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9/11 Bush in the class room, How the hell did we miss this?

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:42 PM
OK the words are in fact KITE - HIT - STEAL - PLAYING - MUST

All the words are found in the very short story The Pet Goat except kite which can be viewed here

Edit to add title of book

[edit on 20-1-2009 by rightuos]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by rightuos

I dunno what to believe now.



posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

huh? all i saw was the kids getting the books out from under their chairs. why would you think they were bowing to a goat?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

Thanks again to the OP. The Devil is alive and well, but he wants us to think he doesn't exsist.

Ahh yes I agree, The Devil is alive and paying very close attention!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by RFBurns


These 5 (five) words in a row, "coincidentaly" being the last words spoken by the kids, and on top of that the goat story as the completion of the ritual, which explains why Bush didn't go away until the end..

sorry but thats too much of coincident for me! Thats where PROOF starts for me!

BTW here's the deleted vid in Xvid avi format for those who are interested in it for themselfs:

"Bush's 911 classroom ritual" on rapidshare


[edit on 20-1-2009 by kid_of_3NKi]

[edit on 20-1-2009 by kid_of_3NKi]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

the proof is in the eye of the beholder.

I see it.

Ya..and the worst part of the body that can play tricks on you is the eye, and sometimes the ear too. I wont include the brain here because I believe folks here are capable of putting 2 and 2 together and not comming up with an illusional answer that fits their paranoia.

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
Thanks again to the OP. The Devil is alive and well, but he wants us to think he doesn't exsist.

It makes me wonder how so many can just blindly put that much faith into someone on the internet who makes you sign up to see their video, then evidence is presented that absolutely proves their video is altered from the origial videos presented, and then give thanks to that individual.

I wonder if you know who Lucifer really is and how Lucifer can manifest itself into many different forms and people....including the fella that altered that video.

Wonder why he took it down so fast? Hmm...must be something there thats obviously flawed.

The Trickster has taken yet another set of gullables to his realm of false premise.


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:04 PM
Interesting control the facilitator (teacher) had over the children. They knew all the signals and responded quickly in unison to the facilitators cues.

Definately a form of Mind Kontrol.

However the actual ritual took place at the 2 towers that had many meanings and set into motion a buttload of synchronicities.

Remember just before 911 another ritual took place in Houston Tx with Andrea Yates where she drowned all her children on June 20-21, 2001. All the children were named after biblical characters.
"He said the woman then led the officer to a bed in a back bedroom. Found under a sheet were the wet bodies of Mary, 6 months; Luke, 2; Paul, 3; and John, 5. The fifth child, Noah, 7, was found in a bathtub. "

There were 2 characters involved surrounding Andrea Yates besides her husband working for NASA that caught my attention. There was a a psychiatrist she was under the care of by the name Dr. Starbranch and a strange religious nut (Michael Woroniecki was a traveling minister from whom Rusty( Andreas husband that worked at NASA) purchased their bus and whose religious views had influenced both Rusty and Andrea)

Here is what Andrea said about some of her moments of psychosis
"She thought there were video cameras in the ceilings and said that the characters on television were talking to her and the children. She told Rusty about the hallucinations, yet neither of them informed Andrea's psychiatrist, Dr. Starbranch."

Who knows..maybe there were cameras put in the house and maybe the characters on Tv were talking to her. Mind Control can get pretty nasty hardcore depending on what level they want to take you.

Back to the occult religious stuff:
June 20-21 kinda puts it there on the Summer Solstice now doesnt it?
A solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is most oriented toward or away from the Sun, causing the Sun to reach its northernmost or southernmost extreme. The name is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, its apparent movement north or south comes to a standstill. Summer Solstice falls between June 20 and 23 of every year and has different significance for various religions

Heres the real kicker.
There was a total Solar Eclipse on June 21st 2001

What does this have to do with 911?
Everything. It was exactly what...911 days after 911 that the UK got hit and there were alot of occult undertones with that incident. Not sure if that was the UK or Madrid but nevertheless..its synchronicities...supernatural in nature.

