posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Hi All
the way I see it there is a story within a story, within a story regarding everything. Sometimes they are jumbled along the lines of the parent or
grandparent story. In the same way, everything is moulded out of prana, there are multiple levels of density, forming the mental, emotional and
physical bodies. The mental body can span many dimensions (altered state of consciousness) and the emotional body a few (astral travel), but the
physical body is sensorially locked into 3D by virtue of a combination of physical laws and mental beliefs. Our body and senses are a gravitational
force which attracts our waking attention because so much of our subconscious is used just to function and our senses are sending out alerts which
warrant attention all the time. One thing is certain, whether it be photonic energy or that of an inert rock, it's all moulded and encoded pranic
energy at the core. The encoding breaks down over a long period of time, returning all energy to the pranic source from whence it came. Everything
else is a story about the actual encoding mechanism - which all amounts to some form of embedded fractal energetic pathway. When those encoding
mechanism change, everything changes instantly in relation to that change. There is no doubt that it is possible that a select group, with enough
mental focus and enough will and belief, can change the very nature of reality! Under that assumption, it therefore stands to reason that reality can
be changed by other methods too ... either a cataclysmic jolt to the common consciousness or a breakdown of conventional wisdoms. Perhaps 2012 hold
the events, which in turn hold the key to those perception shifts.... perhaps then, once a critical mass of perceptions have shifted, will the
conventionally-wisdom-bound common consciousness, move to the emotional body and perhaps in doing so, will that density become our physicality - the
place where we obtain our sensorial inputs and the place we are mentally bound to believing is ou physical body. This should have the effect of
simply changing our physicaity to a higher density, not actually doing away with the physical body. After all, all is mind!