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Enlightenment. What is it and how do we know when we have achieved it?

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posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by narin

Hey narin, you indeed 'got balls.' I would not be so bold as to have expressed what you spit out; but it is merely the beginning.

I call it the Middle Path, or Capstone Path. Once in the Capstone (achieved through a technique I use -- each can find their own!), you can learn to Draw the Sword From the Stone! You know, you even described the stone pyramid 3rd post up! This is merely looking Down the rabbit hole...entering is indeed, expansion beyond humaness.

I see you've encountered many of the Nature about the Cosmic states? I'm sure you have...they are inexpressible. And no, it is not new age, it is the Middle Path, the Real Energetic Structure Within.

I have written the technique up for beginners, and tell them the points to observe for along the way. I don't know if you've actually seen the Single Eye (not 3rd Eye), but most likely if you are so familiar with the pineal, you have. It manifests as the Energy Field of the Pineal at a certain level of light induction (which I teach, privately). It then blazes into the searing light of the golden-white spheroid, the Inner Sun, which I fondly refer to as the Golden Egg (of living energy!). None of this is pretend: each, with a little subtle nervous system development (not physical), can encounter these initiatory states (etheric structures/fields).

What amazed me the most, is finding first and above all, how the consciousness has an actual pyramid structure that slowly moves within the mind (pineal etheric state, almost deadened), and is clouded with a greyish-whitish mist surrounding it: it is quite amazing how this resembles the oft heard statement: "Through a glass darkly." This is about 1-1/2" in size, depending on the person. This movement is what keeps everyone alive, for it never stops.

The methods I teach enfold the 90-degree phase shift between the Staff of Life & the Rod of Power, the Crown & the 3rd Eye, the single Eye (pineal) being the pivot-point. Above the head is the Regenerational Androgynous Soul-Spirit Being, inverted, which directly connects to the enlarged, lit up golden pyramid within the brain: one is the golden stone, the other is the silver vortex (over the head, counter-rotational).

And yes, I imagine you've seen the generational etheric structure of Perception, the Pyramid of Clear Light/The Brilliance, also in the head (almost 2-dimensional until the 'mystical marriage' occurs): for you described it somewhat, but words being words, it is hard to ascertain.'re given 'em True Light, now. Magnificent delivery.
Ixnay on the annabisray, however!

(I doubt that you turned many heads at this state in evolution! It is a bit advanced. Beyond the gaping awareness of "Oh, wow!")

[edit on 12-1-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga

(I doubt that you turned many heads at this state in evolution! It is a bit advanced. Beyond the gaping awareness of "Oh, wow!")

Thats exactly what I thought. Particularly when I read this line;

Originally posted by narin

Alright dumbass I've had enough of your trolling.

I almost peed myself I laughed so hard. I think laughter can stimulate the peeneal gland as well, dont you?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:17 PM
When you have received absolute assurance that you have an immortal Spirit that is One in Spirit with the Creator of the Universe,
then you are enlightened and all things become new.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

You are funny! Yes, levity is a mighty sword of the soul!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Sgoat74

I really think it has more to do with conquering the ego than becoming a know it all.

And someone said it means omniscience earlier. I don't recall Buddha putting it on record that he had memorized future versions of the encyclopedia brittanica.

It has to be so much simpler than what you guys are making it.

Buddha and others did the hard part, it's not hard now, they've shown us all the way.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

I must defend Cannabis, because I truly believe, as Rick Strassman (Stanford U, PHD) would put it, plants are not the only path but they are the most efficient. Mama Indica has taught me how to marry the duality in my soul and I am a male but has become much more androgynous since opening up my heart to the spiritual world. I believe this is why prior to christianity, most cannabis related sects paid reverence to a divinine feminist form/goddess, because they were merely mirroring their soul. I am the alpha and the omega.

Similar to its use in the spiritual techniques of India, medieval European occult and alchemical masters used cannabis to aid in the "Marriage of the Sun and Moon" in the individual. The Sun and Moon represent the masculine and feminine aspects of the self.

