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Great News About 2012

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posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:18 AM
Although there is some inexplicable reason that the OP cannot post anymore, I feel I must reply nonetheless. Oh, forget it. He replied. A lot.
At least I had the chance to use the word "nonetheless".

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
"I've got some information" "I cannot reveal my source, but I can reveal the great news"

"Source", "Shmource"! That's what I say. This source is good enough for me! Most Excellent!

There are many humans here on this planet, who are actually not human. They are called Starchildren, Angels, Indigo, etc. They have human bodies, but they have reincarnated here in this time to help and to guide the population of this planet to level up.

Again, great info! This should help all those people out there that believe they MAY actually be from another world. But, may not be totally sure.
Just through away the anchors folks, and jump in with both feet. You know how you sometimes feel out of place at the mall? Well, this guy has explained why! Most Excellent!

Many of you know who you really are, so hold on to that vision - no matter how funny you might think it is or no matter what other people might think about it. Concentrate on the positive energy and don't let the negative energy pull you down. You are very important to this time, thus you must be centered, grounded and balanced - and you must KNOW who you are, no matter what other people are telling you.

So true, so true. You see, you know that thought that flashes through your minds, as you buckle down your tin-foil helmets, the thought that says "This is kind of nutty. Maybe this is a sign that I should stop believing that I am really a misunderstood "Star-Savior", and I should start taking my meds again"? Well, according to this guy, it's time to seek out that last bit of sanity you have been clinging to, and kill it to death!
Why? Because it's Negative! So, ignore any negative signs that tell you to stop trying to move your GI Joe's with your mind, go back to dressing up like a vampire for school, and wait to be granted the keys to the universe in 2012! Most Excellent!

2nd Great News: There Is No Hell!

Now THIS is really awesome! You have no idea how long I have been waiting for some anonymous guy on a message board, to come along and tell me that a keystone belief that exists in almost every religion in some shape or form, is all a sham! Whew!
That was a close one, because, well, 2012 is right around the corner, and since there were no other scratchings on a big rock in south america, to show that there was going to be any more years after 2012, I figure that's the end for us all.
But THIS! THIS is great news! And you heard it here, from... well, from some guy. Most Excellent!

3rd Great News: You and only You are in Charge of Your Future!There are no Saviours or Messiahs to save your butt - only yourself.

Ok. Dude says no God, or any of His team. Yeah, you know the drill. If not, see previous quote. Most Excellent!

4th Great News: You Will Become a Superhuman!

OK. I can't go on after this one. The OP, Mr. guy/person, claims some really neat stuff. Superhuman, why? Cause it's intergalactic-Christmas!
Girls get bigger boobs, guys get bigger... well, you get the idea. Everybody sitting around eating pizza and not gaining an ounce. Utopia.
OK. I'm out of material. Most Excellent!

My thanks to the OP and all the rest of his cohorts.
If we weren't going to be invaded before, this post has made sure that we will now.
From whom? My guess, anybody that read this post is probably feeling pretty strong about their invasion plans right now.

But hey, that's why we are known as the "Not-Smart-Squishies" of Terra, to all the local races.

[edit on 22-2-2009 by SumnerKagan]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
- your DNA fully activated (yep, that 'junk' DNA we're talking about)
- you will use 100% of their brain's capacity
- you will become telepathic
- you will not age
- your life period will be prolonged up to 500+ years
- you will be able to talk to animals and plants
- you will finally discover the REAL history of human kind
- you will finally be introduced to your galactic brothers and sisters
- you will build a new world of this planet
- you will grow your own food and live in communities and take care of each other

With all of those aspects emerging to benefit us..
one woudl think that a DNA activation would obviously change the physiology of the individual.
Is this something that in one flash instant "pop!" happens with no pain whatsoever?

or is it a lengthy metamorphosis that changes an individual slowly over time...?

you'd think you'd need a completely new nervous system to achieve these abilities.

would that just "pop!" change ?

or would that slowly change over years approaching 2012?

could that be morgellons?...Morgellons = 2012 DNA change ATS thread

who knows??

we don't seem to see any other phenomena that more closely resembles a metamorphic change on a mass population level besides morgellons.....


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by SumnerKagan

You can come to expect posts like this from people who have probably never had one spiritually experience in their life.

Did you know I have already been to the 4th dimension and so have everyone else on this board?

Most people just aren't aware of it.

You are unconscious.

Continue sleeping.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by dalan.

Did you know I have already been to the 4th dimension and so have everyone else on this board?

Most people just aren't aware of it.

You are unconscious.

Continue sleeping.


There is some truth in your fiction and some fiction in your truth.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 11:48 AM
As much as I love your positive story and the good Karma I have to avoid building my hopes up, I have seen and experienced how these sorts of predictions can draw once fous on a future event. Once you do this you step out of the “Now” you slowly but surely build up a belief structure based around that future event, you distort your own reality , now everything you experience and read about seems to fit so well into your belief structure, everything about that belief becomes your truth and with most people “They never question or doubt that belief” All you are doing though is creating resistance against what is, you are taking away the mystery in life and replacing It with the scenario in your mind.

