Originally posted by jsobecky
The people I refer to were full of hope and praise for the man and the day, and I carried that feeling for the rest of the morning.
Then they, and you, were just caught up in the emotion of the day. It was a very good day to be an American. A day to be proud of a peaceful
transition of power. A day full of images on TV of Washington and happy Americans waving flags.
You, and they, got caught up in the emotion of being 'American' and the focus of all that emotion was Obama. The focus isn't supposed to be the
man - but it ends up being it. Your patriotic emotion was transferred to him since he became the focus of the day's activities.
It's psychological. Not cerebral.
He's still the same nobody, done nothing, from corrupt-Chicago politics.
He's still the same guy that hangs with terrorists (Auchi and Ayers).
He's still the same liar.
He's still the same racist that hung with Rev. Wright for 20 years.
He's still the same husband of the racist Michelle Obama.
He's still the same flip flopping mess.
He's still the same tool of the Bildebergers.
He's still the same guy that wants to take away your guns.
He's still the same guy that wants 'redistribution of wealth'.
He's still the same guy that wants to impose a world poverty tax on you.
He's still the same snob that says you cling to guns and religion.
He's still the same guy who refuses to release his REAL birth certificate.
He's still the same guy who screwed around with Kenyan politics.
He's still the same guy flipped off Hillary during the campaign.
He's still the same guy that plans to make bloody FOCA his first duty.
He's still the same guy that wants to kill NASA programs to pay for others.
He's still the same guy that promised to disarm America's defenses.
Etc etc
He's still the same. Once the buzz from the day's festivities fades away and you, and they, can remember who this guy his, then it will all come
crashing back and ya'll will definately need some asprin because you'll have one hell of a hangover from the 'inauguration high'.