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Possible UFO crash in Saudi Arabia - Millions Of Witnesses!!

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posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by C.H.U.D.
True, but, there is no evidence that any event like this has ever led to anything other than rocks being recovered

Correct, but when does a UFO crash ever turn up UFO debris to the public, or at least a news story of a genuine UFO crash site with UFO debris? It seems whenever one is said to have crashed, the country's goverment appears, seals off the area, cleans it up, and then says it was a man made craft/meteorite.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

08 Jan 2009
US: Meteor spotted in California

Oh come on Zorgon, you can do better than that one surely? One (ok, two...) person saw a tiddler!

It lasted for about a 3 second glow once we saw it appear below the top of the windshield, moving slowly, near vertically from our viewpoint. It was by far the brightest meteor either of us have ever seen, easily as bright as the airliner landing lights coming into San Francisco International Airport as seen from Skyline.

I can see meteors like that from my back garden perhaps once every night or 3 (if it's clear), and I don't exactly live in the best place for spotting them!

Good job posting the others though

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:36 PM
A large meteor exploded amid a climate of the eastern half of the Kingdom of lights

د*Snip* Shocked many people in the region of Central and East on Wednesday to see the scene he saw a great divine visual large numbers, the burning of a large asteroid in the sky to draw the attention of the people and the light and raised many questions and inquiries carried by the (Riyadh) directly to a colleague, Dr. Abdulla Al-Misnad faculty member, Department of Geography, University of Qassim, a researcher with the astronomical and general supervisor of the mobile channel Riyadh that, through this dialogue:
*Snip* At the outset exactly what happened Saturday night?

*Snip* According to sources in the limited scientific information about what happened, it was too early to determine what happened Morocco last Wednesday, exactly, but the analysis of hundreds of observations in dozens of cities and provinces, and the limited images and strongly suggest that the offense of a large space (asteroid) entered the atmosphere over the airspace of the Kingdom (Central), will be at the fifth and fifty minutes, at speeds of up to 235,000 kilometers per hour, and when he entered the atmosphere and the friction elements Bdhirat gas temperature rose to more than 2500 degrees Celsius, which then began burning the naked eye, which is seen at an altitude of up to 80 kilometers, and mixed color between the white and blue and green, before reaching the Earth's surface will the mercy of God towards His slaves to explode at high altitudes of up to 28 meters, according to preliminary calculations based on the speed of sound to reach the scenes.

*Snip*Seen in the East, Riyadh, Qassim, Hail, Zulfi, tattooing, Sudair, Dawadmi, fire, drilling subcontractor in Kuwait, also has to be spectators in the regions or other Gulf states did not inform me.

*Snip*What happened after the explosion of the meteor?
*Snip* Some observations in Sudair and asserts that it Alsman I heard a voice boom of thunder and twenty minutes after the second and longer than some novels about ten minutes and continued to the sound of the explosion for several seconds.

*Snip*Estimated the size of the meteor and how?


[edit on 19-1-2009 by stewartw2]

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[edit on 1/20/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:45 PM
The above is an article form AL_Riyadh or Riyadh daily newspaper-appeared laast friday- The event was extensively witnessed and covered in S why is the west not covering it?

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
Correct, but when does a UFO crash ever turn up UFO debris to the public, or at least a news story of a genuine UFO crash site with UFO debris?

Exactly. If there were UFOs crashing all over the world, this often as you are suggesting, where is all the debris you'd expect to find. All the governments in the would could not find every scrap, and some would be bound to fall into public hands.

Part of your argument is that we have been visited for centuries right? So where is all the debris from before they had crack teams to scour the globe? We should be finding it in our fields, yards and gardens, don't you think?

Originally posted by DJMessiah
It seems whenever one is said to have crashed, the country's goverment appears, seals off the area, cleans it up, and then says it was a man made craft/meteorite.

Stories, assumptions and rumors. You know how they change a bit every time you hear them. Sure the government needs to check out/clean up any fallen objects from time to time, but that is not unusual to do? People are naturally suspicious of the government now, so a small spark of a rumor under what is fairly unusual circumstances to most people anyway could quite easily get out of control.

Again, if there was anything to them, I think it would have got out by now. We have no hard evidence so until we do...

Just my £0.02...

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by stewartw2
so why is the west not covering it?

Probably because there is no footage of the event. Without footage, it's hardly news worthy. I would have expected to hear of such an event through scientific channels too, but nothing so far, which seems unusual to me.

I expect something will filter through eventually.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 09:56 PM
Edit to prior post. After reviewing the last post, I found the need to edit the post for clarity.

"carefully construed 'false' Alien invasion.

A false alien invasion has been discussed within the 'secret societies' as a means of bringing about Martial Law the world over. Sounds far fetched though quite effective. There are many countries involved in this NWO and leaders have been 'chosen' to represent this agenda.

They have the technology to pull it off and the means to keep 'order' as they desire till the 'Endgame' is achieved.

Review last post if necessary.

[edit on 19-1-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 10:26 PM
Did anyone notice at the very end of the video it has a luminous quality, kind of transparent and you can actually see the shape of a triangular shaped craft? Just watching made my heart open and I felt to send light and protection to the occupant. I am sick to death of the military getting their hands on crashed UFO's. Of their capture and subsequent detainment to death of our astral visitors. I suppose if you have never seen one you may not even be able to catch what I saw at the end of the video, you have to first have certain centers in the brain acclimated to the different dimensional wave. They want to shoot down the benevolent ones.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 10:51 PM
Don't they have one of these things in a shrine at Mecca?

Maybe this explains where it came from... I dunno.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 11:26 PM
It is probably a meteor.