Tantrik, Zoroastrian, Gnostic, Alchemical and occult literature all refer to "marrying your Goddess", which means connecting an individual's feminine and masculine aspects together into a unified force. This theme appears over and over again in medieval occult literature. Even the Gnostic Jesus states "when you make the male and female one and the same? then you will enter the kingdom." (Gospel of Thomas)

My uncle has said that ever since he started using cannabis, he has been having sex with a woman at night who, in the morning would leave marks on his back. Like serious sex, and he hasn't had sex with her since he was in his teens (I believe this is a reawakening of his pineal gland after laying dormant for so long). This woman exists on another plain, he says, and I believe him because it is absolutely logical and perhaps was the foundation set for the worship of a woman in prechristian era.

I also believe in the potential this plant has for the benefit of mankind. The healing of the nations. Popular Mechanics Billion Dollar Cash Crop of 1938. I would ultimately give my life in order to wake humanity up to the truth of this plant. It is needed now, to combat alzheimers and help us all in this time of need. If you want to live in your youth well beyond its years. Smoke pot (or annoint your third eye with condensed pot oil, its all a matter of availability), exercise and listen to the solfeggio frequencies. Trust me, you can bring out the beauty of your body. My uncle is 40 and he looks like he is 25, not one grey hair on his head. I introduced him to pot this summer, as we hung out a lot together. He says he's never been in such a healthy state in his ENTIRE life. And he's undergoing intense spiritual transformation also. He works out 2 hours a day in the morning (and not before puffing the laughing gas) because while he works out, he is in an intense thought filled trance and he does not even notice his body after a while.

This is the magic of enlightenment.

[edit on 06/17/08 by narin]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:35 PM
You can gain all of these things you label as enlightned from logical understandings. Why would you then still turn to useless mysticism. If all of this is possible with a reasonable explination why involve praying... crystals... and GOD?

If good and evil are explainable... If love of all is explainable... if repentance and forgiveness are logical ....

WHY WHY WHY WHY would you stick to this ignorant idealogy of holograms.... christ.... and soul?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Novise

Buddha, Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Shiva and all the most enlightened timeless individuals lived in a land (Egypt to Indonesia) where Cannabis and Psylocibin (Holy Cow reference in Hinduism) were readily available in fields where you could run through, with your arms spread out and collect the resin of Kanneh Bosm and you could turn it into oil and travel the land healing the sick.

You do not need to be a true master wasting years in order to achieve enlightenment, all you need is a burning bush.

Moses: "Curious to know what is going on, he turns towards the Bush and ... suddenly a voice is heard. God speaks to Moses and charges him with the responsibility of saving the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt."

There is much discussion amongst the Torah commentators as to why the Almighty would choose the vision of a Burning Bush to initiate His contact with Moses. Dumbasses also lay the Sinai region under seige so that we may never know the full history of the travels of these prophets.

Jesus: A healing plant. On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Revelations 22:1-2) A gift from God.

"If cannabis was one of the main ingredients of the ancient anointing oil _ and receiving this oil is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers Christians, then persecuting those who use cannabis could be considered anti-Christ."

Shiva: Shiva is the oldest known godhead figure in the world. Devotees of Shiva sometimes meditate by drinking a milk and cannabis mixture prepared by priests (Bhang). Sadhus and other devotees endlessly walk around India searching for the spiritual oneness with Shiva. These Sadhus also smoke 'Charas' and 'ganja' from chillums.

Bhang is also considered a sister of the Mother Ganges (a holy river and a Goddess in India). There are many songs which start off: "Gang Bhang Dono Bhen Hai, Rehti Shivji Ki Sang. Charan Karne KI Gang Hai, Bhajan Karne Ki Bhang." Roughly translated this means the Ganges and Bhang (cannabis) are sisters and both live in Shiva's head. The water from the Ganges is poured over a Shivalingam (a form of Shiva in the guise of a phallus shaped black stone) at a Temple and Bhang is consumed by the devotee so they can mediate, be better able to sing hymns, achieve a blissful state and be like Shiva. (enLIGHTenment perhaps?)

Buddha: Indian Tradition, writing, and belief is that the "Siddhartha" (the Buddha), used and ate nothing but hemp and its seeds for six years prior to announcing (discovering) his truths and becoming the Buddha.

Cannabis held a preeminent place in the Tantric religion which evolved in Tibet in the seventh century A.D. Tantrism was a religion based on fear of demons. To combat the demonic threat to the world, the people sought protection in plants such as cannabis which were set afire to overcome evil forces.

