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Israel feels hurt by global condemnation

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+3 more 
posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by lucid eyes

Originally posted by 04326
i know this is not directed at me, but rather the OP. I would however like to protest against your assertion against Masonwatcher. the member has done a lot to inform ats about what is happening in gaza.

To inform people means to post two sides of a story. All of the OPs threads only tell one side of the story...namely that of all those "evil jews".

so please inform us about the the israeli story then...

i don't see the story posted by and israeli supporter about Human Rights Watch being up in arms about the latest use of White Phosphorous in gaza.

I don't see pro-israeli's bringing up the number of times UN sites have been bombed - without apology.

I don't see pro-israeli's mentioning the 14 israeli's dead - of which 4 were killed by their own people.

I do however see people being blind to the fact that innocents are being killed via bombs and by means of starvation. I also do see the disproportional use of force. I also would like to point out that this is not unlike the nazi holocaust practices that the jews themselves escaped...

So please do not talk about unbiased news stories. members like masonwatcher have my highest respect for the time and effort they have taken to show the true state of affairs.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by 04326

for the time and effort they have taken to show the true state of affairs.

The "true" state of affairs? According to which side?

The first thing any graduate of journalism learns is not to trust only one source or side of information.

Obviously unbiased reporting cant be expected from people with an agenda.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by lucid eyes

Originally posted by MrVertigo

I am absolutely flabbergasted at how you interpret criticism of the state of Israel as stating that "jews are generally evil."

Seriously! You have every right to disagree with Masonwatchers threads, but you must realize that, more than anything you just proved his point.

Creating one thread after another on how evil jews are, without ever seeing bad in the "other side" is not criticism, but propaganda.

His threads are not about how evil Jews are.

They are about the atrocities being committed by the Israeli government.

Genocide is wrong!

No matter who commits it.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by lucid eyes

so please do post the true state of affairs on your own threads.

i wish there was a thumbs down 'star'.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:03 PM


posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Fact is, Ive been reading here for awhile and see a certain guy who only and always and exclusively posts anti-palestinian, and I also see a guy who only always and exclusively posts anti-israeli.

So obviously, both gentlemen (and quite a few others) have an agenda...not to inform, but to persuade.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:07 PM
I don't see where Israel "feels hurt by global condemnation." You should have heard the "global condemnation" while they were kicking everyone's ass during one week in 1967.

You should have heard the "global condemnation" the moment the Israelis turned the tables after being attacked in 1973.

Nah, somehow, I just don't believe that they are that concerned.

And as far as condemnation, they've had nothing but condemnation since their creation.

Did they express "concern?"

That's statemanship for you. You express "concerns," "consternations," and "condolences."

All the while, you could give a tinker's damn.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by 04326

you talking about the same Human rights group that barely speaks when atrocities are committed by countries they are unwilling to confront-like China.

You talking about the same UN who fail to criticize Hamas for the rockets but want to slam Israel for everything in between and beyond.

You mean that all those people dead were killed by Israel. You mean there is no chance that Hamas killed some of those dead. Cause all I hear is that all these civilians dead are because of Israel. last time I checked, a dang bullet didn't have no name.

Both sides are using the media to their advantage as would any other nation. To not do so, would be ludicrous. Both are playing the game to their best of their ability. There is so much trash being thrown out left and right that is getting more difficult to figure out who is doing what.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by MrVertigo

In the same way that I criticise and comment on environmental polluters, corrupt corporations and incompetent elected governments, I criticise Israel. However when you question the horrors in Gaza being imposed by Israel, it metamorphoses into racism, hatred and anti-Semitism through some deluded upside down logic.

The funny thing is, the biggest religious bigots and anti-Semites are zionists. How many times on ATS have zionists slandered Muslims and how many of these zionist justify the horrendous slaughter of the Semitic Palestinians?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by jam321

you talking about the same Human rights group that barely speaks when atrocities are committed by countries they are unwilling to confront-like China.

Can you prove this or is it simply zionist misdirection? Please elucidate us on one Chinese human rights violation not commented on by human rights groups.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

i have said it before and i will it yet again. Human beings are being killed and all some people can do is smoke screen the issue by playing the 'you are anti-israel' card.

i am disgusted!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:13 PM
OMG another thread on Israel, can this tripe not be put in one thread instead of countless threads of the same angles?'s ridiculous.

There's nothing top secret about this news, there's no conspiracy in this news, just a person trying to sway others in their views (Mods what are you doing? rhetorical question as I'm sure you've been given direction to allow this constant duplication of articles from other sources with little added of any interest).

