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Hiding your guns and ammo

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posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 04:35 AM
Ok well you said be creative, not for nothing but I'm pretty darned creative. Here are some suggestions.

Just a thought. Most police and even some military are lazy or at the very least think that people are pretty stupid.

So they are not going to tear every little thing apart in or around your home to find guns. They will search thoroughly however so don't think inside a vent or a cabinet or attic etc...will work.

Think inside of a large speaker that it is difficult to take apart
Hide ammo in the metal tube of most floor lamps
You could take apart an old VCR or DVD player and hide ammo or a small concealable firearm inside.
If you have a cat you could hide a box of ammo or an easily concealable weapon in a litter box.

Also even if you never use them buy some cheap ammo and a couple of firearms Saturday Night Special stuff that if they ever did come for them. You could after a few minutes of them looking say okay okay I have these weapons hidden here. Hand them over and then maybe one more somewhere else you could give them one more and they will most likely be satisfied.

While your more expensive weapons you would actually use are hidden away in plain sight.

Just food for thought.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 07:43 AM
Dig a post hole.
Put gun and ammo in a PVC pipe.
Put pipe in post hole.
Put dirt over pipe.
Put post in rest of post hole.

Easy to find, can't run a metal detector over it (post is there), and would assume part of the post anyhow.

Of course, the post should have a function (like holding a sign that trespassers will be shot)....

Also, you need to have some crap weapons one could seize, and be satisfied with.
edit on 24-4-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 10:06 PM
They'll send dogs to find guns.....You need to be pretty crafty to defeat the dogs but, if you THINK,
you'll find a way.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 03:27 PM
you CANT bury guns on your own property,or hide them in your house, they have metal detectors made for house use, and will find them, unless you have big old cast iron drain pipes and put them in their, still if they KNOW you have guns they will tear apart said cast iron drain pipe just to look and cost you money to fix it,. Now as to backyard burial putting old car parts and such 2-4 feet deep yes will throw off the dectectors and fustrate the operator, but if their are too many car part hits they will just bring in a backhoe and dig up your entire backyard and find will have to find a place off site for burial that cant be connected to you, and has plenty of consealment for digging..also if you have a spouse and spouse knows about burial sites, if you go through a bad divorce or breakup, 1 spouse can rat you out,2 digup buried guns without telling you about it.i do both ,have guns at home for use and off site buried guns.Good luck all.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 04:18 PM
get Lots of bits of metal and bury all over.
so They can not find the guns.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 08:13 PM
If you have an attic, you can put your guns between the floor rafters, under the insulation and then plywood over the top of it. It appears to be a finished attic and no one will know the wiser. Also, for those using the auger to bury the pipe, place them directly under stepping stones leading so something common. Also, put small metal scrap about a foot above your buried pipes and it will throw off anyone using a metal detector.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 01:14 AM

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:51 AM
You guys are forgetting the most obvious problem- unless you bought your firearm privately or inherited them, the gov't already knows you have it because of that ATF form you filled out when you bought it. If the gov't ever did decide to ban guns (which it won't because even hard core gun banners like Feinstein admits she doesn't have enough support in Congress to do it), they're not going to be conducting house to house searches like some world war II movie. They're going to mail you a form letter telling you that you need to turn in gun X with serial number Y. They won't come knocking until you refuse to turn it in, and by then they'll know exactly what it is they're looking for.

In some areas (like the great socialist state of Connecticut) you can't even claim it was stolen or that you sold it, because then they'll pull out some other law like how you were required to report it stolen within 72 hours of the theft, or how private sales are required to go through an FFL to record it. If you won't go to jail for one thing you'll go to jail for something else.

There's a loophole noone took into consideration- destroyed firearms, which you aren't legally obligated to declare. Buy a few spare parts for your gun like an AR-15 upper and then run over it with your car or burn it in an incinerator. if the gov't comes looking for it give them the wreckage and tell them it was destroyed and this is all that's left. They will have no legal grounds to search your house no matter how much they don't believe you.
edit on 24-6-2013 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:57 AM
As others have said, if you really, truly believe that it is time to bury your firearms, you are wrong. It is time to dig them up.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by huntergatherer
It might not hurt to have one or two buried along with ammo just in case your others happen to get confiscated or stolen by thugs who were lesser prepared and maybe decided to visit you home while you weren't there. Just saying, you don't have to bury them all.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:08 AM
Uuuhh locked in my gun cabinet where they are supposed to be.
Good luck digging up or dismantling things to get your guns back when they are knocking down your door though..
Reeaal smart.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Well i would assume they would be using metal detecting gear to find them in the ground

There is also ground penetrating radar so you can not use PVC pipe without filling it with sand or other dense materiel.

