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When i close my eyes, i see an eye.

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posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:06 AM
I started looking into meditation a few months back and noticed it was more blue than black when i shut my eyes for a long period of time. I felt a strange inwward pulling sensations associated with it the first time i sat and focused on it.

I've never seen an eye, but I have seen a very solid, large book floating in black, as real as if it were something tangible on a desk one night when i couldn't sleep. A small hole burned into the page in the corner and I could see another image behind it, but I'm not sure what the use of it was. I opened my eyes, but shut them and continuted to try and focus on it, which i kept going for a few minutes.

Strange but definatly interesting.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Interesting that you mention somekind of tunnel that brings you to some random place/dimension. It always happens to me as soon as I close my eyes and concentrate, the tunnel appears and leads me to a new place. Somehow like a portal. I have progressed spiritually a lot since the last years, and the things I percieve get more and more detailed, just a question of training and doing it over and over again to get a sense of what is going on. Although I havent observed an "eye" yet, I see a great deal of faces which seem to shift through different emotions.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:22 AM
this are your own eyes you see then.
and after a while your brain shows you pics of your memory.
learn to go in this world
learn to handle your weapons
never trust somebody there
and ???

I have this everytime after i look into the sun. then i can see a black ring. circling and jumping up and down.
if you look into a bright light and then close your eyes, you will always see this.



posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:42 AM
I have similair experiences.
It started when I closed my eyes years ago and saw a circling grey light like a vortex. After a while concentrating, I begun to see symbols and people.
Soon I could see the vortexes, sometimes turned into 1 or 2 balls of energie with my eyes open if I concentrated. I had scary experiences when the ball(s) of energie at night tried to pull me out of my body.

Then I stopped. I wasnt ready then. Maybe I have to start it up again, it was kind of interesting and I am not afraid anymore I think.
Crazie thing: I saw the energies the most after my wife and I had sex!
Dont know why, maybe because I was relaxed the most then?


posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:43 AM
"The Second Ring of Power" By Carlos Castaneda has a long bit about this...

"The Nagual told me that a warrior without form begins to see an eye. I saw an eye in front of me every time I closed my eyes. It got so bad that I couldn't rest anymore; the eye followed me wherever I went. I nearly went mad. Finally, I suppose, I became used to it. Now I don't even notice it because it has become part of me.
"The formless warrior uses that eye to start dreaming. If you don't
have a form, you don't have to go to sleep to do dreaming. The eye in front of you pulls you every time you want to go."
"Where exactly is that eye, Gorda?"
She closed her eyes and moved her hand from side to side, right in
front of her eyes, covering the span of her face.
"Sometimes the eye is very small and other times it is enormous," she went on. "When it's small your dreaming is precise. If it's big your dreaming is like flying over the mountains and not really seeing much. I haven't done enough dreaming yet, but the Nagual told me that that eye is my trump card. One day when I become truly formless I won't see the eye anymore; the eye will become just like me, nothing, and yet it'll be there like the allies. The Nagual said that everything has to be sifted through our human form. When we have no form, then nothing has form and yet everything is present.

Does this resonate with you? I'm surprised more people aren't into Castaneda. it looks like a whole new generation need to be turned on to him.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:44 AM
maybe you have to OPEN your EYES to SEE something thats right IN FRONT of you

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Merkabah

Yes, without any doubt it is your Third Eye, and through that you can go down the tunnel into the 4th Dimension. The purple is a very powerful healing colour and can be used for self healing and directed to other people to heal them.

If you can mentally project this purple from your third eye as a beam to someone who is sick, then you can give them healing rays. There are other healing colours in the spectrum and if you get a book on healing by colour, this will help your understanding of the subject.

As your spirituality is ascending, try and get in touch with your spirit guide (we all have one), through the eye and down the tunnel, and ask for their help and protection from dark entities.

You are beginning to open up in a psychic way, and and fulfill your spiritual commitments, as you were contracted to do before you started this current lifetime.

I hope this is of some help to you.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by ConservativeJack




posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 08:32 PM
To the OP.

I don't know if its got to do with anything about reading , but for the last couple of months after reading online forums ALOT , i always get the single white/gray/blue eye when i close my eyes for bed. I can't believe you bring this up because i know exactly how you feel. I wonder if its , me being open to all the different kinds of topics on ATS... ;/
I'm not really sure how long ive been seeing it , but its been at least a few months now. When ever i close my eyes to sleep , there it is. I almost was paranoid at the start that it was someone watching me , but i just goto sleep and forget about it.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:31 AM
Thankyou very much, to everyone for your input... has been a great help!!... i closely resonate with what you say tallsorts.

