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Explosives in the WTC 7 bought it down...I believe now...

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posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:01 PM
What got me was the Thermite.
Explains the hot furnace at the base.

Also, the 80micron dust is another key component.

So, it was a holographic overlay on the bomb (as in some videos you can actually see the bomb itself) which was Thermite. Combined with a live test fire of an Orbital Weapons Platform.

Very slick operation.
Like Pearl harbor.
Like D-Day.
Like 911.
Engineered events to make a populous believe, behave, and respond in a certain programmed way.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

Thank you for posting, and given me a source to confirm your statement.
Every little bit helps I am familiar with most of this, Id just had forgotten.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

just wait a few min ESDAD71 will post all the info anyone will ever need to know what really happend

dont worry about research all other info but ESDADs is wrong so be patient he will post all factual info shortly

and you will no doubt be able to get to the bottom of it all

ESDAD71 we are waiting see i told you there are thousands waiting to be enlightned

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

You have got to get him one of the best 911 videos on 911 that’s out there give me some time I will try and suggests one for you, or some one else might know, but there are some good ones out there that will leave your jaws on the floor.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by lycopersicum

lets not loos site or be distracted now people

ESDAD71 will post plenty of info

so please please be patient hes probably gathering inf as we type

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Gonenuts

....I get "ONE" chance so pick me the best video, keep in mind that even though he is smart his mind is starting off as closed as it gets...He still believes George is a good man...but he will not refute logic or evidence. know, someone should have started a thread for "converts" because there are many of us that took a peek into the box but we don't know how to convince the people in our lives to take a peek too. I bet there are many readers that want to share their "awakening" but also have maybe one shot to do it and ats isn't an option....after all it is for whack jobs and UFO nuts and planet X doomsday, I'm a werewolf what time shift are you living in at the moment.....So if one of you brave souls that have gathered your sources wants to start a thread like that...I bet it would be helpful....with some suffering from trolls I'm sure.
"how to teach grandma about 9/11" or "the 9/11 instruction kit" know what I mean I hope. I can't start spouting off about the temp. required to melt steel or "thermite" or holographic planes! and the source can't blame the Masons or Rothchilds or ET. It has to be the most solid straight forward stuff. The common man stuff......sorry for rambling and I sure as hell don't mean to highjack this thread....I will shut up now.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

ask gonuts in u2u for a good video

we are waiting for ESDAD71 to post videos/articles/stats/ from his stack of info and when u do finally get your video please let ESDAD71 review to make sure its lagit

see i have lots of time to do research on 9/ 11 so im realy realy waiting to get the best info on the subject from someone who really knows what went down .

thats why i keep harrping on ESDAD71 to post his info because according to him all of the other info on the NET is wrong
so we need his info so it can be blasted every where on the net to finally put an end to all truthers out there who dont believe the official story

ESDAD71 where are you man we all need to beleive

[edit on 16-1-2009 by lycopersicum]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by adam_zapple
There is less resistance to falling in open air than there is to falling inside a building...but that doesn't mean that a falling object will always seek out a path with less resistance.

C'mon in who's world?

In physics, the path of least resistance is always taken by objects moving through a system


I don't think you understand what that means....but let's find out.

Based on the image above, when the concrete sphere is dropped:

- Which path (A or B) is the "path of least resistance"?

- Which path will the falling object take?

Originally posted by ANOK

The building beneath it was applying an external force.

Haha good try, but sorry you fail. Please explain what external force the building would apply that would cause the top to change it's momentum?

Any contact that the building below made with the upper section would have applied a force on that upper section. Do you agree?

Originally posted by ANOK
Explain in what situation an object cab fall through itself with no resistance, using real physics references please?

I don't know of one. Note: I'm not claiming that the towers collapsed with no resistance.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by adam_zapple

dont waste your time its wrong (wink)

ESDAD71 will give you better info

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by adam_zapple
Based on the image above, when the concrete sphere is dropped:

- Which path (A or B) is the "path of least resistance"?