If you want to do that then it’s 100% your choice, but if you are going to build up your hopes about predictions like this or maybe even the “Doom and Gloom” predictions then go right ahead, just remember to question your beliefs from time to time otherwise everything will become the truth. Remember when you built you hopes up as child, maybe it was a toy you desperately wanted. Can you also remember when you didn’t get that toy, remember how you cried and hated everybody. Well growing older does not change anything, the toys may change but hope stays the same “Don’t become attached to the scenario in your mind”

I would also like to give people a heads up about different dimensions, basically “It’s not worth thinking about” you will only drain yourself through compulsive thinking and analyzing in doing so. Even if we could understand about different dimensions it would serve no purpose at all, when the time comes, if it comes I’m sure we will evolve into knowing all there is to know about dimensions that matter. Until then don’t waste your energy, save that energy for a walk in nature or something the more time you spend in the “Now” the less time you spend distorting you reality.

Thanks for the thread though, it’s still nice to see some positivity around ATS.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by IamNow
Thanks for the thread though, it’s still nice to see some positivity around ATS.

You are quite welcome.

Someone told me not too long ago about the upcoming times:

"Whatever happens, don't go onboard the starship. We have to stay right where we are - here on this planet."

Perhaps it makes sense. Perhaps not.


posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder

Originally posted by IamNow
Thanks for the thread though, it’s still nice to see some positivity around ATS.

You are quite welcome.

Someone told me not too long ago about the upcoming times:

"Whatever happens, don't go onboard the starship. We have to stay right where we are - here on this planet."

Perhaps it makes sense. Perhaps not.


Don't go onboard the Starship?
Does that mean who ever is in control of the starship is evil, or has bad intentions?
Surely we can't just avoid all starships, they're not all the same?
And if something bad was to happen, wouldn't people be safer on a ship?
Can you explain that abit more please?

Oh and thanks for the original post aswell,
It made me really happy for like an hour or two.

Spreading a message of peace and harmony around ATS - just what it needs


posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by JacobNH

Don't go onboard the Starship?
Does that mean who ever is in control of the starship is evil, or has bad intentions?
Surely we can't just avoid all starships, they're not all the same?
And if something bad was to happen, wouldn't people be safer on a ship?
Can you explain that abit more please?

Oh and thanks for the original post aswell,
It made me really happy for like an hour or two.

Spreading a message of peace and harmony around ATS - just what it needs


You are quite welcome, Jacob.

That someone told me (and now, I'm just quoting her, uncritically...) that there will be starships. They will come in disguise as "saviors" to save the human race from our suffering. Many humans will want to go onboard. Many will go onboard. Those who will go onboard, will be deceived and enslaved. Once you get onboard, you will never go back. You will be transferred to another planet.

These starships will not arrive from outer space, they are actually from the deep layers of the Earth - they have been on this planet since the very beginning.

The good guys will arrive from outer space, but a bit later. But for those so-called "first contact" starships - don't trust them. They have planned this as a secret agenda cooperating with our government for many centuries.

No matter how attractive it may look, don't go onboard the ships. You have to stay right here on this planet. Once you are fully awakened, you will know (and feel) who are the bad guys and who are the good guys.

...that's what she said, as funny as it may sound.


[edit on 8-4-2009 by Spooky Fox Mulder]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder

Originally posted by JacobNH

Don't go onboard the Starship?
Does that mean who ever is in control of the starship is evil, or has bad intentions?
Surely we can't just avoid all starships, they're not all the same?
And if something bad was to happen, wouldn't people be safer on a ship?
Can you explain that abit more please?

Oh and thanks for the original post aswell,
It made me really happy for like an hour or two.

Spreading a message of peace and harmony around ATS - just what it needs


You are quite welcome, Jacob.

That someone told me (and now, I'm just quoting her, uncritically...) that there will be starships. They will come in disguise as "saviors" to save the human race from our suffering. Many humans will want to go onboard. Many will go onboard. Those who will go onboard, will be deceived and enslaved. Once you get onboard, you will never go back. You will be transferred to another planet.

These starships will not arrive from outer space, they are actually from the deep layers of the Earth - they have been on this planet since the very beginning.

The good guys will arrive from outer space, but a bit later. But for those so-called "first contact" starships - don't trust them. They have planned this as a secret agenda cooperating with our government for many centuries.

No matter how attractive it may look, don't go onboard the ships. You have to stay right here on this planet. Once you are fully awakened, you will know (and feel) who are the bad guys and who are the good guys.

...that's what she said, as funny as it may sound.


[edit on 8-4-2009 by Spooky Fox Mulder]

..what if it's the other way around and whoever you got this information from is with "the bad guys"?
Whos to say that if the ships do come, they really do want to save us?
It's a gamble I guess.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:55 AM
Their is hell out their I have contact with baalbeirth which is a demon of secuirty and 2012 will start with total eclipse for hell.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Hey I know this sounds great and all.
But what about my family...friends? What if we get separated?
What so instantly Ill be on my own in another dimension? What if I wanna see my mom dad sister???
Ill miss the them if we go different ways....

