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I've decided to move on... I've done my part.

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:26 PM
I think by now most people that have a little bit of access to the internet, or have somewhat of a social life has heard about the 9-11 conspiracies.

They have made up their minds.

I've told all the members in my family, all my friends, all my co-workers and even random people I meet in my daily life about the evidence that points to a 9-11 cover up. Hell, even one night I got arrested and I tried to explain to the cops that 9-11 was a massive conspiracy.

The MSM has also surprisingly given it a little bit of attention because you could no longer ignore the protesters at ground zero, or the internet movies regarding the subject. Even Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, was going to get the distribution rights to Loose Change Final Cut (and that made big news)... so people have obviously gotten the message that there is a possible cover-up.

I think we've gotten the word out... or atleast in time, people will stumble upon it like I did one day when I wanted to research 9-11. Mission Accomplished in getting the word out. The problem is nobody has really comprehends the seriousness of the subject. They don't understand the MAGNITUDE of this situation.

Here are the top 5 typical responses I recieve when discussing the subject

5. "Hey I believe you, but what are you going to do about it? Nothing."

4. "How could George Bush be smart enough to pull this off"

3. "So how does this affect your life? Studying the events of 9-11 isn't gonna pay the bills... focus on your family and your job"

2. "A conspiracy that large is impossible to pull off"

1. "So What?"

So, I've decided to move on. The 9-11 truth movement in my eyes has gotten the message out loud and clear. Apparently a lot of people don't care, haven't done enough research, or think all these theories have been debunked.

As for me, I've got all the evidence I'll ever need... And I'm not going to waist anymore time debating how TPTB pulled this off. I've done my research, I've reached my conclusion... I've tried to warn others... I've done my part. I'm not going to waist another second about how the light poles in front of the Pentagon were staged, or how WTC 7 fell the way it did, or if the media played a role in this conspiracy... The information is out there for anybody that wants it. I'm not going discuss the subject anymore.

All I can say is this... The next time somebody asks you "what are you going to about it?" or tells you that "there is nothing you can do" .... This is how you should reply:

"I've warned as many peopleas I can about the threat we face, and now I'm preparing for the next false flag opperation... What are you doing about it, or do you even care?"

So that's all folks... I'm preparing for the next false flag... and the next false flag might make 9-11 look like an after thought... and I'm doing my best to be ready.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:29 PM
My sentiments exactly. Now what do you want to bet that you'll fall off the proverbial wagon and rant once again?


posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:34 PM
Well i have to say Doomsday, as much as i don't want to agree that most people just don't care and can't be bothered, i have to.

It's sad, but it's very true, even in my experience talking about the subject, most people just get either frustrated or tell me i'm an idiot for ever believing the government would do such a thing.

When I give them facts, they spew non-facts and rationalizations at me to debunk my thoughts.

So I can see why alot of people will be following your lead in this situation Doomsday, all we can do is wait and prepare. Once it does happen then we can point and go.."Told Ya So".

It won't be very fun when history repeats itself and we get a nuke delivered to a major world city. But apparently people are willing to let that happn for the sake of comfort.



posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Luckily I have one friend that agreed with me from day one... I thought the information I discovered was so important (in 2006) that I called him up... I said get your *** over here because I need to tell you something that is not going to be pleasant. We've talked about what the hell this means for our future every time we hang out now. There are about three or four other people that seem to be interested in this subject when I presented it to them

But as for the hundreds upon hundreds of other people I tried to talk to.... Nothing. Not the slightest bit of interest.

And I learned very quickly to never even try to present this subject to somebody in the military. In their eyes America can do no wrong, and because they kill muslims on the otherside of the globe, we can enjoy the freedoms we "supposedly" have today.

I think they forgot about protecting us from enemies that are not only foreign, but DOMESTIC as well.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Amen to that, i have a brother who was killed during his last tour in Afghanistan, he'd been before and the horror stories he came back with, i'm suprised most Military personnel don't hate what they're doing and would stand up and say it's too much.

But the world apparently operates differently that what we would like and need.

PS: I am one of your supporters Doomsday, i knew it the day i turned on the TV.


posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Damn... I'm sorry for your loss.