- Which path will the falling object take?

Doesn't it depend on what that block is made of?

If that block is also made of concrete, or many other things, then the sphere IS going to divert before it hits the ground. If it's a cardboard box then obviously that's different.

Steel on steel.. actually in WTC1 it was theoretically 13 floors worth of trusses falling into the lower 97 floors.

Any contact that the building below made with the upper section would have applied a force on that upper section.

This is stating the obvious. There is also a force applied by the upper section onto the lower one that is even greater, because the system is dynamic and not in equilibrium. Also stating the obvious. Try to go a little further with it.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by apacheman

And quite a few of Mark Bingham's associates and family members have said that was how he normally made phone calls, even to his Mom.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by lycopersicum
reply to post by adam_zapple

dont waste your time its wrong (wink)

ESDAD71 will give you better info

Dude, you are a riot. Seriously. Look, this thread is about 2 questions. 2 questions only. Now, I have been asked to defend other views but this thread is about 2 questions.

Why did they WAIT to demo WTC 7?

Where is the PHYSICAL evidence?

I mean, I have given you things that you could run with but still no response. Just the same old OK esdad71 set us straight since you do not believe prisonplanet or OK you are stoopid becuz u do not bleeve da conspriacrcy....

this thread is asking TWO questions....does anyone want to answer them the way ANOK called me out? I would think not. When I was 20 I thought that anything i heard was fact and believed all I saw...then i grew up and realized that there is something much bigger than me controlling the show. What makes me laugh is how truthers will bash Bush in one sentence but in the next he is the mastermind of 9/11. are you kidding? that is like Kneau Reeves winning an oscar. A funny thought but a little strange.

Experimental explosives? Midget CIA black ops? You decide.....All I have shown is that truthers will derail anything they cannot prove....

[edit on 16-1-2009 by esdad71]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Gonenuts
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

If you were talking a hermit that had always lived in the mountains maybe. However, Osama and his lieutenants are college educated engineers and doctors.....far from the ignorant sheep herders that you try to portray them as.

We are not talking about the sheep hearders are we though, we are talking about (Osama) it is he who is being blamed.

Now, for Osama lieutenants, being college educated engineers, and doctors, can you please prove that by siteing your sources, or are you just throwing your “opinions” around as facts as usual.

Osama bin laden

Education: degree in civil-engineering at Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah 1979

Khaled Sheikh Mohammed

The Kuwaiti who masterminded the 9/11 attacks, Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, had a degree in mechanical engineering from North Carolina

Mohammed Atta

Mohammad Atta, one of the pilots who attacked the World Trade Centre, was studying urban planning at Hamburg Technical University, "a skilled but not creative draughtsman" by one account.

Ayman al-Zawahiri

By 1979 he had earned a medical degree with a specialty in surgery,

Shall I continue?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by esdad71

why dont you tell us what happend, since all of us are wrong all evidence presented here is wrong in your mind.

("2. WHERE is the evidence of explosives? I don't care if you used a top secret explosive...there would be residue or at least one relay/switch/terminal that would have assisted with the explosion. However, there is nothing.")

why dont you tell us the thermodynamics and physics of why there wasnt explosives

with factual info about flame temps ,steel melting temps, diagrams from of the building blue prints ,scientist and physics profesers that back up why u believe there wasnt any other energy source for to take WTC7 down

if we are all wrong you have to have a treasure trove of info on the whole WTC destruction at your disposale

show us so we can believe also that it just fell from fire

give us your info dude not speculation give us what you read

im asking just 1 question

[edit on 16-1-2009 by lycopersicum]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Gonenuts
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

As for gonenuts and his rants about multi trillon dollar...blab blah blah....all money appropriated for the Defense Department goes into different funds...and never do they mix. An example, many, many years ago I was with a helicopter squadron in Florida. It was a week from the end of the fiscal quarter and we were out of fly money (no money for fuel and parts), however, the base still had 80,000 to transplant palm trees for base beautification purposes. And thats how it works, when Congress passes the budget and the President signs it, the money is put into the different funds for different needs and it literally takes an act of Congress to move the money from one fund to the other.

