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Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age!

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posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 09:25 AM
According to scientist the earth maybe entering the next 100,000 year Ice Age cycle. The earth has cool cycles of 100,000 years followed by interglacial warm periods of 12,000!

Guess What - Time is up!

Below is an article from Pravada with some compelling information:

Earth is heading for an Ice Age

I just wonder if this is true, shouldn't we be adding green house gases to the earth faster and sooner????

[edit on 1/11/09 by mel1962]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 09:41 AM

The graph of the Vostok ice core data shows that the Ice Age maximums and the warm interglacials occur within a regular cyclic pattern, the graph-line of which is similar to the rhythm of a heartbeat on an electrocardiogram tracing. The Vostok data graph also shows that changes in global CO2 levels lag behind global temperature changes by about eight hundred years. What that indicates is that global temperatures precede or cause global CO2 changes, and not the reverse. In other words, increasing atmospheric CO2 is not causing global temperature to rise; instead the natural cyclic increase in global temperature is causing global CO2 to rise.

Here is the graph and it looks for regular and cyclical:

Because the release of CO2 by the warming oceans lags behind the changes in the earth’s temperature, we should expect to see global CO2 levels continue to rise for another eight hundred years after the end of the earth’s current Interglacial warm period. We should already be eight hundred years into the coming Ice Age before global CO2 levels begin to drop in response to the increased chilling of the world’s oceans.

I guess its time to move south, the original study came out in 1976 and was part of the Ice Age Movement in the 70's before being replaced by Global Warming Crowd!

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 09:48 AM
Of course we are on the brink of an ice age. Actually depending on location in the northern hemisphere the Ice age began several weeks ago, perhaps longer, but I fully expect this Ice Age to end soon, then we can get back to global warming .. Or what some uneducated people call "summer"

Seriously, reading through the info on the linked page now.

It is interesting.

[edit on 11-1-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 09:54 AM
Thx for the links and data proving my point!

I've actually been argueing this theory with my brother recently.

[...]In other words, increasing atmospheric CO2 is not causing global temperature to rise; instead the natural cyclic increase in global temperature is causing global CO2 to rise.[...]
Now THAT is interesting!

While concern over the dubious threat of Anthropogenic Global Warming continues to distract the attention of people throughout the world, the very real threat of the approaching and inevitable Ice Age, which will render large parts of the Northern Hemisphere uninhabitable, is being foolishly ignored.

What is more intelligent: Move south or learn to survive arctic conditions?
The south will be getting quite crowded.


[edit on 11-1-2009 by Aldolas]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 10:02 AM
the last 10-12,000 years have been the most stable enviromentally which is why we have done so well

the NWO want to reduce x% of the population ideas wont be a problem, when the ice age kicks in a whole large % of the population wont survive and we go back on the endagered species list where we spent most of our 200,000 years of existance

[edit on 11/1/09 by noobfun]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 10:37 AM

instead the natural cyclic increase in global temperature is causing global CO2 to rise.

Rising temperatures would cause an increase in decomposition of carbon lifeform remains that weere frozen when the previous ice age got underway. The whole global warming hoohah is about dramatic climate change. It will get warmer to a point, then the natural cycle is to correct itself way to the cold side.

Who wants to start up a greenhouse on skis business with me? You just tow the thing around on your solar electric snow machine and grow enough food to get you through the brutal dark winter. Cold storage will not be a problem.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by stikkinikki

Sounds like a plan! This is kind of a scarry thing! Where would the best places live during an ice age? I have posted an map that shows the conditions of the earth during the last ice age as a guide!

[edit on 1/11/09 by mel1962]

[edit on 1/11/09 by mel1962]

[edit on 1/11/09 by mel1962]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 11:49 AM
Yep! Especially right while we are in the midst of a terrible Global warming trend! Global warming and the greenhouse effect really got us rocking and rolling! Here's the next twist and it REALLY MAKES CENTS! (Note how I spelled sence.) GLOBAL COOLING AND THE ICEBOX EFFECT!! Aye! Have a cold one!

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 01:06 PM
Wow, if you look at the map above, it looks like Mexico/Central America, Brazil/Peru, South Africa, Asia Minor, China and India are the places to live during an ice age. I've better get my passport in order!

What is strange is these areas correspond to all the early civilizations!

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by noobfun

Well this would solve a lot of problems with NWO, below I have posted a map from the Ice Age as you can see large amounts of Agricultural land is under ice or very near it!

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by mel1962

the map is really small....I can't make out what any of it even says.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by liquidsmoke206

Sorry about that here is the external link, along with some additonal information! It was too difficult to scale and fit the whole thing on the screen.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Okay... one more time.

