Originally posted by shidge.
Here is a question for yall:
If you are done wrong to, will you still get in "karmic"(or whatever you believe in) trouble if you seek retaliation through magick?
Opinion will vary widely on this one. I for one, believe in part that we are the agents of karma, that is we decide the punishment and it should fit
the crime.
That said, I have done retaliatory things, but these have only been done for the BIG # overs, if you know what I mean...in other words I would never
just go out and put warts on somebody who cut me off in traffic etc..stuff like that. YOu have to pick and choose your battles.
Let me explain a bit where I'm coming from.
I've been an eclectic wiccan for years, and into faery/celtic wicca for the last few. I've studied extensively various types of the Craft so I know
from where I speak.
Now I also know the threefold law, and I understand all about Karma, so I'm extremely careful about what I do, which is why I don't go off on simply
the average Joe who just happens to be rude to me in public. This is life and we'll never get rid of the assholes that populate this planet.
Now, having said that, I also believe that there is no way the Goddess/God would ever punish me for defending myself against a genuine cretin who
generally has no other motive other then ruining my life.
So...what I usually do is ask one of the Goddesses or several of them for Justice (There are special Justice/avenging Goddesses), and if she or they
thought punishment should be forthcoming for the crime, then an appropriate punishment would ensue.
A recent example:
A while back I was fired from a job I loved with no warning, none. all the feedback I was given was positive, I was always on time, etc.
At a managers meeting one day our manager told us of a problem wherein a customer had overheard one of my co-workers threatening to kick a customers
ass if they ever saw this person in the street.
Our manager then said to us that whatever we did while we were out of uniform was on our own time and nothing to do with the company and we had her
full blessing.
Fast forward a week later and this horrible woman, I call her Toad-Woman, comes in and is just the rudest customer I have EVER had. Remembering my
bosses words I vow that if I ever see her in the street I'm gonna read her the riot act.
So guess what happens the very next day ? Yep ! I'm at the post office and in comes Toad Woman, I immediately lite into her, telling her that she is
the lousiest excuse for a human being I have ever seen. at no time did I cuss at her or touch her.
She tells me I'm only saying these things because she's a Mexican. I was astonished because her skin was as white as mine...furthermore, I didn't
even know she was HUMAN let alone Mexican.
So she says she's gonna go tell my manager that I dared to curse out her, the almighty customer, I tell her to go ahead that it will make no
difference and I reiterate what my boss told us at the meeting.
A week later, I'm fired. No chance to explain my side. Nothing. I suspect this cow played the race card and so my boss had to fire me being the PC
bitch that she is.
Anyhoo..it wasn't about only being fired (although that was bad and unfair enough) it was the WAY it was done.
The day before was the staff Xmas party and even though she knew I was fired the next day, my boss acted like everything was normal and fine and
dandy. (I know this because the next day when they fired me they gave me my final check and it was dated the day before).
Plus, she couldn't even ask my side of the story, she couldn't even fire me myself. She had to have the assistant manager do it and he was heartsick
about it.
Sorry this story was so long but I needed to illustrate what I deem a major #ing over.
And this experience certainly applies.
These people (including Toad-Woman), thought that they could just erase me as if I didn't exist. just toss me aside like garbage. In addition to
ruining my childrens Christmas, they also took away my only source of income without a care in the world.
People that do these kinds of things to me will learn that I will not tolerate this.
I agree with what Levay says (even though I am definitely not satanic) in that if someone #s with you once, ignore him...if he does it again, destroy
This particular business is learning. And all I did was ask the Goddess for retribution. SHE distributed the punishment. The punishment she saw as
fitting. This business (I have to go past it every day on my way to work) is slowly deteriorating. I know it because I can see the lack of business
as I go past, plus I have a friend on the inside (the assistant manager who had the job of firing me) and he tells me that they are going under, but
he's got another job lined up (The goddess provides, for GOOD people)...but my ex-boss is going to learn what it feels like to suddenly lose your job
and have to wonder how to feed your family and pay the rent.
End of story.
So that's it. I don't think I have a problem with Karma. I ask the Goddess for protection and retribution and let her decide what punishment suits
the crime.