window" kind of thing which sees right out into our living room from our kitchen. You have to pass it to get to the kitchen. Well, I told her "no", that I've been in the bedroom for awhile now. She got really upset and said that I DID just walk past. I said "NO". Well, we came to the conclusion that these things started happening when we brought this Ouija board home with us. I immediately grabbed the Ouija board off of our bedroom bookshelf, went straight to the minivan, and drove to the entrance of our subdivision which had a "swamp" area across the road, and proceeded to chuck the damn thing into the swamp !!
Well, all the problems in the house immediately stopped.
My point is that you may not have anything really bad happen as lots of people don't apparently get harmed by using Ouija boards. However, there are many cases of people who get really messed-up using them. Some have sever psychological problems after doing it. Some have apparent "hauntings". You are basically taking a chance by messing with it. Kind of like playing russian might catch the bullet !!
I'd personally advise you to not mess with it. The most you will gain from using it is stupid answers and nothing really relevant to your life, (my opinion of course). At worst, you might get serious psychological damage, or posession !! Good luck to ya.

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