I thought that it kind of looked like a SCUD missile. Too bad that Iraq doesn't have any of these any more. Although Syria and Yemen do.

If it is a meteorite, they'll probably throw a tent over it and then dance around it once a year.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 11:26 PM
Well I had hoped to get some sleep tonight, but that's not looking too likely!

News just in of yet another big fireball, this time in Italy on the 13th!

Luckily, an Italian fireball network camera caught it:

Source: /8kt3p3

From what I can gather, it's been estimated as being slightly brighter than a full moon!

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:08 AM
OK, so with the Italy fireball, that's five in a week. That is TOO MANY to be coincidence. I am starting to lean towards missile defense tests.

The timing and placement are also very interesting. Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East. If I wanted to test the intercept capability of a new anti-missile system, these are the exact locations that I would want to test.

Keep your eyes open for the West Coast and East Coast tests. If "fireballs" are seen in these locations then I will be 100 percent sure that it is a secret anti-missile system, probably ship based.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:17 AM
Assuming this is a meteor - just the sight of it in the sky kind of forces 1million residents to question it's identity.

Not all of them are going to realize it is a meteor and are going to wonder what else it could be....and eventually see other footage and wonder what that is too....

Woo hoo!! the UFO Community just gained a bunch of new members and support

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:03 AM
And my point is, why would a UFO be "crashing" anyway? Shouldn't it be "landing"?

I think that makes the thread even more ridiculous... Why do UFO's always have to be crashing? You'd think hopefully that an Alien Exploration Team could land safely on Earth after Traversing billions of possible light years through Space...

Then they are going to make it into Earth's atmosphere and suddenly forget how to navigate?

Which goes back to my whole mantra, which is.

I'll believe it when I see it... I'm not talking about Meteorites either. I'm talking about piloted extraterrestrial space craft.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Nick_X
Assuming this is a meteor - just the sight of it in the sky kind of forces 1million residents to question it's identity.

Not all of them are going to realize it is a meteor and are going to wonder what else it could be....and eventually see other footage and wonder what that is too....

Woo hoo!! the UFO Community just gained a bunch of new members and support

Well these aren't the most trained observers either... When they start praying and talking amongst themselves of the "coming of the lord". Well you know your not dealing with the brightest people...

You might as well have them shooting arrows at the Moon at night...

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by antar
Did anyone notice at the very end of the video it has a luminous quality, kind of transparent and you can actually see the shape of a triangular shaped craft? Just watching made my heart open and I felt to send light and protection to the occupant. I am sick to death of the military getting their hands on crashed UFO's. Of their capture and subsequent detainment to death of our astral visitors. I suppose if you have never seen one you may not even be able to catch what I saw at the end of the video, you have to first have certain centers in the brain acclimated to the different dimensional wave. They want to shoot down the benevolent ones.

O.k. but if you are writing a book can you state your opinion before your post... Or do you actually believe what you just typed?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by lunarminer

As C.H.U.D has said, this is not unusual at all.
Using this compilation of Fireball reports, the monthly reports of large fireballs from 2008 tabulates to this:
Jan 8
Feb 6
Mar 9
Apr 9
May 2
Jun 8
Jul 7
Aug 8
Sep 12
Oct 16
Nov 26
Dec 9

Out of those, very (very) large fireball counts look like this
Jan 3
Apr 1
Jun 1
Jul 3
Aug 3
Sep 3
Oct 6
Nov 3
Dec 3

These reports are only from North America. As C.H.U.D. pointed out, if you take these numbers and spread them over the surface of the Earth (including oceans and other sparsely populated areas) there is nothing really out of the ordinary about the frequency of meteors.

The trouble with your "prediction" is that the odds are pretty good that someone will see a large meteor on the east and/or west coast (or somewhere else in the US). It's like predicting an earthquake on the west coast, it is guaranteed to happen.

[edit on 1/20/2009 by Phage]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

See Phage's excellent post above.
In my experience I have always seen Bolides in clusters, and they normally seen to fall within a short period after a meteor storm. Every year though we have these batches of Bolide sightings. A good example of the last one I clearly recall was in 2004 during the big Aussie Bloke Hoax. There were about 5 or 6 large bolide sightings including one that went across half the US from Texas up into Kentucky.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by InterWeb

OK you got me...
I do not know everything, especially some of the geography of eastern and northern Europe (especially near Russia were they seem to spring up new countries all the time), some of Africa, and the area around Cambodia, Korea, and that whole peninsula. I will also admit that I do not know the name or location of every island in the Caribbean. However, comparing me to Busch, is rather harsh IMHO...

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
I suspect you are correct about the first video being a satellite. Upon learning the name I was able to research it and it seems you are correct.

The Genesis was the similar to the Stardust which also dropped a UFO shaped disk into the atmosphere for retrieval. The Genesis was sampling the Solar Wind, while Stardust collected dust from a comets coma.

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
But, your explanation of the last video "Interstellar" seems to be off.
The following is a photo of the ISS. Notice its general shape and apparatus.

Now notice the general shape and apparatus of the craft you have confused with the "ISS"

We had this discussion in Bad Astronomy, the URL is here:
Bad Astronomy ISS

At least half of those images look like what happens when you try to track the space station by hand and fail as miserably as I do when doing hand tracking. You get a streak with a hint of a strange shape. The thing is I never irresponsibly post said images and jump up and down while screaming "OMG secret nazi space base!" In fact I usually just delete those images all together as they're embarrasing, but other people tend to be happy just to get a streak - here's an example and you tell me if this looks kind of like some of the photos on that website.

This one looks like the command module/LEM stack to me, but nope, it's actually a poorly tracked ISS and shuttle lol:

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