Ambrosia of sorts? Anything you can use to awaken your pineal gland is important. This is from my experience. This is my truth.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Meditation came from taoism, Buddhism, ancient wisdom... It was born out of religion whether we like it or not. Religion has things to offer, you can't just do away with every bit of it. That would be throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I have a very strong feeling that if I meditated in a secular fashion, I would not achieve peace and happiness like I would meditating in a Buddhist fashion. Maybe focus is a better word than fashion.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:47 PM
Enlightenment is not a destination it is a journey.

The first glimpse of enlightenment, kensho, gives one the impression of a breakthrough, one which is smashed into non-existence by what some term Satori.

The key thing to remember though, is that every Satori is simply a Kensho for another Satori.

It is the ever continuing process of cleaning out your mind of old concepts and allowing the revelation of intuition to flow into the new space.

It would be better to say that someone is "enlightening" than to say they are "enlightened".

Before Enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After Enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Novise
reply to post by Sgoat74

I really think it has more to do with conquering the ego than becoming a know it all.

This is a vital Truth you have stated above. The serpent of "self" requires enormous amounts of mental energy to build itself up, repair itself when hurt, maintain itself, etc. Ego is the anesthetic which dulls the pain caused by One's own stupidity.

I had my Ego replaced by a belief that: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That became my self image. It's a free gift. No one can hurt it, damage it, or destroy it. It needs no building up, repairing or maintaining. It requires very little mental energy.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
You can gain all of these things you label as enlightned from logical understandings. Why would you then still turn to useless mysticism. If all of this is possible with a reasonable explination why involve praying... crystals... and GOD?

If good and evil are explainable... If love of all is explainable... if repentance and forgiveness are logical ....

WHY WHY WHY WHY would you stick to this ignorant idealogy of holograms.... christ.... and soul?

Because God's ways are higher than our ways. He is the Creator of the Universe, we are fleas on a camels ass compared to God.

Should a flea exalt himself above God and lean on his own understanding to achieve the enlightenment and illumination of Angels?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

You understanding of god is not reality

What you lean on is your ignorant faith... you will never understand, because you expect you magical god to whisper it in your ear. The bible is filled with ignorant people just like you misleading others with their blind faith.

The entire bible is an example of how far mankind has to go in understanding. Selfish bloodthristy kings claiming god tells him to slay others. Out right lies and embelishments used to reinforce ignorance.

And with the addition of Jesus... idol worship. You can say his name all you want and it will never help you. not once.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by narin

Well, you are a crusader. I feel that for certain people, fine. I hold to the inner awareness of the feminine double (Energy Self), and am disagreeing only because many suffer enough from 'holes' or leakage spots in this field (the void duality forces enter these). Substances can create further havoc. But then again, it is the 'cracking' of the cosmic egg that all are trying to achieve, who seek Integration of the Two Into the One.

Yes, folks, you are spirit trying to crack out of your egg(s), and somebody is preventing this, so they may use you for food product (humancoop). This is not pretend: it's as real as it gets! But, that is beyond this topic.

So, narin, you may be right, but I am right also in saying one can do this rather easily with right-knowledge; which, unfortunately, is rare: what's out there is part of the Maze. It is hard to find the Capstone Path (Middle Path). This is carefully hidden, even from the diligent seeker, the bright mind (snare of illusion).

And I'm loving it, really: your references reveal that you know well of your forgotten Other, your Energy Double: the energetic self is feminine: the physical form (body) is masculine, either male or female. The Central Light Core is Androgynous, and reaches to the Core of the Earth (multidimensional) and the Celestial Heavens (Cosmic Bodies, multidimensional).

I, too, have learned to perceive in twos, rather than one, than I may integrate their aspects actively. Note: I did mention the 'mystical marriage,' which you also declare. Many know of this, but few can engage the state, and know the beauty, through developed Awareness. Perceiving it's happening is breath-taking, not to mention the state of Being. This in itself can be a trap for the inexperienced (bliss).

My copy of "The Gospel of Thomas" is right next to me (stays there -- non-dogmatic, however). I own the 1959 A.Guillaumont translation. Good quote!