I have a brother that I talk to almost everyday, but he still feels the need to tell me it was Osama Bin Laden and 19 hijakers every time the subject is brought up. Our arguments have gotten so bad that we have finally agreed to disagree and to never discuss the subject on the phone, or in person again...

Some of the crap that has spewed out of his mouth with no research and no knowledge just hurts me.

If I ever get to use the phrase "I TOLD YOU SO!" it will be reserved for my brother... and only my brother. And I won't take much satisisfaction in saying it either.

There have been times when I thought he was starting to see the conspiracy behind this... but no... he had been drinking that night.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Yeah thanks for your compassion, he was a good man. He worked with Search and Rescue for naval ships. One night they got a call of an Aid Boat being attacked by extremists, they high tailed it there but there was a mounted chain gun on the boat, he was taken out in the water trying to save two children from drowning.

And the worse part, the media refused to report the story, because the government doesn't want people seing Canadians come back in coffins.


And i agree with your stance with your brother, pusing it would only re-affirm his idea that he's right.

He'll come around eventually friend.


posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:28 PM
The sad thing is that even if it were proved to be an inside job; the way people are, they probably STILL wouldn't give a sh@t, because it was a while ago, and the ", what are ya gunna do about it anyway..." mentality is entrenched.

As long as things look OK on the surface, and you can still get beer and pizza, and the football is still on, the majority probably couldn't care less.

But I would love to be proved wrong.

Happy travels Doomsday.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

That propaganda machine is working at full speed.

it really does try to shape your way of thinking that American Lives are more valuable.

Patriotism is really starting to scare me in America, because I know how patriotic Germany was 70 years ago.

again, I'm sorry for your loss.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by MR1159
As long as things look OK on the surface, and you can still get beer and pizza, and the football is still on, the majority probably couldn't care less.

That's what sucks... because now I feel like America has dug a hole so deep that it can't get out of it...

That hole we've dug for ourselves is called LUXURY. I'm guilty too.

The expression should be "give up your luxury for freedom"... not... "give up your liberty for freedom".

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:50 PM
Don't loose heart dooms... it's very much as alex coined ... an "info war".
Sounds to me like you need a long deserved break from dealing with the simpletons, sheeple and trolls. Then when you feel up to the fight again, explore some alternative approaches to getting the word out.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Adios and enjoy the break from reality. I'm wondering how long it will be before your back checking it out though.

Imagine, a family member tells you of a new movie he's just watched and is clearly affected by the subliminal messaging about 911 in it. I can't see you not going to prove to them the harm in watching it, even knowing they will probably not accept your reasoning.

Thanks for your push against the NWO....


The staff must be expecting you to cause an uproar or something with you leaving.... they have the
"Due to member demand, this forum is now under close staff scrutiny."
Your a bad boy...

[edit on 4-2-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:00 PM
I’m glad to see there are some CTers that actually do grow tired of spreading things that have been proven wrong time dozens/hundreds of times.

What you are starting to feel is the doubting of your beliefs. The more anyone with an open, unbiased mind, reads on the subject, the more it is clear that the basic story is correct. Plenty of cover-ups have taken place since, but that can be said about just about anything, any government is involved in.

Welcome to the factual, no excuses side of the story. You’ll find nobody asks you to believe fuzzy science & holograms, just for you to listen to the facts & judge for yourself.


posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by The All Seeing I

no, I just think... I honestly think... with all my heart... 9-11 was TPTB final move that put us all in check mate.

You can expose 9-11 all day, but in the end, America will get 100% of the blame. There is a plan B, a plan C, and a plan D for the NWO. 9-11 was a inernational job IMO.

One day I stumbled upon this article, and I don't know what to think about 9-11 ever since I read it.

what do you think?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether

The staff must be expecting you to cause an uproar or something with you leaving.... they have the
"Due to member demand, this forum is now under close staff scrutiny."
Your a bad boy...

[edit on 4-2-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

For the LOVE OF GOD, that is on all of the forums posts. This post is nothing special, other then another person has read a few more facts/papers and finally realized how his theories just don't hold water. At the very least the Mods will encourage this thread to foster goodwill.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether

Thanks for your push against the NWO....