Anybody wanna answer to that? lol.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:03 PM
I appreciate the OP very much. I have just recently begun my search for as much truth AND speculation as I can find on 2012. Thank you for the post Mulder.

I look at it this way, one should never make themselves so good that they are void of all evil...because then it becomes impossible to know what evil is. There must be a harmonious medium of the two within one's self. The good must be higher to balance the weight of evil, but there still must be harmony. Without one, you absolutely CAN NOT have the other...and without have complete ignorance. And not the bliss kind...but more or less we drool on ourselves and completely lose what we are as humans.

I, myself am making strides to be more positive and case this theory is correct...but I will also not shy away from my instincts and preparation for a potential war of some sort.

I will always extend one hand in friendship so long as I have a weapon in the other to defend myself should it be a trap.

The original post did make me feel great though, and I truly hope that's what we're heading for.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by hotfoot982
Hey I know this sounds great and all.
But what about my family...friends? What if we get separated?
What so instantly Ill be on my own in another dimension? What if I wanna see my mom dad sister???

Maybe already now, we know/feel, which one of our friends and family will stay with us and which one will not. Everyone is bound by the choices he/she makes and the energy he/she sends out.

If someone among your friends/family is negative and destructive, then you must encourage this person to become more positive. That is if you want that person to be with you after 2012.

Originally posted by KingOfVillains
I appreciate the OP very much. I have just recently begun my search for as much truth AND speculation as I can find on 2012. Thank you for the post Mulder.

You are very welcome. I'm glad that it made you feel better.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:17 PM
Mulder, what about the religious aspect of this topic? Many Christians believe they will be taken away during the rapture. How can we be sure that the "starship" isn't part of God's plan to take away the Christians and leave the "bad" folks down here on Earth?

I question so much and am seeking answers. I hope I make the right choice. I do believe in Jesus and that he will come back. This may sound strange, but sometimes I wonder if Jesus is an alien being.

Another thing - what of these Indigo/Starseed people? How do we know that they aren't demons or under some mind control experiment?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by kid_of_3NKi
W00t, great thread

Yes, there's lots of negativity in the world and unfortunately also on ATS lately.

We need some more positive threads here on ATS.

How many positive threads are there on ATS? Close to none.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:49 PM
Hello, I joined this site just to post my thoughts on this subject and what I say isnt for anyones approval most of these posts were in 2009. I never knew about this site or Spooky Fox until today and I seemed to have awaken before I read this. A few weeks ago I had this dream about Aliens that kinda stood out from my many other dreams. I was at work when I noticed these lightning bolts coming out of the sky but in a certain spot in the sky until they started flashing more and more frequently in a circle until a ship parted the clouds and landed. Naturally I thought "Independence Day" and decided to run to a nearby bunker along with a group of other people but when we got there the door was locked and somehow I volunteered to go get the key. So I go back upstairs and I see all these people sitting at these picnic tables in a park. I go up to this kinda heavy-set black guy and I asked what was going on? He told me that he was one of them and they were here to pick some of their kind up and explained that they have always been here looking like every other human. When I asked what did he really look like he gladly showed me and kinda expanded in to this giant blob type thing but I didnt get to fully see him with my eyes because I was too close to him and his blubber formed over top of me and pinned me to the table.(I could literally feel the weight of this guy) but for some reason I wasnt afraid,. When he returned to his "human" form, a little girl nearby mentioned that she drew his real form and I saw it but it looked like it was drawn by a little girl so I couldnt make much of it. I started to walk around and got to know a few more of them until I thought about facebook and wanted to see if anybody posted about what was happening but when I looked at my phone noone had posted anything and somehow I was in the bed. I dont remember the point when I woke up but I didnt forget what I saw and it felt VERY real. I do believe in God and Christ and the Bible and I know when a sign has came my way. There is alot of truth to what is being talked about here and it doesnt contradict the Bible like some think. I feel very strongly about this Starpeople thing and I may be one of them. Money is just a piece of green paper to me and it comes and goes. No I am not rich by a loooooong shot nor am I poor my goal in life is to make others smile and to help where I can. Lately Ive been feeling like I was put here for a reason I have many friends that would vouche for the things I say here. I can fit in almost anywhere with anybody and make the best of it. This includes my tour of Iraq when I was in the Army but my whole life I find myself traveling to other places lookin for a since of belonging its not suicidal I actually Love my life even though it isnt the best life but I enjoy people and laughter and thats what I care about. Dont treat this as some kind of hoax Starpeople know who they are even if they dont know they just need some one to hit that lightswitch in there head. I have had many more dreams that go along with whats been said here........Thank you

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:58 PM
love this post, hopefully you are correct!

I just recently met someone who taught me not to be so "3 dimensional" to love, accept, keep everyone on an equal, happy, level. and I think him, love is the answer :]

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