posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 09:58 AM
"Deny Ignorance" is catchy. Not what happens here on ATS, but catchy nonetheless.
People from all walks, races and levels of society introduce their ideas on threads, and by the time the thread begins to peter out, what it resolves
is nothing much, and the original idea is invariably reduced to substantial difference of opinion. This is not 'deny ignorance.' People choose a
side or belief (of the point), and on to another thread.
There is no 'Deny Ignorance' on ATS, ever. Merely differences of opinion, endlessly: if you want insight, go within yourself (learn to do it). Even
in this, it takes years to recognize SoulSelf contact, or what is often termed Higher Self. You will find the Truth in the Invisible Side of
Existence, not in the Visible: The Real Reflects the Unreal: "As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without." The Invisible Rules the Visible.
People of 'materiality is all there is' inclination, will be mystified by this (unless they suddenly have a NDE, in which case they quickly come
around regarding possibilities...).
So, if you want to get to the Truth of it, use the motto that spells the Truth for what happens when ideas are presented to the large ATS
"Death Before Truth."
This expresses the materiality that controls the subject direction (idea evolution) here on ATS. Insulting? Yes. The Truth is part of the Real, not
the Unreal, which is haled as 'concrete evidence' in a World & Creation Where Nothing Is Absolute and Nothing Is Solid Matter.
Go figure. And let's be sure to remember that Truth should be hunted elsewhere (within), rather than a Maze of Confusion. Truth exists here, but the
Maze is All Powerful in the minds of man, who are (mostly) blinded by the Light of Illusion (Unreal). No wonder people hate Truth, and desire to kill
the messenger, eh?
Ever notice how ideas evolve, anybody? Here's the Process:
Abstract to Concrete....
Which is why this process is commonly used to develop an idea, and called:
"Research & Development," and Not "Development & Research" (initially).
Wherein the 'research' represents the Abstract, or Invisible (Real), and evolves into 'development,' which represents the Concrete (reflected,
Unreal: nothing 'solid' in existence). It's a process few grasp, or are willing to Face, period. Get you mad? Of course.
"Death Before Truth."*
Carry on, ATS.
(*PS - I got this 'motto' from an ATS member's signature statement, something to the effect that "people would rather die than face the truth; in
fact, they do so everyday." Who was that again? It is quite apt.)
[edit on 3-2-2009 by SS,Naga]