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Are ATS members SMARTER than Congress?

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posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
Now the question becomes, was Congress just stupid, or did they knowingly pass the bill without checks and balances, to give money to their friendly bankers and wall street crooks?

I would like to believe that they are all brilliant and that this was all part of their master plan, but I think that's a bit of a stretch. I believe what actually happened was that all of the members of Congress who co-sponsored and voted in favor of the bill did so just so they can later point out that they worked on/supported legislation that was intended to help the economy. Anything to make sure they get re-elected.

Edit: Left out a word.

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Jenna]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

The answer is an unequivocal yes. The problem is that this is not something to take pride in; after all it is like comparing the intelligence of a dolphin to sea plankton.

Please don't insult the sea plankton.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by jtma508

My point exactly if pressure was there, post the bill up someplace like here tell the people you got 8 hours to find holes before we have to pass it.

Many eyes all at once find holes chances are within a couple hours submit it back and they can challenge what holes appear in the bill.

If it's dire consequences they change the bill around a bit re-print and sign.

If there is a problem with the bill change they don't like such as a guarantee it will go to whom it is suppose to got to, then I guess it's not that dire then and they don't need the bill.

Now we are in even bigger trouble than we were before because it passed.

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[edit on Fri Jan 9 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Jenna

I would like to believe that they all brilliant and that this was all part of their master plan, but I think that's a bit of a stretch. I believe what actually happened was that all of the members of Congress who co-sponsored and voted in favor of the bill did so just so they can later point out that they worked on/supported legislation that was intended to help the economy. Anything to make sure they get re-elected.

Well, I guess in that case, it worked.
Now we have a bigger mess that they can claim to fix.
At some point, our dollar becomes worthless, however. A trillion dollars here, a trillion dollars there, pretty soon we're talking about real money.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

My dear friend I am feeling like a genius and proud to be part of the ATS community that has been talking and debating about all the crap congress do that all it does is sinking the nation more and more and we with them.

Yes we are very smart in ATS so smart that we should be running the country.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by marg6043

My dear friend I am feeling like a genius and proud to be part of the ATS community that has been talking and debating about all the crap congress do that all it does is sinking the nation more and more and we with them. Yes we are very smart in ATS so smart that we should be running the country

Yes, marg, I remember on that thread that you also tried to point out how flawed the bill was. Too bad Congress didn't listen to us.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by soldiermom

Two out of three politicians that I voted for here in the great state of Oklahoma, voted for the bailout plan. I wrote them and got the usual response, which, in essence, stated that they appreciated me taking the time to write but, they voted for what they thought was best. To sum it up, they truly think they know better than me how to spend my money.

I got the same "thanks for nothing" canned response from my congressman, who also voted for the bill. I didn't vote for him then, but he still got elected.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:36 PM
without a doubt your average ats member would make a much better congress person than the pieces of trash we have now.

I'll take it even further...I've said it before and I'll say it again...I would make a better president than either Bush or Obama and in fact I think many people would.

The only members who would fail miserably in congress are the ones that keep supporting career politicians...get a clue. These clowns can't run the country any better than a teacher, or an artist, or a bartender.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

What really needs to be changed is the congressional election laws. Right now, a senator, or house of reprentative, can stay in office indefinately. There are no term limits. That needs to be changed!! Term limits in the United States

That needs to be part of the solution, agreed. The problem is asking Congress to pass a bill essentially telling them they can't play their games any more. It's a case of the fox watching the chicken coop. What we need is the ability to initiate federal bills on our own. That seems like a daunting task. It would require a constitutional amendment.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Don't feel bad I voted against my congressman this year and they both got back elected, it tells you that while some of us can see beyond party loyalties many people will vote for their favorite party candidate even if it was the devil himself running.
because is not about who is doing the best for the people, but what their party tells them.

And as for congress itself they are run by lobbyist and lobbyist are nothing than a whole bunch of fat rats with money, hookers and strippers on a endless party line.

That is all congress care now a days.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Are ATSers

. . . smarter than . . .

--a pile of drunken lobby-ist bought lobotomized rocks?

--a pile of self-serving, greedy power-mongering wind bags?

--a pile of stinking, festering, puss-pockets of horrific arrogance, cluelessness and selfishness?

. . . . I sure hope to God we are.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Are ATSers . . . smarter than . . . --a pile of drunken lobby-ist bought lobotomized rocks? --a pile of self-serving, greedy power-mongering wind bags? --a pile of stinking, festering, puss-pockets of horrific arrogance, cluelessness and selfishness? . . . . I sure hope to God we are.

Ah, but tell us how you REALLY feel.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:43 PM
My answer,

Not smarter, but we are aloud to think freely here - So answer is yes we are.

Party politicians gets huge pressure from their party, lobbyist, public... That distorts their stance to look us outside mostly stupid. But when you speak them privately, they turn their jacket and show their true wisdom - and how they know that their stupidity is real - which is result of hidden conspiracies and other two sworded diplomacies.

But they are scared to change their stance to more wise... Smart doesnt make you brave, but usually opposite.

Those who are also brave, as smart they are, are in minority. We all should support our leaders to more personality, and to braveness in resistance against all destructive conspiracies, lobbyist.

What we should demand is honesty.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

What we should demand is honesty.

Yes, we should. Unfortunately, I believe honest and politician have become antonyms.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:46 PM
short answer

if you were smarter than a congressman or senator

you would be a senator or congressman

until you are

shut up

Mod Edit: Please Review the Following Link: Courtesy Is Mandatory

[edit on Fri Jan 9 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

After they've won the election and are firmly ensconced in their offices, I think the first thing they do is sit down in front of the computer and come up with the reasons why they went against everything you elected them for.

I don't know what the answer is. That's what's so frustrating. Nothing short of a revolt or a mass exodus will get their attention.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by soldiermom

Believe it of not that is the worst nightmare that a nations leader wants to happen during their terms, having a nation of irate, angry and rioting citizens asking for their heads.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

Being not affiliated with either political party I spoke with the elected officials for the state of Florida on both sides. I was not the least surprised when they informed me that they were doing what they thought was best for the American people. When I pointed out that they were sent to do the will of the American people and that we had spoken and made it clear that we knew what was best for us and we were willing to bite the bullet. It was insinuated that they deal had been made and it was out of their hands. This was before they called for congressional martial law. We have been duped folks and if you think they had not been planning this for a long time I will ask you to go back at least two years and look at some of hearings on C-span. It was mapped out as clear as the nose on you face if you can read between the lines. Think about it. How in the name of all that is holy were we going to pay China, Japan and all those countries back all those trillions of dollars when we were busy doubling down that debt every year? There was only two ways out. To the victor; go the spoils. Control the oil production of the world or if I win the war my debt is erased. Wars have been fought over much smaller things.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by ConservativeJack

short answer if you were smarter than a congressman or senator you would be a senator or congressman until you are shut up

So I assume that you are not a congressman or senator?

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by ConservativeJack

short answer if you were smarter than a congressman or senator you would be a senator or congressman until you are shut up

So I assume that you are not a congressman or senator?

no are you?

im 20 years old

could I be a senator or congressman? Yes

will I? 50/50

I will make a run for public office in my early 30s

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