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Explosive Video - No stimulus money for "White Male Construction Workers"

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by northof8

Maybe that's the plan. For Americans to pay a million dollars for a loaf of bread and be too busy fighting amongst each other to actually do something about TPTB.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:17 PM
Ive been unemployed for 4 years and decided to start my own business. I got my contractors license, then broke my colar bone. Now I have $30,000 in medical bills, living with my mom and drive a $1000 car. Us white male construction workers live the high life.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Michaeljp86
Ive been unemployed for 4 years and decided to start my own business. I got my contractors license, then broke my colar bone. Now I have $30,000 in medical bills, living with my mom and drive a $1000 car. Us white male construction workers live the high life.

Well bless your heart, Michael, hang in there, I think it is one of the top most dangerous jobs, my husband almost lost his hand once,

Hope you get back on you feet soon.

[edit on 103131p://bThursday2009 by Stormdancer777]

[edit on 103131p://bThursday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Michaeljp86

Not to mention the 3 hour lunches and the rest of the perks...

Good luck to you. Hope you get back on your feet soon.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:34 PM
when is someone going to hit charlie rangel with a bus? he has never contributed anything helpful to society or his state of service at all and no one can prove otherwise. vote the idiot out.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Zerbst

Hi Zerbst, I am so sorry for your loss,
What a beautiful tribute you posted, like I said on another thread under this same topic, construction workers are a special breed of men.

My husband has had many injuries, we are getting old now, his hand are gnarled and scared, and arthritic, his knees are worn out, but he loves the work, and I have never, never heard him complain about going to work,

[edit on 103131p://bThursday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Swatman

and Barney Frank, vote them out people, did you hear the latest on Barney?

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Swatman

and Barney Frank, vote them out people, did you hear the latest on Barney?

whats the latest? i already heard he slept with the fannie mae or freddie mac CEO or manager or whoever. what else could that idiot do to bring us down? a bus should be waiting to hit him too.

and if no one has seen the racism in that video, check out this one

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Swatman
when is someone going to hit charlie rangel with a bus? he has never contributed anything helpful to society or his state of service at all and no one can prove otherwise. vote the idiot out.

And please, send Pelosi out there with him. Everytime i hear her on some interview i want to vomit mealworms.

EDIT: Nice video there. I heard about it but didn't watch it until just now. Really, not surprising at all, this is the culture out there. Hate the straight white male, down with us. The writing is on the wall folks, so much for getting beyond race. What a tragedy.

[edit on 22-1-2009 by elcapitano75]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by elcapitano75

Originally posted by Swatman
when is someone going to hit charlie rangel with a bus? he has never contributed anything helpful to society or his state of service at all and no one can prove otherwise. vote the idiot out.

And please, send Pelosi out there with him. Everytime i hear her on some interview i want to vomit mealworms.

she gives italians like me a bad name. i hate her with a passion. she said her favorite part of the inauguration was when bush got on the helicopter. my favorite part was when i shut off the TV because i could not stand to look at her ugly mug.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Michaeljp86

That is what I dont get here.

My mother was a single parent who didn't even hold a high school diploma. My brother and sister and I grew up as poor kids down south and we never had a lot. My mom worked third shift in a textile factory six and often seven days a week just to clothe and feed us and send us to school. She worked herself to death to make sure that we never went hungry.

Not once did she ever accept welfare or any kind of food stamps or government handout even though we qualified and could have used it. The difference there is pride. My mother was the kind of woman who would have gone hungry before she walked into a grocery store and used food stamps to buy anything.

She managed to make sure that all three of us graduated from high school, we all had jobs as soon as we turned 16 and we all went on to college. As far as I know my mother never made over $25,000 in one year in her entire life, and when she passed away she died with next to nothing except a family who loved her.

Now you tell me, if she could do it why cant the rest of these people out here who suck the system dry? What keeps them from picking themselves up and doing something for themselves instead of laying about, having kids with multiple fathers and never making one ounce of effort to do anything better than be a parasite on the backs of people who get up and work hard every day to make it?

If it sounds like I am angry here you are damn right I am. I have had enough of this nonsense, it is complete and unadulterated insanity. And Im still waiting for my "White Guy" check to arrive in the mail...being that I am a white male and priveledged and all....surely it must be arriving any day now.

Any misinformed individual out there who thinks there arent as many or more white families out here struggling right now as there are minority families had better look again.

They are called the working poor, and they are everywhere. Think they could use a bit of that stimulus as well? Naahh...starving white children aren't politically significant in this brave new world we live in.

Not media friendly or racially diverse enough to be deserving of a helping hand.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:56 PM
I think that Reich has gone 180 degrees out of phase with this support of another bailout, if this video is legit. Read the following testimony that he gave

Robert Reich On How To Fix Socialized Capitalism
What worries me is the complete lack of accountability by Fannie’s and Freddie’s executives, as well as Wall Street investment bankers also now being insured by taxpayers. We’ve created the worst form of socialized capitalism—private gains combined with public losses.

These executives and bankers are among the best paid in all of corporate America. Their organizations are treated as if they’re giant investor-driven private sector entities as long as they’re healthy. But when they start to go down the tubes they become public entities with public responsibilities, and the rest of us have to bail them out.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:00 PM
What the liberal socialists want to do is eliminate states authority. They want the Federal government to be the ONLY authority.

