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I've decided to move on... I've done my part.

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posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 01:54 AM
I wouldn't say that people no longer want nor care the truth about 9/11, lot of people have doubts over the real story. Because of the events of the past eight years, people went from "proud to be an American" and "Freedom Fries" to we would like our country back, and it's back to french fries. The wars alone have made people doubt the so-called real story we thought was the truth. It feels as though our identity as a nation has left us in doubt and in confusion, which is why we jumped at the first one being called a messiah.
I remember briefly buying into the global coalition that were helping us fight this "war or terror". Everyone did, and so did our friends across the pond. But as the years went by, more and more people have questioned it. Now I don't know for sure how many people join groups, or join a truther crowd at ground zero or anywhere in the country, but I'm sure a lot of people are either doing their own research on their own. I think people are a little more opened minded about it than you realize. At least I am. This site has helped pointed me toward places I wouldn't have thought to look. I don't have to believe everything, but I'm going to try and get all the facts that I see then come up with my own conclusion. But anyway, OP, don't give up, just maybe try a different approach if anything.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by itinerantseeker
This site has helped pointed me toward places I wouldn't have thought to look. I don't have to believe everything, but I'm going to try and get all the facts that I see then come up with my own conclusion. But anyway, OP, don't give up, just maybe try a different approach if anything.

Look, this kind of information on ATS can consume you. It can make you forget your goals in life. It can show you the truth about your country, and the truth is sometimes a scary place to be in.

As for 9-11... if you really sit down and look at the big picture... look at what the TRUTH MOVEMENT is saying... then you should understand that we aren't in Kansas anymore. Sometimes I wish I never had the internet.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by MR1159

You must be such a pleasure to go and have a beer with....

You need to chill out. You're holding on too tight.

You bet I am!!!

Chill out? When someone blows total smoke here and posts nothing but absolute BS about their *poor* brother dying while saving *children* on an Afghanistan "search and rescue" operation involving an *Aid boat* on a dammed-up reservoir being attacked by a taliban ship with a hidden "chain gun".....and you want me to chill out?

Laugh my rear off.

YOU must be a treat to go out and have a beer with - you believe anything. "Yo...MR1159...your turn to pay, dude! We all bought the rounds last week".

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

I am not saying that there isn't any debating going on in the US. It is far from what it was back in 2006, and the numbers are dwindling.

But that's true of anything! As new evidence is uncovered and presented through the media and internet people begin to talk about the new evidence and interest grows. At the moment it seems that so much evidence has been produced and presented to the general public that most seem to accept that something is extremely wrong with the events of 9/11. I do acknowledge your point that some of the evidence is based on rather shaky science and witness testimony, but still, when looked at honestly and with an open mind you cannot help but be overwhelmed with the amount of evidence which hints at there being a cover-up.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by pinch

Well it's interesting that you should think I believe anything, based upon this thread. Yet, your response nicely reinforces your vein-popping reaction to the other innocuous post.

Even if the poster is making a story up (for some deep-seated psychological need to evoke sympathy), there are lots of other things going on in ATS/The world to get amped up about.

So, in summary: I don't believe "anything". And you are probably an ok person, when your blood pressure is under control.

Anyway, at the risk of this thread turning into a finger pointing exercise, I'll probably bow-out gracefully right here...

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

There is much more to this story because "they" are moving fast now.

This needs to go viral, time is so short.

Google: "Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance"

I've spent three years vetting the decades long research of others.

There is no time to quibble anymore.

Thanks for your piece.

Good luck

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