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Are ATS members SMARTER than Congress?

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posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by BO XIAN

Ah, but tell us how you REALLY feel.

But then I'd have to think about them tooooooooooo much . . .

I'd think about them long enough to realize that they are mostly over-bloated bioengineered ogres created from microbes from the anal orifi of slugs escaped from the lowest cesspools of hell.

Though some of them MIGHT merely be . . . boogers from the snouts of stinky sloths from the rainforest.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Gregarious
How about if we get the military guards keeping us out of Congress, to keep them IN the building, just bringing them food and medical. I think they already have a library and gym. . . . Oh, and stop feeding them all our money. Dollar a day is about what I think they already pay other inmates.

Of the People, By the People, and Against the People.

Great idea . . . except for rehabilitating. Most are beyond that.

But maybe we could start an indoor sculpture garden of the fossilized old _arts. Then we could invite a world conference of the most skilled spattering pigeons.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:11 PM
Well if you look back at the time you will find that the majority of Americans were against the bailout based on the terms presented...but so what, I mean who are we? So I believe ATS actually reflected the will of the people in this case.

In my opinion this was another Bush deal to reward his neocon friends. I don't doubt the need for a bailout however I believe the opportunity was seized to steal money for their Wall St cronies. Congress was threatened with martial law if this bill was not passed immediately. This has all the marks of Bush administration corruption, particularly no oversight or restrictions on the allocation of the funds. So another scam and final FU from the Bush administration!

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Leo Strauss

Well if you look back at the time you will find that the majority of Americans were against the bailout based on the terms presented...but so what, I mean who are we? So I believe ATS actually reflected the will of the people in this case.

Yes, that is absolutely correct. At one point, even the MSM admitted that over 80% of the people were against the bill. Congress voted for it anyway, because they "know better than us how to spend OUR money." Of course, now they're crying that the money THEY allocated was not used properly.
Note to congress: It's called LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY, something many of us pointed out in the thread, AND in letters to our congressional representatives..

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:02 PM
Email, write, and call your congressmen, and tell them "I WANT MY MONEY BACK!" The banks refuse to be accountable for what they are doing with it, so make thiem give it back! Decorum and TOS forbids me from being more descriptive.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:23 PM
I don't know if any of you have seen Bill Maher's "Religulous" yet but in it he is speaking to a congressman.

Bill says something like, "come on, your smarter than that."

The Congressman's response...

"There isn't an IQ test to be elected to Congress."

Says it all really.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:29 PM
Just stopped by to answer the main question at hand.

ATS is full of people who love to see themselves speak. ATS points mean nothing, and if you still believe in 'Yes we can' and company.. then your surely the crap on the bottom of my boots.

Add term limits to any and all political offices city - federal.

Send any and all in D.C. to jail for treason ... and yes including Obama.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:48 PM
You would first have to define the parameters of the term "smarter".

Smart denotes a level of intelligence, in that both ATS members and congress shares in common. Smartness is irrelevant because the goals of ATS members and congress are entirely different. ATS members may presumably have the goal of saving our nation's economy and people as a whole but congress has proven they have a different agenda.

Do you honestly think congress didn't know what they were doing when they passed the bailout program? Do you really think the goals of the people or ATS are the same as theirs?

Please! Give me a break...

Congress men and Congress women have been untrustworthy for decades now. They almost never pass a bill unless they will get something out of it. They take bribes from big businesses, gifts from special interest groups and lobbyists but occasionally some fool gives them an opportunity to steal hundreds of billions of US dollars and they take it. There wasn't any regulation because they didn't want to ruin their chance.

If ATS members were inherently dishonest and criminal in their thinking then congress would be smarter; for they then would have played the game better than ATS but if congress was inherently honest then ATS members would have been smarter. Neither can be the case and therefore, smarter is irrelevant.

In the wake of this most increditable heist I think the people of this country should rise up and retake its country. The people of our nation should take back that which has been stolen from us by congress; imprison those congress men and women, confiscating their accounts and belongings. Otherwise, the people of this nation have no more rights because those who control the laws are above the laws. And those controlled by laws are sheep to a slaughter.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:51 PM
I would like to add that yes we are smarter than congress. People in this community are not blind to what really needs to be done to fix things IMO.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:24 AM
Many may be smarter; however I believe it's more of a question of priorities, loyalties and agendas. As one senator said: "There is no IQ requirement to be in the senate" or something to that effect. Anyway we on the outside have the luxury of not being compromised and not having to have sold out in exchange for favors or protection. Many people go into politics to change things and soon find out that Washington is very dangerous place. You can either tow the line or have your plane blow up. Not many have the courage to stand up to the monied elite. Ever notice that single men are rarely elected or that bonesmen have to disclose everything about their lives to the brotherhood. It's insurance. Only a selfless individual can stand up, but notice they won't get much play. On both sides of the court Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul were much greater advocates for radical change than Obama, Yet they were ignored and marginalized from the get go by the media. True leaders rarely make it in politics.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:19 AM
I guess the better question you should be asking yourself is "Are we really smarter? Or are we only being made to look smarter?" In other words, is it possible that they're smarter than we think, and they're just making themselves look like fools on purpose to escape any repercussions?

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:58 AM
I wouldn't say i'm smarter then any members of congress. But then agian i wouldn't give myself much credit for anything at all.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:05 AM
I think it's a simple fact that the average member of Congress is better educated and has a higher IQ than the average ATS member. I mean no disrespect to anyone here, as I place myself among that group of ATS members with less formal education than the average Congressman.

Of course, there are areas where the average ATS member surpasses the average Congressman. One of those areas, and perhaps the most important, is having a better grasp of what the average American is going through and what the average American expects of their government. And that is simply because most of us are average Americans (except for the fact that we are not blind to the many conspiracies that most Americans don't care to notice). And I'm sure a lot of ATS members have more "common sense" than the average Congressman.

