posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:13 AM
I've taken these tests before, always scored pretty much the same thing.
Never knew what it meant, though. I finally set aside some time to read all it had to say about me though. I've copied it to print off. I was
stunned. This thing is dead on. Even as to relatioships, and everything. I am very Strong in my Category. Great Find! Starred and Flagged!
I mean, it is dead on.
Read some of my threads or posts, and whether you agree with them or not, you'll see what I mean.
Dead on.
I guess, it is good news that ATS has a little bit of every TYPE in it's Membership. Apparently, I turn to INVENTORS and ARCHITECTS as a sounding-
board for my ideas.
Extraverted 67% Intuitive 88% Thinking 12% Judging 44%
The (Rational) Fieldmarshal/ Executive (ENTJ)
Hardly more than two percent of the total population, Fieldmarshals are bound to lead others, and from an early age they can be observed taking
command of groups. In some cases, they simply find themselves in charge of groups, and are mystified as to how this happened. But the reason is that
they have a strong natural urge to give structure and direction wherever they are - to harness people in the field and to direct them to achieve
distant goals. They resemble Supervisors in their tendency to establish plans for a task, enterprise, or organization, but Fieldmarshals search more
for policy and goals than for regulations and procedures.
ENTJs are decisive. They see what needs to be done, and frequently assign roles to their fellows. Few other types can equal their ability to remain
resolute in conflict, sending the valiant (and often leading the charge) into the mouth of hell. When challenged, the ENTJ may by reflex become
argumentative. Alternatively (s)he may unleash an icy gaze that serves notice: the ENTJ is not one to be trifled with.
There is not much room for error in the world of the ENTJ. They dislike to see mistakes repeated, and have no patience with inefficiency. They may
become quite harsh when their patience is tried in these respects, because they are not naturally tuned in to people's feelings, and more than likely
don't believe that they should tailor their judgments in consideration for people's feelings. ENTJs, like many types, have difficulty seeing things
from outside their own perspective. Unlike other types, ENTJs naturally have little patience with people who do not see things the same way as the
ENTJ. The ENTJ needs to consciously work on recognizing the value of other people's opinions, as well as the value of being sensitive towards
people's feelings. In the absence of this awareness, the ENTJ will be a forceful, intimidating and overbearing individual. This may be a real problem
for the ENTJ, who may be deprived of important information and collaboration from others. In their personal world, it can make some ENTJs overbearing
as spouses or parents.
Of all the Rationals, the most driven toward a leadership position is the Fieldmarshal (ENTJ). David Keirsey said they cannot NOT lead.
In business Fieldmarshals are often found as top executives and senior managers as well as heads of sales and marketing. Since they are driven toward
reaching goals, they can be project managers, investment brokers, financial planners, labor relations leaders. Their analytic abilities are of
advantage in positions such as business consulting, management consulting, stockbroker, and economic analyst. Professional fields attract the
Fieldmarshal so they can call their own shots. If they enter the legal field, they may rise to the position of judge. Says Kent, "I'm very goal
driven and I expect everyone who works for me to be aiming toward the same goal. If you focus your team, you can achieve what might once have seemed
The drive towards constantly increasing their knowledge base and being highly competent is what gives Rationals a sense of personal satisfaction.
Some Rationals seem so cold and logical that it’s hard to imagine them doing something as frivolous as falling in love. Most Rationals do not
express the range of emotions other types do because they keep their emotions tightly in check, usually showing them only to those closest to them.
Getting a Rational to open up and show their tender side can be a great challenge, one many women find intriguing.
Rationals are the least likely types to remember important days, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays. However, they do tend to be
steadfast, being among the most committed. Their partners can expect intellectual stimulation, debating from multiple perspectives, and a lot of
autonomy. Rationals are the most likely types to treat their partners as equal in adult status.
CAREERS: Management in Business or Education, Politics, Military Education, Finance, High School Education, Computer Programming
U.S. Presidents: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe.
A common characteristic is a vision of the future and the ability to make that vision come true.
Hillary Clinton, Napoleon, Margret Thatcher, Carl Sagan, Bill Gates, Golda Meir, Edward Teller, George Benard Shaw, and General George C. Marshall
U.S. Presidents: Franklin D. Roosevelt; Richard M. Nixon
Benny Goodman, "Big Band" leader; General Norman Schwarzkopf; Harrison Ford; Steve Martin; Whoopi Goldberg; Sigourney Weaver; Margaret Thatcher; Al
Gore (U.S Vice President, 1993-2001); Lamar Alexander (former governor, US Secretary of Education); Les Aspen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense;
Candace Bergen (Murphy Brown); Dave Letterman; Newt Gingrich; Patrick Stewart (STNG: Jean Luc Picard); Robert James Waller (author: The Bridges of
Madison County); Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask); Steve Jobs; Penn Jillete
Geordi LaForge (STNG)
[edit on 1-2-2009 by PhyberDragon]