posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:36 PM
Originally posted by SuperSecretSquirrel
How can he NOT be corrupt?
Do a little research on Gnostic Christianity. They contended that the god of the Bible was not the Transinfinite Creator Entity (which is
unfathomable and incomprehensible to human beings).
They said that the entity we understand to be "God," is actually a very admittedly powerful demon by the name of Yaldabaoth (Lord Archon) or
Saklas/Samael, who created this little "pocket universe" with us in it,was/is insane, only thinks he is the true God of the universe. That's why
he seems so needy and vengeful.
It makes some sense. Logically, an omnipotent, infinite being existing beyond time and space wouldn't give two craps about humanity and whether or
not it was worshiped. Do we care about the well-being of each of the individual cells in our elbows? Hardly.
So while not exactly "corrupt," the entity in the Bible is certainly delusional and, in human terms, quite psychotic. And we are at its mercy.
The Gnostic Christians determined that since there was no way to really deal with this thing since we basically only exist in its mind and will, the
best we could hope to do is stop fighting among ourselves, and be kind to one another, to lessen the living Hell of this existence. Not a bad idea,
really. Maybe not as comforting as being rewarded in Heaven for your good works on Earth, but the result is the same -- people being kind to one