Pravda is not a news source. Pravda is a tabloid.

Please don't post Pravda articles as news. They make them up, just as the old "Weekly world news" used to make up stories about "Batboy meets George Bush" and "Batboy is dating Jenna Bush" and so forth.

Pravda is entertaining and goofy and fun, but it's as valid a news source as The Onion.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by mel1962
According to scientist the earth maybe entering the next 100,000 year Ice Age cycle. The earth has cool cycles of 100,000 years followed by interglacial warm periods of 12,000!

...and... just to add...that's the "Milankovitch cycle"

Pravda is off by a factor of 10 or so (no surprise, since it's a tabloid and their stories are basically fiction). We're not expecting that ice age for another 100,000 years or so... so go invest in some beach towels and sunscreen.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Nice Post Byrd and while I am suspect of Pravda, the article you listed was inconclusive in my opinion.

I believe that the Ice Age and Interglacial periods are a function of Earth's long term "wobble" and the amount of solar energy.

Currently we are experiencing low solar energy, due in part to a lack of sunspots, although a few have popped up in the last few days and are part of cycle 24.

I am rooting on global warming versus another Ice Age, but you can't dispute that the weather has been a little crazy! But, I think if we all look back in time the weather is reverting back to what it was when I was a kid in the 60' and 70's.

I have been watching the solar weather as an indicator of the near future climate, after all it was the lack of sunspots that was said to have caused the Little Ice Age (16th to 19th century).

Little Ice Age

Also, it looks like most of the warm periods last between 15k and 20k, out current interglacial is at about 18k! Here is a good web site with an overall and general perspective on this issue.

Ice Age Overview

[edit on 1/11/09 by mel1962]

[edit on 1/11/09 by mel1962]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by mel1962

I believe that the Ice Age and Interglacial periods are a function of Earth's long term "wobble" and the amount of solar energy.

Actually, it is a little more complicated. You are correct that the wobble(or precession) of the Earth's axis is A factor, but there are two other factors that deal with the Earth's orbit that play into the timing of the Ice Ages. Those two other factors are the eccentricity of the orbit and the tilt of the axis. The tilt goes through a 40,000 yhear cycle, while the precession cycle is 20,000, and the eccentricity of the orbit has a 100,000 cycle. (all times are approximate)

Now it has been stated that the Ice Ages have a 100,000 cycle. That is far from correct. The AVERAGE time between Ice Ages is about 100,000 over the last million years, but some have been as little as 40,000 years apart, while others have been around 120,000 years apart. In addition, the definition of "Ice Age" is fluid. As long as there is a permanent ice pack somewhere(such as Antarctica), the Earth is considered to be in an "Ice Age'. Others consider an Ice Age to be when the ice packs spill out over inhabited areas(a common definition used by modern news media, but scientifically untenable.) Suffice it to say that we do not have enough knowledge, data or information to predict accurately when the next Ice Age is, with any degree of certainty. In addition, man's alterations of the Earth's biosphere have made such predictions even more precarious. The same can be said about Global Warming. We simply do not have enough data or knowledge to assert with any degree of accuracy as to whether in the long run, the earth will be warming, or cooling. Anyone that claims with certainty that they do know what will happen, is merely fooling themselves, and hopefully no one else.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 09:48 AM
There are varying views on when the next ice age will start. Indeed, some even argue it should have started 6,000 years ago ..... but human activity stopped it!

But in any case it's of little concern to us. Glaciers on Baffin Island are retreating. It'll take a good few hundred years of cold summers to see that situation reverse and new ice caps grow. And likely several thousands before they start having any real effect on global climate. And at present the Arctic is warming .... it's when we start seeing several hundred years of cooling in the Arctic that we start worrying.

We're currently about as far (climate wise) from a new ice age starting as we've been since the end of the climatic optimum 6,000 years ago. Though of course, every day we get closer to the next one - whether that be in 1,000 or 10,000 or 50,000 years time.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:25 AM
Figures, Arizona was still a desert. This place will always be hot as hell,lol

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by amatrine
Figures, Arizona was still a desert. This place will always be hot as hell,lol

polar and alpine deserts arnt exactly what you would calss as hot as hell

so its still a desert but your not gonna need aircon to keep the house cool

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by amatrine
Figures, Arizona was still a desert. This place will always be hot as hell,lol

Actually, it became a desert only recently (as far as the Earth is concerned.) It's been (at various times) a savannah, the ocean floor, and an area with some swamps.

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