You do not know where the money for the Defense Department goes even Rumsfeld, could *not* account for over two billon dollars that was missing the day before 911 happened You do not know where the money goes, who is handling the money You are not the governments auditor. The government cant handle running a country because it is too busy covering its behind, do to all the corruption.

After 21 plus years, yes, I know a little about the subject. You on the other hand continue to show a distinct lack of proper research. Rumsfeld's press conference was speaking about 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions reaching back over forty years that were not properly accounted for. He was not speaking about two billion in cash.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:44 PM
sorry was posting to swamp his post is so far off toppic with some personal battle with someone

[edit on 16-1-2009 by lycopersicum]

[edit on 16-1-2009 by lycopersicum]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by esdad71[/i

i want to know what happend to WTC7

i truely dont know what brought WTC7 down and dont pretend to know

but anything anyone types u say noway , im sure it was several things

but whatever i want to know what u think happen

then please put your info up to explain why the info leans u to that direction

so shows what you got dude

not one bit of info from you just hearsay
i call BS

show us your info or do you not have any info to share ,which i find it hard to beleive since you are very quick ti discredit everyone elses info you and your sidekick swampfox

show us your info its a simple request

people have posted time and time agin with info that leads to major questions to the official story

the ACTUAL physics and thermodynamics of that day seem to apply

so agin show us your info so we can see what realy happend since you seem to know what didnt , then that clearly means u have to know what did(brought the WTC7 down

if it wasnt explosive, thermite, secrete energy source, the fuc.....g easter bunny then what was it einstein i have to know if some as bright as you try to pretend to be really thinks what brought the WTC7 into its own foot print

if you are truelly after the truth post your info help all of us get to the truth

or just some obscuffing the info to hide the truth

so what is ESDAD71 wheres the info you have on WTC7

[edit on 16-1-2009 by lycopersicum]

[edit on 16-1-2009 by lycopersicum]

[edit on 16-1-2009 by lycopersicum]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:07 PM
i just went back and read every post agin and guess what

not one item of information by you or swampfox concerning WTC7 not one in 8 pages not one bit of inf

IMAGINE that!!

your both jokers trying to mis direct any info niether of you posted any info

so back to basics

1 question for both what do you 2 think happend ,and post the info that helped make your thoughts so iron clad

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:46 PM
I am not a 9-11 conspiracy guy but there is one question that still bugs me that I hope someone can answer.... what happened to the guys they arrested with a truck load of explosives on 9-11? This video of ABC news is only 1 minute long.. please review and if anyone has any follow up "news reports" / information.. please post.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by adam_zapple
I don't think you understand what that means....but let's find out.

Based on the image above, when the concrete sphere is dropped:

C'mon you're kidding me right?

Are you working on the assumption that the top sections of the towers dropped on lower floors causing a 'pancake' collapse? If you are give it up, it didn't happen, that was the whole point of the WTC 2 top tilt discussion earlier. It's an impossibility.

Your diagram has nothing to do with the path of least resistance. The ball is not an example of the towers top section. If the ball was sitting on top of the block you'd be close. If you had another block of the same size sitting on top you'd be closer.

The 'sphere' in your diagram is going to drop straight down, path of least resistance, until it meets resistance, the block. What else do you want me to say about it?

No, the lower building is not going to apply any more force to the top than it was already applying. Where are you expecting this 'extra force' to come from? The top was tilting, what can the pivot do to change that motion other than collapse underneath it? Problem is the pivot point didn't fail, that would have sent the top off the side of the building, the whole building failed equally in all directions around it's circumference, not just the pivot side of the tilt. It fell symmetrically from asymmetrical damage, which is physically impossible by itself.

You are not claiming the towers fell with no resistance? How about proving to me they did? How can you seriously argue they didn't?

[edit on 1/16/2009 by ANOK]

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