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Palestinian Terrorism: A Lie Called Freedom Fighting

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posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 05:35 PM
Not everyone thinks Hamas and Al Qaeda are terrorist groups, and Americans used to love Israel for no apparent reason.

It's extremely difficult to implicate your own ideas and beliefs with others without their "consent." It's impossible to impose your own views on a group of people who you were told you hate since you were born. And because this is the usual action of the World Police U.S.A., foreigners have been hurt by what Americans say about the countries where they have never even been to.

The current war is the Western Hemisphere against the Eastern Hemisphere, and those who does not take a side is usually eliminated.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Once again, if any thing was true about the IDF wanting to wipe out all Palestinians, then why do they still exist? The IDF is powerful enough to make the ME not exist yet some how these few million Palestinians still exist? And look at that, they only go after Hamas in Gaza, not all Palestinians. Kind of makes the whole Jews are out to kill all Palestinians in doubt.

You don't understand the game at hand. The Palestinians are prisoners who the Israelis are relentlessly punishing in order to deepen the conflict with other Arab nations and especially IRAN. The world is in a RESOURCE crisis and now RESOURCE WARS.

The IDF is giving a very public beating to the Palestinians to draw the Iranians and others into combat! This is what the USA did with Saddam. Western powers are attempting to ensnare the entire Mideast due to global resource competition and depletion!

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
There lies the big question. That is something I think will take more than just one person to figure out. I have no personal solutions to the conflict. A cease fire needs to be put in effect and dialogue needs to be started up. The outcome is predictable, both side disagreeing completely who has right to the land, etc. etc.

Anyone with creative solutions, feel free to post those in this thread as well.

Nobody wants to give up the land. taken from palestinians but jews have lived there for a while now and feel entitled to it. as anyone would.

Only way to get anyone of them to agree is to have another viable option or place to put said people. It has to be attractive enough for one side to be like " he i know we have been fighting and killign for this land but this other option seems a better choice for our people" .

Since there is no Open or free land anywhere near there that is a good place to start a community/country/nation then they are S.O.L. for now.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Alpha_Magnum

A public beating to Palestinians? I didn't know they invaded West Bank... Wait, they didn't they went after Hamas. Until the West Bank is invaded and every Palestinian is killed then there is no truth behind the IDF trying to kill all Palestinians. Also, it is said that Israel has nukes. Why not use them if all they want to do is kill every Muslim? It seems strange, all these people claim Israel is out to kill every Muslim, yet Muslims still exist even with Israels superior weaponry.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

That may have a chance of happening IF Israel's incursions into Palestinian territory are reversed, the Israeli illegal settlers and squatters are removed, the Israeli practice of destroying Palestinian infrastructure, homes, orchards, and croplands is terminated and the destroyed properties restored. And if Israel begins prosecuting and punishing its citizens who commit crimes and atrocities against innocent Palestinians rather than allowing them carte blanche sub silentio permission to perform those activites without consequence.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by Alpha_Magnum

A public beating to Palestinians? I didn't know they invaded West Bank... Wait, they didn't they went after Hamas. Until the West Bank is invaded and every Palestinian is killed then there is no truth behind the IDF trying to kill all Palestinians. Also, it is said that Israel has nukes. Why not use them if all they want to do is kill every Muslim? It seems strange, all these people claim Israel is out to kill every Muslim, yet Muslims still exist even with Israels superior weaponry.

There must be a reason that you want to appear to be obtuse? I guess you have read nothing I have taken the time to type and it shows from what you have posted. There is little point in repeating myself is there? Now you have bunched up several different questions and some of them are rather ignorant.

Gaza is small and if a nuclear weapon was used it would take out a portion of Israel too not to mention fallout. So this is a baseless question added to derail the topic. I suggest that if you want to debate this then read my post above again and then talk about it. Hammas is a product of Israel is my assertion! Now work from there littlegirlgamer.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by Alpha_Magnum]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Alpha_Magnum

Tactical nukes, and you and others claim this is to get Iran involved. So why not nuke Iran? Why not turn the ME into a parking lot if that is the Jews goal? Until there is more then Israel attacking Hamas you have nothing but your own hatred for the Jews.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
Until the West Bank is invaded and every Palestinian is killed then there is no truth behind the IDF trying to kill all Palestinians.

One of the most ignorant things I've ever read.

Also, it is said that Israel has nukes. Why not use them if all they want to do is kill every Muslim?

Are you serious? Well, because their very existence is based on perception that they are the victims. If they dropped a nuke, they couldn't hide behind the US Flag anymore. The CITIZENS wouldn't allow it. Well maybe you would.

It seems strange, all these people claim Israel is out to kill every Muslim, yet Muslims still exist.

Another doozy.
But thanks for the


[edit on 17-1-2009 by AnAbsoluteCreation]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:11 PM
You need to provide references and source material if you're going to write a post like this. Otherwise there is no reason for anyone to believe a word you say.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by Riposte]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
reply to post by Alpha_Magnum

Tactical nukes, and you and others claim this is to get Iran involved. So why not nuke Iran? Why not turn the ME into a parking lot if that is the Jews goal? Until there is more then Israel attacking Hamas you have nothing but your own hatred for the Jews.

