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America once again shows lack of class

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:16 PM
If not, on his way out of the White House... then when?

What other time will history offer in which 2 million (is that the real head count? jeesh) people will be there to face the cretin in person and show him how 80% of America and most of the civilized world feels about him?

The man should be haunted for all time. Period.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:17 PM
I love finding videos people keep putting up of the booing.

Here is yet another for yours and my enjoyment! This one is from the crowd about 1 mile from the Capital building.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

I couldn't agree with you more. There is a difference between respecting the man and respecting the office. Yesterday's boos totally disrespected the office in front of the world.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Gears Of War

It was no surprise that security had to be increased so dramatically since the hatered for Obama and threats against his life have increased to levels never be fore heard of. Hopefully someone will get lucky and breech the secret service?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:26 PM

I think what we in my country understands is, that it is more complicated than that. Your goverment, "bush" is a large part of all the "free house market loans" you could have for some time ago.

No. Everyone thinks that for some odd reason. It was Bill Clinton, who in 1999, signed into Law for Freddie/Fannie to extend mortgage loans to credit-risk/bad-credit people. It happened before Bush took office.

From Sep 30, 1999 New York Times

Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.

The NYT URL is too long - do a Google search for "Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending" to see the full article above.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by macgyver

I know, my mom was talking about that today. He already looks ragged since the election.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:33 PM

there wasnt any regulation on the loans that were given to people who obviously could not afford them.

That's right. There weren't any. But let's blame the right person - that's the point of my post. Who's the right person? Bill Clinton. Bush didn't sign deregulation and all the "bad" loans into Law. Clinton did. Don't believe me? That's OK. Do a search for: "Bill Clinton a prime suspect for starting meltdown" and the New York Times article: "Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending" from Sept 30, 1999.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
jso, I really REALLY wish I was mistaken. You know, just because life for you didn't change much after the Patriot Act, or after he put in place warrantless wiretapping, doesn't mean it didn't affect many other people. In fact, the way he setup that law, we will NEVER know how many people were truly affected by it because they friggin made it illegal for anyone to even MENTION the fact that they were under investigation or that they had even received the notorious letter. And if you did, they could apprehend you, and hold you indefinitely for breaking THAT law.

TA, I'm sorry, but I don't believe that. You're saying that there were Americans affected by the Patriot Act, but they have to remain silent because...?

Sorry. I cannot believe that.

Now you tell me jso. Would you do that that to me as your fellow countryman in good conscious?

No I wouldn't, and neither did GWB. If you give me one good, verifiable example, maybe I will change my mind.Otherwise, my fiend, I think you are being boonswaggled by the left.

I believe there weren't any further attacks after 911 because:

1) I think covert elements had something to do with it


2) There was no real threat of terrorism, and still isn't. Not on the scale they espouse and with all the insane amounts of money they have spent on it. They created the fear in the people, and then had the people pay for their own "protection."

No. They never pushed 'fear' much after 9/11. All other fear was manufactured by the left.

If he had such love of country, then why didn't he and all his rich buddies finance this protection out of their own pockets?

Too silly to answer.

And you know what, the bailouts still fall under his administration, even though there are still more in the works. You can run, but you can't hide forever jso. One of these days you will have to realize the truth. We've been had.

Wow. That is another thread unto itself.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Intelearthling

Have you ever met a real live Muslim? Most of them are more worried about keeping their jobs, their homes and their familes intact under the constant threat of war than they are in joining a jihad.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by antonia


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by sos37

He just added greatly to Beltway unemployment (and probably ended his second term prospects) by eliminating post-office lobbying. Which was WAY overdue!
There is a very good reason why those jobs are well paid and so heavily coveted, and he just shafted everyone unless there is a tiny little loophole they can crawl through. He's probably toast with a lot of his former backers so, all I can say is RIGHT ON BRO! I like people who bite the evil hands that feed them. He just racked up points with me, that's for sure.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:53 PM
The majority of Americans want to forget Bush, I think seeing Bush leave was more exciting than watching Obama take the oath. The damage caused by Bush is incredible, it's worldwide!! I hope they indict that guy, he was the biggest terrorist to this country!! If you don't see that, you are ignorant or just real stupid. BOO Bush!!!! WINNER OF THE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY AWARD!!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Yes, it was very very rude and disrespectfull to boo the President. I think that it is important to realize that the American People as a whole, have a lot of respect and admiration for anyone in the Office of the Presidency. It's a patriotism thing.

These feelings of patriotism however are not shared by persons on the Left. The people who "booed", and chanted "Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye..." are the very same people who lined up with Michael Moore to throw eggs and tomatoes at the Presidential motorcade in 2000. These people don't have an ounce of class or patriotism. They will eventually turn on Obama if they don't get what they want. If so, we will hear them "boo", and chant insults when Obama leaves office as well.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by maxzen2004
The majority of Americans want to forget Bush, I think seeing Bush leave was more exciting than watching Obama take the oath. The damage caused by Bush is incredible, it's worldwide!! I hope they indict that guy, he was the biggest terrorist to this country!! If you don't see that, you are ignorant or just real stupid. BOO Bush!!!! WINNER OF THE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY AWARD!!

I agree, I think the excitement of Bush finally being out of office - is what has grasped me, more than anything else.

But I can not even express in words, how wonderful I feel and how all of a sudden I think the future may just be bright after all. Under Bush - all I could see was darkness....I am a changed person today.

I didn't even realize how I would be affected so much by being able to see that man's back end!

I watched the inaugaration at my house and then drove to my sisters. She told me, that while I was driving, Obama showed Bush the "door" - I was very upset I missed that! That was one of the things - that I most wanted to see yesterday. So I have enjoyed watching some youtube vids of it!

