posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 09:24 PM
...many of us like to take IQ test don't we? we don't put too much stock in them and maybe it is just like doing a Suduko...but we still take them
just to see where we are at...we play along with Jeopordy too don't we?
...Well this is another fantastic test to see where "you" are at as far as
your "denying ignorance" level is.
Can you recognize truth when you hear it, whether from someone you love or someone you despise? Can you pick out the parts that are true and not
I am going to brag and say I score very very high on the "deny ignorance" chart. Why? Because I can't stand O'Reilly but what he said about
what America has done for so many people is true. It is also true that we have done some very bad things too....but being the deny ignorance genius
that I am, I know that I don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water.
More fun tests for "you" Israel, Obama, Bush, Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Gays, Republican's, Democrat's, Moore, Limbaugh,....see if you can find
the truth in each...because there is truth in every subject no matter how reprehensible to you personaly. Don't take on Religion until you get some
experience with the small stuff. Like...everything a Republican or Democrat says does not come from the mouth of the Devil. Get past that, and you
are ready to move on.
But of course understanding what "denying ignorance" means is important before you even start., how many people have read this and have assumed that I agree with O'Reilly and his Candian youth comment....I'll spare the drama....Yes,
Canadian youth are ignorant...and so are our youth....did he say if they were more than us? I didn't hear that. But I also didn't hear that he was
comparing the ignorance of the world's youth. (My hand is up for American youth for first place and they have the least excuse.)
If I said, "America has done more for other countries than any other single country" would you be tempted as hell to say..."America has done
more to hurt other countries than any other country" But your point would be to say that my claim was false. There be the problem. Could both
people be telling the truth?