You are dealing with leaders and rulers that know about magic, they are masters at timing these rituals to get maximum power and I wish I could tell you it was a conspiracy theory but it is not. Its the real deal,,,the big enchilada...Here !! Have some hot sauce with your real enchilada while you look the other way and say nonsense.

If you noticed the route President Obama and others took through the capitol building today through a catecomb of mazes leading through an area called "the crypt". Come on folks...ya have to be retarded not to see this stuff.

[edit on 1/20/2009 by prometheus1111]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by kid_of_3NKi

I just posted 3 posts before you, the word steel is STEAL

What sounds like plane is PLAYING (and you can tell it is the word playing looking at the video I posted on page 2)

and a link to the story the kids began to read right after which contains all the words but kite

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by rightuos

yeah thx, i just saw it (and gave you a star for it).
So i guess i will move along then.. see you all in some other thread


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by jdub297
[People here see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear more and more often on ATS than I ever expected. ]

Even if some things seem so amazingly bizarre like this?

The Pet Goat = Satanic Goat = Pan = Goat of Mendes.

Kite-Hit-Steel-Plane-Must = Kite Plane Must Hit Steel! Maybe it's a play of words, steel is steal and plane is playing.

Kite-hit-steal-playing-must? what kind of mind plant is that to say "STEAL" I guess the plan is turn these kids into thieves. Steal, play, steal, play. Yeah sounds like fun.

I mean... and at a key moment during a visit at a classroom? What will it take for people to realize that they are the ones who did 9/11.

The evidence is right there. In plain view.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:13 PM
Haha I hope nobody tries to use this "evidence" of children reading and picking up a book under their desk. Just paranoid schizophrenia, just insane.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by kid_of_3NKi

These 5 (five) words in a row, "coincidentaly" being the last words spoken by the kids, and on top of that the goat story as the completion of the ritual, which explains why Bush didn't go away until the end..

As I pointed out, Bush not leaving is the only controversial issue in the entire video. That I have no debate over.

However you and others here are basing this ritual nonsense on a video that is clearly altered. The original author even took it down after so many have provided the original, unaltered version. And your still stuck with the notion that its all some kind of ritual with school kids?

Using debunked evidence as your basis for continuing to believe in something that has no solid evidence is somewhat....paranoid IMO.

Originally posted by kid_of_3NKi
sorry but thats too much of coincident for me! Thats where PROOF starts for me!

Sure its a coincidence. Isnt it also a coincidence that government knew about the threat of attack years before 9/11? Isnt it coincidence that Bush didnt take the intel that was accumilated during Clinton's admin and actually do something about it? Isnt it coincidence that these hijackers were captured on security cameras at the respective airports and were also on file with the FAA registration office and were not suspect from day one of their flight school instruction?

Sure alot of coincidnece there.

But you know what...those coincidences I just listed all have proof and a paper trail explaining them in great detail.

Here with THIS particular coincidence..all we have is that altered video, which has been taken down by the author.

Im glad you got it offered up, so that people can do very elementary comparison by simply playing that and original video I posted and clearly see the altered one is constructed in such a manner as to purposely cause someone to conclude of some conspiracy..which is what is taking place here.

But thats ok Im a fan of conspiracy, I find them fascinating. I just dont blindly buy into them especially when there is no evidence to prove it.

Sorry, but unless there is hard evidence that clearly proves that lesson for the day was changed for Bush's sake, and that the material the kids had and what was on the board were purposely changed, I wont just blindly accept a few member's "I see it so thats proof" statement to change my opinion.

Have a nice day!


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

I never come into this topic and the reason is because it tends to be so filled with these really far-fetched ideas. Thanks for helping to push this one back where it belongs!

