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Are You Crying? Inaguration 2009

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by sos37

You speak words through me I never said. I see that you NEED the next shill to blame, I understand. Before we even attempt to move forward, you have it figured out because when you voted for bush, you believed that somehow his wealth would trickle down to you. I understand you have anger, you have issues. You are not alone.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:47 PM
As many of you probably guessed, I cried about 5 times today. Once in the car when I was listening to them describe the crowds, once when Aretha Franklin was singing, once when he took the oath, and twice during the speech.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by antar
I just cannot stop crying my eyes out. I think of all of the history behind the United States and Black Slavery. Can you imagine if you were to tell the people who suffered so greatly in our country just a couple of centuries ago that one day, one great day, a Black Man would become the President?

Today was truly a historic day. It shows we have made great progress in race relations and I truly am pround to be an american.

I actually have imagined what it would be like if I some how had a time machine and I could go back and talk to slaves. I would be so proud to tell that one day there will be a black president. I would be so excited to bring the inspiring message that they SHALL overcome!

It would be so great to bring that kind of hope to them. Yet I am glad that I get to share in the hope that millions across the world have felt today.

There is hope for the future. Thats what I take from today. We just might be okay after all. I must say that is a feeling worth shedding a few tears for, and I did.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:47 PM
I cry at almost anything...I'm a pisces. I think Obama is going to do just fine and for those that think hes going to raise taxes and all the disinfo hoopla....relax. Hes in your corner more than you know...theres a reason Kennedy was smiling so big and it has something to do with his brother JFK.

Gotta start tearing down the veils and being truthful and honest...Hiding and deceit is no longer an option.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Niall197

That reminds me I was thinking that The Obamas are our American New Royalty!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:49 PM
I am just going to say it. I am laughing my arse off! This is far more entertaining than the parade! Thanks Antar!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by antar

Spoken with Insight! Breathtaking clarity.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Xenophiles
Are you serious?

Of course I'm not crying. Obama is just a run-of-the-mill politician, as cheap, small and petty as any of his ilk.

There will be time enough for crying when this country really understands the mess that eight years of bush have left us. Gathering our strength to face the bleak days ahead is more important than shedding tears over a fleeting moment that may not change a thing.

My thoughts exactly. Lmao @ Am I Crying...If you're crying, you were obviously neglected a hug or two as a child.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

Spoken with genuine discipline of mind set. People will choose to love or hate the man. People will become united or they will continue to be separate.

I do not know a single educated person who places the responsibility of cleaning up the past on one man regardless of his position. Especially in four years time.

I do however know many many that placed that responsibility on one man and when they did that, they were so very surprised that all they invested, all they supported, to see the good old fashioned family values rule the day, was a lie, perpetrated as a scam to enable another four years of back room deals and escape routes, and they are angry and take no responsibility in their votes for the past and for the lies and for the deaths.

Those same people of course will not cry today, nor will they get the historic value of this moment in time. No they are looking for who they can place the blame for their own ignorance on.

To "love or hate" the man is not the issue....the issue is how the present American society is willing to place their positive thoughts in HIS abilities, granted he speaks quite eloquently the words written for him, emphasis written for him, instead of the abilities that each of US have always had within ourselves to fix our country and the world we live in, if we would only stop allowing ourselves to be "led" like sheep, and create from within like the Creator intended us to do.

Cry if you must, you feel the emotion and the elation of being part of HIS-TORY....That is good for you, and I'm happy that you do....but, do not confuse self purpose with the pretty words some people will feed you.

**My use of "you" does not mean you personally...but refers to the collective.**


posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:02 PM
Well I'm pretty apathetic to this whole charade.

Lets agree on a few things people, because this banter over the significance will be over soon and we can all start actually doing something for our country..

1. Good job guys, we got a black president. Its a big deal. We'll all get over it and have many more in our future.

2. He hasn't done anything yet. He could be the best or worst president of all time. How silly will the other side look when he is one or the other?

3. This is a positive historic day in the US, but an extremely negative era in it's history. Lets not get excited either way. There is room for both hope and caution.

BUT PLEASE, lets stop acting like this guy is a celebrity. This is a continuing dumbing down of America. OPRAH??? BON JOVI??? Do they realize they are both literally just as stupid and clueless as the guy running the frialator at the McDonalds down the road? They aren't politicians or even good people for that matter, so stop making this inauguration an episode of E News.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by sos37

You speak words through me I never said. I see that you NEED the next shill to blame, I understand. Before we even attempt to move forward, you have it figured out because when you voted for bush, you believed that somehow his wealth would trickle down to you. I understand you have anger, you have issues. You are not alone.

