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yellowstone? what about the rest of the world?

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posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:11 AM
ok, we've been on the yellowstone thread for a while, watching as the eruptions unfold, but what we have not been looking at is the rest of the world. i've been watching the emergency info website of the world :
and there were more and more volcanoes going active and going yellow and orange and red over days. the earthquakes in indonesia have increased in frequency and
and canada is having weird cosmic events(its on the map from source 1):
now they are 4.3s and 5s (earthquake on reicher scale) everywhere around indonesia and there were 3 or 4 more volcanoes go active and orange today! in africa. they were not active yesterday. like i proposed before, something is moving the pacific tectonic plate and it seems to move left and push the eurasia plate which creates all the small earthquakes in italy and iran and there where the eurasian plate collides with african plate
tectonic plates:
so if the pacific plate is moving left, its pushing with that sharp edge at the indonesia therefore big quakes there. so the question is, whats moving the plate? could something under california be powerful enough to make the plate move? whats happenning?

holy crap also orange in volcano in italy something is really up people!
[edit on 7-1-2009 by Ponyboy_86]

[edit on 7-1-2009 by Ponyboy_86]

[edit on 7-1-2009 by Ponyboy_86]

[edit on 7-1-2009 by Ponyboy_86]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:38 AM
I've been watching the increase of volcanic activity increase as well it's quite distressing I didn't see the Italy one but will take a look now

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:43 AM
link 6d927c7bb152d9988581
someone found this they finally aired it

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:43 AM
Very interesting...I don't think I've ever seen the "cosmic event" icon on that map before. I wonder what the heck a cosmic event even is! I'll have to research this some more. Interesting also to note that the same icon is used over in Romania for a Technological Disaster? Guess they ran out of icons!


posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:43 AM
Looks like I missed the M3.1 in Afganistan also...there was quite a grouping going from Turkey west to Morroco the other day, let's see if they trend east to west this time

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Michelle129

Supposed Asteroid in Canada & Energy Crunch in Romania, but, the icon was new to me also

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Ponyboy_86

wow thanks for the update and wider perspective

looks like earth is on the move!

wonder if this will pass over smoothly or if theres a serious Stress building up down there

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Hx3_1963

4.8 in spain? everyone's shaking
which kinda confirms everything's moving to the left along the line where to tectonic plates meet

[edit on 7-1-2009 by Ponyboy_86]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:49 AM
Is that the one that fell back in November? That's all the information I've been able to find with today's date about an asteroid in Alberta. If so that's a little late to add to a disaster map LOL Unless there's a new one just today that hasn't made the net yet.


posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:50 AM
i dont like all the epidemic hazards pluz earthquakes plus fox yellowstone story plus fox 5 days world can end story plus history channel armageddon week all week talking about yellowstone and all the possibilities like disease...

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Michelle129

Quickly becoming something of a favoured landing zone for all manner of inbound space debris, the skies above Canada have once again been treated to a fiery meteor, which takes the recent total to three in the last couple of months. Putting aside suggestions of an oddly draw out alien invasion, the latest meteor was spotted rushing through the early morning clouds south of Calgary on Monday, January 05, with The Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre (CFRC) receiving around a dozen eyewitness reports on or around 5:45 a.m. However, according to initial comments made by Alan Hildebrand, renowned University of Calgary meteor expert and coordinator of the CFRC, poor visibility conditions on Monday suggested that sighting confirmation and possible impact points would be difficult to establish. Despite the potential hindrance to verification thrown up by the weather, the claimed sightings have been lent a little credence by Sherri Gallant of the Lethbridge Herald, who writes that a CFRC volunteer was able to capture around six seconds of the event on video. Having seen the brief but tantalising black and white footage, Mr. Hildebrand commented that the blazing ball of fire appeared in the skies east-southeast of Calgary before then moving off to the south at a distance of around 200 to 300 kilometres. “It’s hard to say how bright it was, [due to the black and white footage, but] it was certainly a significant fireball,” he said, “I can imagine the rock involved is approximately 10 kilograms, a rock maybe the size of your head.” Hildebrand has also said speed and trajectory suggest the latest sighting is unlikely to be part of the annual Quadrantid meteor shower that rains down upon Western Canada at the beginning of every January.)

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Here is a good site to watch earthquake activity as it shows the entire map of the world

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:54 PM
New M4+ in Alaska & Indo... Does it ever end

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:34 PM
Now a M4+ in Nicaraugia...of course there seems to be alot of Volcanic activity in central/south america now so it sounds right

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Magnitude 3.1
Date-Time Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 22:39:09 UTC
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 01:39:09 PM at epicenter

Location 53.144°N, 168.771°W
Depth 8.6 km (5.3 miles) (poorly constrained)
Distances 23 km (14 miles) NNE (15°) from Nikolski, AK
170 km (106 miles) WSW (242°) from Unalaska, AK
225 km (140 miles) WSW (242°) from Akutan, AK
1445 km (898 miles) WSW (240°) from Anchorage, AK

and the beat goes on.............

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:18 PM
Pony Boy,

When you look at the RSOE map, often it is busy if you have not watched these things before, much.

The earth is active and always in cycles has quakes, shakes, extreme weather etc and volcanoes.

The two volcanoes you mention in Italy Stromboli and Etna have been erupting for some time now.

The earth is like that, though you are right certainly it seems the amount oh higher Mag Quakes as the backround norm seems to be on the increase.

ATS and its members have been watching this for years.

Really your thread is covered already in the Annual QUAKE WATCH THREAD.

You will find one for every year since around 2003 I think.

So if you would like to add further quakes I suggest you add them here:

Quake Watch 2009

For correct collation and discussion plus a ATS cultural thing too.

I dont think there is need for an RSOE thread most people look at it daily anyhow, and ATS isnt really for just reporting Data held on other sites without discussion.

I really think Quake watch should be used for any further additions my friend.

Kind Regards,


posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Magnitude 4.4
Date-Time Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 22:38:00 UTC
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 at 12:38:00 PM at epicenter

Location 51.110°N, 176.259°W
Depth 15.2 km (9.4 miles)
Distances 90 km (56 miles) SSE (163°) from Adak, AK
186 km (116 miles) SW (230°) from Atka, AK
1966 km (1222 miles) WSW (247°) from Anchorage, AK

Hope this continuing trail in Alaska doesn't upset old faithful

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Hx3_1963

Quake Watch 2009

please add current eq's of a worldwide nature to the Quake watch thread

Unless otherwise directed to do so by a Mod or staff.[edit on 7-1-2009 by MischeviousElf] to take away caps

Thank you

Quake Watch 2009


[edit on 7-1-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

My bad...I will cease and desist with Eq posts...I was just trying not to make 1 line remarks concerning effects one event has on other active events. I will try to be more constructive in the future.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Hx3_1963
reply to post by MischeviousElf

My bad...I will cease and desist with Eq posts...I was just trying not to make 1 line remarks concerning effects one event has on other active events. I will try to be more constructive in the future.

No Bad, please dont cease and desist, carry on my freind but in the right thread that's all

very constructive indeed what you have added....

Look at the Quake watch thread ive added some things just now I am sure you will find interesting... hope you enjoy... for Firefox and a good audio interview...

Please do add the EQ's there would be brilliant no one else is bothering, your doing it right, just in the wrong place friend.

Looking forward to seeing your contributions on this there ok?

Kind regards,


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