For me, this particular conspiracy theory is like religion in that it takes a real leap of faith to buy it, hook line and sinker. I think these kinds of leaps of faith tend to discredit some of the points the truthers may actually have.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Don't shut the door just because the specific words aren't right. The syllables coming out of their mouths are practically identical. It's a good way to cover or trick someone into saying certain words, creating certain vibrations... plane-playin, steal-steel.. it's the words/syllables coming out of their mouths that matter.

I'm sure Bush's people could have made arrangements with the teacher about certain things that should take place.. an innocent request that they place the books on the floor so the children must bend over & grab it, in relative unison, simulating a bow & the receival of knowledge/wisdom/arcana, etc.

Seemed to be lots of hand raising too, almost a 'sieg hiel' motion.. yes, you could expect that in this setting, but you wouldn't miss it if it wasn't there either..

I'm just saying, I spent two years in a fraternity & was surprised at the seriousness that these otherwise privileged, drunk college guys, took these rituals they did.. several times a week, once you became a Brother. Lots of repetitive body movements in unison (sometimes one at a time), like holding your hand out in an almost downward sieg hiel, simulating putting your hand on a book. Slashing your hand cutting-style across certain parts of your body. & yes, several bows.

This whole gathering itself is centered around a story about a certain goat who had a relationship with people. The assembly is laid out in an alter & half-circle configuration, star & crescent-moon style. Alter raised.

The proceedings come to a definitive close, not a hurried interruption & halt the way some might expect. A 'period' was placed at the end of this sentence.

Even the person who delivers the message almost seems 'on cue'.. playing out their part in a ritual possibly?

& the upside-down book is kind of the creepy cherry on top.. Bush may have been 'dumb' like a fox on that one. Strong symbolism in that detail.

Lol, the poor teacher might have unwittingly played the part of the earth goddess :-)

None of this is proof, I admit that. It's just information & data right now, but I think there are a lot of separate coincidences that flock together on this one.

Edit: Spelling fix

[edit on 21-1-2009 by CepheidVariable]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Its also in this video too.... 19Seconds to 55seconds


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by prometheus1111
Interesting control the facilitator (teacher) had over the children. They knew all the signals and responded quickly in unison to the facilitators cues.

Definately a form of Mind Kontrol.

Oh come on... did you never have to follow cues like that at school? ever played sports, danced, been in a theatre, military, etc. Cues and unison don't necessarily mean there is some big 'mind kontrol' conspiracy going on.

Originally posted by CepheidVariable
& the upside-down book is kind of the creepy cherry on top.. Bush may have been 'dumb' like a fox on that one. Strong symbolism in that detail.

Yeah really strong symbolism omgz its almost as if all this crap you're spouting actually means something omg I mean yeah he's the devil.

god if you believe half of this **** then you're just as bad as those who believe everything Fox News put out.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by jdub297
Originally posted by David9176

... pure lies and propaganda ... disturbing and disgusting. Seriously, what kind of twisted individual does this crap?

Oh, maybe truther, star in a jar, wZn, sueloujo, for starters.

People here see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear more and more often on ATS than I ever expected.

Operate from a conclusion, and develop a theory or 'facts' to support it.

Deny Ignorance?

I object to you using my name in this context...I am not a twisted individual and actually looked further into this for myself, as did everyone else I hope . If you look at my post, my one concern was the fact that Bush just sat there and continued the lesson in spite of the fact that his people were dying. Not even a flinch..would take a hard man to do that.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:38 AM
Now that changes everything! Now I am believer in the 9/11 conspiracy!


This is so long after the fact, those kids are in high school now. It is very convenient that this is suddenly discovered (read that dubbed). Nobody that was there would even remember what the word exercise was.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:59 AM
congrats to the OP on the dumbest thread ever in the history of the ATS forums. Well done.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
On another note, the cameraman seemed fixated on some of these girls hairstyles.

You know, you're right about the hairstyle comment.
How the hell did I miss that the first time?
I had to watch the video again and sure enough there is a fixation issue at play here.

But why hairstyles????

Maybe the CamMan was Don Imus?

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