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Fortress America: The United States Under Attack.

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posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:37 PM
In reality as of now, you have over 1,000,000 UN and Russian troops in the US today. You have Chinese, N. Korean, Russian Troops in Mexico already deployed, Russians in Cuba, South America, Canada and Alaska.

The Mexicans Illegals in the Southwest have been set up to start a civil war, the CIA is orchestrating a crime wave using MS-13 and Mexican Mafia in order to justify the declaration of a national disaster and subsequently Martial law and due to the crime wave we will want it.

There are enemy subs off both shorelines and are prepared to deliver nuclear strikes to 4-6 cities along the two coasts. Russian troops will paracute from Alaska to midwest, Russians will move from Cuba to a beachhead in La and texas. Ten thousand US troops with the 3rd division are on domestic standby since October 1, 2008. This is illegal by the way.

Now this is not a game I'm describing, this is what is really set up right now!!!!!!!

They are getting ready to set up the North American Union, AMERO, and the microchip......

Not to mention the 3,000 FEMA concentration camps and use of Chemtrials in certain areas.......

Now this game you are speaking on might take on a whole new meaning as would their wargaming film of 1984 called, "Red Dawn".......better buckle up it could be a warm spring.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 08:19 PM
If anyone wants a little bigger picture to look at in the original post, change the last part of the name to LG instead of MD..

like thus ------pic163559_lg.jpg


posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 12:18 AM
I pity the fool that invades the USA, we pretty much invented guerrilla warfare in the modern age. Suicide bombing so eight century, every kid has owned or does own a remote controlled car, hell your microwave oven make a handy weapons of sorts.

It'll be your government that allows this, your crumbling from within, where is the new invention to revolutionize the world. Government has it, and won;t give it up. Power pure and simple.

saw Rome fall your not to big..........

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Very cool. I love stuff like this.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 03:09 PM
Wow, something actually worth discussing, I am going going to look at this game.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:41 PM
Red Dawn....Movie during 1984...........they were planning this back then.....for real. Our government is behind this.

They were planning this long before 1984 as the Red Dawn was a war gaming movie and at our expense and who would of known then?

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:48 PM
This is seriously disturbing. Seriously.
Wasn't it around 1990-91 when Bush Sr. was hating on Sadam?
Something very wrong about this.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:57 PM
No kidding...........Castro was supported by CIA to take over Baptiste, then demonized. The Shah was put into Iran, due to the previous rulers fight against BP for taking profits from the Oil. The Shah was replaced by a revolution as planned. WE, along with French and German insiders funded and supplied Saddam with the necessary chemical weapons to war with Iran......Then. Saddam takes over Iraq, we then demonize Saddam....and yes it was planned that way. The same exact thing with Milosevic, the same thing with Bin Laden, as he worked with CIA and has always Worked with CIA as planned, Wall STREET, Precott Bush, DuPont, Rockefeller, Henry al, funded fully Hitler in 1928....hmmmm, see a trend..........?

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 11:45 PM
Anyone notice the hidden message in the movie Red Dawn? When they are locked up at the drive in for re-education, you hear the Cubans on a PA system saying "American is a war house were the revolutionary ideas of your forefathers are corrupted and sold by member of..... " and I can't make out the rest of it as a dog starts barking. Anyone know what the rest of the speech sais? It's about 24min into the movie.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
or is there something greater, like Logos, trying to warn us through synchronicitic messages?

Fascinating thread OP! I tend towards the idea of a higher force putting signs and warnings in place for those who seek them. This is the core concept of 'Occultism', and those not scared off by the term often find themselves identifying hidden signs in the strangest of places. I've had this experience many times. For example, one day, whilst walking, everything in my sight happened in threes. Three birds, three cars, three trees etc etc. I took it as a lesson in the importance of trinity and it has since helped me to understand key spiritual concepts.

The idea of pre-cognition is also powerful, but I think pre-cognition could be seen as a method of communication by a higher power - one way in which that force places signs here on our Earthly plane.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 05:22 AM
This definitely reminds me of the NWO Illuminati cards that depicted the Pentagon and WTC being bombed in 1991.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by MikeboydUS

The Titan thing really intrigued me...almost more than the original thread topic. Would you happen to know an article or site on more stuff like it...

Here is the actual book for sale:

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."

"I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice. "

Albert Einstein

[edit on 28/1/09 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."

I can't think of a more pertinent quote for this thread! And it doesn't matter whether you prefer to regards this higher force as "God" or by another name.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

I have my own hypothesis dealing with the subject. My hypothesis deals with with what I identify as Logos.


Heraclitus established the term in Western philosophy as meaning both the source and fundamental order of the cosmos. The sophists used the term to mean discourse, and Aristotle applied the term to rational discourse. The Stoic philosophers identified the term with the divine animating principle pervading the universe. After Judaism came under Hellenistic influence, Philo adopted the term into Jewish philosophy.

I see this Logos or cosmic order as the source of synchronistic occurances. It doesn't play dice with the universe, It computes it.

Digital physics

In physics and cosmology, digital physics is a collection of theoretical perspectives that start by assuming that the universe is, at heart, describable by information, and is therefore computable. Given such assumptions, the universe can be conceived as either the output of some computer program or as being some sort of vast digital computation device.


Pancomputationalism (Pan-computationalism, Naturalist computationalism) is a view that the universe is a huge computational machine or rather a network of computational processes which following fundamental physical laws compute (dynamically develop) its own next state from the current one.