I said I was done with 9-11... I'll never be done with the NWO. Much respect to the 3,000 people that lost their lives on 9-11, but I have to move on.

Let me make this clear... The Who, What, When, Where and How of 9-11 is starting to become pointless to talk about.

I have looked at the evidence, I have reviewed the material, I know something is wrong with the events of 9-11 and it involved our intelligence agencies in the USA.

Unless you believe in winning the lottery of coincidences... then 9-11 happened the way we were told.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:16 PM

So, I've decided to move on. The 9-11 truth movement in my eyes has gotten the message out loud and clear. Apparently a lot of people don't care, haven't done enough research, or think all these theories have been debunked.

I think I understand a little better about how people feel right now.

It is not just 911. 911 is just a small part of the disintegration of our country; our world.

I had an experience recently that helped me understand.

I had been away for a couple of days and my pets where overjoyed to see me. I gave them what I thought was a fair measure of my love and attention on my arrival home. I decided that I needed some special me time. I took out my cello and played for a while. The phone rang and I got up to answer, putting my cello in the stand. After speaking briefly to the person on the phone I headed back into the music room to my seat. One of my dogs knew where I was going and ran to beat me to the location. The other dog not to be outdone and to get the choice position darted under table which brought him directly into the path of the cello stand. I have two Rhodesian Ridgebacks and they are not small dogs. I knew what was going to happen next and I swear it is true. Your world does slow down when you witness a disaster as it is happening. I tried to scream and I tried to run but it was just like in the movies. Everything morphed into slow motion and all I could do was watch my beloved cello crash to the floor and smash into pieces.

There was nothing I could do. I could not punish the dogs. I could not go back and move the cello to a different location. I could not put the pieces back together.

Can it be fixed? Maybe but it will never be the same.

I don’t tell this story to trivialize the tragedy of 911 or the state of our government and country but I was reminded of what it feels like to be a position where you feel that there is nothing that you can do.

When you see disaster playing out before your eyes and you ache inside with the desire to stop it from happening but being riveted in your tracks unable to do anything but cry out and watch.

A lot of people are feeling just like that right now. It is not that they don’t care. They are just riveted in their tracks and don’t know what to do.

Can our country be fixed? Maybe but it will never be the same.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
reply to post by tothetenthpower

That propaganda machine is working at full speed.

it really does try to shape your way of thinking that American Lives are more valuable.

Patriotism is really starting to scare me in America, because I know how patriotic Germany was 70 years ago.

again, I'm sorry for your loss.

You are seeing what I am seeing, and we may be feeling the same thing.

Prepare you a few places near each other far from the cities.

A few minor things can make the place very defensible.

Basically just camp sites, cache some goods sealed underground
water tight that have very long shelflifes.

The list is here:

Long Term food storage shelf life

You do not have to buy the over priced food, just learn the methods.

You can also grow your own or catch your own.

For plants my favorite is Giant Golden Amaranth as it is one of the few
complete plant proteins.

Carrots are another, both have very small seeds and you can carry
10,000 in pill bottle.

Good Luck !

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by NightSkyeB4Dawn

Can our country be fixed? Maybe but it will never be the same.

No, No, No, No, No... I said it five times... Our country is pretty much, uhhhh, how do I say this?.... Our country is pretty much irrelevant now.

9-11 is no longer about America... it is about the World.

hence... that's why they called it THE WORLD TRADE CENTER.

I appreciate your post, I thought it was great... but I'm seeing things a little bit deeper.

Humanity (not dogs) is fighting a spiritual war right now. There are evil spirts, and there ae good spirits. There is no country. 9-11 was a major stepping stone towards an evil agenda.

Ask the Native Indians that use to live in America if they served a country...

[edit on 4-2-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

"That's been debunked" , "If you say it that way it makes you look anti-semetic" , "People like you believe anything",

Yes, I've been battered and bruised too. but I want you to know that the releasing of bush memos and the Cheney Nuclear comment(today) may light your fire once again and this may happen soon. We already knew from Day One that 9/11 was a hoax. The first thing that popped into my mind when the south tower fell was "?? They're falling Already

I believe People like us are here for a reason and informing others who do not know what we know is just a small part of a big picture. Focus on recording important data and store it in a safe place. Historians will seek out your hard work.

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