The eye is not there as much as it was, now i see lots of mandala's and geometry, and they seem to be spinning.... i was worried i may have been projecting those images myself, so i completely empty my head of any thoughts etc, and still they appear, shortly followed by the tunnel. I never seem to get to the end of the tunnel, it seems to take a great deal of concentration, by which i mean, if i break focus even slightly then the tunnel vanishes, and i have to be in a very deep relaxed state to see this tunnel.

Thanks to all again, im glad others are experiencing the same

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:50 AM
I know I don't usually post on this sort of topic, but it is hitting a chord with me.

When I close my eyes at night and try to clear my mind (usually allowing a song to play in my head unimpeded does this), I begin to see things as well. Not eyes so far, but rather like movie images, sometimes with myself or people I know in them. They are fast and change rapidly, seemingly because I 'lose' them as soon as I try to focus on them.

When I was younger, I can remember having similar experiences, but there was a common theme that kept returning. I would focus on a point in the darkness and it would appear to come closer to me, without increasing in size. The scientist in me keeps coming up with the word 'singularity' to describe it. I would, try and get as close to it as possible, but the closer I got the more massive the thing would seem, until it would overwhelm me and I would open my eyes to escape. It never gained size, always stayed a point. I don't really have good words to describe it. Anyway, the point quit doing that when I was into my teens, but I can still get images.

I wonder if this could be related to the eye phenomena? And I wonder what it is I am seeing, images from my subconscious, messages form beyond the physical, or maybe an undigested spoon of pinto beans?

I'm gonna flag this thread. Thanks for bringing it up.


posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by HiAliens

Does this resonate with you? I'm surprised more people aren't into Castaneda. it looks like a whole new generation need to be turned on to him.

the Castenada books were from the viewpoint of a warrior shaman,
his books were mindbending at-the-time, but the shamanic experience
is pretty well wrung out of the pop-culture here in 2009.

what iterests me is the different icons the variety of 'portals' the thread
describes as individuals access the noosphere/collective conscious
and some even delving into another's 'spirit'
(nagual i think Castenadas' DonJuan calls the spirit/soul equivelent)

its not hard to understand the one posters Book/Tome with a ?burn hole?
as the gateway to larger reality. the Tome itself representing the sum
knowledge & experience of this realm/reality... the hole in one corner is another persons 'Eye' or anothers dark-abyss or anothers flight of an Eagle over a wooded & rolling landscape..

we all have different keyways & different symbols to the internal language...
what's most important is that we individually seek to understand the
symbols & language of one's spiritual side... instead of shutting these visions & voices out as just daydreams or psychological noise..

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Merkabah
I never seem to get to the end of the tunnel, it seems to take a great deal of concentration, by which i mean, if i break focus even slightly then the tunnel vanishes, and i have to be in a very deep relaxed state to see this tunnel.

This is where you could learn some meditation techniques, to help relax you more on a day to day basis, and then specifically to achieve a state where you can hold the image in your mind, and venture down the tunnel.

Our daily lives are usually full of hassle just dealing with the mechanics of living on Earth, but when you have a gift like yours, which can be used for the benefit of mankind, then that's a good enough reason to set aside time to develop it.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
When I close my eyes at night and try to clear my mind (usually allowing a song to play in my head unimpeded does this), I begin to see things as well. Not eyes so far, but rather like movie images, sometimes with myself or people I know in them. They are fast and change rapidly, seemingly because I 'lose' them as soon as I try to focus on them.

Every human on the planet has some form of psychic ability, as do animals who can communicate with each other without talking. With mankind, ours is often undeveloped because of the societies in which we live, and the need to ‘earn the bread’ and ‘make the bed’.

These natural gifts are certainly worth developing, as we have a spiritual dimension alongside the material one, and when this life is finished, you can take the spiritual with you and not the material.

If you have a scientific mind, and develop your psychic gifts, then you will find that your scientific field will open up into an expanded reality. Two well known Victorian gentlemen who still practice their crafts in the Afterlife, are Isambard Kingdom Brunel the British railway and ship Engineer, and Sir Oliver Lodge a scientist and inventor, who invented the automobile Spark Plug. I had the great honour of speaking to Oliver Lodge some ten years ago through a sitting with his partner on Earth, Raymond Smith.