I am still pinching myself - to make sure it is all real! Never in my life - have I felt as depressed and darkness around myself, the U.S. and world because of one person and his cronies.

If others who still "love" Bush - think all of us who booed him - are classless - well "OH Well" doesn't bother me one little bit! I am still on cloud nine and maybe will never get off it now!

Yeah, I have "No" class for not blindly supporting the most IMMORAL President we have ever had! Oh, yeah lets up all those who acknowledge his immorality and boo him over it.

One other thing, yes, that is a position of respect - normally - but that man is NOT normal - he is as evil as anyone can get and the fall of the U.S.!

One other thing....look up the meaning of anti-christ - it is anyone who immorally does something evil and against Christ. Well there you have it.... Bush is anti--christ! Millions of people's blood is directly on his hands, and that disgusting face.

So here's what I have to say to you Bush - BOO BOO BOO BOO BOO!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by StonyJ
Liars, parasites and war criminals......

Shame on you for having such a retarded view of a man with morals.

If you all had one ounce of perception, after eight years of speeches and press conferences, you would be able to see that George W Bush acted in good faith, honesty and integrity.

Sure, call him a devil, and evil man that wished only harm for our country, a man that only wished to steal your rights. How dumb does that sound? He kept us safe from the savages of our planet for almost eight years. He helped more people in Africa than the past 16 presidents. He maintained the American moral compass.

Shame on you for being so shortsighted and vindictive. You embarass us real Americans.

How dumb does that sound? Uhh, anyone who wants power will do what they want to get it. Just because this is the US, doesn't mean our GREAT leaders are immune to corruption

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:39 PM
another thing......

I wonder how many Katrina victims were in the crowd?

I wonder how many families who lost loved ones in Iraq were in the crowd?

I wonder how many people who have been spied on illegally were in the crowd?

I wonder how many people who have relatives or friends who have been tortured per Bush's orders were in the crowd?

I wonder how many people who had voted for someone other than Bush, but their votes went to Bush - due to voter fraud was in the crowd?

I wonder how many people who had lost their homes were in the crowd?

I wonder how many people, who had not been able to put food on their table, due to the high cost of gas were in the crowd?

I can list 100's of more things Bush did.......

But then I will ask one question.............. did anybody above have a right to BOO Bush at his leaving office?

DAMN RIGHT THEY DID! They had EVERY Right to BOO him!

Especially if that is the WORST they will ever be able to do to him, yet he has done much worst to all of us!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:51 PM
You know, every time on get on one of these politcal threads, I keep reading about Bush and how the Patriot Act was all his doing.

YOu all could use a course in Civics. Congress wrote and passed the Patriot Act....TWICE! Bush simply signed it.

So, how many of you have actually written your Congressman about the Patriot Act?

I'm betting that not one of you actually wrote your Congressman. So, we will still have the Patriot Act in 8 years, but Hey, that's OK because now we have Obama and his # don't stink.


[edit on 21-1-2009 by lunarminer]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:52 PM
No, I can't seem to let this go....

Let me tell you ONE other thing................

I was in MississIppi the day after Katrina, doing a Red Cross shelter for the victims.

One day, I had to take the Red Cross car to get gas, during my long wait of 2 hours in a gas line (and that was the emergency vehicle gas line) - I heard Bush on the radio. He too was in Mississippi - he was doing a press conference.

Well I heard him first say "Heck of a job Brownie" then he went on to say a few other words.

Now before I tell you those words. Let me first say, we had people that had swam out of New Orleans and all they had were the clothes on their back. Which those clothes were disgusting, so we were getting clothes besides of course providing for their needs.

So now back to my waiting on gas and listening to Bush........

Bush had Trent Lott (Senator from Mississippi at the time - but left last year to become a lobbist) there with him during the press conference.

So after Bush commended Brownie on the job he was doing, I then heard him make the ONLY reference to someone losing their home....

Yeah, he was finally going to talk about people losing their houses...right?
Oh yeah, what he said was this:

"OH, poor Trent Lott, lost his home in the hurricane, and it was a wonderful home....but don't worry Trent, we are going to make sure it is built back better than it was before, and I will look forward to sitting out on the front porch with you again relaxing".

I wanted to tear the radio out of the car ...How DARE him - make the only reference to a home being lost to Trent Lott!!!

Trent Lott is a millionare with many houses and that was his ONLY sorryness of someone losing their house!! To say I was livid - is putting it lightly...I was working with people who lost everything, who had no idea where they were going to live and no money to do something.

So yeah, there is that man who was booed! I BOOED him that day and called him many names, of which he did not hear as I was sitting in that 2 hour gas line.

Feel sorry for him? NEVER!

[edit on 21-1-2009 by questioningall]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:56 PM
This is why you people aren't running the country. Bush had to make HARD choices, regardless if you like it or not.

Its a total lack of class for people who have no sense of the job to act like that, I mean .. Look how they voted into office.

You wouldn't like it if people did that to you so why do it to Bush.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Read my sig sheeple

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by lunarminer
You know, every time on get on one of these politcal threads, I keep reading about Bush and how the Patriot Act was all his doing.

YOu all could use a course in Civics. Congress wrote and passed the Patriot Act....TWICE! Bush simply signed it.

So, how many of you have actually written your Congressman about the Patriot Act?

I'm betting that not one of you actually wrote your Congressman. So, we will still have the Patriot Act in 8 years, but Hey, that's OK because now we have Obama and his # don't stink.


Excuse me.... but the Repubs were in control of both houses and they did whatever Bush said to do.... Bush said "Jump" they all asked "how high".
The patriot act was already prepared by Bush and his people before hand - Bush always threatened things....

Let's not forget he threatend Martial Law in Oct. 08 - if the Congress did not pass the bailout bill.

He wanted his buds to get all that money from all of us! So give it up!


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