Odd choice of words but so be it.
1) Tactical nukes = What about them?
2) To get Iran involved = YES the beating on the Palestinians is to incite the Iranians into a shooting war. Then at that point the nuclear option may come about. I doubt that nuclear weapons will be used though since the goal is to get control of the Iranian oil by making them look like the aggressors.
3) ME into a parking lot = it is more easy to pump the oil when people are not being exposed to nuclear fallout.
4) I don't hate Jews or any other religious people that is something that you stated that I never did. I think you Jews and all of the other religions are essentially off your flockin rockers since it is nothing but "Sun Worshiping" but it is your time to waste

I can tell you don't believe that my overall assertion that everything from a bit before WW1 till this day is all related to nothing more than resource control. Wars are waged over resources. Revenge and Religion have nothing to do with it and never did! The spoils of war go to the victor! Land, Water, Energy, Passage, Food and Competition Reduction are the reasons we humans fight!

God does not give a fluke about any of this because there isn't one. People simply want to make their situations better even if someone else must suffer or die all they need do is rally a cause and it's bombs away!

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:26 PM
Gamer, just another miss informed American who advocates the genocide of millions of innocent people. No doubt you can understand why the US is called the great Satan, its because of people with attitudes such as yours. It is frightening indeed that some one so young and so ignorant wishes a nuclear holocaust on hundreds of millions of people.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by grimreaper797

Very intresting read..follow the money ..the trail of pain ends therein..war makes people in high places rich in lust but poor of mind...but when will we all decide that enough is enough and stand together as one and say IT STOPS NOW!!!...the world is watching with its own all seeing eye of illumination....and yet still people sit and wait for someone else to start the ball rolling...remember that a small snowball from the top a hill..gains weight and speed and great power if there is enough snow....if the people were the snow think where it could go...we could see and end to global madnessium of terrorism...WAKE UP!!! THE TIME IS AT HAND..

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Gamer, just another miss informed American who advocates the genocide of millions of innocent people. No doubt you can understand why the US is called the great Satan, its because of people with attitudes such as yours. It is frightening indeed that some one so young and so ignorant wishes a nuclear holocaust on hundreds of millions of people.

Have a look at this video:

Pure luciferic, satantic, sadist, zionist insanity...

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Jinni

"We Jews kick ass" = Sun Worshipers


Google Video Link

Sorry had the wrong video for a bit fixed!

[edit on 17-1-2009 by Alpha_Magnum]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

I apologize this was my error, upon rereading the sources, I found out a different man, also named Al-Husayni, was the leader of the invasion/blockade, not the Al-Husayni that was exiled.

Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni was the Al-Husayni that led the blockade. I apologize, this was a result of an honest error where I confused the two due to the same last name.

I appreciate your correction though.

Try to keep in mind, I wrote up the final version of this article at like 4am when I am usually asleep because I wanted to post it up the same night I posted the Revisionist Zionist article. It is possible that I may have made another error like the one you listed in there so I ENCOURAGE ALL TO INVESTIGATE THE EVENTS THEMSELVES.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by grimreaper797]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Riposte

The reason I did that, is so you would look it up yourself. I was hoping the revisionist Zionist supporters would go "Yeah right", go to get sources to either disprove my post or prove my post was inaccurate, or even just look it up to verify the accuracy, and LEARN SOMETHING about the issue.

Instead most of them just screamed "LIES!" and refused to research further.

I wrote a post like this to see how many of you would go "that stuff is unfounded propaganda that isn't even sourced" to go do your own counter post, only to find it was the events that happened.

It was my hope that by leaving the sources out, all of which were either books or news sources, and the occasional online article I didn't have access to, you would attempt to disprove me and stop the thread in its tracks. Unfortunately, these days, many ATSers are too lazy to put effort into disproving a claim, and just go "lie" then move on.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by grimreaper797]

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 03:32 AM
now i understand why arabs hate you so much.

you still call terrorists , people that do the ultimate sacrifice ,
giving their lives , for their beliefs .

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Alpha_Magnum

Obtuse....I could have sworn someone else on this forum used the exact same word/phrasing. What was her/his name???
Hello, Masonwatcher or friend of masonwatcher.

There is one reason I will never side with any so-called Palestinian. And that is non-violent resistance. If Gandhi and MLK could lead millions of people to freedom using this method of protest, then there is no reason the people of the westbank and gaza could not do the same. The world hears their cries and their bombs but not their struggle. And that is why they will never gain any respect.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Founding

So does that mean you side with the sly violence provoking revisionist Zionists? I mean, there goal was pretty spelled out. Take the land, anticipate violence, and attack those that do try to stop us.

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
reply to post by Founding

So does that mean you side with the sly violence provoking revisionist Zionists? I mean, there goal was pretty spelled out. Take the land, anticipate violence, and attack those that do try to stop us.

Apparently you missed Founding's masterpiece thread that asserted that the Palestinians have in his opinion no genetic tie to Palestine what so ever! Now he drags Gandhi into it.

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