posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 01:32 PM
A lot of people find it hard to realize the depraved things some humans are capable of doing. This stuff is far more common than we lead ourselves to
I do not know if this is fake or real yet. Based on the VERY limited information I have gathered after reading this thread and running a search on
google, it does seem to be real. The fact that it may be real does not shock me, but it does scare me.. it always has.
In my opinion it is good that something like this surface. The fact that these kids filmed it and uploaded it to the internet is not what made it
happened... it would have happened with or without the camera.
Ignoring this video or calling for a removal of the video and information relevant to it is a very destructive form of denial. As far as I can gather,
the media is blocking it out in Ukraine, probably to try and make it go away... maybe it's government censorship.
As long as the choice is there for people to not relate to this and block it out, I think this information should be kept openly available. It should
not be forced on people, and leading someone onto material like this without proper warning is more serious than most people realize. Still, threads
like these are perfectly fine in my opinion. I had to dig out the video myself.
We need to learn as much as we can about humans to progress beyond the current stage where stuff like this happens. I don't know if we will ever rid
our societies of the kind of individuals we are talking about here, but blocking this out and refusing to acknowledge that our own species does this
will not make it go away.
That said, I do advocate STRONG warnings on this type of material. Not everyone can get anything from it except an imprint in their head they cannot
rid themselves off. I do not think it should be removed, but people should be required to dig this video up themselves. I trust people to know what
they should expose themselves to and not.
I have seen a lot of bad stuff, some in real life, but mostly fiction of course. I felt I was able to see the video without getting mentally scarred.
I could. Still, it is defiantly the worst video I have endured. I have seen fictional stuff that was more graphic, but it's hard to mimic the
brutality of reality. I have read several books on serial killers, and I never shield myself from harsh realities, but it was still somewhat hard to
just watch the video. If you think you may have trouble watching it, don't watch it. If you think it will be easy, think it over at least one more
time. It is mostly the fact that it is probably real that makes it bad.
I do not advocate the death penalty. I am no pacifist, and I do believe in proper penalties for crimes, but I do not want to be governed by a state
that executes people. A true democratic state should not kill people and potentially put innocent people at risk of being executed after a wrongful
conviction. The concept of the death penalty is perfectly fine though. I am not interested in seeing these Ukraine killers get punished so that they
hopefully learn not to do it again... I want the problem they pose eradicated from society. I do hope they die, or that they stay imprisoned for life.
I just don't see execution as a proper reaction.
I don't care for torture or infliction of pain as punishment either. I am sort of annoyed by people who call for torturing these kids. There IS
something wrong with you when you want people tortured. What reasoning is the base of wanting someone tortured? I'm sure the kids who did this can
answer me. It's their game. Such reactions (calling for torture) are usually results of irrational emotions. Irrational emotion usually makes us
unable to deal with a problem properly. The killers should just be kept isolated. As long as we try to keep our societies safe.
It is sad that Ukraine have to pay to keep them locked up instead of just killing them, but we do have to pay a price for maintaining civilized