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Fortress America: The United States Under Attack.

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 10:26 PM
The info is obtained from a combination of sources and analysis. The CIA for example is organizing a crime wave to take place following a signficant incident, blamed on the incident. The main perps will be the MS-13 gangs and Mexican Mafia, as MS-13 now are situated in over 3,500 cities. The Gangster Disciples were approached but according to sources they are moving a different direction and they are aware of the Satanic influence this effort has as its roots, literally. we have been warning our groups that there were over 3,000 FEMA concentration camps. Finally, they are finished and now they are actually making them legal.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Tie in searches, with sightings of Chinese in Mexico, Russians deployed in Cuba, South America, Canada and UN troops, search with Chemtrails and Flu, Barium Oxide, Barium Chloride, Aluminum Oxide, Kissinger's Depopulation Plan NSSM 200; UN Troops in the U. S. especially German. The UN vehicles are staged in Texas. They have specially built train cars to carry those that are identified as "trouble"......

They have this thing worked out.......Avian flu and nuke strikes from Subs on both coasts...hint.....

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:36 AM

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:12 PM
THE ONE is a man in his twenties who went to University of Pittsburgh and found out that the magnets in the ceilings of the tower dorms are there to train the students in bio-war for the purpose of selling death to me.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:13 PM


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by odyseusz
Red star on white flag refers in history to secessionists states. I'm pretty sure it was important meaning for the creator of that picture because all that game is about disintegration of the USA.

by the way lok at this

Some sort of logo

Look at badges of overtaken states in the game.

[edit on 23-1-2009 by odyseusz]

Intresting... Is this a real logo?
Something tells me that Obama may* have something to do with this but that's just my conscience speaking. Are we in real danger or are we just halucinating. Are we forgeting the fact that this is a game, or do we realize something different, something... that is a threat to us. Now seriously we let him in to the Office and he is in control. Now what?

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 05:21 PM
"Are you all numb ???
What please is the problem ...

they NEVER do anythign wihtout telling us well in advacne

Nothing EVER happened without prior conditioning of the children ... "

******FINALLY, someone gets it!!!! Its almost a lost cause and makes one just feel overwhelmed to warn those our circles of influence and to get past the denial, pride, misplaced loyality, disinformational agenteurs, and just too see the PERFECT STORM coming.

Congressman Larry McDonald Exposed the New World Order Tyranny

by Alexander James
The Hidden History of Money
June 15th, 2004

On February 17, 1950, CFR member James Warburg (banker, and architect of the Federal Reserve System) stated before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "We shall have one world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." Again, the media remained silent. In the April 1974 issue of the CFR journal, "Foreign Affairs", page 558, Richard Gardener states that the new world order "will be built... but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault."
Congressman McDonald, Heinz and Tower stated that this is a conspiracy. Again, the media remained silent. (Reference 14, P. 17, 18, 32, 33).


Larry McDonald was killed along with 268 other passengers on Korean Air Lines (KAL) flight 007, shot down over Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Japan.
According to one version, all bodies were recovered, except the bodies of the pilot and copilot. Some of the extremely suspicious information regarding KAL 007 include that the Flight was off course with plenty of fuel while commercial flights commonly take a short cut over Sakhalin when low on fuel. Radio response in Russian airspace is commonplace with Russian pilots monitoring the path of commercial planes; Russian pilots radioed KAL 007 with no response from the pilots; Russian pilots fired warning shots with visible tracers past the cockpit; the KAL pilots did not acknowledge the warning shots or tracers; Two parachutes were seen by inhabitants of the Aleutian islands prior to the plane being shot down; the Flight recorder was recovered by a US. Submarine but the data was classified by the CIA. The media reporting was scant and short-lived and not a single mention was publicly made about the fact that McDonald had been heading a congressional effort to expose what he called a dangerous international conspiracy. According to another version, the plane landed on Sakhalin Island.

The FEMA Concentration Camps that people didn't believe when we told them.....3,000 + to be manned by UN and Russian troops in the near future. They think Americans are dumb as rocks as long as they watch the Superbowl, professional wrestling, TV, and the fake news and fake war on terror.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:14 AM
According to this Wikipedia entry the red pieces are the Euro Socialist Pact
the other pieces are the Asian Peoples Alliance (Yellow) and the Central American Federation (Blue).

I find it interesting that the red pieces you compared to Obama's logo just happen to be the Socialist Pact in the game
and I've seen lots of people say stuff like obama wants to model the US like some socialist european countries.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by warpboost]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by warpboost
According to this Wikipedia entry the red pieces are the Euro Socialist Pact
the other pieces are the Asian Peoples Alliance (Yellow) and the Central American Federation (Blue).