You also said:

"Your words tell me you take this personally, that it is an issue of one man. "

Not sure what you're playing at, but I'll coin a phrase if it hasn't already been coined by someone.

"If something occurs once in nature, you can bet with all certainty that it will re-occur again."

Meaning, if I feel this way you can bet that I'm not alone. Personally, I am just waiting until Obama screws up. And he will. In fact, I'm keeping very detailed records of all the votes he makes as compared to all of the campaign promises he made. The man is just another politician who played heavily on his own race with the help of the liberal media to get elected and the American people, sheeple that they are, bought into it hook, line and sinker because they were so fed up with the current administration.

You're just distracting yourself from the real issue by allowing yourself to become emotionally involved in "the moment of historical significance". Some of us see through it and have since the very beginning. Most of you deny it because it's "uncool" to be doubting the word of the Messiah.

But I can guarantee you that I'm not alone. There are many others out there who feel exactly as I do and are just waiting for the day when Obama makes a colossal mistake and exposes himself for what he really is. THAT day will be the day to rejoice.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by antar

Antar I think you are not going to like what I have to say but when I read your thread title the first thing that came to my mind was - ATTENTION SEEKER. At first I thought that maybe you were crying because you realized that we are entering into the final stage humanity will have to face. This is it folks. I have never felt more uneasy feeling like I did for the past few days. Unfortunately something awful is coming but I can't pin point what. Maybe it's more then one "thing".

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:11 PM
Nope.... no tears. He's just another figure head after all.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:12 PM
I did feel emotional as President Bush departed on HMX-1.
He was typically friendly and smiling while Mr Obama persisted in his Mussolini impression - looking down his nose at the world past his elevated chin.

It was also emotional to see hundreds of thousands of people whoop and holler as the empty vessel stood and said nothing for 20 minutes trying to disguise its emptyness with rhetorical flourishes that represented the hole "Obamenon."

God help us all for the next 4/8 years.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by SantaClaus

Hey, Santa welcome to the thread, I said you reminded me of my RL brother and man do you ever! I cannot post what he says...

I will tell you, I did not vote for him, I did not vote for Mccain, I did vote however.

I appreciate your voice of reason here as it is not a color issue with me, it is so much more than that. No one places their hopes and dreams in a single political figure, but if he will just listen to what we the people want, then we will have a voice in the White House for a while. I personally think we have gone to far and my best hope is to ease the world tensions and start talking rather then being the bully on the block.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:12 PM
I am crying for the people of this Nation and what lies ahead. Our first White and Black President I pray represents all the races of this great country. For I see rough times ahead especially for the young, elderly, handicaped, sick, poor and needy. Will the rest of the people hold out their hands or pitch in and work to keep our Nation and help their fellow man in these tough and uncertain times?

Today all the people that voted for Obama will remember today the rest of their lives and the changes good and bad that are forthcoming during this administration.

Today I am thankful that our forefathers the writers and signers of our Nations Great Constitution and Declaration of Independence thought ahead to protect our rights as citizens. It is up to us to hold on to our rights and not lose them. Since 911 things have changed in The United States of America and it is not the same country we once knew.

The question is this are the people of this Great Nation ready for the changes that are getting ready to be implemented and the consequences of each change?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:17 PM
The only way I can describe it is that I am so full. So full that the tears just leak out because there is just not enough room inside for the emotion that I feel. It feels great! I am so full with hope and pride.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:20 PM
You cant help but cry.It is historic!All the people there. All the emotion. Its like he is an idol, a king, a god. I just hope he dosent let us all down. There will be some real tears then

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by stanislav

You got it! That was how it all started, actually I was just pissed when I woke up, I mean really angry for no reason. I dealt with it, understood that it was just energy and let it go. I had a good day and then while watching the Inaguration I just realized the fullness of the moment and all that it brought to me personally. I just wanted to know if others were as overflowing. I admit I was concerned like something bad was going to happen to him, then when the lunch debacle happened, it just took me to the heights of it, emotions came flooding through and I was crying in gratitude for the hope, this whole next faze may bring. I also think it has gone too far and that we are still doomed, and my personal thoughts and ideas about Obama the person will remain just that personal. BUt this is a moment which will define our world in the years to come and it is up to us to shape the clay, to be part of something greater than self. I see this and its important.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I was so emotional that I posted while feeling those emotions out of my hart, what a feeling!!!!!!!

And it doesn't have to do with what party is in power, but the realization of how we as a nation can still show the rest of the world what we are capable off.

If is nothing more than a show, then at least today it felt very real Democracy felt very real and very powerful.

Lets talk tomorrow about conspiracies but today is Americas day.

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