But let's be realistic here. While there are quite a few extremely intelligent and well-educated ATS members who would put most of Congress to shame if there were a "battle of wits", they represent an extremely small minority of the membership here. Simply taking a gander at any old thread here on ATS would probably make any Academe's head spin. A lot of people here completely butcher the English language in ways that I never thought possible. There are also a lot of gullible ATS members who will believe just about anything as long as it is on a website, regardless of how absurd it is.

So, to answer the OP's question: Are ATS members smarter than Congress? Absolutely not! After all, we're the morons who pay their ever-increasing salaries and buy into their B.S. every election year!

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:10 AM
I believe that most of the people here are just as credible if not more than most of the people we have in office today. Most politicians are just pretty faces. We need to replace the current large government with a much smaller one. IE: vote republican.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 09:09 AM
Here comes the cynic!

I don't think that members of Congress of the Senate are smarter than us. But...they care more than us!

Haven't we been through a recent election where Joe the Plumber, Harriet the Waitress, Ben the Soldier have all been thrust before us with a respective politician standing right beside them wearing heartfelt looks of sympathy?

On a side note, I just saw our Illinois Governor (and accused criminal) Blagojevich doing the same thing to prove why he shouldn't be impeached.

Congressional bailouts simply keep a flawed business system on life support instead of allowing a Darwinian survival of the fittest to occur. It allows workers to keep their jobs, but doesn't do a thing for the system. Look at the how the airline industry was bailed out. Has it helped consumers? Nope. The wasteful business plans are for the most part still in place.

But then again, government doesn't care about the bottom line. It doesn't affect their paychecks. I would propose a bill that would tie Congressional pay to the budget. Budget surplus--bonus! Budget deficit--tough luck buddy, no paycheck this year. But I hear the Salvation Army has a good soup kitchen around the corner.

Then we'll see how many wasteful projects/bailouts come out of Washington.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
So, to answer the OP's question: Are ATS members smarter than Congress? Absolutely not! After all, we're the morons who pay their ever-increasing salaries and buy into their B.S. every election year!

This is an interesting position but you should try to remember that the US Constitution is a document always growing. Many of the laws created in the last two hundred years are in fact unconstitutional and tend to serve their creators not us. Let's face it, the last couple times our congress gave them a raise in pay, it went to a vote amongst the House and Senate and was finally approved by the President. At no time did the people ever get a say in that matter. There wasn't any millage on any ballot nor was their any "public opinion surveys" to represent what the people may think. Congress did it without permission from us or our parents. We have no choice but to pay their ever-increasing salaries because a few of their laws surround the financial part of the workers' salary, income tax. Congress takes income tax automatically and doesn't provide any option for a worker to say, "No! I am not going to pay any more. Live on what I do pay you or get into a new line of work."

Congress men/women expense just about everything they do every... single... day! We pay them $200,000 plus each year but they hardly ever use it. My point is that we pay for their breakfasts, lunches and dinners. We pay for their flights, limos, cap rides to their personal engagements, clothing, hair-cuts and housing on expense. But then we pay for their breakfasts, lunches and dinners, flights, limos, cap rides to their personal engagements, clothing, hair-cuts and housing in that $200,000 plus salary too, and then they say it isn't enough and so we pay more but without a say in the matter.

I say we kill them all and start over!

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:37 PM
Of coarse we are smarter! Thats why they fear us and label us over-imaginative conspiracy nuts.

[edit on

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Rasputin13

Of course, there are areas where the average ATS member surpasses the average Congressman. One of those areas, and perhaps the most important, is having a better grasp of what the average American is going through and what the average American expects of their government

True. Perhaps the question I should have asked is "Do ATS members have more common sense than the average politician?" The governor of NJ comes to mind, every time he gets in a car with a trooper.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by Rasputin13

Of course, there are areas where the average ATS member surpasses the average Congressman. One of those areas, and perhaps the most important, is having a better grasp of what the average American is going through and what the average American expects of their government

True. Perhaps the question I should have asked is "Do ATS members have more common sense than the average politician?" The governor of NJ comes to mind, every time he gets in a car with a trooper.

Do me a small favor and ask a question which isn't relying on any assumed equality believed to be shared between Congress and ATS members. What is smart or common in sense for a congress person is not smart or common in sense for any, or some, ATS members. We are NOT equal. If it safe to presume that ATS members represent the sentiment of the average American citizen then you keep asking us to compare apples to oranges. All things being equal, we can do that. However, all things are not equal.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by MichJJC

We are NOT equal. If it safe to presume that ATS members represent the sentiment of the average American citizen then you keep asking us to compare apples to oranges.

Time and again, many posters have pointed out that the average ATS member, not a one-or-two poster member or troll, is more informed about issues than the average American. Most ATS members get their information from multiple sources, other members from other countries, and experts who are ignored by the MSM, such as Ron Paul and Peter Schiff. You have just become a member, and I doubt you are familiar with many of the expert members here at ATS. If you had been a member when the thread I referenced in the OP was being discussed, you would know that many of the members participating had read the entire 400+ pages of the final bailout bill, and had pointed out fatal flaws in the wording, that the MSM did not report. We knew more about the lack of accountability, and the loopholes than most of the members of congress that voted on the bill. We had the same, if not less, amount of time, to read the bill that they did. The difference is that we did not retire to the bar in between committee meetings, and get plastered. We worked, discussed the bill, and contacted our congressmen, who ignored us. Now look at the mess they ADMIT they're in. They act as if they didn't realize that there would be any accountability for the funds, but WE DID. Yes, there is no comparing ATS members to the average congressional rep, because we knew more than they did.

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