Israel feels hurt by global condemnation... I feel hurt by these threads getting in the way of the reason most people are here, if I want a minute by minute update on this subject I'll go to the appropriate news outlet... not ATS that's for sure (judging by some of the things put up here on this subject).

Some people (no names) obviously feel very strongly about this, may I suggest.. instead of typing dribble from the comfort of your PC you actually go and do something about it. Join whatever side you want and fight for what you believe instead of regurgitating internet articles.

Rant Over... flame away....

P.S Is there a way of ignoring a whole board subject or is it just members of ATS you can push the IGNORE button on?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

I don't understand why they think we would be in cahoots with they're decisions. I mean they've killed 917 people in two weeks, and only a hand full of Isralies have been either hurt or killed.

What does Israel expect from the world, i mean really?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by RFBurns
Call 1-900-WAHH right now and submit your whoes and whees over the world opinion on your actions...thats 1-900-WAHH...,

Brought to you by "We C U 4 What U R" Inc. Offer ends 12/21/2012.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by RFBurns]

That really crack me up dude.

Funny as heck! Thanks for lightening up the thread.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
1 - That's an ISLAMIC paper and the title of their article is WRONG.

At no point in the article does Israel say they are 'hurt by global condemnation'. No where.

2 - All the ignorant and error filled anti-Israel threads like this are going to get ATS listed by the ADL as a 'hate site' .. and that's something that is very difficult for a site to shake off.

You keep on comming into ME threads and spread propeganda for israel, and you keep saying: it will reach ADL and whatever organisation. In this thread with some links now makes ATS come onto ADL.

ATS motto is:

Deny ignorance

Best regards.


posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:20 PM
A guy gets on a subway and sits down. A group comes down the aisle, they all glare at him, threaten him, and one pulls a knife and attacks.

The guy reaches into his jacket, pulls out a Colt Model 1911 .45 ACP, and kills the SOB that attacked him.

The others cry and bemoan the fact that this guy used unfair advantage, unfair weapons, and now they are the victims.

This same crap has been going on for years and years.

You don't want to get yourself, and possibly your countrymen killed, don't attack!


+17 more 
posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Let me see if I can get the situation straight.

Israel places a complete economic embargo on Gaza, jobs disappear, food
becomes scarce and muslims start starving to death, and become desperate.
They are rats in a cage, without the possibility to leave or get by, since all
the resources are gone.

In an attempt to get the world's attention, before they all starve, they start
building firecrackers in their backyards, and they launch them into Israel,
because there's nothing else to launch them at. Throughout the years, they
made a handful of victims, while themselves starving by the thousands.

In return, Israel says: "We've had it with your terrorism, we will destroy
you!" They send in raids and bombardments. Two weeks ago, they've really
got it starting good, and now have managed to murder almost 1000 people
in less than 14 days. The vast majority of the casualties being civilians, as

So in this scenario, how are we supposed to be understanding of the
"Israeli cause"? I am an open minded individual, but it really boggles my
mind, I can find no possible reason to have any sympathy for Israel in this
scenario, and of being an anti-semite or racist, is really the last thing
anyone can accuse me of.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I think it is the steady diet of anti Arab films, zionist led internet propaganda, 'anti-hate' campaigns exclusively for elements of the community, Holocaust sentimentalism, etc. has caused a mentality of entitlement amongst zionists.

They seem to think they have a get out of jail card for every indiscretion like Gaza and the Lebanon of a couple of years ago. Do you remember that house that was flattened in Lebanon and the 10 or 12 children and their parents that got killed, apparently Hisbollah was hiding in the house just like Hamas is hiding under the petty coats of dead Palestinian children.

[edit on 063131p://pm3131 by masonwatcher]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by lucid eyes
Fact is, Ive been reading here for awhile and see a certain guy who only and always and exclusively posts anti-palestinian, and I also see a guy who only always and exclusively posts anti-israeli.

So obviously, both gentlemen (and quite a few others) have an agenda...not to inform, but to persuade.

I believe what you are referring to is called "an opinion."

About 90% of the threads on here are created by people with these "opinions"

They may vary in degrees of conviction & passion.
Masonwatcher has indeed been quite passionate about the current crisis, because he, like many others, believe that horrendous atrocities are being committed.
He seems committed to shed light on this and I commend him for it.

You can call it propaganda if you like, the term is pretty loosely defined.
But by those standards bout 80-90% of everything you see or read could be categorized as propaganda.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by MrVertigo

Right...quoting unverified spin from an Iranian newspaper is really helpful

Saying to anyone who criticizes the hamas that they are pulling the "anti-semite" and "holocaust" card, as masonwatcher just did, is also really honest, isnt it?

You people are too easy to impress.

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