A greater part of Creation is invisible to us, until we wake-up and learn how to access these valuable resources, and helpful individuals who are there to assist us on our journey of discovery.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:09 PM
Yes ive had strong urges to meditate lately, and feel a 'need' to meditate at least once a day...

The 'movie' type images i seem to get seem to happen when i stop seeing the tunnel, either i lose focus and dont get to the end of the tunnel, or these images appear whilst im 'zooming' through the tunnel..

Ive also noticed lately a very pleasant wave feeling through my body sometimes, during meditation, it is an amazing feeling, but i find i get a headache afterwards..

I definitely feel an awakening, i thought i was 'awake' before, but since these experiences, i realize these are stronger changes..

I am also getting a huge amount of intuitive feelings, and strong urges to study and research certain subjects.

Im glad others are having similar experiences, thanks again for all responses...

edit to add: I forgot to mention before, after these experiences, i notice my hands and feet (hands mainly) are very very hot... does anyone else experience this?

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Merkabah]

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Merkabah]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by meadowfairy
I have actually seen a real eye in a pyramid

Interesting you should mention that...

I clearly remember when I was a kid, my family were going on some long trip and I was almost dozing off in the back seat, but every time I closed my eyes I would see an eye inside a small pyramid changing colours like a kaleidoscope getting closer and bigger and so I keep jerking my eyes open...but as soon as I closed them the pyramid and eye was far away and gaining on me. I remember being quite distraught about it.

I remember at the time thinking it was caused by too much reading about the occult. I still think that.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Merkabah
I forgot to mention before, after these experiences, i notice my hands and feet (hands mainly) are very very hot... does anyone else experience this?

That could be due to energy flow through your body. You can often get that when you give healing to somebody, and another feeling is either shivering, or having ice-cold parts of the body.

Another thing to watch out for are unexplained pains to various parts of your body, which can be caused by picking up aches and pains from other people in your vicinity. This is a way in which one can serve humanity, by reducing someone else's pain and taking it away yourself. You can be told by someone after an accident, that the pain wasn't as bad as they expected. A lightworker has taken some of the pain away from them.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Merkabah

Some twenty two years ago I started to see an eye as you mention, some times like a human eye with eyebrows and blinking very slowly and looking frome one side to the other most of the times, some times like a deer´s eye or even as some one mentioned as a dragon´s eye, then after a year I read the chapter in Castaneda´s Two rings of power and knew it was for real, It happened exactly when I started to look seriously into the spiritual world and has been with me all the time, if I don´t see it I just think "Eye" and it appears inmediatly, I have no idea what does it mean, but to me is like something reminding me that there is something greater and more trascendental than our present life.
I asked some mexican Nahuales budist people and many otters and no one could explain to me what it was.
As Castaneda says, I can dream or enter the "Suitil" world as some Yoghis call it while i am in a lucid state and very fast, maybe it has something to do with it. Best Wishes, Arturo, Mexico City.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 01:31 PM
My experiance is slightly differant.... i lay down to go to sleep & as soon as i shut my eyes i see bright colours, shapes & a glowing white light that starts of small, it jumps from side to side & if i follow it i never catch it but if i focus & hold my eyes still the white light gets bigger, i feel like i'm going through a small tunnel, swurling & moving left to right...

I saw 3 men sat at a table playing cards, its as if i was above them & looking down, one of the men looked up at me, just stared hard, it was as if he had noticed me so i opened my eyes & my heart was pounding....

I had closed my eyes one night & seen the colours ect then saw a bright flash & there was eyes looking at me, like right next to me as close as nose to nose, this scared me to death...

Last night it happened again this time i saw a young boy with a disfigured head, his eyes were in the wrong place & he looked at me helplessly as if i was there to help him...

I dont meditate or anything like that, i am a christian...

What is this thats happening because its scaring me to death....

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 02:12 PM
That would be the all seeing eye. This is basically your higher self warning you of things to come. Whether good or bad this is up to you.

This has a lot to do with the etheric realms or so called astral realms. This is where you go when you dream.

If you need any help decyphering the meanings behind the symbology you see when you are in this state of mind don't hesitate to ask me about it.


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