Ground penetrating radar sees air pockets clearly.

Now is the time to start burying scrap metal to block metal detectors, BBs are cheap and easy to spread but must be rototillered in or they just sweep the are with a electromagnet then use the metal detectors.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:33 AM
Near where I live, are two or three old house places. At each is an old dug well. They are not easily found; unless all of a sudden, if you know what I mean.
I had thought of dropping a couple of containers down there.
I have also thought about some good places inside the house, which will not be named.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Doc Gator
As others have said, if you really, truly believe that it is time to bury your firearms, you are wrong. It is time to dig them up.

I must agree....

I will hide one gun in my right hand and one in my left. They will have to decide how bad they want to take them from me.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:45 AM
My weapons are secure, loaded, and accessible. I don't find it to be very wise to put certain info on the net for anyone to read. You can bet your ass that the government snoopers are routinely checking on ATS and I can assure you that there are members of ATS that have their names on certain lists. To say "my guns are buried" or "they're in a compartment under where I park my car" is akin to sending a map with a big X marking the location to those who will eventually be charged with confiscations.

Loose lips sink ships so on subjects such as this I would caution people to be mindful of what you say. When gun confiscations start, and they will eventually unless we stop the tyrants, people who post such info are giving TPTB all they need to confiscate what you have or charge you with obstruction for not disclosing where they are after you have printed evidence on the web that you "hid" them.

Not trying to sound paranoid, just trying to emphasize the importance of not giving out certain information that could be used against you.
edit on 24-6-2013 by Nucleardiver because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:48 PM
I won't have to worry about this when SHTF...Unfortunately lost all of mine, fell out of my canoe on a camping trip.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

Not trying to sound paranoid, just trying to emphasize the importance of not giving out certain information that could be used against you.

That is sound advice, as usual. I prefer to be open and honest so I will simply display mine openly. Last I checked we still have a second amendment. My state (Texas) has already passed legislation vowing not to enforce any federal law that infringes on the constitutional right of Texans to keep and bear arms. If the crooks in DC want the guns down here they’ll have an entire armed state to deal with and that’s not a proposition they’re capable of dealing with.

I don’t think it will come to that. There are people in every state who will not abide by unconstitutional laws and who will not surrender weapons under any circumstance. I also find it very hard to believe that any Police or Military unit would dare attempt to enforce a door to door confiscation on a national scale, which would be the only way to get the majority of guns out of our hands.

It’s just not going to happen IMO…seems too unrealistic.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by seabag

I don't see it succeeding but I do see the DC comics making an attempt at it. There are 2 constants about politicians, they lie and they are dumb and I do see them attempting confiscation of certain guns. However as you said there are too many people throughout the states that will not enforce the laws. In North Dakota we passed the same law, it is now a Class 1 Misdemeanor for any law enforcement official in the state to enforce any new or existing federal gun law. I was glad to see that get passed, I was considering moving to west Texas if they didn't pass it because of the oil boom there and my family being from Midland.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by seabag

I have a buddy who knows a guy who stashes firearms all over his property which is supposedly quite large. That is pretty stupid in my opinion. I mean telling and showing someone where you stash your stuff.
I think my bud is full of it…though I keep a open mind. Ya never know.
But we’ve seen it here on ATS as guys like to show off. That has gone down a bit though, people are wising up.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Gun-Hiding Secret #46: Buried caches are a great way to hide firearms, ammunition and supplies underground. Caches are used to strategically place items that you may not need to retrieve for many months or years! To create a watertight cache, simply purchase a 4” or 6” diameter PVC pipe from your local hardware store. A good length would be long enough to store your long rifle or shotgun. Glue an end cap on one end and a threaded cap on the other so you can later unscrew the pipe and retrieve your cache. Note: when storing firearms long-term in a buried cache, consider purchasing an anti-corrosion bag made by Stackon for pistols or rifles. Stack-On. Ammunition should be vacuum-sealed to ensure moisture is being kept out. Consider creating a map of your hidden caches or mark GPS coordinates if you’re burying caches on large properties on en route from one’s house to a bugout retreat. Should an enterprising gun grabber have metal detectors, consider burying false positives around the general location. False positives could be scrap metal, nails, bolts, screws, anything that a metal detector may pick up. After digging up several false positive leads chances are your metal detecting gun grabber will give up in frustration.

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