The push is on to bring in to the country as many immigrants that eventually the established population with generational memory of a once great nation is eliminated, and recreate a new United Socialist States of America, with entirely new population of Americans.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by calcoastseeker
What the liberal socialists want to do is eliminate states authority. They want the Federal government to be the ONLY authority.

The push is on to bring in to the country as many immigrants that eventually the established population with generational memory of a once great nation is eliminated, and recreate a new United Socialist States of America, with entirely new population of Americans.

dont liberals know that once they do that, they become the minority? our country will turn into mexico and mexico will become little mexico. all they care about is getting the votes. which is why they pushed to hard for obama to be president because a minority + democrat = huge turn out numbers. you can get the white fools into thinking he is related to Jesus Christ, and he is black so black people automatically vote for him *except michael steele* and you have an automatic victory every time without failure.

they are ruining this country with their BS welfare checks to lazy people and BS lawsuits for everything they dont agree with, and hating any kind of dissent or conservative thought.

may the democrats all burn in hell, because the match will be lit by someone

[edit on 22-1-2009 by Swatman]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Swatman

The Treasury had said it would give money only to healthy banks, to jump-start lending. But OneUnited had seen most of its capital evaporate. Moreover, it was under attack from its regulators for allegations of poor lending practices and executive-pay abuses, including owning a Porsche for its executives' use.

Nonetheless, in December OneUnited got a $12 million injection from the Treasury's Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. One apparent factor: the intercession of Rep. Barney Frank, the powerful head of the House Financial Services Committee.

I hope this link works

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by calcoastseeker

The push is on to bring in to the country as many immigrants that eventually the established population with generational memory of a once great nation is eliminated, and recreate a new United Socialist States of America, with entirely new population of Americans.

True, and it goes beyond that . They want a nation of slave labor to maximize the corporate profits. Why import sneakers made by slave labor in Asia, when they can save the import costs, and have those cheap sneakers made here for pennies and sold for $60 to $100 dollars a pair.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:08 PM
look all in all everyone needs to take care of their own, we dont choose our parents so therefore we are who and what we are when we are born, if there happens to be someone conscience enough to help us up if we are born in poverty , then swallow your pride and take the check, greed is what I hate, and if you cannot do it on your own and your kids suffer for your pride , i think you need to stop looking in the mirror , swallow that #, and take the help. The human race needs to quit being so atomized, and be human, show humanity, feed the kids, put shoes on their feet , there is more to life than living by spite, and doing it the hard way, just like the song, lean on me, and if you don't understand this concept, just talk to a few vietnam survivors, when in the dooty, people who stick together and fight together to survive do so better than those who try to do it on there own. I don't like the guy saying white anymore than you do, but I understand most of the white peoples great great greats came here on ships they hired to bring them on, and not in shackles in your own filth with your families seperated, murdered, raped and neglected. We need to quit holding the black man back and let em have some of this dream we call america, they are people to, and I love people. So your mad cause you did it on your own and why cant people do what , bla bla bla , you know what , we keep turning our back on people because of the color of their skin and you would just pretty much prove we nothing but fricken animals trying to be the alpha dog and bullying and pushing our way through a world that will only morally, ethically, and philosopically disinegrate for all of our children. Here let this be a lesson on ethics and change of times. A friend of mine manages a burger king, he called fifteen applicants , the best from the pool of applicants that applied, not one person called, not one person showed up, we are in trouble man, can't you see that, the ethics are part of history, Look at Rome, in all its glory, they got soft from their luxuries and lost it all.. anyways find a way to understand, this is about people who need help and arent' too proud to take it, I feel sorry for the guy who got hurt doing his best at his business, I really do, guess what , I believe he deserves help, does this make me a bastard. No, people who need help, no matter what color, age, religion, still need help. Help them... dont get mad when someone trys ... smile because it proves we aren't always about launching phospher bombs on babies, sometimes we actually show up for work, and do our jobs when our boss isn't watching.


posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Not once did she ever accept welfare or any kind of food stamps or government handout even though we qualified and could have used it. The difference there is pride.

amen, this really hits home.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:12 PM
Hey guys, i really just have to vent here. I am white, male, and straight and self employed. And not proud or ashamed of any of it, it's just how i was made. Is it just me or does anyone else feel somewhat, i guess infuriated, and almost offended at what i've been hearing, after all this talk of change, and how race no longer is an issue. How the hell can we move beyond it when they keep shoving it down our throats. When are the masses going to wake up to this divide and conquer nonsense. Probably never.

I'm starting to think maybe we should require schools teach starting with kindergarten:

a. Race should never be an issue
b. Politicians should never be trusted
c. The President will never be your savior

Now there would be tax dollars put to good use.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by NOTANWOFOLLOWER

I hear ya is just frustrating this backwards world that we are living in right now. It brings out the worst in almost everyone, myself included.

My whole point was there is a lot of injustice and a lot of struggle out here and it aint just secular to one race or religion. Every time they use tactics like the ones seen in this video they only drive the wedge deeper between us as people.

I dont blame anyone out here for doing what they have to do to survive, I just wish someone didnt have to be on the losing end all of the time.

Eff it....I need a beer. Life is hard. I will leave it at that for now.

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