posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 08:28 PM
I want to relate on the whole topic of kaleidoscope patterns, mandalas, vortex, tunnel, light, eye/illuminated globe, geometry, and faces. I have seen
exactly what has been described for as long as i can remember, yet i sort of got used to it and never really payed much attention until i did acid the
other day, and the patterns became very bright and vivid, and glowed in a way which made everything seem thicker. Like goatheif had mentioned, it is
more so a globe thing that seems like an eye. I have been able to approach this eye closely while on acid (it made things quite easy), and i noticed
that inside the pupil is a cluster of geometrical shapes (circle, square, and triangle) made into a sort of picture that i was able to put together in
everything i looked at with my eyes open. I mean like, i could find this pattern anywhere, kind of like how i can find an eye or face in about any
random pattern. As I got closer to the eye...which seems like arm's length distance, i began to suddenly recieve many vivid memories of my childhood
which i very sadly couldnt ever remember due to a brain irregularity. And as I felt i was at the eye's front door, i suddenly felt as if i had time
travelled because everything was like it was when i was a child...just the way i felt and perceived things. As i passed through the pupil, the first
thing i saw was this odd cartoon like bright geometrical seeming picture of what seemed to be me. I guess it was the picture that represents how my
subconscious views myself. As that picture faded, i was constantly hearing this one distinct music note on a piano that i still need to
investigate...and then came the visions. They were fast, silent, visions of random people and places and words and numbers. Im still very curious. The
next night, i dreamed that my 3 month old started to baby babble to me as i approached him, and that morning when i woke up, he said exactly what he
did in my dream. i think i have awakened again? (btw my fiance and i did acid as a spiritual date, as its been a very long time, and we had my mother
babysitting. im not cruel lol)
So another thing i want to bring up, is that i can see what i hear when i close my eyes. If I close my eyes and listen to someone speak, i see broken
images of their face as if the image was cut into a verticle piece that directed towards the a projection. As they talk, i see picture
after picture of their facial expressions changing as they talk. Anyone else get this? One more thing for now.....when i am trying to sleep, and
someone coughs and it catches me off guard, i see jolt type things that look as bright as lightening bouncing off the sides of my vision, and then
afterwards there is stained images of what looks like purple and blue veins throughout my vision (with my eyes closed) as if there was actual physical
light, you know?
ONE MORE THING IM SO SORRY LOL! I also see a vortex type thing when i look into the sky when it is bright. At night, I see pink dots in the sky which
i sometimes also see when i shut my eyes (the patterns sometimes turn into pink dots). This vortex is transparent, and it waves the image it is
infront of like lighter fluid in the air. The vortex stays in my central vision just like the globe/eye does with my eyes shut. Are they the same
thing maybe??