posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:45 AM
As I have followed this thread I can only shake my head..Why in god`s name can "secret officers" watch and follow someone and after a couple of time
make a visit and ask kinda these questions??? I would have answered nothing at all, I would have threw them full with questions.
And although someone has nothing to hide, hey man it`s your private life.
I must admit that I live in Germany and not know laws in USA with covers such operations up but I have few relatives living in the States and Canada
and my family roots lay in Palestine/Jordania and Germany..mother is from Germany and my father is a very liberal person who came to Germany in 1960
when he was 18 years.
But things like mentioned from the Thread starter could bever happen such easy here..or could never happen if you are not catched while doing a crime
or afterwards.
1 time I had a criminal case although I was innocent..2 from the police did a mistake and thought that I hav broken up a car..2 months later I sat
before the judge with my lawyer and 1 time the police officer suddenly not appeared and the policewomen said that she only heard from her boss in the
car that he has seen me broken up the car...Next session the policewoman suddenly not appeared..and what the police said (sat 400 meters away in their
car at 2:00am) brought the judge to anger and after 1 minute thinking the judge has spoken me free..And the city had to pay 2 judge days and
everything else.
but I could run free until the no prison day...Otherwise I would have got paid for the "not lawfully right" prison days.
That can happen and I was on that night the stupid guy who wanted to walk from a bar-club to my home because it was a nice summer night..Ihey even
mad a house searching and that is so long ago now so I lived with my parents...Can you imagine the shock my parents had when the police came in and
said that 2 of their officers have seen that I have done a crime???
But things like happened with you I have never heard that they have happened here....We dont have a homeland security thing or similar things like
that that you have in the USA.
Bush and his clique has invented so many laws which are against the private life, good that he is no president anymore after the 20th January.
Many Greetings from over the Atlantic..wish you all the best.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English but I hope you understand what I mean.
[edit on 16/1/2009 by samier09]