Nothing wrong with the word, 'mystical.' It's just a word of common denotement for expansion of awareness, and more.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by John Matrix

The entire bible is an example of how far mankind has to go in understanding. Selfish bloodthristy kings claiming god tells him to slay others. Out right lies and embelishments used to reinforce ignorance.

And with the addition of Jesus... idol worship. You can say his name all you want and it will never help you. not once.

The state of your entire world is proof of mankinds self exalting pride and ignorance.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Very apt expression of the experience(s).

Some people just have the right words!

And I've sure chopped a lot of wood (CO. mts.);
the wife carries the water.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by John Matrix

The entire bible is an example of how far mankind has to go in understanding. Selfish bloodthristy kings claiming god tells him to slay others. Out right lies and embelishments used to reinforce ignorance.

And with the addition of Jesus... idol worship. You can say his name all you want and it will never help you. not once.

The state of your entire world is proof of mankinds self exalting pride and ignorance.

Yeah.... Having logical explinations for the design and structure of infinity as well as an understanding of the human mind and the causal structures of society...... is very ignorant.

Wake up my friend! wake up!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by SS,Naga
reply to post by narin

The Central Light Core is Androgynous, and reaches to the Core of the Earth (multidimensional) and the Celestial Heavens (Cosmic Bodies, multidimensional).

I, too, have learned to perceive in twos, rather than one, than I may integrate their aspects actively. Note: I did mention the 'mystical marriage,' which you also declare. Many know of this, but few can engage the state, and know the beauty, through developed Awareness. Perceiving it's happening is breath-taking, not to mention the state of Being. This in itself can be a trap for the inexperienced (bliss).

1) Words, words, words you give to a World where labels are legends and after-thoughts. Yes, words in your mind create thoughts and thoughts create forms and forms create... but by doing so, you are confined by these words. I know esoteric forms ad infinitum, however, to subscribe to them would bind me to them. I do not.

2) If anyone should have learned that the construct and repeating of words cannot serve as the means for men to convey what you are trying to convey... its you.

3) Let me paint the picture for you clearly.

Words = Existing thought patterns in the listener

New Words = Listener looks up words

Looked up words = Consensus/Dogmatic definitions (whether esoteric or otherwise)

4) have fallen for a trap you clearly see. This was my earlier point. Refer people you wish to help to paths. Do not offer words. Correct the path as needed after that. (think of the back of poor Carlito's head)

Even only then, when they are ready, there is only one way for it to happen... you know this.

All that I know is that I know nothing -Socrates

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by narin

Excellent post fellow yogi.

Enlightenment is beyond concepts and since it is
all-encompassing non-duality it is unlimited.

This means that enlightened beings can manifest in shrooms,
cannabis, '___', etc. to help guide beings out of their habit of mis-perceiving
the world as dense and solidified rather than luminous vibration.

I have heard some of the highest Tibetan Lamas say that cannabis
can be a Bodhisattva. Enlightened beings can use anything as a skillful
means to help guide others toward enlightenment. In fact so many
counterculture people-beatniks, hippies, punks have ended up on a
most excellent path to enlightenment due to a positive use of these

western society doesn't want people dropping out to become yogis.
they want zombies that make bombs and crap and soulless consumers.
That's the main reason mind-expansion is illegal.

Bravo to all those that transcend the zombie conditioning and embark
on a spiritual path.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

it really feels like im building my body and mind up for something, i dont know what it is yet, but some serious transformation is unfolding rapidly, even in my dreams I am getting a stronger grip of the reality while asleep, knowing that i'm asleep and being able to change my dream reality in whatever way i see fit. my mind is analyzing and processing at speeds that overwhelm my metabolism at times so that i am only 125 pounds yet i eat 5 meals a day. i kno its my mind's action and my body's high happy vibe that is to blame, but everyday i feel closer to an transformation...something i was not at all aware of in the summer, or even in november but im defenite that im on part of the path that is truly astounding. i fear nothing but i understand the limitedness of my body and it feels like i want to fly. i dunno how to explain it, but my spirit has taken on some independant aspects of my physical body.

this started after i mouthed off to some corrupt cops for trying to search my stuff without probable cause. i walked away from them and tho they warned me to stop (dec 1st), i have periods where i cannot deny what i feel is right, and i felt it right to keep walking, they were astounded enough to not pursue me and it was after i looked them in the eye with them turning away. I felt...enlightened to overcome oppression.

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