Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by 5thElement
I don't know what the $#!T you're talking about. Yes, I live in Florida, and yes, we've been invaded by Cubans.
And you know what? They're fine citizens, they pull their own freight, and the don't start $#!T they can't finish.
Off topic and I apologize.
But we have the same situation in the UK.
People (ie, the Right Wing fanatics and people not intelligent enough to butter their own bread) go on and on about the Polish coming into our country
and "stealing our jobs".
I know many Polish people, and they are all much better citizens than a lot of Brits. I don't see many of them pushing out kids every nine months and
claiming benefits for the next ten years.
I see all of them working, trying to improve their lives while so many millions of Brits sit on their fat arses raising idiot kids and expecting the
rest of us to pay for their future.
And the same can be said for all other immigrants to the UK. They are working. Not causing a fuss or causing damage.
I work in security, and I see white, British kids, teenagers (and a few adults), causing damage and breaking into places every day of the week. I have
NEVER, and I mean NEVER seen a Polish kid, African kid, Indian kid, caught doing this. It is nearly ALWAYS white, British kids. And when it isn't,
it's those of Irish descent.
I love the Irish, but I swear, when we have a group of Irish travelers arriving in an area, we know to step up patrols and expect breaks. I wish it
weren't true, and I am not stating this to cause problems, but it's a fact. When they are in the area, crime rates rocket. It might not be
politically correct to state it, but it is true.
Again, I love the Irish culture and people, but it is true!
I have been involved in several physical altercations and caught criminals several times, and they have ALWAYS been white and British.
Now back on topic.
I couldn't give a rats ass about how Israel feels.
I would feel exactly the same about any nation breaking international law and murdering innocent women and children. I don't care what nation you
are, you step over that boundary and you expect the wrath of the international community.
Although, they should count themselves lucky, if this was Russia, Iran, N.Korea doing this, they would have been bombed to hell and back already.
I say this without an ounce of fear or regret, Israel makes me want to vomit.
And I'll do so on their blood stained flag.
Edited for spelling.
[edit on 12-1-2009 by detachedindividual]