I find it interesting that the red pieces you compared to Obama's logo just happen to be the Socialist Pact in the game
and I've seen lots of people say stuff like obama wants to model the US like some socialist european countries.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by warpboost]

just saw this and thought it might be relevant.. starting from frame0:00-0:30 the core of the global gov.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
The info is obtained from a combination of sources and analysis. The CIA for example is organizing a crime wave to take place following a signficant incident, blamed on the incident. The main perps will be the MS-13 gangs and Mexican Mafia, as MS-13 now are situated in over 3,500 cities. The Gangster Disciples were approached but according to sources they are moving a different direction and they are aware of the Satanic influence this effort has as its roots, literally. we have been warning our groups that there were over 3,000 FEMA concentration camps. Finally, they are finished and now they are actually making them legal.

this just posted 15hrs ago on USAtoday...Gangs Swelling

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 05:22 PM
i was expecting this......some time ago. Now FEMA has completed their Operations Manuel 2009, called Transition 2009. On page 181 of the manuel it shows the regional Map outlining the 10 Regions with one Regional Administrator and a governor. There is nothing extraordinary about this but, the 10 regions................MATCH EXACTLY the regions approved by Nixon in 1972, Called Executive Order 11647 started in 1969. The third military coup was planned between 1972 to 1974 by Nixon's Administrative Staff, working with General Cushman of the USMC to surround the White House by 10,000 Marines. The Sec Def actually investigated on how quickly the 82nd Airborne could move from NC to Washington to confront the Marines loyal to Nixon. It never happened. Rockefeller and Brzezinski co-founders of the Trilateral commission made plans now for the next attempt which is only now coming to fruition after a another failed attempt of WWIII with the discovered movement of nukes from Minot to Barksdale. SO, only 9 Air Force personnel assigned to either base were in MY OPINION only Murdered by Nilhilist employed by the CIA to keept the operation quiet. Bush admitted a few weeks ago that Israel has proposed the US bomb Iran in 2007. Covering their tracks.

So, Obama will do as he is told by Brzezinski, card carrying member of the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, founder of Al Qaeda and former Security Advisor to Carter tells him to do. including DISCLOSURE.......

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by tgambill

Hi tgambill,

All my combo gooogle searches came up nill on finding that manual. What website you looking at or are you holding the manual in front of you?
If you are holding the manual, shoot, throw me a copy

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:47 PM
I also did some googling and believe I found the FEMA Transistion 2009 manual tgambill referenced

It's a 6.2MB pdf so it might take a minute to load

I had the thought when I first saw the pictures of the game board that the different regions and their boundaries depicted on it mirrored the real FEMA zones, but I pulled up a map and I don't think that's the case.

This is the map from page 181 of that FEMA transition 2009 showing the 10 zones

Another map of FEMA zones

[edit on 2-2-2009 by warpboost]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:37 PM
they have to set the stage and warn ahead of time.....clever huh.......nice propaganda technique and strategy they use.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:50 PM
now, google the origin of this system going back to Nixon 1969 to the publishing of Executive Order 11647, setting up these regions because he had been the third pawn in a three attempt at martial law but got caught in Watergate in June 1972. A unit in the LAPD was trained to assassinate Agnew in Sept 1972, at the Republican convention and then a series of bombings blamed on the Liberals and then Nixon was going to declare martial law. it failed.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 06:20 PM
In Executive Order No. 11647, the President decreed:
“There is hereby established a Federal Regional Council for each of the ten standard federal regions. Each Council shall be composed of the directors of the regional offices of the Departments of Labor, Health, Education, and Welfare, and Housing and Urban Development, the Secretarial Representative of the Department of Transportation, and the directors of the regional offices of the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.

“The President shall designate one member of each such council as chairman of that council and such chairman shall serve at the pleasure of the President. Representatives of the Office of Management and Budget may participate in any deliberations of each council.”

The “ten standard federal regions” referred to by Nixon were delineated by him in a press release issued by the White House on May 21, 1969. Purporting to “streamline the structure and processes of federal agencies in the field,” the President then gave the alignment for the federal regions as follows: (The city in parentheses is the federal capital of each region.)

• REGION I (Boston) - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
• REGION II (New York City) - New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
• REGION III (Philadelphia) -Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
• REGION IV (Atlanta) -Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
• REGION V (Chicago) -Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
• REGION VI (Dallas-Fort Worth) Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
• REGION VII (Kansas City) - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
• REGION VIII (Denver) - Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
• REGION IX (San Francisco) -Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada.
• REGION X (Seattle) - Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
As can be noted in the foregoing list, in all cases the lines drawn for these federal regions cross State lines, thus to all intents and purposes obliterating the sovereignty of the States.

NIXON 1969 to 1972 in preparation for a planned massive coup and kicked off by the assassination of Spiro Agnew in Sept 1972 and bombings blamed on the liberals. and subsequently martial law.......

"Glasshouse tapes" by Tackwood.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS
Because the Illuminati reveals all their top secret plans on board games...moron.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Sent this out again.......won't be long now.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 11:11 PM
I've been offline....I assume that you got a copy.

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