In ancient times Pythagoras and his followers the Pythagoreans established esoteric and metaphysical beliefs that are really the foundation of the occult. One of their key ideas, was the Musica Universalis, showing a mathematical connection between all things.

Pythagoras started a secret society called the Pythagorean brotherhood devoted to the study of mathematics. This had a great effect on future esoteric traditions, such as Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, both of which were occult groups dedicated to the study of mathematics and both of which claimed to have evolved out of the Pythagorean brotherhood. The mystical and occult qualities of Pythagorean mathematics are discussed in a chapter of Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages entitled "Pythagorean Mathematics".


One of Pythagoras' beliefs was that the essence of being is number. Thus, being relies on stability of all things that create the universe. Things like health relied on a stable proportion of elements; too much or too little of one thing causes an imbalance that makes a being unhealthy. Pythagoras viewed thinking as the calculating with the idea numbers. When combined with the Folk theories, the philosophy evolves into a belief that Knowledge of the essence of being can be found in the form of numbers. If this is taken a step further, one can say that because mathematics is an unseen essence, the essence of being is an unseen characteristic that can be encountered by the study of mathematics.

All of these ideas all tie into one another. This knowledge isn't just occultic, it is The Occult. I don't mean that in a negative way either.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 07:28 AM
holy weird coincidence batman!!

wow that is super freaky ill have to look into this

awesome find my man

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

And I fully concur. Everything within the universe is connected, in every conceivable way. Acknowledgement of those connections relies on our ability to perceive them. The connections exist and any shortcoming in their obviousness are due only to our inability to decipher them.

Take the ancient Germanic concept of 'Wyrd' for instance. In a fantastic 'docu-novel' (for want of a better term) called 'The Way of Wyrd', author Brian Bates puts it like this:

'The forces, and countless others, form the end points of a gigantic web of fibres that cover all worlds. The web is the creation of the forces and its threads, shimmering with power, pass through everything.'

'Yet wyrd lasts only for an instant, because it is the constant creation of the forces. Wyrd is itself constant change, like the seasons, yet because it is created at every instant, it is unchanging, like the still centre of a whirlpool. All we can see are the ripples dancing on top of the water.'

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 01:05 PM
I found something very interesting after doing a quick Google search.

This is too strange - notice the similarities (jets and explosions by the bridge, the NAME)

[edit on 28-1-2009 by Ereshkigal]

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

S&F for sure! Great find IMO being a gamer.

I played this game about 20x maybe 30. It's a great game and can tell you that every time I played gave me kind of a 'lumming' feeling that it could really happen, much like 'Red Dawn'.

I've played both sides, and every time, "it seems" that I've played the US, I've gotta either crushed or 'barely' won. It's been almost 12-15 years since I've play the game.

When you set up the game, you get a serious idea of what you up against, the entire world is out to crush the USA, period, and your out numbered 3:1. however, IMO, it's much more than that.

The communication stations are converted into laser guided beams witch do devastating damage but, take awhile to get up to power. If taken over, they can be used against you, if I remember correctly.

Here's the weird thing, I remember looking at the box, and NEVER really thought to myself, oh .. that's Saddam! To tell you the truth, I didn't really know who the guy was on the box!! Now THAT is creepy if you ask me.

MikeboydUS, would it be a coincidence if I told you I've always thought the same thing for a while? Checkout out my thread on messages in movies

Personally, I think there are 2 unseen forces at work behind the scenes which are info wars. One side is trying to conditioning the citizens of the world into believing their gov is doing the right thing through whatever media while the other is, trying to get the other message out which is, 'here's what really happening, going to happen and you need to be prepared." Someone said in a video one I watched on youtube, "the weapons you see in the movies are either, designed or already manufactured, or soon to be manufactured and used."

Being the military myself and have close friend who is a vet from Nam, KNOWS the military has the latest and greatest. I guess the question is, could satellite stations really be converted into laser tech? Yes, if they haven't already.

You're military, what does your gut tell you? *grin* I know what mine tells me, exactally what it told me on 9/11 and every thing I expected to happen on that day...did NOT!

U2U me for more.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 07:50 PM
I would seriously like to know how you got this info?! Not sure if you can U2U me, but, keep posting till you can or post it here. I know it's asking alot, but, no 'watchmen' keeps silent, but instead, points directly to the oncoming invasion. If you have direct info on this and can link what you've found.

Originally posted by tgambill
In reality as of now, you have over 1,000,000 UN and Russian troops in the US today. You have Chinese, N. Korean, Russian Troops in Mexico already deployed, Russians in Cuba, South America, Canada and Alaska.

The Mexicans Illegals in the Southwest have been set up to start a civil war, the CIA is orchestrating a crime wave using MS-13 and Mexican Mafia in order to justify the declaration of a national disaster and subsequently Martial law and due to the crime wave we will want it.

There are enemy subs off both shorelines and are prepared to deliver nuclear strikes to 4-6 cities along the two coasts. Russian troops will paracute from Alaska to midwest, Russians will move from Cuba to a beachhead in La and texas. Ten thousand US troops with the 3rd division are on domestic standby since October 1, 2008. This is illegal by the way.

Now this is not a game I'm describing, this is what is really set up right now!!!!!!!

They are getting ready to set up the North American Union, AMERO, and the microchip......

Not to mention the 3,000 FEMA concentration camps and use of Chemtrials in certain areas.......

Now this game you are speaking on might take on a whole new meaning as would their wargaming film of 1984 called, "Red Dawn".......better buckle up it could be a warm spring.

[edit on 28-1-2009 by Komodo]

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